When it comes to creating methodical teamplays, Osa is one of the best, if not the best attacker that one can use in Siege. That’s because when Osa is around, attackers can create map setups, something that was only really possible for defenders before she came to Siege.
That’s possible through her special gadget, the Talon-8 Clear Shield, which she can deploy to the ground in order to provide more cover for her and her teammates. It can also be attached on entryways like doorways or windows. And in this article, we’re going to discuss the best weapon and utility combinations that’ll help Osa capitalize on the setups that she creates.
5. PDW9 with Scope 1.5x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip + PMM with Suppressor and Laser + Impact EMP Grenade
Among the two choices for Osa’s primary weapon, the PDW9 submachine gun has the lower firepower, and that turns off a lot of players. At first glance, the 556XI assault rifle is just simply better in terms of damage and recoil. However, what makes the PDW9 a really great weapon for Osa is its huge magazine capacity. That huge magazine capacity will lessen the chances of her having to reload in the middle of enemy engagements, and that’s really useful when she’s dealing with multiple enemies.
As for its attachments, the flash hider and the vertical grip will work hand in hand to greatly lower the weapon’s vertical kick, making it much easier to control, especially for long sprays. The flash hider, as its name implies, will also hide the weapon’s muzzle flash, which will lessen the visual cues that enemies could react to. The impact EMP grenade as Osa’s generic gadget on the other hand would be really useful when no one in the attacking team picked a hard breach enabler like Thatcher.
Excels in:
- The PDW9 submachine gun excels in suppressive fire as well as lowering the chances of the user having to reload in the middle of combat because of its huge magazine capacity.
- Having both the flash hider and vertical grip attachments present on the PDW9 submachine gun will greatly lower the weapon’s vertical recoil.
- The scope 1.5x is a great sight for Osa because she mainly operates at short to medium distances, and it will provide her with a good amount of zoom without sacrificing a lot of side view
- The PMM handgun with the suppressor will allow Osa to shoot defender gadgets like CCTV cameras silently, and the laser will greatly tighten its hip fire spread.
- The impact EMP grenade will be really useful if no other attackers picked a hard breach enabler operator or if they got taken out before the attacking team is able to perform a hard breach
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - PDW9 with Scope 1.5x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary Weapon - PMM with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic Gadget - Impact EMP Grenade
Recoil test on the PDW9 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
4. 556XI with Scope 2.5x A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip + PMM with Suppresor and Laser + Claymore
The 556XI assault rifle, as mentioned above, has much higher damage than the PDW9 submachine gun, and because of that, a lot of players equip it as Osa’s primary weapon. Understandably so, because Osa’s gameplay involves a lot of quick leaning and shooting from the cover of her Clear Shield. That means that a lot of times, while she’ll be equipped with good intel on where to aim, she only has a small window of opportunity to shoot at enemies.
During that small window of opportunity, it would of course be great if she can take down the enemy or inflict as much damage as possible. For that, the high damage from the 556XI would be really great to have. The 556XI can also be equipped with a scope 2.5x A which will allow the user to see opponents really well due to its high zoom level, and that usually translates to better accuracy. The scope 2.5x A also has an arrow tip reticle on the center which makes it easier for users to aim at particular body parts like the head.
Excels in:
- Having a good chance of downing an enemy or at least heavily damaging them during the short periods where Osa quickly leans and shoots from her Clear Shield.
- Having a great amount of vertical recoil control on the 556XI assault rifle due to the presence of both the flash hider and vertical grip attachments.
- Being able to use the scope 2.5x A which is a great scope for pinpoint accuracy due to its high level of zoom as well as its arrow tip reticle on the center which doesn’t obstruct the view
- Having the ability to shoot defender gadgets like CCTV cameras and others with much less chance of alerting the enemies due to the suppressor on Osa’s PMM handgun
- Osa being able to protect herself and her teammates from roamers, flankers, and run outs, with the use of the two claymores in this setup, which are really useful once she’s set up her Clear Shields.
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - 556XI with Scope 2.5x A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary Weapon - PMM with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic Gadget - Claymore
Recoil test on the 556XI in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
3. 556XI with Scope 2.5x A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + PMM with Muzzle Brake and Laser + Claymore
The suppressor is a great barrel attachment because it now doesn’t reduce the weapon’s firepower and it provides a lot of stealth benefits. When a suppressor is equipped on a weapon, it won’t create a directional threat indicator when it’s being fired. Its gunshots would be silent, and its muzzle flash would also be removed. All these things combined can make it a lot harder to determine where the shots are coming from, especially when it’s coming from medium to long range.
Now, Osa isn’t the stealthiest operator around, in fact, it’s very easy to see her, and it’s actually part of her role to get the enemies’ attention. But the stealth benefits of the suppressor on her 556XI would still be great for her because she doesn’t have to be behind her Clear Shield all the time. When she needs to, she can engage enemies the way that non-shield operators do. And even when she’s quick leaning and shooting from her Clear Shield, the effects of the suppressor can also make the target slower to react to her shots.
Excels in:
- With the suppressor on Osa’s 556XI, her shots won’t create a directional threat indicator, will have its muzzle flash removed, and its gunshots will be a lot harder to hear.
- Even though the suppressor won’t be adding additional recoil control on the 556XI, it will still have a good amount of vertical recoil control due to the presence of the vertical grip
- The scope 2.5x A will allow Osa to target her enemies with deadly accuracy due to its very high zoom level as well as its arrow tip reticle which can make it easier to target enemies’ heads.
- Since Osa can use the suppressed 556XI to shoot defender gadgets silently, her PMM can be equipped with a muzzle brake instead for a much better recoil control on the weapon.
- Countering run outs, roamers, and flankers with the use of the two claymores in Osa’s arsenal in this loadout setup, which can also be used for tricks in conjunction with her Clear Shields.
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - 556XI with Scope 2.5x A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary Weapon - PMM with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Generic Gadget - Claymore
Recoil test on the 556XI in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
2. PDW9 with Scope 1.5x, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip + PMM with Suppressor and Laser + Frag Grenade
As mentioned before, the PDW9’s firepower is weaker than the 556XI, so many, if not most players, opt for the latter when choosing their primary weapon for Osa. However, if what the user is looking for is a good balance between firepower and magazine capacity, this loadout setup would be the way to go. That's because the extended barrel on the PDW9’s barrel will increase its stopping power, while also greatly reducing its range damage drop-off.
That means that even at medium to long range, shots from the PDW9 will inflict substantial damage to enemies. And of course, the biggest strength of this loadout setup is the PDW9’s huge magazine capacity which greatly increases Osa’s chance when it comes to high traffic situations as it will allow her to keep firing. As for the frag grenade, while it cannot be “cooked” anymore, it would still be great for flushing out enemies from their hiding spots, which would be great for Osa when she’s already set up with her Clear Shield.
Excels in:
- Inflicting higher damage with Osa’s PDW9 submachine gun because of the extended barrel as its barrel attachment as it now increases the firepower of weapons that it’s attached to
- The PDW9’s range damage drop-off is greatly lower because it’s one of the benefits from the extended barrel, and this will allow Osa to deal high damage to enemies regardless of the distance.
- Having a good amount of recoil control on Osa’s PDW9 submachine gun because of the presence of the vertical grip which is a great partner to the extended barrel.
- Disabling enemy gadgets without giving away your location easily with the use of the suppressed PMM handgun as it can shoot enemy gadgets silently.
- Forcing enemies out of their hiding spots with the use of the frag grenades, which would be great to have when Osa and her teammates have already set up behind her Clear Shields.
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - PDW9 with Scope 1.5x, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary Weapon - PMM with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic Gadget - Frag Grenade
Recoil test on the PDW9 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
1. 556XI with Scope 2.5x A, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip + PMM with Suppresor and Laser + Frag Grenade
This loadout combination is the best for Osa because as mentioned before, her gameplay involves a lot of quick leaning and shooting from her Clear Shields. Just like how Mira quick leans and shoots enemies from her Black Mirror letting her know where to aim, Osa usually already knows exactly where to aim when she peaks outside of her Clear Shield. But because it also leaves her vulnerable, she does this action very quickly, and that means she only has a small window of opportunity when it comes to fragging opponents.
As explained in one of the entries above, the 556XI assault rifle will allow Osa to inflict as much damage as possible during that short window of opportunity, but this loadout setup will increase her effectiveness because the angled grip will allow her to go into aim-down-sights much quick than normal. That means that when she wants to aim and shoot at enemies by quick leaning from her Clear Shield, she’ll be able to do it much faster in this loadout setup, and that will also allow her to respond to incoming enemies faster.
Excels in:
- The angled grip on Osa’s 556XI assault rifle will allow her to go into aim-down-sights stance much faster than normal, so she’ll be able to aim and shoot faster while quick leaning from her Clear Shield.
- The flash hider barrel attachment will be the attachment on the 556XI that will provide additional recoil control. With it on the 556XI, the weapon won’t be too hard to control.
- The scope 2.5x A will provide a high zoom level to the user which usually translates to great accuracy as they’ll be able to see their targets better.
- The suppressed PMM handgun will allow Osa to shoot defender gadgets silently when she’s infiltrating the mission building, and the laser will tighten its hip fire spread.
- The frag grenade can be used by Osa to force defenders out of their hiding spots. It’s a powerful utility for reworking enemy movements as well as denying area to them.
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - 556XI with Scope 2.5x A, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip
- Secondary Weapon - PMM with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic Gadget - Frag Grenade
Recoil test on the 556XI in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
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