While there are a lot of ways to counter Blitz, when the Blitz player knows what he’s doing, this operator is an offensive menace, and I’ve seen Blitz players get the top frag in gold lobbies and up. He might be famous for rushing, but he’s actually a very tactical operator. His movements aren’t as noisy as Montagne’s so there are times when Blitz catches his opponents by surprise, and that’s when he’s at his most deadly.
When there’s some distance away from you and Blitz, there’s a good chance for you to counter him, but when he gets the jump on you, he simply has close-range superiority. It’s either he’s going to blind you with his Flash Shield and then kill you, or you’re going to turn your back away from him in order to avoid being blinded, but then you will be susceptible to his gunfire.
5. G52-Tactical Shield + P12 with Suppressor and laser + Smoke Grenade

Suppressed weapons are always great partners for smoke grenades because they allow the user to shoot through the smoke when they feel that they’d be able to hit enemies there, without creating a directional threat indicator that would tell the enemies where the shots are coming from. There will also be no muzzle flash from the P12 handgun in this loadout setup, and its gunshots will be very silent, and that would make it very hard for opponents to effectively return fire, especially through the smoke.
The suppressed P12 handgun will also help Blitz to be more sneaky when infiltrating the mission area, because it will allow him to shoot defender cameras or other gadgets with less risk of alerting the enemies. This is a great perk to have, especially when the Blitz player is playing solo because it will allow him to get closer to enemies and surprise them. As explained before, the closer Blitz can get to his enemies before he rushes them, the better.
Excels in:
- Being able to shoot defender cameras and other gadgets with much less risk of alerting enemies using the suppressed P12 handgun
- Allowing Blitz to be more sneaky when infiltrating the mission building and get closer to enemies without them noticing
- Shooting enemies through the smoke without them receiving a directional threat indicator of where Blitz’s shots are coming from
- Providing cover for the whole attacking team’s push and defuser plant attempts with Blitz’s two smoke grenades
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - G52-Tactical Shield
- Secondary weapon - P12 with Suppressor and laser
- Generic gadget - Smoke Grenade
4. G52-Tactical Shield + P12 with Suppressor + Breach Charge

Now while the smoke grenades are great for providing cover for the attacking team’s push and also for surprising the enemies in the objective spot, the breach charge is also a very solid choice for Blitz’s generic gadget. That’s because Blitz specializes in rushing, and one of the best utilities for rushing is the breach charge. With the breach charge, even if the entryway is barricaded by a Castle Armor Panel, Blitz can bring it down with just one click.
The breach charge can also be used to quickly create an entry point on an unreinforced wall or an unreinforced hatch. Of course, after an entry point has been created, Blitz can proceed on doing what he does best, and that is rushing. With the breach charge as Blitz’s generic gadget, he can create entry points that will take him near his opponents so that his charge will be more effective and there’s a higher chance that he’ll get to blind them with his Flash Shield.
Excels in:
- Creating an entry point on unreinforced walls or unreinforced hatches using the breach charge in Blitz’s generic gadget slot
- Using the breach charge as a utility to suddenly bring down a barricaded door or window to initiate a Blitz rush
- Having a tight hip fire on Blitz’s P12 handgun due to the laser attachment which is great to have when he gets close to his enemies
- The suppressor on the P12 handgun will allow Blitz to silently shoot defender gadgets and be sneakier when trying to get close to enemies
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - G52-Tactical Shield
- Secondary weapon - P12 with Suppressor
- Generic gadget - Breach Charge
3. G52-Tactical Shield + P12 with Muzzle Brake and Laser + Breach Charge

This would be the best loadout setup for rushing because the muzzle brake on the P12 handgun will make its recoil a lot more controllable, so when Blitz is aiming-down-sight with it, especially when opponents turn their backs from him and tries to run away, he will have great accuracy and there’s a high chance for him to score a kill. The laser on the P12 handgun with a muzzle brake will also tighten the hip fire of the weapon, so it can be used for fragging opponents that are just in front of Blitz.
That’s really good to have for rushing and when Blitz has blinded an enemy with his Flash Shield, because sometimes, a blinded opponent could counter with a well-timed melee attack, so it’s not always safe for Blitz to melee a blinded opponent. So with the muzzle brake and laser on his P12 handgun, Blitz can just simply get right in front of the blinded opponent and pepper him with shots from the handgun.
Excels in:
- Having a great recoil control on Blitz’s P12 handgun due to the muzzle brake barrel attachment
- Having a tight hip fire on Blitz’s P12 handgun due to the laser attachment
- Being able to create entryways on unreinforced walls and hatches with the use of the breach charges
- Surprising enemies by suddenly bringing down a barricaded door, window, or unreinforced wall, and then rushing, with the use of the breach charges
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - G52-Tactical Shield
- Secondary weapon - P12 with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Generic gadget - Breach Charge
2. G52-Tactical Shield + P12 with Muzzle Brake and Laser + Smoke Grenade

With the smoke grenade as Blitz’s generic gadget, he will be able to provide a lot of cover for his whole team and himself when rushing or even just for a general push. The great thing about the smoke grenade is that the smoke cover can really allow Blitz to get close to his enemies, close enough to blind them with his Flash Shield special gadget. And usually, once Blitz blinds an enemy, that said enemy will become easy pickings for him or his teammates.
And since the smoke grenade will allow Blitz to close the distance between him and his enemies, not only will his Flash Shield be more effective, his P12 with muzzle brake and laser will excel as well because at very close distances, Blitz won’t even have to go into aim-down-sights stance with his P12 handgun to be able to hit enemies, especially when the P12 handgun has a laser attached to it which will make its hip fire a lot tighter.
Excels in:
- Providing cover for the whole attacking team’s push with the use of the smoke grenades which Blitz can also use to close the distance between him and enemies
- Making it harder for enemies to stop a defuser plant attempt by Blitz with the use of the smoke grenades that will provide cover for him while he’s planting the defuser
- Making the hip fire of the P12 handgun much tighter with the use of the laser attachment which is great for close range engagements
- Having a great recoil control on Blitz’s P12 handgun due to the muzzle brake barrel attachment
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - G52-Tactical Shield
- Secondary weapon - P12 with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Generic gadget - Smoke Grenade
1. G52-Tactical Shield + P12 with Muzzle Brake + Breach Charge

This is the most balanced loadout setup for Blitz and that’s why it’s on number one. The laser attachment is great to have since it will tighten the hip fire of Blitz’s P12 handgun, however, it comes with the drawback that enemies could use the laser’s red light as a target for hitting Blitz’s exposed arm. And remember, Blitz’s Flash Shield isn’t as big as Montagne’s Extendable Shield, so it’s easier to hit Blitz on the sides or on his foot when he’s not crouching.
With this loadout setup, Blitz will still have great recoil control on his P12 handgun, but enemies would find it harder to hit his pistol arm while his shield is still in front of him. Without the laser, they’d also not have a clear target near Blitz’s head when he’s aiming-down-sights. And as usual, the breach charges are great utilities for Blitz when he wants to surprise enemies with a rush, since he can use them to suddenly open an entry hole for him and his teammates to rush inside the objective spot.
Excels in:
- Having a great vertical recoil control on Blitz’s P12 handgun with the use of the muzzle brake barrel attachment
- Not providing enemies with a target for them to more accurately hit Blitz’s exposed pistol arm and upper body parts when aiming-down-sights
- Creating entry points on unreinforced hatches or unreinforced walls with the use of the breach charge in Blitz’s generic gadget slot
- Surprising enemies by suddenly bringing down a barricaded door or an unreinforced wall near the objective spot followed by a rush, with the use of the breach charges.
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - G52-Tactical Shield
- Secondary weapon - P12 with Muzzle Brake
- Generic gadget - Breach Charge
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: