After all these years, Pulse has remained as one of the most dangerous defenders to deal with, especially when the attacking team isn’t that organized. That’s because with a Pulse in the defending team, a successful push from the attackers can be quickly reversed with his c4-under-the-floor trick. He can do that so easily because with his special gadget, the Heartbeat Sensor, he can track the attackers’ movements in real time.
He can also use this intel gathering ability to advise his teammates on enemy positions and of course, he can deal with them himself. The recent changes in Pulse loadouts also presents players with other gameplay possibilities that we haven’t seen from this operator before.
5. M1014 with Reflex B + 5.7 USG with Suppressor and Laser + Deployable Shield
Pulse is most effective when the objective spot is on a higher floor. That is because most objective spots’ floors are made up of wood, and Pulse can position himself below that wooden floor and wait for opponents to come push that area with the wooden floor. When that happens, Pulse can detect their real time positions using his Heartbeat Sensor, and he can damage the opponents that are above that wooden floor with the penetration power of the M1014 shotgun. And of course, the most common strategy for pulse is the c4-under-the-floor strat.
However, this loadout setup takes a look into one of Pulse’s newest utilities, the deployable shield, and if it’s really a viable option for Pulse. First off, the strategy I described above mostly only works against a team that is not organized. Because an organized attacker team will always hunt down roamers like Pulse first before they begin pushing the objective spot. This loadout setup is more for Pulse players who will decide to anchor the objective spot and be the intel gatherer of the team. With the deployable shield, Pulse will be able to hold angles more effectively especially when he’s supported by anti-grenade operators like Jager or Wamai, and it will be effective for luring opponents to a close-range combat.
Excels in:
- Having close-range superiority with Pulse’s M1014 shotgun which inflicts massive damage per shot and can take down an opponent regardless of armor rating with just one shot at its effective range
- The reflex B providing the Pulse player a wide unobstructed view of the surroundings when aiming-down-sights with the M1014 shotgun due to its small frame
- Providing Pulse with a great utility in the suppressed 5.7 USG handgun which he can use to shoot attacker gadgets silently
- Tightening the hip fire spread of Pulse’s 5.7 USG handgun with the use of the laser attachment
- The deployable shield as Pulse’s generic gadgets will allow him to hold an angle for a long time and lure enemies to a close-range combat with his M1014 shotgun
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - M1014 with Reflex B
- Secondary weapon - 5.7 USG with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Deployable Shield
Aim-down-sights pellet spread test on the M1014 in this setup at 5m range:
Aim-down-sights pellet spread test on the M1014 in this setup at 10m range:
4. UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip + 5.7 USG with Suppressor and Laser + Observation Blocker
Pulse’s gameplay involves a lot of switching to and from his special gadget, the Heartbeat Sensor, and since he can’t use any weapons while he’s using the Heartbeat Sensor, it can leave him vulnerable to attackers that he doesn’t see coming. That is why the angled grip on his UMP45 submachine gun plays a very important role in his overall gameplay. Because with the angled grip, Pulse will be able to aim at enemies faster, and that’s very helpful especially when he’s coming off from using his Heartbeat Sensor. This allows him to respond to enemies quicker and will help him protect himself in sudden encounters.
The drawback to equipping the angled grip is that it doesn’t add recoil control benefits unlike its counterpart which is the vertical grip. That is why for this loadout setup, the user will have the flash hider on the barrel of Pulse’s UMP45 submachine gun. The flash hider will be the attachment that will provide additional recoil control on the UMP45 in this setup, and that will ensure that the user will have great recoil control on the weapon. The flash hider will also remove the weapon’s muzzle flash, and that could make it a bit harder for enemies to see where Pulse is shooting from.
Excels in:
- Having a lot of vertical recoil control on Pulse’s UMP45 submachine gun due to the presence of the flash hider barrel attachment which greatly lowers the vertical recoil of weapons
- Allowing Pulse to go into aim-down-sights stance faster than normal with the use of the angled grip on his UMP45 submachine gun which is great for sudden encounters
- Pulse having a good amount of zoom level which doesn’t take away a lot of peripheral view with the scope 1.5x on his UMP45 submachine gun
- Providing Pulse with a way to shoot attacker gadgets silently with the suppressor on his 5.7 USG handgun which is very useful for roaming
- Preventing enemies from knowing that there’s a Pulse on the defending team with the use of the observation blocker which can prevent attacker drones from gathering intel
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - 5.7 USG with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Observation Blocker
Recoil test on the UMP45 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
3. UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Compensator, and Angled Grip + 5.7 USG with Suppressor and Laser + Nitro Cell
Since the recent big buff on the compensator, its pick rate over the flash hider has really risen a lot. Before, when the player wants more recoil control on their weapons, it’s almost a no-brainer to just pick the flash hider. However, now that the effect of the compensator has been buffed, and that effect is the reduction of the weapon’s horizontal and random recoil from all directions, it has become a very viable barrel attachment for many weapons. And one of those weapons is Pulse’s UMP45 submachine gun, especially because its recoil diamonds are pretty wide.
The recoil diamonds are the colored things that you’ll see when you look at the recoil pattern image of each gun in the in-game menu. They represent the trajectory of each shot, and basically, the larger a weapon’s recoil diamonds are, the more tendency it will have for horizontal and random recoil from all directions. The compensator specializes in reducing the size of the weapon’s recoil diamonds. So with this loadout setup, the Pulse player can focus on holding the UMP45’s vertical weapon kick, which is usually easier to do than control horizontal or random recoil from all directions.
Excels in:
- Greatly reducing the horizontal and random recoil from all directions on Pulse’s UMP45 submachine gun with the use of the compensator barrel attachment
- Allowing Pulse to go into aim-down-sights stance faster than normal with the use of the angled grip attachment on his UMP45 submachine gun
- Providing Pulse with a good amount of zoom level through the scope 1.5x on his UMP45 submachine gun while also not sacrificing a lot of peripheral view
- Having a great utility for shooting attacker drones and other gadgets silently with the suppressed 5.7 USG handgun as Pulse’s secondary weapon
- Having the ability to perform the c4-under-the-floor trick with the synergy between Pulse’s Heartbeat Sensor and the nitro cell as his generic gadget
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Compensator, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - 5.7 USG with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Nitro Cell
Recoil test on the UMP45 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
2. UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Extended Barrel, and Angled Grip + 5.7 USG with Suppressor and Laser + Observation Blocker
Recoil control is very important because it directly affects your aim. Obviously, the weaker the weapon’s recoil is, the better the chances of you hitting your opponents, especially at longer distances. However, Pulse’s UMP45 submachine gun doesn’t really require much additional recoil control from attachments because its stock recoil is already very low. That is why even without any attachments that adds recoil control benefits, it’s more than likely that the Pulse player would still be able to hold down the UMP45’s weapon kick well and have good stability while shooting, even with long sprays.
That’s why this loadout setup ranks so high in the list of best Pulse loadouts. Because with this loadout setup, the user will be able to take advantage of the damage bonus from the extended barrel as well as the aim-down-sight speed boost from the angled grip. The extended barrel will greatly reduce the range damage drop-off of the UMP45, and that means its effective range will be extended. Extended barrels now also add 12% damage to weapons, so with this loadout setup, Pulse will be dealing high damage to his enemies, regardless of the distance.
Excels in:
- Inflicting high damage from Pulse’s UMP45 submachine gun with the extended barrel now adding 12% damage to the weapons that it’s attached to
- Reducing the range damage drop-off of Pulse’s UMP45 submachine gun with the use of the extended barrel, making it a lot more effective regardless of the distance
- Having a good amount of zoom for targeting enemies with Pulse’s UMP45 submachine gun with the use of the scope 1.5x which also does not sacrifice a lot of peripheral view
- The 5.7 USG handgun with a suppressor will allow Pulse to shoot enemy gadgets silently which is always a good perk to have when roaming
- Preventing enemies from knowing the identities of the defenders as well as the position of their gadgets with the use of the observation blocker as Pulse’s generic gadget
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Extended Barrel, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - 5.7 USG with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Observation Blocker
Recoil test on the UMP45 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
1. UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Suppressor, and Angled Grip + M45 Meusoc with Muzzle Brake and Laser + Nitro Cell
This is the best loadout setup for Pulse because it has a really good synergy with his Heartbeat Sensor, and I’m not only talking about the obvious c4-under-the-floor trick. With his Heartbeat Sensor, Pulse can know if opponents are on the other side of an unreinforced wall, and he can use the suppressed UMP45 submachine gun to wall bang them more effectively. That’s because the suppressor will remove the directional threat indicator from the UMP45 and of course, it will also greatly silence its gunshots. So with this loadout setup, it will be much harder for opponents to immediately know where Pulse’s shots are coming from.
That will even be more so the case when it comes to wall banging. Not only will the suppressor reduce the ability of opponents to protect themselves because they wouldn’t immediately know where the shots are coming from, it will also reduce their ability to effectively counter attack, therefore, with this loadout setup, Pulse will be able to protect himself well. And since the UMP45 already has the suppressor and Pulse can use it to shoot enemy gadgets silently while he’s roaming, it only makes more sense to attach the muzzle brake on the M45 Meusoc handgun for a much better recoil and the laser for a much tighter hip fire spread.
Excels in:
- Shooting enemies without them receiving a directional threat indicator of where Pulse’s shots are coming from due to the presence of the suppressor barrel attachment on the UMP45
- The suppressed UMP45 submachine gun’s gunshots will be very silent so it will be much harder for enemies to know where Pulse is shooting from
- Being able to go into aim-down-sights quicker than normal on Pulse’s UMP45 submachine gun due to the presence of the angled grip attachment
- Having a good zoom level with the scope 1.5x on Pulse’s UMP45 submachine gun which is great for targeting enemies at any range
- Having the best recoil control on Pulse’s M45 Meusoc handgun because of the muzzle brake while the laser will greatly tighten its hip fire spread
- Being able to perform the c4-under-the-floor trick with the synergy between Pulse’s Heartbeat Sensor and his nitro cell
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Suppressor, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - M45 Meusoc with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Generic gadget - Nitro Cell
Recoil test on the UMP45 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: