Zenys are the currencies of Ragnarok. Unlike in other MMORPGs, these coins are not dropped from monsters or obtained through quests. The only way to get them directly is to sell items that drop when monsters are defeated. You can sell these items to NPCs and some more valuable items to players.
I will tell you my Top 10 places to farm Zenys, mentioning the maps, monsters, and items you should focus on.
A reminder: Each Ragnarok server has its own characteristics. Some may not have a map, monsters do not drop certain items, and items have different values. Before you start your journey to farm Zenys, try to know your server info.
10 – Kokomo Beach
Our list starts with a great map for beginners. Those looking to make their first Zenys. Even level 40 characters can already do well on this map.
Kokomo Beach is better known as the Sea Otter map. After all, it is exactly this monster that you are looking for there. This map is great because Sea Otters are low-level, slow, vulnerable to wind, and crowd the map. With a short time on the map, you get your first million Zenys!
How to get there?
- Go to Comodo. 3 maps right, 1 map down. (Map Code: cmd_fild04).
What monsters to kill?
- Sea Otter.
Drop Details
- Pearl (2,250z).
- Sea-otter Fur (308z).
- Sapphire (2,250z).
- Glass Bead (525z).
- Cyfar (290z).
Just focus on killing Sea Otter, ignoring other monsters on the map. You can eventually kill a Galapago if it eats another monster's loot.
This map is great for classes that can mob. Since the monsters are slow, getting them together and killing them all at once is easy. Just be careful with the Waterball skill, which is usually fatal. To avoid dying, use Fly Wings to teleport between skill damage intervals.
9 – Magma Dungeon 2
Knight farming at Magma Dungeon 2
This map is a classic, both to level up and farm Zenys. Its peculiar shape and the amount of monster population cause the map to form huge mobs, filling the ground with their drops.
Farming Zenys here is not a search for a single monster since almost all of them have good drops. The map is usually busy, with players fighting over mobs. On low-rate servers, it is possible to cross even large parties playing there.
How to get there?
- Go to Yuno. 1 map down, 1 map right. The first floor of the dungeon is the central portal on the left side. After getting there, you must cross the first floor to the portal on the upper right. (Map Code: mag_dun02).
What monsters to kill?
- All.
Drop Details
- Flame Heart (1,125z) or sell to players.
- Brooch (15,000z) or sell to players.
- Stone Buckler (15,000z).
- Fine Foxtail Replica (25,000z).
- Infiltrator (28,500z) or sell to players.
- Rosary (7,500z).
- Common loots like dragon canine, blue herb, dragon skin, and others can be sold to players.
Kill everything that moves. If possible, make mobs to increase farm efficiency. Many items will fall to the ground, and it is important to have the skill Greed to not waste time collecting them (on servers without auto-loot).
It is best to use classes like Merchant and Swordman evolutions, which can carry a lot of weight because you get heavy fast with the amount of dropped items.
8 – Juperos
Farm with Round Trip at Juperos
The ruins of Juperos are hidden caves in the fields of Yuno, crowded with very advanced robots. And I mean really packed.
One of the great advantages of farming in this place is the absurd amount of monsters. Juperos can form some of the biggest mobs on Ragnarok maps, and every little robot is pretty cool. Result: loot in large quantities and many Zenys in your pocket.
How to get there?
- Go to Yuno. 2 maps down, 1 map right. The entrance is right in the center (Map Code: juperos_01).
What monsters to kill?
- All.
Drop Details
- Dusk (11,750z).
- Royal Cooking Kit (2,500) or sell to players.
- Crest Piece (1,875z).
- Drifter (40,000z).
- Professional Cooking Kit (1,000).
- Armor Charm (10,000z).
- Oil Bottle, Transparent Plate, and Steel can be sold to players.
Juperos is a very big map. Teleport with Fly Wing near mobs. Try forming small mobs and figuring out how many you can kill without dying.
Dimiks can be annoying against some classes since they attack from a distance. Another important point is that physical characters are better on this map. Since the monsters are divided by elements, elemental spells do not affect some, making magic users less effective.
7 – Moscovia Dungeon 3
Stalker on Moscovia Dungeon
The enchanted forests of Moscovia hide the third floor with many delicacies, making it a great place to farm Zenys and even get some rare items.
However, it is important to remember that a quest is required on most servers to gain entrance. Once inside you will find Mavkas, Uzhas and Vavayagas.
Here you will farm items to turn into Zenys and Mavka cards. Players use these cards a lot, which can be worth a great deal in the market.
How to get there?
- You need complete Finding The Moving Island quest.
- Go to Moscovia. On Moscovia docks, Mr. Ibanoff can teleport you to Moscovia Dungeon 1. Follow to the upper right and talk to Milestone to reach Moscovia Dungeon 3 (Map Code: mosk_dun03).
What monsters to kill?
- Mavka.
Drop Details
- Crystal Mirror (5,625).
- Witherless Rose (20,625).
- Sell Blue Herbs, Illusion Flowers, and Mavka Cards to players.
Teleport around the map looking for the Mavkas. If many Uzhas are together, you can even kill them to get Piece Of Cake. Mavkas are earth and die easily to fire.
6 – Ayothaya Dungeon 2
Ranger hunting Tamruans
This map was often my favorite to farm Zenys when I was starting on a server. Not many people know of its potential and the ease of farming here.
It can only be accessed by those who have completed the quest, but it can be done quickly. It is a map with a large population of Tamruans, the monster we are hunting. They are very weak, easy to kill, and with great drop.
How to get there?
- You need reach step 8 on Ayothaya Dungeon Entrance quest.
- Go to Ayothaya. 2 maps right, 1 map up. The entrance is in the top left corner (Map Code: ayo_dun02).
What monsters to kill?
- Tamruan.
Drop Details
- Bastard Sword (11,250z).
- Chain Mail (32,500).
- Crimson Sword (35,000z Only some servers) or sell to players.
- Sell to players Mystic Runestone, Destroyed Armor, and Tassel.
This map has an annoying monster called Kraben. They are fast and don't drop anything good. Avoid them.
Tamruans are very weak for their level and the only ability they use is Silence. Using a hat with a Marduk card will make you immune to this effect.
5 – Magma Dungeon 3
Magma Dungeon 3 with the Rune Knight
Now we will talk about a high-level map with great farmability. We are talking about a map with level 171 monsters with more than 1 million HP, so you must be well equipped to do well here.
The strong point of this map is the Shadowcon Ores, which have a chance to be dropped from all monsters in the area. As this ore is the central piece for creating Shadow equipment, they can be sold for an excellent value to players. On some servers, they also drop Zelunium Ores, used to craft weapons, also sold to players for a great value.
How to get there?
- Go to Magma Dungeon 2 (previously explained in this guide. The entrance is in the bottom right corner (Mapcode: mag_dun03).
What monsters to kill?
- All.
Drop Details
- Shadowcon Ores. Sell to players.
- Zelunium Ores. Sell to players.
- Monsters also drop minor loots.
Magma Dungeon 3 is a high-level map. The monsters here do a lot of damage and have many abilities. The monsters are of the fire or darkness type, so be prepared to use water or holy element.
Use a Bathory card on your armor to avoid the damage of the dark attacks, which do a lot of damage. You can also use a fire resistance potion, to receive less damage from the many fire skills they will throw at you.
4 – Horror Toy Factory
GX doing Horror Toy Factoring instance
This is the only instance on our list, so you can only do it once a day. But it is very worthwhile. It pays off with many items that can be sold directly to NPCs and other items that are sold to players. A single visit can earn you many millions of Zenys.
Although all monsters have interesting drops, the main one is the Creepy Demon. This little monster drops nothing less than Gold and Platinum Bullion. In this alone, we have an average of 400,000 Zenys in just one monster!
As Horror Toy Factory is an instance, you can still go to the end, defeat MVP Celine and maybe get even more drops.
How to get there?
- Go to Lutie. The instance NPC is on coordinate 237,303. (Map Code: xmas).
What monsters to kill?
- All, but focus on Creepy Demon.
Drop Details
- Gold (75,000z) or sell to players.
- Platinum Bullion (300,000).
- Bloody Coin. Sell to players.
All monsters in the instance are Demon monsters, except the MVP which is Undead. If you die or get disconnected during the instance, you won't be able to return until the next day.
Creepy Demon monsters are super weak, but they use the Cloaking skill, making them invisible. You'll need a revealing ability to make them appear. If you're with a character that doesn't have one, use an area attack on the place where they hid, killing them even if they're invisible.
If you are going to follow the instance to the end, watch out for the MVP. It duplicates itself and you must attack both at the same time. If they are separated, their health will begin to rise quickly. Drag them to a corner to make sure your attacks hit both at the same time.
3 – Einbech Dungeon 3
Warlock blasting comets at Einbech Dungeon 3
This is another high-level map with a great ability to get Zenys. Here you must hunt the monsters that look like big ores. They all drop a type of ore that can be turned into Dynite, which is the material used to forge Einbech equipment. This item has a great market value to be sold to other players.
Come prepared. The monsters on this map are level 190 and have more than 2 million HP.
How to get there?
- Go to Einbech. Go up to enter Einbech Dungeon 1. Head to level 2. The entrance is in the top left corner. (Map Code: ein_dun03).
What monsters to kill?
- Minerals, Abyssman and Porcellios
Drop Details
- Ores: Odium, Rindium, Redium, Whidium, Purdium. They merge as Dynite. Sell these to players.
Most of the mobs you will hunt are of the Formless type and Neutral property. Don't waste your time trying to kill Toxios and Poisonous. They are Ghost property, and they do not drop ores.
2 – Gefenia
SinX trying to farm at Gefenia
Loved by many, Gefenia is one of the most famous places for direct Zeny farming. It is arguably one of the best places in the Zenys/hour ratio. It is a low-level map. So even with characters with weak equipment, it is already possible to hunt here.
But this task can be difficult on some servers since it is necessary to do the quest to open the portal which leads to the map. And I am talking about the biggest and most difficult quest in Ragnarok Online, called Sign Quest. Without the quest, you can wait beside the Geffen fountain and hope for someone who has already finished the quest to open the portal.
How to get there?
- Go to Geffen. The portal to Gefenia opens near the fountain. (Map Code: gefenia01/02/03/04).
What monsters to kill?
- Succubus, Incubus, Violy and Abysmal Knight.
Drop Details
- Mastela Fruit (4,250z).
- Royal Jelly (3,500z).
- Diamond Ring (22,500z) or sell to players.
- Huuma Swirling Petal (50,000z).
- Ring (15,000z).
- Golden Ring (15,000z).
- Ebone Armor (20,000z).
Use Teleport to hunt the designated monsters. They are very weak and should be killed with one attack. Since there are several other monsters on the map, you will also end up killing them, and dropping several trash items. If available, use @alootid to avoid getting these items that have low value and only serve to increase your weight quickly.
Gefenia can be a map with many players farming at the same time. If you are at a busy time, you may want to look for other farm spots until the place empties out a bit.
1 – Thanatos Tower
Farming at Thanatos Tower level 7
In my experience, no place beats Thanatos Tower!
This is the best place to farm Zenys directly. Besides everything, the monsters are weak and in great quantity. At level 120, characters can already kill the monsters with no trouble. At the best times, it is possible to get many thousands of Zenys per minute inside this place.
There are 6 floors with the same monsters, all of them dropping valuable items like the Stone of Sage and 3carat Diamond.
On some servers, it is necessary to do the Thanatos Tower quest to open access to this location. It is not necessary to finish it. Do it only until you clear the access from the 7th floor.
How to get there?
- Go to Yuno. 1 map down, 1 map right, and 2 maps up. The entrance to the tower is at the top center. Map Code: tha_t07/08/09/10/11/12).
What monsters to kill?
- All.
Drop Details
- Stone of Sage (50,000z).
- Ring (15,000z).
- Harp (31,000z).
- 3carat Diamond (20,625z).
- Old Card Album. Sell to players.
- Monster cards can be very good value on some servers.
Thanatos Tower maps follow a special pattern starting on the seventh floor. You cannot teleport on these maps. Farming is done by walking from one side to the other. Most of the monsters are of the Boss type. You can use Alice cards on your shield to take less damage and Knight of the Abyss cards on your weapon to kill more easily.
These maps can also get crowded at some times. This does not affect the margin of Zenys per hour as much as on other maps because the map is very small. As such, monsters killed by other players spawn right next to you, guaranteeing monsters constantly.