The best competitive operators are mostly those who you will usually see being played in ranked. And their pick-rate is high because they contribute to the team a lot, or have certain special, or secondary gadgets that are valuable to the team. Because Siege is not all about the gun fights. It’s mostly about high IQ plays.
10. Kapkan
Even when the attacking team knows that there is a Kapkan and they know that they need to be careful of EDDs, that’s already an advantage for the defending team. Because now, the attacking team will have to be slower in their attack and mind each entry way. And by trying to see if there are EDDs in an entryway and attempting to disable them, the attackers will leave themselves vulnerable to defender fire. That is why Kapkan is such a valuable asset to any defending team.
Excels in:
- Enemy rhythm disruption
- Compromising enemy locations
- Inflicting heavy damage
Best loadouts for Kapkan:
9. Melusi
Melusi’s banshees are the best gadgets in the game when it comes to slowing down enemies. They can also be put in awkward, hard-to-see angles, so that the enemies won’t be able to easily shoot them while they’re being slowed down. And while the slow effects are active, the banshees practically compromise the enemy location, because it basically tells defenders that there’s an attacker right there, near the banshee that is being slowed. It also works so well in conjunction with other gadgets such as Thorn’s razorbloom shells or nitro cells.
Excels in:
- Compromising enemy locations
- Slowing down enemies
- Disrupting enemy rhythm
Best loadouts for Melusi:
8. Wamai
When Wamai was released, he was tagged by the Siege community as the Jager alternative. But as time passed by, we learned that Wamai is a lot more than that. And there are certain maps and areas where I actually prefer Wamai over Jager. Wamai can equip impact grenades which are very useful in making rotation holes and for countering Osa. He can also deploy his Mag-nets later in the game when he has a better idea where the enemies will be pushing. It’s hard to do that with Jager because it takes quite a long time to deploy Jager’s ADS and Jager leaves himself vulnerable when he’s doing that.
Excels in:
- Projectile denial
- Compromising enemy locations
- Disrupting enemy rhythm
Best loadouts for Wamai:
7. Jager
The OG projectile denier. Jager’s ADS can deny practically everything that is a projectile, even Hibana’s X-Kairos. What makes Jager still popular despite the number of nerfs, is that his guns remain to be some of the most powerful guns in Siege. His 416-C Carbine has great stopping power, and has a wide variety of attachments that can be used to customize the gun to suit the player’s playstyle. His shotgun, the M870 is popular in the Siege community as one of the best shotguns in the game, if not the best. It packs a lot of punch and is quite accurate even at medium rate.
Excels in:
- Projectile denial
- Anchoring
- Securing an area
Best loadouts for Jager:
6. Sledge
Sledge’s simple but versatile gameplay makes him a popular pick in ranked games. He can use his sledge hammer to make a relatively silent soft breach in order for him and his teammates to rush. He can also do a vertical attack where he breaks the floor on top of enemies’ objective area in order to shoot at them from above or throw his grenades at them. This tactic instills panic to anchoring defenders who will have a lot on their plate in minding the threat from you above, and your horizontally pushing teammates.
Excels in:
- Vertical attack
- Flanking
- Soft breaching
Best loadouts for Sledge:
5. Dokkaebi
Intel is vital in Siege gameplay, and Dokkaebi is one of the best intel gatherers in the game. This makes her one of the favorite picks in ranked mode. Not only is her logic bomb capable of compromising enemy locations by hacking their mobile phones and making them ring, Dokkaebi is also capable of hacking a dead defender’s phone, and through that hacking, she and her teammates will be able to access all the cameras in the defending team including Valkyrie’s black eyes and Maestro’s evil eyes.
Excels in:
- Intel gathering
- Enemy rhythm disruption
- Causing panic
Best Dokkaebi loadouts:
4. Zofia
Zofia is an offensive menace, and it’s very hard to stop her in a one-on-one encounter. This makes her great for crowd control and hunting roamers. Her LMG-E has great stopping power and low recoil as well as huge bullet capacity per magazine. Her KS79 Lifeline can fire impact grenades, allowing her to create entry points through unreinforced walls, and it can also fire concussion grenades which can bounce on corners, allowing her to concuss any hiding defenders.
Excels in:
- Flanking
- Crowd control
- Roamer hunting
Best loadouts for Zofia:
3. Maverick
As Thatcher’s ban rate goes higher, so does Maverick’s pick rate. Mav is a great alternative to Thatcher because through the use of his breaching torch, he can disable Bandit’s or Mute’s special gadgets. And if it’s Kaid who’s jamming the reinforced wall that your team needs to breach, Mav can use his blow torch on the upper area of the wall as well, or make an angle so he can throw his frag grenades over at Kaid’s rtilla or other defender gadgets, or on the defenders themselves. Not only is Mav a great Thatcher alternative, he can also instill panic because once the defenders know that Mav is using his blow torch on an unreinforced wall, that instantly tells them that that area isn’t safe and their movements will be limited and awkward.
Excels in:
- Gadget disabling
- Hard breach
- Backline support
Best loadouts for Maverick:
2. Thatcher
Of course, when Thatcher isn’t banned, there’s no reason for your team not to pick Thatcher. In almost every area of the available maps in ranked mode, your team would benefit in having a Thatcher. He can easily disable enemy electronic gadgets in large groups with his EMP grenade, and by doing so, he will also receive a message telling him which gadgets he disabled, telling him which operators are on the opposing team. He also has a claymore available to him, making him a great backline support or an anti-roamer.
Excels in:
- Gadget disabling
- Backline support
- Intel gathering
Best loadouts for Thatcher:
1. Thermite
Winning an attack round against an experienced defending team without a hard breach is very hard to do. That’s why every attacking team should always have a hard breacher, and Thermite remains to be the best at that. Hibana and Ace have it nice because they can perform a hard breach from a distance, but the entry holes that they make are seldom perfect. Thermite’s on the other hand are always perfect. Meaning him and his teammates won’t need to vault anymore and the creation of his entry holes are much faster.
Excels in:
- Hard breaching
- Entry fragging
- Backline support
Best loadouts for Thermite:
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:
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