10. Amaru (Front Line, Map Control)
Front line operators specialize in being first in the action, and when it comes to being first, no attacker is as fast as Amaru. That’s because her special gadget, the Garra Hook, allows her to fire grappling hooks that pull her towards them. That pulling action allows her to go through a barricaded window on a higher floor even just a few seconds after the round starts. This, especially when supported by other attacker special gadgets like Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb and Lion’s EE-ONE-D, have a high chance of surprising attackers in the objective spot, allowing Amaru to take one or a few of them.
That kind of rush is very risky for sure, but when done in coordination with her teammates, Amaru can really take map control even before the rest of her teammates arrive. Because of her Garra Hook, Amaru is the only attacker that can travel up hatches which is another great way to surprise defenders in the objective spot, especially because she can also equip the ITA12S shotgun for destroying hatches. Another job of front line operators is ensuring that teammates can enter an area safely, and Amaru can do that with her gonne-6 hand cannon and stun grenades.
What Makes Amaru a Great Front Line Operator:
- The main job of front line operators is to be first in the room, and when it comes to being first, Amaru is the fastest, as she can travel up hatches and through the windows of higher floors with the use of her Garra Hook
- Especially when supported by other attacker special gadgets like the EE-ONE-D or Logic Bomb, Amaru has a great chance of surprising enemies in the objective spot with her Garra Hook rush
- Amaru also has great chance of taking out enemies when she times her Garra Hook entry with the other attackers’ push, as chances are, enemies won’t notice her, or they’ll notice her first, allowing the other attackers to take out the distracted defenders
- Front line operators’ job is also to ensure that the area is safe before the other attackers enter, and Amaru has the right tools for that like her gonne-6 hand cannon and stun grenades
Best Loadout for Amaru:
9. Hibana (Breach, Front Line)
Hibana is known for her breacher role but she’s actually a great front line operator as well. That’s because with her breaching capabilities, she can create a lot of entry points for the attackers to get through, and the number of entry points that Hibana can create, especially through destroying reinforced hatches, can greatly unsettle enemies. For example, if the map is Bank and the objective spot is in the basement, Hibana can destroy the four reinforced hatches above it, and that will greatly unsettle the defenders below as they will have to watch out for additional four entry points.
As for being first in the action, Hibana is well equipped for that. She can make quick work of enemies using her Type-9 assault rifle which has high damage and high rate of fire, and now that she has access to the bearing 9 machine pistol as her secondary weapon, she can even run with the Supernova shotgun as her primary. That will give Hibana the superiority when it comes to close range engagements, which is common for front line operators. And as for dealing with enemies beyond the reach of the Supernova, Hibana can simply switch to the bearing 9 machine pistol.
What Makes Hibana a Great Front Line Operator:
- Hibana’s weapons allows her to excel as a front line operator because her Type-89 assault rifle can make quick work of enemies due to its high rate of fire, and if the player chooses to, she can run with the Supernova shotgun for close range superiority
- With her hard breaching capabilities through the X-Kairos Launcher, Hibana can create a lot of entry points that will greatly unsettle the defenders, as they will have to watch out for multiple paths of attack
- For clearing out opponents before other attackers enter, Hibana has the bearing 9 machine pistol which is a great secondary weapon regardless of what primary she chooses, as the bearing 9 has good range, high rate of fire, and is fully automatic
- Hibana also has access to three stun grenades per round and the stun grenade is a perfect utility for front line operators as it allows them to blind and deafen enemies before they enter a room
Best Loadout for Hibana:
8. Nomad (Front Line, Map Control)
Nomad is a great operator to have first in the room because if there are enemies in said room, she can lead with her stun grenades in order to blind them as well as make it harder for them to hear. When she starts pushing and room clearing, Nomad can use her AK-74M's huge magazine capacity and high damage to overwhelm and take out enemies. The AK-74M's huge magazine capacity is important as it lessens the chances of Nomad having to reload in the middle of a gunfight, and that’s a great perk to have when engaging multiple enemies at a time.
Her AK-74M assault rifle can also be equipped with high powered scopes like the scope 1.5x and 2.0x, and both are great for the distances that front line operators will mostly engage enemies in, which is close to medium range. Both scopes are very well balanced in that they’ll allow the user to see enemies well due to their higher-than-normal zoom level, but it’s also not too high that the user will be at a disadvantage when it comes to peripheral view, which is important in close range. As for the other choice for her generic gadget, the breach charge is also great for her as a front line operator as it’ll allow her to create entry points on unreinforced walls or hatches.
What Makes Nomad a Great Front Line Operator:
- She’s great to have as an operator to enter the room first as she can lead with her three stun grenades which will blind enemies as well as deafen them, robbing them of the ability to hear sound cues from the attackers
- For clearing the room of enemies, Nomad has the AK-74M assault rifle that is great because of its high damage and huge magazine capacity, allowing her to engage multiple enemies effectively
- If she needs to create entry points herself, Nomad can also run with the breach charges as her generic gadget, which will allow him to destroy unreinforced walls and hatches
- The scopes 1.5x and 2.0x that are compatible to her AK-74M are both great for front line operators as they’ll allow the user to see enemies well through their high zoom levels which also doesn’t sacrifice a lot of peripheral view
Best Loadout for Nomad:
7. Capitao (Front Line, Map Control)
Capitao makes full use of his special gadget, the Tactical Crossbow, by being in the front lines because through it, he can shoot two smoke grenades as well as two fire grenades. Now if he’s performing back line support, that can be dangerous for the attacking team because it presents the risk of him hitting the teammate in front of him with the smoke grenades, or worse, the fire grenades. That would really mess up their attack if that were to happen, so it’s just generally best for Capitao to be leading the push. Besides, he’s in his best element when he’s in the front lines.
With his fire grenades that cover large areas in fire, he can deny area to his enemies, so he can just shoot his fire grenades on angles that are usually used by enemies to counter the attackers’ push, and that would ensure that the attacking team can push without much resistance. On top of that, Capitao can also provide a lot of cover for him and his teammates through the two smoke grenades that he can shoot from his Tactical Crossbow. He also has access to the gonne-6 hand cannon as his secondary weapon which will allow him to destroy a troublesome bulletproof defender gadget that can hinder the attacking team’s push.
What Makes Capitao a Great Front Line Operator:
- The two fire grenades that he can shoot from his Tactical Crossbow can prevent defenders from using angles that are effective in countering the attacking team’s push and they’re too dangerous to be fired behind teammates
- Capitao can also protect himself and his teammates while they’re pushing through the use of the two smoke grenades that he can fire from his Tactical Crossbow which can provide a lot of cover for their push
- Capitao can choose to run with the gonne-6 hand cannon as his secondary weapon and it’s a great weapon to have for pushing as it can destroy a troublesome bulletproof defender gadget
- He can also bring in three breach charges which will allow him to create entry points on unreinforced hatches and walls, and they can also be used for a hot entry through a barricaded window
Best Loadout for Capitao:
6. Grim (Front Line, Map Control)
Grim reaches his full potential when he’s on the front lines because his special gadget, the Kawan Hive Launcher, is great for gathering intel as well as area denial. What it does is that it launches swarms of nanobots that resemble bees and any defender that gets in the radius of those swarms will get pinged in real time for several seconds. Obviously, that would make defenders avoid those swarms, so similarly to how Capitao uses his fire grenades in the front lines, Grim can prevent defenders from using their best positions for countering the defenders push.
What’s scary is the sheer number of swarms he can deploy. He can deploy five Kawan Hives per round and each of them have a large radius. This can severely limit the areas that defenders can move to or use for countering the attackers, especially now that Grim has been buffed even more and his Kawan Hive deployment now has two modes. One is the default mode which makes the Kawan Hive stick to the surface it’s been shot at, and the new mode is that now, the Kawan Hive can be bouncy. This provides Grim with a lot of versatility because now he can deploy his Kawan Hives even when he’s still behind cover.
What Makes Grim a Great Front Line Operator:
- Grim can lead the push with his Kawan Hive Launcher which swarms of nanobots and any defender who enter their radius will get pinged in real time, making defenders avoid the swarms as much as possible
- Grim can launch five Kawan Hives per round and each of them have a large radius, so he can really severely limit the areas that defenders can move to or use when it comes to countering the attackers’ push
- Due to a recent buff, Grim can now switch the Kawan Hive deployment into bouncy mode, and because it can now bounce off surfaces, Grim will be able to launch his Kawan Hives without exposing himself from cover
- Grim also has access to three breach charges which he can use to initiate the entry or a rush as it can be used to create large entry points on unreinforced walls or soft hatches
Best Loadout for Grim:
5. Iana (Front Line, Intel)
Iana is still the highest pick rate attacker in the game as of last season’s official data from Ubisoft, and the reason for that high pick rate is because of her high versatility. She’s basically a great well-rounded operator that can perform the flex role so well too, but she also excels as a front line operator. That’s because a big part of the front line operator’s job is to ensure that the area is safe before the other attackers enter, and Iana can do that with her special gadget, the Gemini Replicator. With the Gemini Replicator, she can scout ahead and gather intel while also confusing enemies.
That’s because as its name implies, the Gemini Replicator replicates Iana’s likeness and creates an exact holographic copy of her. That holographic copy can move and copy all of Iana’s movements except for shooting, rappelling, and using utilities. On top of that, Iana can see through the feed that the holographic copy provides, so she can basically use it as a drone. With the Gemini Replicator, Iana can be first in the room while being completely safe under cover. She can use her holographic copy to scout ahead and check if the room is clear or with enemies, and with that intel, she can deal with them more effectively as well as advise her teammates on enemy positions.
What Makes Iana a Great Front Line Operator:
- With her Gemini Replicator which creates a holographic copy of her that she can use as a drone, she can be first in the room while having no risk of being harmed herself
- Because she can use the holographic copy from her Gemini Replicator as a drone for scouting ahead, she can use that to gather intel on enemy positions and that’s great for advising her teammates
- Because the Gemini Replicator creates an exact holographic copy of Iana, she can use it not just for scouting ahead and gathering intel but for distraction and drawing away the enemies’ attention from her teammates
- Both her choices for her generic gadget are great for front line operators as the frag grenade can momentarily deny area or force enemies to move, while the smoke grenade provides a lot of cover for the attackers
Best Loadout for Iana:
4. Ash (Breach, Front Line)
When it comes to being the first in the action, few operators are better than Ash. His whole gameplay is basically dedicated to being the first. That’s because with her 3-speed rating, utilities, and weapons, she specializes in combining speed and heavy firepower to deal maximum damage to enemies before her teammates even get in. First off, her special gadget, the Breaching Rounds, which she shoots from her M120 Crem, can be used to create a large entry point on unreinforced walls or hatches, and they can also be used for destroying pesky bulletproof defender gadgets.
So even if the angle she’s attacking is being held off by a defender behind a deployable shield, she can simply destroy that with one of her Breaching Rounds. When it comes to clearing opponents in an area, she can do it very effectively with her G36C assault rifle because of its high damage, steady weapon kick, and most of all, its scope 1.5x which allows Ash to see enemies well regardless of the distance. And if she wants to dedicate all her Breaching Rounds for destroying defender bulletproof gadgets, she can simply run with the breaching charge as her generic gadget, and she can use them instead for creating entry points.
What Makes Ash a Great Front Line Operator:
- Her 3-speed rating allows her to easily be the one to initiate the action, and she combines speed and lethal firepower because she also has excellent weapons like the G36C assault rifle for fragging enemies
- Her special gadget, the Breaching Rounds, which she shoots from her M120 Crem, are great for her as a front line operator as it allows her to open up large entry points on soft walls as well as destroy pesky bulletproof defender gadgets
- Her G36C assault rifle is perfect for a front line operator because of its high damage, very manageable recoil, and scope 1.5x, which allows Ash to target enemies well, especially at close to medium range
- If she wants to reserve all her Breaching Rounds for destroying pesky bulletproof defender gadgets, she can simply choose the breach charges as her secondary gadget and she can use them for opening up entry points instead of the Breaching Rounds
Best Loadout for Ash:
3. Blitz (Front Line, Map Control)
Perhaps no one is better than Blitz when it comes to being in the front line in a literal sense. That’s because his whole gameplay revolves around him going in front and charging at enemies. If the Blitz player is lagging behind his teammates, then he’s failed at his job. But if the Blitz player knows what he’s doing, and his teammates are the same, an attacking team setup can be unstoppable. That’s because while he’s charging, it can be hard to stop him as most of his body will be covered by his G52-Tactical Shield, and most defenders will have no choice but to turn around and run when Blitz is near them.
That’s because his G52-Tactical Shield has a special function, and that is its flash charges. Blitz can activate the G52-Tactical Shield’s flash charge four times, and what it does is blind enemies in front of it. It has a deceivingly long distance as its blind effects reach up to seven meters, and at four meters, the operator in front of the shield will experience full blindness. That’s why most defenders just turn back and run away when Blitz is charging at them, but that also leaves them vulnerable to Blitz’ pistol shots as well as gunfire from the other attackers.
What Makes Blitz a Great Front Line Operator:
- Blitz specializes in charging at enemies and he can do so effectively because most of his body parts are covered by his G52-Tactical Shield, and this allows him to get close to enemies without dying
- Most of the time, defenders will have no choice but to turn and run away when Blitz is charging at them as Blitz can blind them with the flash charges from his G52-Tactical Shield which has a long effective distance
- When defenders run away from Blitz, they leave themselves vulnerable to Blitz’s pistol fire, as well as the gunshots from other attackers, so Blitz in a well-coordinated team is a menace in the front lines
- Blitz also has access to three breach charges per round which he can use to initiate the rush. He can also choose to run with the smoke grenades which will provide a lot of cover for the attacking team’s push
Best Loadout for Blitz:
2. Ying (Front Line, Map Control)
The main job of a front line operator is being first in the room and if there are enemies in said room, take out as many of them as possible until the gunfight is over or until they themselves get taken out. Ying does this role incredibly well because of her special gadget, the Candela Device. You can think of the Candela Device as an advanced form of a stun grenade, though unlike stun grenades, the Candela Device won’t inflict tinnitus on enemies. It will, however, be extremely effective at blinding operators because it releases several flash charges and they have a wide range.
The scary part is that Ying has four Candelas, and since it’s very hard to avoid being blinded by them, Ying can clear a room of enemies all by herself, provided that they were blinded by the Candelas first. And when it comes to clearing out enemies, Ying has the perfect weapon in her T-95 LSW which is a light machine gun but is really more akin to an assault rifle due to its fast reload speed. Aside from its fast reload speed though, the T-95 LSW retains the good stuff from being a light machine gun like its heavy damage, huge magazine capacity, and compatibility to high powered scopes which are always great things to have in the front line.
What Makes Ying a Great Front Line Operator:
- Ying can easily clear out a room by herself because of her four Candela Device that are very effective at blinding enemies as each of them releases several flash charges and their blind effects have a wide range
- Ying can “cook” her Candela Device frag-grenade style, so she has great control as to when she wants her Candela Device to detonate. This adds a lot of versatility to an already versatile front line operator.
- Ying has the perfect weapon for the front lines in her T-95 LSW because of its high damage, huge magazine capacity, steady recoil, and compatibility to high powered scopes
- Ying’s utilities are also great for the front line role as the hard breach charge will allow her to create entry points on reinforced walls or hatches and the smoke grenades are great for providing cover for the attacking team’s push
Best Loadout for Ying:
1. Finka (Front Line, Support)
Despite the indirect nerf on her 6P41 LMG, Finka is still the best operator to have in the front lines because with her 2-speed 2-health rating, she possesses a good balance of speed and toughness, and speaking of toughness, she can even be extra tough. That’s because upon activation of her special gadget, the Adrenal Surge, she and her teammates will receive a boost to their health points, effectively making them tougher or healing their lost health points. The Adrenal Surge also provides a lot of other great buffs that will increase the attackers’ capabilities for pushing.
Those buffs consist of being able to walk over barbed wires faster, more resistance to tinnitus and blind effects, faster reload speed, as well as more resistance to the fear effects of Fenrir’s Dread Mines. That’s why Finka is a great operator to have in the front lines, be it in solo queue or in an organized team. Because she can initiate the attacking team’s entry with her Adrenal Surge, and she’s also very effective at disabling and fragging enemies due to her stun grenades and her powerful assault rifle, the Spear .308, which has a lot of firepower and has a very manageable recoil.
What Makes Finka a Great Front Line Operator:
- She can make herself and her whole team tougher with each activation of her special gadget, the Adrenal Surge, which boosts their health points, making them tougher or healing their lost health points
- Each activation of Finka’s Adrenal Surge adds a lot of buffs to the whole attacking team that will greatly help them with their push such as increased resistance to tinnitus, blind effects, and the fear effects from Fenrir’s Dread Mines
- Finka can also revive any attackers, including herself, from a down-but-not-out state, so even if she gets put down while performing her front line role, she can revive herself and be able to fight again
- Finka has a great weapon in her Spear .308 assault rifle for her front line role as its heavy fire power can take enemies down quickly and it’s even compatible to high powered scopes like the scope 1.5x and 2.0x
Best Loadout for Finka:
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