10. Mk 14 EBR
The only operators who can use the Mk 14 EBR are Aruni and Dokkaebi and both of their gameplay can really benefit from using a suppressor. The suppressor will remove the directional threat indicator from the weapon. To those who do not know, that’s the white warning thing that tells you where your opponent is shooting from. Obviously, your shots not providing that to your enemies will be a great help in reducing the chances of them immediately knowing where you are and effectively counter firing. Therefore, the suppressor offers a lot of protection for yourself.
It also removes the muzzle flash on weapons, further reducing the visual cues that enemies could see when you’re using them. And of course, it greatly silences the weapon’s gunshots. This is a great help for Dokkaebi and Aruni because stealth would benefit them a lot. Dokkaebi when she’s infiltrating the mission area, and Aruni when she’s shooting enemies behind her Surya Laser Gates. The great thing is, the Mk 14 EBR has a very manageable stock recoil, so even though the suppressor doesn’t add additional recoil control benefits, the user will find that the weapon would still be very easy to handle.
What Makes the Mk 14 EBR Great:
- Its stock recoil is quite low so even with the suppressor not providing additional recoil control benefits, the user won’t find it hard to control
- It’s great to equip with a suppressor because the stealth benefits that the suppressor provides for both Dokkaebi and Aruni are perfect for their roles
- The damage it inflicts per shot is heavy and now that the suppressor doesn’t apply damage penalty on weapons, the Mk 14 EBR’s damage will remain high
- Its magazine capacity is quite high compared to many designated marksman rifles in the game, and that’s great for engaging multiple enemies
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 60
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 450 RPM
- Magazine Size - 20
9. P12
While the P12 can be equipped with many operators like Blitz, IQ, Jager, Bandit, and Wamai, it is especially best if you equip it with a suppressor when you’re playing IQ. That’s because of IQ’s unique role as an enemy electronics disabler. She does this role through her special gadget, the Electronics Detector. Her P12 being suppressed is important for her role because it’s the side arm that she has on the ready when she’s scanning for enemy electronics with her Electronics Detector special gadget, because once she detects them, she can shoot them through breakable objects.
Those breakable objects are wooden floors, unreinforced walls, and hatches. Now of course IQ would still be able to disable them through those breakable objects even with an unsuppressed P12, but it’s always better to suppress it because that will silence the P12’s gunshots, therefore, lessening the chances of IQ giving away her location while she’s performing her role. As for the other operators who have the P12 except for Blitz, a suppressed P12 will also be useful for them when it comes to disabling enemy gadgets silently, especially when defenders use it for roaming and they have to disable attacker drones.
What Makes the P12 Great:
- The suppressed P12 in the hands of IQ will allow her to disable enemy electronic devices from behind a wall or below or above a wooden floor without giving away her location
- The suppressed P12 will also allow other operators who have access to it to shoot enemy gadgets silently, therefore, lessening the chances of enemies knowing where they are
- The P12 itself is a great side arm with good amount of damage per shot, decent magazine capacity, and very manageable stock recoil
- Since its stock recoil is very low, even with a suppressor that doesn’t add recoil control benefits, the user won’t have any trouble handling its shots
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 44
- Mobility - 45
- Rate of Fire - 550 RPM
- Magazine Size - 15
8. G36C
The G36C, available to Ash and Iana, is a great gun for a suppressor because its stock recoil is very low, therefore, it doesn’t really need a barrel attachment that provides additional recoil benefits in order for the user to control its weapon kick. The vertical grip should be more than enough to allow the user to hold down the G36C’s recoil, and while firing, the suppressor will provide Ash and Iana with a lot of advantages, especially for their roles. Ash and Iana are both very dynamic operators who move well and excel at entry fragging.
And while at first, it may seem like the extended barrel with its additional damage would be better for entry fragging roles, one really shouldn’t sleep on the benefits of the suppressor. Since the suppressor will greatly silence the G36C’s gunshots, when Ash and Iana are rushing or playing aggressively, they could be taking down enemy after enemy without drawing the remaining ones’ attention towards them. And for engaging enemies in longer distances, the suppressor removing the directional threat indicator from the G36C will greatly help Ash and Iana when it comes to not giving away their position.
What Makes the G36C Great:
- The G36C inflicts a good amount of damage per shot, has a pretty fast rate of fire, low stock recoil, and decent magazine capacity
- The scope 1.5x is available to it which allows Iana and Ash to excel at almost any range, but especially at close to medium-range
- Its very manageable stock recoil freely allows the user to equip it with a non-recoil control providing barrel attachment in the suppressor
- It's great to equip with a suppressor because Iana and Ash are great entry fraggers and they can really surprise enemies with their silent gunshots
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 38
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 780 RPM
- Magazine Size - 30
7. P90
For all the operators that the P90 is available to, namely Doc, Rook, and Solis, the suppressor is great. Firstly, Doc and Rook are spawn peek menaces because if they get countered and get put into a down-but-not-out state, they can revive themselves. Doc with his Stim Pistol, and Rook with his Armor Plate. So spawn peeking is always a viable way for them to take out one or two attackers before they even step inside the mission building. Plus, the P90, at least for both Doc and Rook, is compatible with the scope 1.5x, and that really helps them in targeting opponents at long-range.
The suppressed P90 is really great for spawn peeking or long-range shooting in general because its shots won’t create a directional threat indicator. So when Doc and Rook are using a suppressed P90 for spawn peeking, chances are, attackers won’t even know where they are shooting from or at least, they won’t know immediately. As for Solis, she’s not as great at spawn peeking as Doc and Rook, and her long-range shooting capabilities are also less because the scope 1.5x is not available to her. But in general, the suppressed P90 is good for her, especially when she’s roaming and does not want to give away her position.
What Makes the P90 Great:
- For Doc and Rook, the scope 1.5x is available to the P90, and that’s really great for long-range shooting, especially spawn peeking
- The P90’s stock recoil is very manageable, so despite it not adding recoil control benefits, the suppressor is the best barrel attachment for it
- Despite having a low stock recoil, the P90’s rate of fire is really fast, and that’s great, especially for close to medium range encounters
- The suppressed P90 with its scope 1.5x is perfect for Doc and Rook when it comes to spawn peeking because its shots won’t create a directional threat indicator
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 22
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 970 RPM
- Magazine Size - 50
6. V308
The V308 is a unique gun to Lion, and I’ve always said this, but it’s one of the best guns in the game. That’s because it has all the qualities a player would want on a weapon, and that would be high damage, low recoil, compatibility to a wide variety of attachments, and high magazine capacity. At 700 RPM, even its rate of fire is very decent, so it’s really an almost perfect gun. And this near perfect assault rifle is great with a suppressor because it will allow Lion to excel at any range, and that’s because of all the stealth benefits it brings.
Because shots from a suppressed weapon won’t have a directional threat indicator, when Lion uses this for long-range shooting, it’ll be hard for enemies to know where he’s shooting from. Therefore, they won’t be able to counter-attack effectively. When used for close to medium range shooting, its gunshots being much more silent because of the suppressor will really help because it will make it harder for enemies to ascertain Lion’s location, and he won’t draw the attention of other enemies that are far from him.
What Makes the V308 Great:
- Due to the V308 assault rifle’s low stock recoil, the user is free to equip it with a suppressor for its stealth benefits rather than a recoil control providing attachment
- The V308 assault rifle is compatible to scopes that provide high levels of zoom such as the scopes 2.0 and 2.5x, allowing the user to target their enemies really well
- Its magazine capacity is really huge for an assault rifle and it’s a great perk to have when it comes to dealing with multiple enemies at the same time
- It inflicts high damage per shot, and combining that with its other great qualities like high magazine capacity and low recoil, it really is an almost perfect weapon
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 44
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 700 RPM
- Magazine Size - 50
5. TCSG12
The TCSG12’s only option for its barrel attachment is the suppressor, and it used to be a subject of discussion whether TCSG12 users should equip it or not. However, a relatively recent buff for the suppressor has made it so that it only makes sense to equip it to guns like the TCSG12 that only has the suppressor as its compatible barrel attachment. That relatively recent buff is the removal of the damage penalty on weapons from attaching the suppressor, so now that there’s basically no more drawback to equipping it, it only makes sense for TCSG12 users to do so.
With a suppressed TCSG12, Kaid and Goyo can strafe their opponents without providing them a directional threat indicator of where their shots are coming from. The TCSG12 will also not produce a muzzle flash, so visual wise, it will be harder for enemies to ascertain where Kaid and Goyo are. The silenced gunshots from attaching the suppressor to the TCSG12 helps a lot as well in making it harder for the enemies to find the user, and a largely overlooked benefit from using the suppressor is that with the weapon’s gunshots being silent, it increases the chances that the user will hear the sound cues that their enemies are making.
What Makes the TCSG12 Great:
- It’s best to equip a suppressor to the TCSG12 because it’s the gun’s only available barrel attachment and there is no more damage penalty to equipping it
- With the suppressor on the TCSG12, its users, Kaid and Goyo, will be shooting their enemies without the weapon’s muzzle flash and directional threat indicator
- Because there’s no more damage penalty to using the suppressor, the TCSG12 will retain its heavy damage of 63 per shot
- Another great quality of the TCSG12 is that its destruction rate per shot is high so it can be used to create rotation holes, lines of sight, and destroy unreinforced hatches
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 63
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 450 RPM
- Magazine Size - 10
4. MP5
The MP5 is available to Melusi, Doc, and Rook, and all three of those operators can really benefit a lot from equipping it with a suppressor. That's because even though the suppressor doesn’t add recoil control benefits like other barrel attachments do, namely the compensator, flash hider, and muzzle brake, the user will still be able to control the MP5’s recoil well with a vertical grip. The MP5’s stock recoil is quite low and its recoil pattern mostly only goes on a straight vertical path, so as long as the user has a good recoil of their own, they’ll be able to manage its weapon kick well.
As discussed in the entry for the P90, Doc and Rook are great for spawn peeking, and for players who prefer the MP5 when playing those operators, the suppressor will benefit them so much for spawn peeking. That’s especially so because Rook can attach a scope 2.0x to it, and Doc can use the scope 1.5x. Those scopes are great for long range shooting, and with the suppressor, shots from the MP5 will not create a directional threat indicator, so it could cause a delay for enemies to find out where Rook or Doc is shooting from.
What Makes the MP5 Great:
- Its stock recoil is very manageable so attaching a suppressor to its barrel instead of others that provide recoil control benefits will not affect the user’s handling of the weapon that much
- For Rook, the MP5 can be attached with a scope 2.0x, and for Doc, the scope 1.5x is available, making it a great weapon for spawn peeking, especially when suppressed
- The MP5 has very decent damage, fast rate of fire, and average magazine size, making it a really good weapon for all the operators that have access to it
- The suppressed MP5 will not produce a directional threat indicator, muzzle flash, and its gunshots will be silenced, making it hard for enemies to find the user
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 27
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 800 RPM
- Magazine Size - 30
3. POF-9
Sens’ unique weapon ranks high in this list because the suppressor is just a perfect weapon for it. That’s because the suppressed shots from the POF-9 are a great partner for Sens’ R.O.U. Projector System. The R.O.U. Projector System rolls out huge walls of light that block the enemies’ vision, similar to the role of smoke of grenades. But just like smoke grenades, the walls of light from the R.O.U. Projector System also blocks the view of Sens and her teammates. The thing is though, especially for experienced players, “wall banging” through the walls of light could be an effective way to damage or even frag enemies.
Sens doing that with the suppressed POF-9 to provide suppressive fire can really make a difference. That’s because the enemies at the receiving end will not even know where the shots are coming from. And that’s because the suppressor on the POF-9 will hide its directional threat indicator and muzzle flash, making the suppressor a great attachment for regular wall banging as well. The POF-9 is a great weapon for suppressive fire, not just because its recoil is low enough for a suppressor barrel attachment but also because it has a huge magazine capacity.
What Makes the POF-9 Great:
- The POF-9's magazine capacity is huge, making it a great weapon for performing suppressive fire, especially in conjunction with Sens’ R.O.U. Projector System
- The POF-9's stock recoil is very manageable so using a suppressor for its barrel attachment instead of recoil control providing ones makes more sense
- Because of its huge magazine capacity, Sens can deal with multiple enemies effectively, since there’s less chances for her to have to reload in the middle of combat
- The POF-9 is compatible to sights that provide higher levels of zoom like the scopes 1.5x, 2.0x, and 2.5x, and that will really help the user when it comes to accuracy
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 35
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 740 RPM
- Magazine Size - 50
2. T-95 LSW
The T-95 LSW is one of the most perfect guns in the game for a suppressor because it works so well in conjunction with the operator that has access to it, namely, Ying. The Suppressed T-95 LSW is perfect for Ying because her gameplay involves blinding opponents with her special gadget, the Candela. She has four Candelas and they’re the best utilities in the game for blinding enemies. It’s just very hard to escape from being blinded by one of her Candelas when they detonate near you, but even Ying’s Candelas have a weakness.
That weakness is that unlike the regular stun grenades in the game, the Candelas only blinds enemies. They do not cause a tinnitus effect that also temporarily deafens enemies. So there’s a chance that enemies could still counter-attack in Ying's direction through the sound cues from her gunshots. But with the suppressor greatly silencing the gunshots from the T-95 LSW, it would be much harder for blinded enemies to do that. Like the other guns featured in this list, the T-95 LSW’s stock recoil is very low which is another reason why it’s perfect for the suppressor.
What Makes the T-95 LSW Great:
- The suppressed T-95 LSW is perfect for Ying because the enemies blinded by her Candelas would find it hard to counter-attack due to her silenced gunshots
- Its stock recoil is very manageable so even without a barrel attachment that provides additional recoil control, the user would be able to handle its weapon kick well
- It has heavy stopping power per shot, decent rate of fire, and a huge magazine capacity, making it a great weapon for fragging, especially now that the suppressor has no more damage penalty
- Even though it’s categorized as a light machine gun, it can be reloaded quite quickly due to its detachable magazine
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 46
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 650 RPM
- Magazine Size - 80
1. OTs-03
Glaz’s OTs-03 designated marksman rifle is the best weapon for a suppressor because it just plays perfectly into Glaz’s role as a sniper, and one that can shoot enemies under the cover of smoke at that. At long-distance shooting, Glaz is able to easily tell enemies apart from all the objects and backdrops in the game due to the thermal sight on his OTs-03. And when it’s suppressed, Glaz will be able to shoot enemies from long-distance, and chances are, those enemies won’t even know where they’re being damaged from, because shots from a suppressed OTs-03 will not provide them with a directional threat indicator.
But as I mentioned before, Glaz can also accurately shoot enemies through the cover of smoke, or even through the cover of Sens’ R.O.U. Projector System. That’s because of the aforementioned thermal sight that Glaz’s OTs-03 has. And when shooting enemies through the smoke, it’s best if you do it with a suppressed weapon because without a directional threat indicator, the enemies won’t know exactly the spot where you’re shooting them from, and that’s a great way to protect yourself. With the suppressed OTs-03, you also won’t be announcing to your enemies that there’s a Glaz in the attacking team and that they should be wary of smoke grenades.
What Makes the OTs-03 Great:
- It’s perfect for a suppressor because Glaz is a sniper and when shooting enemies from long-distances, enemies won’t know where the shots are coming
- Because Glaz can see enemies through the cover of smoke, it’s best if his weapon has a suppressor, because that way, the enemies won’t know where he’s shooting from
- The OTs-03 inflicts a massive amount of damage per shot and has a high destruction rate per shot, so it’s not only effective at fragging enemies, it can break unreinforced hatches too
- Its recoil is very manageable despite being a designated marksman rifle, so it’s a great weapon for a suppressor, and it fits Glaz’s gameplay well
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 71
- Mobility - 36
- Rate of Fire - 380 RPM
- Magazine Size - 15
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: