Warming up is when you get yourself ready for a real match against real players in Siege. The good thing is just recently, the devs have added a lot of ways for players to warmup and they’re great additions to the game because warming up in this game is important, especially because it’s one of the most competitive multiplayer games around.
Warmups in Siege are important, just as in the case of many competitive activities because before firing up the game, understandably, your mind and conversely, your reflexes aren’t attuned to it yet. Warmups are great for setting your mind in the right place so that when you go into a real match with real players, you’ll be in the best condition you could be in.
10. Kafe Dostoyevsky
Kafe Dostoyevsky is one of the best maps for a warm-up especially because it’s part of the map lineup for the newly added Map Training mode. This mode is great for warmups especially when you’re new to the game because you can just hop on it and you’ll learn about the map you’re in, its spots and callouts, as well as the usual spots that enemies use. So with a warm-up in the Map Training mode in Kafe Dostoyevsky, not only will you get to warmup, but you’ll learn a lot about this map that is often featured in competitive matches.
With that said, however, do not mistake the Map Training mode as something that is only for beginners. That’s because even players who have been playing Siege for years aren’t really familiar with many of the spot names in the maps, or need a refresher on their names. The Landmark Drill within the Map Training mode will really help players remember the names of the rooms or spots in the map which is very important when it comes to issuing callouts for your teammates in a real match.
Why Kafe Dostoyevsky is Great for Warmups:
- It’s one of the most played maps in ranked matches so it’s great for new players and veterans alike to have a warm-up session in this map before a real match against real players
- Kafe Dostoyevsky is part of the newly added Map Training lineup so players can easily hop in that mode with this map and learn a lot about the areas of the map as well as the usual spots that enemies use
- Kafe is one of the maps with the most verticality and it’ll be great for players to really familiarize themselves with it so that they’ll know how to take advantage of it in a real match
9. Chalet
Chalet is another map that is part of the lineup in the Map Training mode so it’s another map in the game where players can easily have a warm-up drill before going into a real match with other players. Like Kafe Dostoyevsky above, Chalet is also one of the most played ranked maps in the game, so it’s important for players, especially newer ones, to familiarize themselves on the map, especially the names of the rooms and areas that enemies usually use for ambush.
With a warm-up drill in the Map Training mode, especially with the Landmark Drill, not only players will be able to warm-up their minds and reflexes to the game before a real match, they’ll also be able to learn or refresh their memories when it comes to the names of the rooms and areas within Chalet. That’s very important because callouts are a big part of the game, and the team that uses callouts is the one that usually wins. Chalet is also one of the most balanced maps in the game so it’s really important to learn its ins and outs, and it’ll be great to do that while also warming up.
Why Kanal is Great for Warmups:
- Kanal is one of the most featured maps in competitive mode, so it would be great for players to warm-up in this map while also learning more about its ins and outs.
- Kanal is one of the maps that are featured in the new Map Training mode and this mode is great for warmups because it’ll really allow players to know the names of the rooms and areas within the map
- Kanal is one of the most balanced maps in Siege and is definitely one of the most fun to play at, so not only will a warmup be good in this map, it’ll also be fun and educational for the player.
8. Consulate
When you start going into ranked mode a lot, the Consulate map is one of the maps that you’ll get to play a lot of times. That’s because it’s very seldomly banned because there’s not much reason to ban it. It’s quite balanced and is a challenging map to play in whether you’re an attacker or a defender. It doesn’t really favor any side that much. And that’s the reason why it’s one of the maps that is great for warmups. Every player should take any opportunity they can get to familiarize themselves with this map.
When players think of a warm-up session, we think that it’s just an easy going session before a real match with other players. With that said, even though a warm-up session is usually laid back, it’s still an opportunity to learn more about the game, or at least refresh yourself to it. The good thing is, the Consulate map is also one of the few maps that are featured in the Map Training playlist, so players can easily select this map and have a good warmup session in it in just a matter of a few clicks.
Why Consulate is Great for Warmups:
- Consulate is one of the most challenging maps in Siege because it’s usually featured in ranked mode and doesn’t really favor any side that much, so it’s always great to take every opportunity to learn its ins and outs.
- Spending your warmup session in the Consulate map using the new Map Training playlist will allow you to familiarize yourself with the map, where veteran players can also refresh their memories on the map callouts.
- The Consulate map is one of the most fun maps to play in because it features a plethora of ways to get in and out of the mission area, so players can get really creative with their approach in the map even with a warm-up session
7. Clubhouse
If you look up 1v1 matches on Youtube, Clubhouse is one of the most common maps that you’ll see, and a 1v1 match is also a good way to warm-up before a full blown 5v5 multiplayer match. What’s more is that it’s also the only map featured as of now in the newly added Versus AI playlist. The Versus AI game mode is a great way for warming up because it lets you get into a match with enemy AI that uses real operators in the game, and what’s more is that they have machine learning capabilities.
That means that they’re not gonna suck like the old terrorist AIs that are now gone from the game. These AIs, especially when you select the hardest difficulty, will really give you a hard time since they’re aimed to emulate real players’ moves, reflexes, and aim. So Versus AI is not only a great way to warm-up your mind and reflexes, it’s also a great way to learn more about the ins and outs of the Clubhouse map, and that goes for veteran players, because it’s also part of the Map Training playlist, and the Landmark Drill there is great for really knowing the callouts used in certain maps.
Why Clubhouse is Great for Warmups:
- It’s the only map as of now that is featured in the newly added Versus AI game mode, and that mode is great for warmups because it allows you to get into a real standard Siege match with advanced enemy AI
- Clubhouse is also one of the few maps that are in the Map Training playlist so players who want to warm up while also learning more about the ins and outs of the map can easily do that with the game mode
- Clubhouse is one of the maps that you’ll always be seeing when you get into ranked mode, so it’s important to take every opportunity you can to learn about its ins and outs even while you’re just warming up
6. Favela
Since warm-up sessions are mostly for just that, a warm-up session, it’s not as serious as a ranked match. That’s why it’s important to have fun while doing it as well, and one of the most fun maps in the game is Favela. That’s because it’s the only map in the game that’s at night time, and it really features the urban warfare that Siege is mostly about. So with Favela, even while you’re just warming up, you can have fun while also immersing yourself with the game’s map and narrative design.
With that said though, don’t mistake Favela as a map that is just for fun. That’s because it’s also one of the maps that you’ll encounter in ranked and it can be very challenging, whether you’re an attacker or a defender. It features many ways to sneak in the mission area when you’re an attacker, and many windows for spawn peeking if you’re a defender. And since this map is a competitive one, it’ll be great for players to take every opportunity they can get to learn its ins and outs, even while they’re just having a warm up session.
Why Favela is Great for Warmups:
- Warmups are obviously more laid back than ranked matches, so it’s important to have fun while doing it, and Favela is one of the most fun maps in the game especially since it’s the only map that’s in night time mode.
- Depending on the season, Favela is also part of the map rotation in ranked, so it’s important for players to take every opportunity they can get to learn about its ins and outs even while they’re just warming up
- Favela is simply a great map all around, especially inside the mission area, because it features a lot of tight angles which is great for training players’ aim and reflexes
5. Bank
Bank is one of the most common maps that you’ll get to play in in competitive mode, so my suggestion is for you to take every opportunity you can get to master every corner of it. So even when you’re just having a warm-up session, it would be great for you to play in Bank. It’s very easy to have a warm-up session in Bank because it’s one of the few maps that are featured in the newly added Map Training playlist, so you can just hop in that game mode, select which drill you want, and have a good warmup session before a multiplayer match.
Bank is one of the most unique maps in Siege because it features so many open areas and verticality. While that verticality and open areas generally favor defenders in vantage points, the map also has a lot of paths where attackers could sneak in so all in all it’s a pretty balanced map. That’s why it would be great for players to learn about its ins and outs even when they’re just having a warm-up session, and thanks to the Map Training mode, they can do exactly that very conveniently.
Why Bank is Great for Warmups:
- Even when they’re just having a warm-up session, it’ll be great for players to take that opportunity to master the Bank map because it’s one of the maps that are always in ranked matches
- The Bank map is one of the most unique maps in Siege because it features a lot of verticality and a lot of open angles so it can be very challenging for both sides, and that’s why it’s also a great map to warmup to
- The Bank map is one of the maps that are featured in the new Map Training playlist, so it’s very convenient for players to hop in on it for a warm-up session and choose the drill that they want to have
4. Coastline
Coastline is one of the smallest, if not the smallest map in Siege, and that makes it a great map for warmups. If you’re doing your warm-up session with a 1v1 match or a custom match with multiple players, then Coastline is perfect for early engagements and a match that won’t take too long. Of course, that would still ultimately depend on the players. The Coastline’s map design essentially promotes fast and early encounters with each other, and that’s why it’s great for a high intensity but also chill warm-up session.
Even though it’s small, Coastline is one of the maps that you’ll regularly see in ranked matches, so that’s why it’s a great idea to have your warm-up sessions in this map. That way, not only will you get warmed up before going into a match with real players, you’ll also be able to familiarize yourself more with the map, and if you already have, it never hurts to refresh your mind about its ins and outs. Overall, Coastline is a very fun map to play in while also being a perfect host to intense and challenging gunfights.
Why Coastline is Great for Warmups:
- It’s a very small map, so whether you’re having a 1v1 or a multiple player warmup session, Coastline is a great map for early engagements as it won’t be difficult to find each other within the map
- Coastline is part of the map rotation in ranked and is one of the most common maps you’ll see in that competitive game mode, so it’s important to always practice your moves in with this map
- Coastline is one of the few remaining maps that are still great for snipers, so when you want to play Glaz or Kali, it’s a great map to warm-up and train in due to its long angles.
3. Oregon
Oregon is easily the most popular map for a 1v1 match, and 1v1s are usually used for warm-up sessions. If you go through Youtube in search of 1v1 matches, most results you’ll see are held in Oregon. That’s probably because the map is just the right size for it. It’s not that small or big, so players will still be able to find each other without any difficulties. It’s also one of the most common maps that one would play in ranked matches, so it’s important to really familiarize yourself with it.
Not only are 1v1 warm-up sessions great to have in Oregon, it’s also part of the Map Training playlist lineup. So even if you’re alone and just want to have a quick but educational warmup session, you can just go into the Map Training playlist, select Landmark Drill, and learn more about the ins and outs of the map while also getting a good warmup before a real match. Even the Target Drill within the Map Training playlist would also be a good warmup session because it’ll also familiarize you with the callouts in the map while also showing you the common spots that you need to watch out for when looking for enemies.
Why Oregon is Great for Warmups:
- It’s one of the few maps that are featured in the new Map Training playlist, so even if you’re alone and just want to have a quick warmup session, you can do that in Map Training while also learning more about the map
- It’s one of the most common maps that you’ll see in ranked matches, so it would be great for you to take every opportunity you can get, even warmups, to really familiarize yourself with the map’s layout as well as the callouts
- 1v1 matches are also great warm-up sessions, and when it comes to 1v1s, Oregon is one of the most popular maps, and that’s probably because it’s just the right size, and it’s very balanced
2. Nighthaven Labs
Nighthaven Labs is one of the newest maps in Siege, and honestly, it’s also one of the best. That’s because it’s quite balanced. It doesn’t really favor any side that much, so it’s just simply fun to play at, whether you’re an attacker or a defender. That’s why it’s also almost never banned in ranked. For a warm-up session, Nighthaven Labs would be very interesting, because it features a lot of paths of attack that attackers can use to infiltrate the mission area, while defenders can take advantage of vantage points and wide open areas for ambushing attackers.
So even a laid back warm-up session in this map can be very challenging and can really set your mind and reflexes ready for a real match against real players, especially in ranked. The map design itself promotes a lot of tactical approach, because if you’re not careful, there are many ways that you can get killed in this map, so it’s perfect for getting into the mood for a tactical match in competitive mode. And since it’s one of the newest maps, chances are, there are still new players and returning players who are not that familiar with the map and it would be great for them to have their warm-up sessions in it.
Why Nighthaven Labs is Great for Warmups:
- Nighthaven Labs is one of the newest maps in Siege, and new players and returning players alike could use their warmup sessions in this map to familiarize themselves with its layout and callouts
- Nighthaven Labs is one of the most heavily featured maps in ranked matches, so players would do well to learn its ins and outs even when they’re only having a warm-up session
- Even though it’s brutalist by design and can really set your mood up for a tactical match, it’s a also a very fun map to play in because it’s quite balanced and presents a lot of challenges for both defenders and attackers
1. Lair
Lair is number one in this list because it’s the newest map, and every player in the game right now should take every opportunity they can get to learn about every corner and rooms within it. The great thing is, it’s also part of the new Map Training playlist, so any player can just fire up the game, hop in the new game mode, and have a nice quick, but educational warmup session in Lair. With a Lair warmup session in Map Training mode, the player will be able to really familiarize themselves with the new map.
I’m not only talking about its paths of attack, spots, and common areas. The Map Training drills will also allow the player to familiarize themselves with the names of each room and area in the map, and knowing those names will really help them issue good callouts when they’re playing a real match. Since Siege is a highly competitive tactical game, good callouts go a long way in increasing your team’s chances of success. And even though Lair is new to the game, it’s part of the ranked playlist, so it would really do you well to master the map using every opportunity you can get, even warm-up sessions.
Why Lair is Great for Warmups:
- Lair is the newest maps in Siege, so players should use every change they get, even warm-up sessions, to familiarize themselves with every corner and areas within the map
- It’ll be very convenient for players to have a warm-up session in Lair because it’s one of the maps featured in the Map Training playlist, so not only can they get a good warmup session, they’ll also learn a lot about the map's ins and outs
- Despite its very tactical and militaristic design, Lair is a very fun map to play in because its wide angles, abundance of destructible surfaces, and many paths of attack promotes high intensity engagements which is great for warmups
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