10. Serenity17.MIL (21 kills)
This is one of the old school Siege gameplay videos that aged like fine wine. Not only because Serenity17.MIL dropped 21 kills, but also because despite being six years old, this gameplay video actually has decent framerates, making it so much more enjoyable to watch. It's just really awesome to see old school Siege again in a video with great quality because it doesn't feel old at all, and of course, we as the audience are able to enjoy Serenity17.MIL's awesome kills more.
The video starts at round 3 where right from the get-go we can see Serenity17.MIL’s great skills in the game, but not only that, another awesome thing about this video is also the teammate coordination through callouts. That's why I really recommend watching this video with sound. Because of Serenity17.MIL's great game sense combined with his teammates watching the cameras, he was able to clutch a 1v5 situation.
Round four was more of the same because more than Serenity17.MIL's skills in the game, what amazed me more is the teammate coordination and how he was leading his team by leaving drones on critical flanking spots and asking his dead teammate to watch it, and it actually yielded a kill for him. Round four ended with another ace so that's two aces in a row, and what's even more awesome is that in round five, he almost got an ace again which would have been a historic three aces in a row.
9. CharlesIII32028 - yo_boy_Roy 23 kills
This is yo_boy_Roy's first entry in this article, because yes, he has two video proofs showing him scoring record breaking kills in two different matches, and the second one is even more epic than this one. But first, we gotta talk about this. My favorite part of this video is the first round, because it's where I learned the Mira spawn peek trick on the right wall of the CCTV room in the Clubhouse map. It's really one of the best spawn peek tricks I've ever seen in my whole life in Siege.
Of course, when I tried it myself, it wasn't as effective, because I do not have yo_boy_Roy's impeccable aim and recoil control, however, I did get some kills from it. The funny thing is, whenever I try that Mira trick, I always get my teammates angry at me, thinking that I'm trolling. But going back to yo_boy_Roy, I did mention that he has a second entry in this article, and that one is even more awesome, but that's not to say that this isn't that great.
In fact, the gameplay video above where he scores 23 kills is insane. As always, he shows us his great game sense, aim, and reflexes; however, I think what's really more awesome is that it looks like he wasn't even trying so hard. For so many moments, like trying out different things with Mira's Black Mirror and different ways to rush, it looks like he and his teammates were just playing around, but it still worked and yo_boy_Roy popped the hell off with 23 kills in the end.
8. bdir32974 - 23 kills
This entry is fairly new because it only happened a few months ago. Here we can see Pigeon R6, one of the most popular Siege content creators going off and dropping 23 kills with his bdir32974 account. Now those who are familiar with Pigeon R6's gameplay know that he's a very aggressive player with great reflexes. In fact, his aim and reflexes are so great that it's not uncommon for him to get accused of cheating, and of course, this match was no exception.
Right from the start of the match, we see him dropping four kills using Iana, and we're treated to a beautiful display of room clearing skills. In round three, we get to see his great quick peek skills where he performs it repeatedly without losing alignment of his aim. It's also clear from this game that he has impeccable recoil control because it's almost as if the SMG-11 has very low recoil when he's handling it, when for most people, the author included, the SMG-11 has a very rough weapon kick.
I touched on the cheating accusations against Pigeon R6 before, but what makes this match really funny and awesome at the same time is that he was dropping kills after kills that it was his teammates that started accusing him of cheating. And honestly, I was just cringing while watching them accuse him of cheating because as we can see from his gameplay, he's clearly not cheating and there are times that he didn't know where the enemy was. Pigeon R6 just has godly reflexes, aim, game sense, recoil control, and it's always great to see his gameplays.
7. K1NGAZZA-YT - 23 kills
This entry is from Siege's old school days, six years ago to be more precise, so new players might look at the video and see a very different Siege. Yes, we had nighttime maps back in the day, and it did make the game feel more intense. As you can see from KINGAZZA-YT's gameplay, Siege back then encouraged a more tactical gameplay. That's because there were still many dark corners in the maps, so you'd have to push more carefully and really watch each dark corner.
In this entry, one can see Blackbeard in all his former glory, before all the nerf made him much weaker. Blackbeard is what KINGAZZA-YT used in basically all of the attack rounds and it worked really well for him. And despite Blackbeard being much stronger in Siege's old school days, that doesn't take away credit from the player, because it's clear just from watching the video that his aim is really good, especially his game sense.
I always love seeing players like KINGAZZA-YT score kill after kill by using a more tactical approach to the match. It proves that patience and discipline can be really rewarding, even in today's Siege. So a lot of players, especially new ones, will have a lot to learn from this gameplay. In round six, KINGAZZA-YT almost clutched a 1v4 round, and during the last round, he finished strongly with a 1v3 clutch.
6. KingKRJ - 23 kills
This entry is quite new because it only happened a few weeks ago, and it's really good to see that since the last time I wrote an article about the most kills in Siege, more have gone and broke the 20 kills mark and uploaded their video of doing it. The video above contains the full match, so those who enjoy learning from gameplay videos of great players will definitely have a blast. KingKRJ's team may have lost the first round but that round shows us clearly that he has great recoil control and game sense.
In round two, his team came back with a vengeance using a well-coordinated push on the basement of Kanal where him and Ash took control of the Supply Room Corridor, and he used Fuze's Hard Breach Charge to get into the pipes room and from there he got two great kills. So from the early rounds, what we can see is that KingKRJ doesn't only rely on fast reflexes and great aim. He works well with his teammates, and they apply a tactical approach to pushing which is always great in Siege.
The fourth round is one of KingKRJ's best rounds in this game because he caught five bodies, meaning he got an ace. What's even more impressive about that is that he killed four of them outside the mission building, and it was only possible because of his great recoil control. I've seen many great players in Siege but KingKRJ's recoil control is probably up there among the best. The last round was another really strong round for KingKRJ because he dropped four kills to end the match with a strong statement.
5. Denkzie (Minkzie) - 24 Kills
This entry is from two years ago so it's actually not that old considering the lifespan of Siege, and because this video is only two years old, it represents closely the current gameplay that Siege has. So that by itself is already awesome and you can tell that Denkzie, a.k.a. Minkzie, despite being a champion in the prior season, didn't expect that he would be dropping 24 kills in this game. In his mind, he probably thought that this is just going to be another chill placement game.
Another thing that makes this video awesome is that it shows the full game, so those who are interested in learning from the gameplay of one of the best Siege players around can really get a lot from it, and perhaps they'll be able to apply what they learned to themselves and someday get record breaking frags as well. What's interesting about this gameplay is that even if you watch the whole match carefully, you'll notice that in this match, Denkzie really only made very few mistakes.
That says a lot about the level of gameplay that champions have. This is high level stuff, especially the last round of the match where we can see Denkzie closing the match very strongly with an ace, and it doesn't seem like he even realized that he got an ace. There really is much to be learned from this match because Denkzie does not only rely on his fast reflexes and great aim. He approaches each round in a very tactical way, too.
4. Thawneeee - 26 kills
This video was uploaded only around a week ago so it's the newest video in this list, and it's really great to see a recent video that is breaking through the records for the most kills in a ranked game. Obviously, Thawneeee dropping 26 kills in one ranked game is such an awesome feat, but I also want to highlight the fact that this video is from the game's Match Replay feature which is really awesome, because not only does it help the player examine suspicious players, it also provides you a record of your gameplay in case you were on your best but you didn't record it.
That's why players should always have Match Replay on, especially since it doesn't affect the performance of the game anyway. As for the match, Thawneeee, despite dropping 26 kills in one game, actually doesn't play so aggressively and seems to favor a more tactical approach, which I personally find really awesome. It proves that exercising discipline and using a more tactical approach can also get you a lot of kills and you don't have to have a super-fast and aggressive playstyle to be great in this game.
For attacking, he favors Zofia and understandably so. Zofia is a very versatile operator as Thawneeee showed us in his video. Not only is she an offensive powerhouse, but her special gadget can also be used in a lot of ways, just like when Thawneeee used it for a vertical play. He also showed us that he excels at roaming with Bandit, and Bandit has always been an amazing roamer because of his 3-speed rating and amazing MP7 submachine gun which Thawneeee fully utilized in this match.
3. Flamed - 27 Kills
Here we have another video from Siege's old school days and the Coastline map at night time again really brings back so many good memories playing Siege before 2019 when nighttime maps were still a thing. And that makes Flamed's 27 kills even more impressive because as you can see from the video, nighttime maps in the old school days can really make it harder for players to see enemies due to all the dark shadows that it creates even inside the mission building.
But that adds a lot of challenges and makes the game more intense, so I really hope that they bring nighttime maps back, even in quick matches. Because as you can see from this video, Siege even looked more beautiful and realistic before, and it has an intimate feeling with it. Going back to Flamed dropping 27 kills, it's not only more impressive because Siege had nighttime maps before, another reason why it's so impressive is because of the quality of opponents.
As you can see around the end of the video, Flamed's team were going against a team that is made up of mostly gold and platinum players. That means the opponents were really good, but Flamed was just on fire that night, and yes, pun intended. And for a PC player like me, the fact that he dropped this record 27 kills while using a controller is highly impressive, especially since as one could see from the video, his aim and reflexes are really good. I particularly love how he exercised trigger discipline when it comes to his sprays, because that's an excellent way of controlling Hibana's Type-89 assault rifle.
2. Jakoby_ - 29 Kills
Jakoby_'s 29 ranked kills has been dethroned by Siege content creator, yo_boy_Roy, last year. However, Jakoby_'s feat of getting 29 kills in ranked is still highly impressive considering the fact that it took around five years before his record was broken, at least when it comes to a match that has video evidence. This is testament to how hard it is to even get past the 20-kill mark. I myself only have a 19-kill record in one ranked match, and unfortunately, I wasn't able to record it.
What makes Jakoby_'s 29 kills even more awesome is the fact that this happened in old school Siege and in one of the worst maps at that. In my opinion, old school Siege was a lot harder than Siege now, although the player skill throughout the years has evolved a lot. That's because as you can see from the video, nighttime maps were a thing, even in ranked mode. The darkness made it more difficult for defenders to see enemies outside the mission building.
That's why it's highly impressive that Jakoby_ was able to kill opponents even though they're in the cover of the outside darkness or even in the darker corners of the map. This video is basically an aggressive play masterclass because you'll be able to see Jakoby_ mow down opponent after opponent after just coming off a sprint. For the whole match, he only used Ela for defense and Ash on attack. Both have 3-speed ratings so they're popular for aggressive players, and they're perfect for racking up kills.
1. BootieMix4805 (yo_boy_Roy) - 30 Kills
This is an epic way to break the record of most kills in an R6 Siege ranked game caught on video because unlike the previous holder for the top spot who was mostly doing all things by himself, this video showed a lot of teamwork, and by the end, BootieMix4805's teammate even intentionally lost a round so that the match will go overtime and that he will get more chances to get kills. One might criticize it as not being organic since one round was intentionally thrown in favor of getting more chances for BootieMix4805 to get more kills and hit the big 30. However, I would say that it was all organic because during that round, they did try to win, and they only threw it when there was a clear opportunity to do so.
Besides, it takes a lot of skill and confidence to do that and actually pull it off, because the opponents were actually really good too. Yo_boy_Roy is one of the most popular Siege content creators, and for them to go toe to toe with him, means the opponents are really very good players. But in the end, his team's teamwork was better, especially when they surgically picked off the defenders one by one in the last round and they let him get the last kill. What makes this even more epic is that this was in solo queue, so BootieMix4805 was playing with random players and yet they were all chill, and even though they weren't getting a lot of kills, they were contributing a lot to the team with good plays and their usage of utilities. This match proves that solo queue can be a really good experience sometimes as well.
Aside from how awesome the team effort was for BootieMix4805 to get that record breaking 30 kills in ranked, another thing worth noting about this video is that it's a masterclass on how to use Mute and Kali. Basically, for almost the whole game, BootieMix4805 only used Mute for defense and Kali for attack, and those two operators have one thing in common; they can equip a machine pistol as their secondary weapon. Because Mute has an SMG-11 machine pistol, he's free to equip the M590A1 shotgun as his primary weapon for close range superiority, and because Kali has the SPSMG 9 or the C75 Auto, Kali don't have to worry about the difficulties of using her CSRX 300 for close range engagements.
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