Twitch is one of the few operators in the game that has three choices for her primary weapon. She can choose from a shotgun, an assault rifle, and a designated marksman rifle. Because of the wide variety of primary weapons available to her, she can excel at any distance or at any map. Making her a very well-rounded operator.
Much of the huge changes that came with the Year 9 Season 1 update are changes to weapons and their attachments, and that’s why it’s important to have an up-to-date look at Twitch’s best loadout combinations, especially because as mentioned above, she has a lot of them available to her.
5. F2 with Magnified B and Muzzle Brake + P9 with Suppressor and Laser + Smoke Grenade
Twitch’s F2 assault rifle has been nerfed a lot of times because the devs want Twitch players to use the 417 marksman rifle more. That’s why it can be quite challenging to hold the recoil of the F2. They removed its compatibility to the vertical grip and even increased its recoil. However, to Twitch players who still prefer having a fully automatic assault rifle for their primary weapon over anything else, there are ways to make its weapon kick manageable. One of those ways is by attaching a muzzle brake to its barrel.
The muzzle brake barrel attachment specializes in lowering the recoil of single shot weapons like most handguns and designated marksman rifles. However, it can also benefit fully automatic weapons like the F2 because it reduces the first shot recoil of weapons by 50%, and the first shot recoil is usually the strongest. And by greatly lowering the first shot recoil, you’re also stabilizing the subsequent few shots. That is why the F2 in this loadout setup with a muzzle brake on its barrel is great for short burst firing.
Excels in:
- This loadout setup specializes in accurate short bursts because the muzzle brake on Twitch’s F2 assault rifle will result in its first few shots having great recoil control
- The magnified B on Twitch’s F2 assault rifle will provide her with pinpoint accuracy due to its 2.5x zoom level as well as its arrow tip reticle which is great for headshots
- The suppressed P9 handgun as Twitch’s secondary weapon will be a great utility for her when it comes to shooting enemy gadgets like CCTV cameras without compromising her position
- Laser attachments now add 10% aim-down-sight speed boost to the weapon it’s attached to, so with the P9 in this loadout setup, Twitch can aim very quickly which is great for sudden enemy engagements
- The two smoke grenades in Twitch’s arsenal would be great for pushing the objective site as they’ll provide a lot of cover for the attacking team’s push, and is very helpful for defuser plant attempts
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - F2 with Magnified B and Muzzle Brake
- Secondary weapon - P9 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Smoke Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the F2 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
4. SG-CQB with Reflex B and Horizontal Grip + P9 with Suppressor and Laser + Smoke Grenade
Most players, especially those who are newer to the game, will be intimidated to use a shotgun as Twitch’s primary weapon. That’s obviously because it’ll have a very limited range and will put you at a huge disadvantage when enemies are trying to frag you from medium range and further. However, the SG-CQB is a very viable primary weapon for Twitch especially in the hands of players who are experienced in using shotguns. With the SG-CQB, Twitch will be a menace at close quarters combat and will be very versatile.
That’s because the SG-CQB will not only give Twitch the close quarters combat superiority. Its high destruction rate per shot will also be very useful to her when she needs to rework the map like destroying unreinforced hatches, create entry points on unreinforced walls, or for destroying parts of the wooden floor above the objective spot so she can easily sneak in her Shock Drones. With a reflex B 1.0x sight on it, Twitch will also have good accuracy with the shotgun as well as a 5% boost in aim-down-sight speed.
Excels in:
- Twitch being a menace at close quarters combat due to the SG-CQB shotgun as her primary weapon which has a lot of stopping power per pellet and has high destruction rate per shot
- The horizontal grip on the SG-CQB will provide Twitch with a 5% movement speed boost which will help her catch up to her teammates after using her Shock Drones to disable enemy utilities
- The reflex B 1.0x sight will provide Twitch with a 5% aim-down-sight speed bonus on her SG-CQB shotgun, and it will provide her with a clear front view and surroundings due to its small frame
- The suppressed P9 handgun will be a great weapon to switch to when the SG-CQB needs to be reloaded in the middle of combat, and can be used by Twitch for disabling enemy gadgets silently
- The two smoke grenades as Twitch’s generic gadget will provide a lot of cover for the attacking team’s push as the smoke cloud from them are large and lasts for a long time
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - SG-CQB with Reflex B and Horizontal Grip
- Secondary weapon - P9 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Smoke Grenade
3. 417 with Telescopic B, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + LFP589 and Laser + Claymore
As mentioned above, the devs really want players to use the 417 designated marksman rifle more, and that’s why they’ve nerfed the F2 assault rifle a lot. But that also means that they’ve buffed the 417 throughout the years, and that’s why it’s such a prime choice for players when it comes to Twitch’s primary weapon. The 417 is one of the DMRs in that it has a tight hip fire spread, and it has a very high stopping power as well as destruction rate. And with a suppressor on its barrel, it becomes a great medium to long-range support weapon.
That’s because the suppressor will remove the directional threat indicator and muzzle flash from the 417’s shots. So visually, it can be much harder for opponents to immediately know where Twitch is shooting them from. And that of course will prevent them from accurately counterattacking fast. The suppressor will also greatly silence the 417’s gunshots, and especially from 30 meters and beyond where suppressed shots are inaudible, it can also be very hard for enemies to determine Twitch’s location through the game’s audio.
Excels in:
- The suppressor on the 417 designated marksman rifle will remove its shots’ directional threat indicator and muzzle flash, making it much harder for enemies to know where Twitch is shooting from visually.
- It’ll also be harder for enemies to know where Twitch is shooting from through the game’s audio since the suppressor will also greatly muffle the 417’s gunshot sounds
- Having good vertical recoil control on the 417 marksman rifle due to the presence of the vertical grip attachment which specializes in lowering the overall vertical recoil of weapons
- The LFP589 handgun has very high stopping power so it’s a great weapon to switch to when the 417 needs to be reloaded in the middle of combat. The laser on it will also provide a 10% aim-down-sight speed boost.
- The two claymores as Twitch’s secondary gadget will allow her to protect herself from run outs and roamers when she’s on observation tool mode controlling her Shock Drones
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - 417 with Telescopic B, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - LFP589 and Laser
- Generic gadget - Claymore
2. 417 with Telescopic B, Muzzle Brake, and Horizontal Grip + P9 with Suppressor and Laser + Claymore
Shots from the 417 designated marksman rifle in this loadout setup will be making a lot of noise and might attract more enemies to you, but it’s going to be very effective and efficient in taking them out. That’s because the muzzle brake on its barrel will lower its recoil by 50%, and that will also make its hip fire more accurate. With the 417 in this setup, Twitch won’t even have to go into aim-down-sight stance to hit enemies at close range, and that will give her the speed advantage over most enemies.
Since the muzzle brake will already provide plenty of recoil control on the 417, it only makes sense to partner it with a horizontal grip which will give Twitch a 5% movement speed bonus. The added speed will be helpful for Twitch when it comes to catching up to her teammates as she usually has the tendency to be left behind because she spends a lot of time on her observation tool in order to control her Shock Drones. The increase in movement speed will also make her harder to hit when she’s moving.
Excels in:
- The muzzle brake on the Twitch’s 417 designated marksman rifle will lower its recoil by 50%, which will also make the weapon much more effective and accurate when it comes to hip firing
- The horizontal grip on the 417 will provide Twitch with a 5% movement speed boost which will help her catch up to her teammates after controlling her Shock Drones on her observation tool
- The telescopic B scope with its 3.0x zoom will allow Twitch to target her opponents with deadly accuracy, and it’ll provide a clear front view for her since its reticle and reticle area doesn’t eat up a lot of screen space
- The suppressed P9 handgun can be used by Twitch for disabling enemy gadgets with much less chance of alerting enemies to her presence, and the laser on it will provide her with a 10% aim-down-sight speed boost
- Twitch having two claymores in her arsenal will allow her to counter defenders who will attempt to take her out while she’s controlling her Shock Drones by running out of the mission building
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - 417 with Telescopic B, Muzzle Brake, and Horizontal Grip
- Secondary weapon - P9 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Claymore
1. F2 with Magnified B and Flash Hider + P9 with Suppressor and Laser + Claymore
Despite all the nerfs, the F2 assault rifle remains as the best primary weapon for Twitch in general. That’s because most players will just find having a fully automatic weapon as their primary weapon more reassuring. Of course, its very high recoil is going to be a cause of concern, but with a flash hider on its barrel, its weapon kick will be quite manageable, especially when the player sticks with shorter bursts. But as you can see on the recoil test image below, even when emptying its magazine in one spray, it’s possible to not lose too much control of it.
The magnified B as the F2’s sight will provide Twitch with a 2.5x zoom which will allow her to see her targets very well, and that usually translates to great accuracy despite the weapon’s challenging recoil. The arrow tip reticle on the magnified B scope is also great for accuracy because it doesn’t obstruct the view of the opponent’s body parts, and in my experience, it’s really great for scoring headshots. As for the two claymores as Twitch’s secondary gadget. She can place them outside of windows or entrances during the start of the round and that’ll take care of enemies that’ll attempt a run out to frag her while she’s controlling her Shock Drones.
Excels in:
- Having a manageable recoil on Twitch’s F2 assault rifle due to the presence of the flash hider on its barrel which will lower its overall vertical weapon kick and hide its muzzle flash
- The magnified B with its 2.5x zoom will allow Twitch to see her targets very clearly even at medium to long range and that will be a big boost to her accuracy
- The suppressed P9 will be an excellent weapon for Twitch to switch to when her F2 needs to be reloaded in the middle of a gunfight due to its low recoil and decent firepower
- Twitch will also have good aim-down-sight speed on her P9 handgun due to the presence of the laser attachment which now grants users a 10% ADS speed boost on the weapon it’s attached to
- Twitch will be able to protect herself from defenders who will try to kill her through run outs while she’s controlling her Shock Drones through her observation tool with the two claymores in her arsenal
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - F2 with Magnified B and Flash Hider
- Secondary weapon - P9 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Claymore
Recoil pattern test on the F2 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: