Finka has alway been one of the most powerful operators in Siege, even from the moment she was released along with operator Lion. But the update that made her able to activate her special gadget, the Adrenal Surge, from a down-but-not-out state, made her pick-rate so high and the meta with her 6P41 LMG was born.
That has now been nerfed since last season with the recoil progression overhaul that had a really big effect on LMGs, but despite that nerf, Finka remains one of the most viable operators to use and that's because her other choices for her weapons and gadgets are still very powerful.
5. SASG-12 with Reflex B, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + PMM with Suppressor + Smoke Grenade
The SASG-12’s only available barrel attachment is the suppressor, so it only makes sense to just equip it to the weapon, especially since its damage reduction penalty has already been removed. There’s basically no more drawback to equipping it to the SASG-12 shotgun so it's a waste to not equip it. Especially because with the suppressor, the SASG-12 shotgun won’t be making a lot of noise, so it will be harder for enemies to detect you through its gunshot sound. Most importantly, the suppressor will remove the weapon’s directional threat indicator.
With the weapon’s directional threat indicator removed, you could be shooting at enemies and it could take longer for them to react than normal. That's because they won’t immediately realize where you’re shooting them from. And since the SASG-12 shotgun is only really only effective at close range, you’ll be needing the suppressed PMM for strafing enemies at a longer distance without them getting a directional threat indicator of where your shots are coming from as well. The smoke grenade is great for covering your advance and surprising enemies with your SASG-12 shotgun at close range.
Excels in:
- Close range superiority due to the SASG-12 shotgun’s pellet spread and heavy damage per pellet
- Shooting enemies with the SASG-12 shotgun without them immediately realizing where you are because the suppressor will remove its directional threat indicator
- Lining up your next shot with the SASG-12 shotgun easier because the vertical grip will greatly lower its vertical recoil
- shooting enemies at a longer distance without them getting a directional threat indicator of where you’re shooting from with the use of the suppressed PMM handgun
- Covering your team’s push and defuser plant attempts with the use of the smoke grenades
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - SASG-12 with Reflex B, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - PMM with Suppressor
- Generic gadget - Smoke Grenade
Pellet spread test on the SASG-12 in this setup at 5m range:
Pellet spread test on the SASG-12 in this setup at 10m range:
4. 6P41 with Scope 2.0x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip + Gonne-6 + Smoke Grenade
As briefly mentioned in the introduction of this article, Finka with her 6P41 LMG used to be the meta before Operation Brutal Swarm. That's because the 6P41 LMG’s recoil used to be a lot easier to control than now. You can basically just keep spraying with it without losing control of the weapon. Now, with the recent recoil progression overhaul that dropped with Operation Brutal Swarm, the 6P41 LMG is a lot harder to control, especially during long sprays. However, if the user knows how to pace her shots well, this weapon is still very viable in the current meta, and that’s why it deserves a spot in this list.
That's because with the 6P41 LMG, the Finka player would still benefit from its huge magazine capacity, good amount of damage per shot, and the wide variety of attachments available to it, especially on the sights department. The user only really has to be careful about not spraying too long with the weapon and she would be able to control its recoil well. And speaking of sights, the scope 2.0x is the best sight attachment for the 6P41 LMG. That's because its zoom level is perfect for the range where Finka usually operates, which is the front lines, and it will not sacrifice a lot of peripheral view.
Excels in:
- Huge magazine capacity from the 6P41 light machine gun
- Dishing out a good amount of damage per shot because of the 6P41 light machine gun
- Having a wide variety of attachments to choose from for the the 6P41 light machine gun
- Being able to destroy a troublesome bulletproof defender gadget or an unreinforced hatch using the gonne-6 hand cannon
- Being able to cover the attacking team’s push and defuser plant attempts with the use of the smoke grenades
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - 6P41 with Scope 2.0x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - Gonne-6
- Generic gadget - Smoke Grenade
Recoil test on the 6P41 in this setup firing 40 bullets before I started feeling like I’ll lose control of the gun:
3. Spear .308 with Scope 2.0x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip + Gonne-6 + Smoke Grenade
This loadout provides the user with the best recoil control possible for the Spear .308 with the use of both the flash hider and vertical grip attachments. Both the flash hider and vertical grip specializes in lowering the weapon’s vertical recoil, so with this loadout setup, you’ll be shooting at enemies with pinpoint accuracy and great stability, even during long sprays. On top of that, the flash hider doesn't just lower the weapon’s vertical recoil. It will also lessen the chances of your enemies immediately determining your location and returning fire at you.
That's because the flash hider, true to its name, hides the weapon's muzzle flash, effectively reducing the visual cues that your opponents could react to when determining where you’re shooting them from. In some weapons, the muzzle flash is so strong that it even obstructs the user’s view while shooting, so it's just a good idea overall to remove the weapon's muzzle flash. With this loadout setup, the user will really only have to worry about holding the weapon’s horizontal recoil which is not that strong in the first place.
Excels in:
- Providing the best recoil control possible for the Spear .308 because of both the flash hider and vertical grip attachments
- Lessening the visual cue that enemies could react to when determining where you’re shooting them from
- Providing a great amount of zoom while not compromising too much on peripheral view with the use of the Scope 2.0x
- Being able to destroy a pesky bulletproof defender gadget or an unreinforced hatch with the use of the gonne-6 hand cannon
- Being able to provide cover for the whole attacking team’s advance and defuser plant attempt with the use of the smoke grenades
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - Spear .308 with Scope 2.0x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - Gonne-6
- Generic gadget - Smoke Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the Spear .308 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
2. Spear .308 with Scope 2.0x, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip + PMM with Suppressor + Stun Grenade
This loadout setup will provide the user with the best possible damage on the Spear .308. That’s because the extended barrel greatly reduces the range damage drop-off of weapons, so attaching it to the barrel of weapons will increase their damage potential and output. And that is why this loadout setup is at number two, because the Spear .308 doesn't really have that strong of a recoil in the first place, so equipping a non-recoil control providing attachment to it will not hurt the user that much as long as the vertical grip is present.
With the vertical grip, the user should be able to maintain a good recoil control on the Spear .308 even while firing in longer bursts. This is alo perfect for the Scope 2.0x which will provide the user with a good amount of zoom for hitting enemies at medium to long-range. As for the secondary weapon in this loadout, the suppressed PMM will allow the user to shoot defender gadgets like CCTV cameras with less chances of alerting the enemies because of its silent gunshots. The stun grenades would inflict an ear-ringing effect on enemies and could alo blind them so it’s great for pushing.
Excels in:
- Maximizing the damage potential and output of the Spear .308 by reducing its range damage drop-off
- Providing a good amount of zoom without sacrificing a lot of peripheral view with the use of the scope 2.0x
- Maintaining a good recoil control on the Spear .308 with the use of the vertical grip attachment
- Being able to shoot defender gadgets with less chances of alerting them by using the suppressed PMM handgun
- Blinding and deafening defenders before a push with the use of the stun grenades
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - Spear .308 with Scope 2.0x, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - PMM with Suppressor
- Generic gadget - Stun Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the Spear .308 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
1. Spear .308 with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + Gonne-6 + Stun Grenade
This is the best loadout for Finka because it provides the best balance for her. First off, the suppressor is the best barrel attachment for the Spear .308 because the weapon doesn't have a strong stock recoil, so the vertical grip should be enough to help the user when it comes to controlling its recoil. Hence, Even though the suppressor doesn't add any recoil control benefits, the user would still be able to manage the Spear .308 very well while shooting, even in long bursts. And in exchange for not having any recoil control benefits on its barrel, the suppressor will provide more stealth benefits.
And those stealth benefits include not providing enemies with a directional threat indicator of where you’re shooting them from, thus preventing them from immediately and effectively returning fire. It will also greatly dampen the Spear .308’s gunshot sounds, therefore, lessening the chances of giving away your position through sound cues. Lastly, the suppressor will also hide the weapon’s muzzle flash, further reducing the visual cues that enemies could react to when determining your location. And since the removal of its damage penalty on weapons, the suppressor has become the best barrel attachment on weapons like the Spear .308 which doesn't have that strong of a recoil in the first place.
Excels in:
- Shooting enemies without providing them a directional threat indicator of where your shots are coming from
- Reducing the visual cues that enemies could react to when determining your location by hiding the Spear .308’ muzzle flash
- Dampening the Spear .308’s gunshot sounds, therefore, lessening the chances of enemies determining your location through sound cues.
- Maintaining a good recoil control on the Spear .308 with the use of the vertical grip attachment
- Being able to destroy a bulletproof defender gadget or an unreinforced hatch through the use of the gonne-6 hand cannon
- Blinding and deafening enemies before a push through the use of the stun grenades
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - Spear .308 with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - Gonne-6
- Generic gadget - Stun Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the Spear .308 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:
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