10. Zofia (Breach, Anti-Gadget)
Zofia is one of the best breach operators because of two of her utilities. One is her special gadget, the KS79 Lifeline, and the other is her generic gadget, the breach charge. Her KS79 Lifeline special gadget allows her to fire two impact grenades and two concussion grenades, and those impact grenades are great for creating entry points. Unlike breach charges, Zofia can just simply shoot them from her KS79 Lifeline, so it can be done quite quickly. This is extremely helpful for surprising opponents in the objective spot or cutting off escaping roamers.
The breach charges on the other hand, despite their relatively slow deployment time, are also great for creating entry points because it would completely destroy an unreinforced wall. Both the impact grenades from Zofia’s KS79 Lifeline and the breach charges can also be used by Zofia for vertical plays as they can destroy huge portions of the wooden floor above the objective spot. That will really expose the defenders below and they’ll be vulnerable to being fragged by the attackers above. Even if they find cover in time, the vertical play will severely limit the places they can move to.
What Makes Zofia a Great Breach Operator:
- Zofia can shoot two impact grenades from her special gadget, the KS79 Lifeline, and those impact grenades can create huge entry points on unreinforced walls as well as destroy soft hatches
- Zofia has access to three breach charges which, despite their slow deployment time, can completely destroy unreinforced walls and soft hatches
- She can use both of the impact grenades from her KS79 Lifeline and her breach charges to destroy large portions of the wooden floor above the objective spot to expose the defenders below
- Since her breach charges are remotely detonated, she can also use them as a distraction while she breaches or attacks from another direction with her heavy offensive capabilities
Best Loadout for Zofia:
9. Ash (Breach, Front Line)
Like Zofia above, Ash can create breaches from a distance, and that’s because of her special gadget, the Breaching Round. She has two Breaching Rounds which she can shoot from her M120 Crem. Each of those Breaching Rounds are capable of destroying large portions of unreinforced walls, and they’re much larger than what Zofia’s impact grenades can create. This makes Ash one of the best operators when it comes to soft breaching, especially because she also can bring three breach charges per round which only strengthens her breaching capabilities further.
Because of her breach charges, Ash can reserve her two Breaching Rounds for neutralizing pesky bulletproof defender gadgets that are great for stopping attackers from pushing, like deployable shields, Maestro’s Evil Eyes, or Melusi’s Banshees. But of course, if the Ash player wants to rush, it’s best to use her Breaching Round for a quick entry to the mission area. And when the Ash player determines that it’s best to perform a vertical attack, they can also use the Breaching Rounds as well as the breach charges for destroying the wooden floor above the objective spot.
What Makes Ash a Great Breach Operator:
- The two Breaching Rounds that she can shoot from her M120 Crem are great for soft breaching as they create large entry points on unreinforced walls and operators entering them won’t have to crouch or vault
- Her two Breaching Rounds are also great for a vertical play as they can destroy soft hatches as well as destroy large parts of the wooden floor above the objective spot
- She can also bring two breach charges per round and they’re great utilities for creating entry points as they completely destroy soft walls and hatches, and they can also be used to destroy the wooden floor above objective spots
- Because of her three breach charges, Ash can reserve her Breaching Rounds for destroying troublesome bulletproof defender gadgets instead like deployable shields, Banshees, or Evil Eyes
Best Loadout for Ash:
8. Sledge (Breach, Anti-Gadget)
While Ash and Zofia can perform soft breaching from a distance, Sledge can only perform it in melee range. That doesn’t make him less of a breach operator, however, because with his special gadget, the Tactical Breaching Hammer, he can create so many soft breaches that it can feel like he has unlimited uses of it. In reality though, he’s limited to twenty swings of his Tactical Breaching Hammer, but seriously, in my many years in Siege, I’ve never really seen a Sledge player run out of his Tactical Breaching Hammer uses, so it might as well be unlimited.
Aside from the fact that it can be used so many times, another great thing about Sledge’s Tactical Breaching Hammer is that when it’s used to create entry points on soft walls, it creates much less noise compared to Ash’s Breaching Rounds or Zofia’s KS79 Lifeline. That’s why when Sledge is used to initiate a rush, there’s a higher probability of surprising the defenders, as it can be so that they won’t even know that Sledge is already near them. Of course, because of its many uses, Sledge can also use his Tactical Breaching Hammer to keep on destroying the wooden floor above the objective spot.
What Makes Sledge a Great Breach Operator:
- With one hit from his Tactical Breaching Hammer, he can create an entry point on a soft wall or a hatch, and that action would be relatively more silent than most breaching utilities in the game
- He can swing his Tactical Breaching Hammer twenty-five times per rounds, and that’ll allow him to destroy so many parts of the wooden floor above the objective spot which is great for vertical plays
- Because Sledge can perform soft breaching more silently than most operators in the game, he’s great at initiating a rush as there’s going to be a higher probability to catch the defenders by surprise
- His Tactical Breaching Hammer has a deadly combo with his frag grenades as he can use the former to destroy a portion of the wooden floor above the objective spot, and he can use that breach for dropping his frag grenades towards the defenders below
Best Loadout for Sledge:
7. Fuze (Breach, Anti-Gadget)
Fuze’s role may not be specifically for breaching, but he’s included in this list because he does have a lot of breaching capabilities. Not just with his choices for his generic gadget, but because of his special gadget, the Cluster Charge, as well. First off, Fuze is one of the few attackers that has access to the hard breach charge. Fuze can bring in two hard breach charges per round and they’re usually used to destroy reinforced hatches above the objective spot. However, they can also be used for breaching a reinforced wall as even one of them can create an entry point large enough for an operator.
Fuze can also run with three breach charges instead, and while they cannot breach reinforced walls or hatches, they’re excellent for creating entry points on unreinforced ones. Of course, Fuze can also use them for destroying large portions of the wooden floor above the objective spot, which furthers his vertical play capabilities. Lastly, and this is seldomly talked about, his Cluster Charges actually leave holes on reinforced walls that they’ve been deployed to. And while they’re too small to be entry points, those holes are still technically breaches and Fuze or other attackers can use them as murder holes.
What Makes Fuze a Great Breach Operator:
- Fuze has access to two hard breach charges per round and they’re great for destroying reinforced hatches above the objective spot, and they can also create entry points on reinforced walls
- Fuze can also run with the three breach charges as his generic gadget and that’ll allow him to create entry points on soft walls and hatches, as well as furthering his vertical play capabilities by allowing him to destroy the wooden floor above the objective spot
- Now that Fuze can deploy his Cluster Charges on reinforced walls and hatches, they leave holes on them that, while too tiny to be entry points, can be used by Fuze or other attackers as murder holes
- In case Fuze chose to run with the hard breach charges but can’t use them on hatches because of Kaid, they can be used for destroying portions of the wooden floor instead
Best Loadout for Fuze:
6. Buck (Breach, Support)
When it comes to soft breaching, Buck is one of the best because his special gadget, the Skeleton Key under barrel shotgun, is one of the most destructive shotguns in the game. Each pellet has a high destruction rate, so each shot from the Skeleton Key under barrel shotgun can destroy a large portion of an unreinforced wall, and one well-placed shot will be enough to create a hole that is big enough for entry. Of course, it’s also capable of destroying unreinforced hatches as well as wooden floors, so like many utilities we’ve discussed above, the Skeleton Key is also great for a vertical play.
Buck can shoot the Skeleton Key underbarrel shotgun thirty-six times, so like Sledge in one of the entries above, he can also keep on destroying the wooden floor above the objective spot until it’s fully destroyed. But unlike Sledge, Buck also has the capability of destroying the wooden floor on the objective spot, which will allow him to harass defenders from below. So with Buck, the player has more options for vertical play as he can attack from above or below. And since Buck can create an entry point with just one shot from his special gadget, it also makes him a great operator for rushing.
What Makes Buck a Great Breach Operator:
- His Skeleton Key under barrel shotgun’s destruction rate is very high so even one well-placed shot from it is enough to create a breach on an unreinforced wall or hatch that is big enough for entry
- Buck can shoot his Skeleton Key underbarrel shotgun thirty-six times, so he can use it to keep destroying the wooden floor on or above the objective spot even until the wooden floor is fully destroyed
- Buck also now has access to the hard breach charges which further augments his vertical play capabilities as they’ll allow him to destroy the reinforced hatches above the objective spot
- Unlike most operators who only excel at vertical plays from above, Buck can also excel in doing it from below as with his Skeleton Key under barrel shotgun, he can keep destroying the wooden floor on the objective spot
Best Loadout for Buck:
5. Ram (Breach)
Ram is the newest operator in Siege and has definitely added a lot of dynamic to the game, because when it comes to vertical plays, she’s pretty much OP. That’s because of her special gadget, the Bu-Gi Auto Breacher, which is basically like a small tank that will destroy everything on its path as well as any breakable surface below it. The scary thing is, she has four Bu-Gi Auto Breachers, and with that number, she can really completely destroy the wooden floor above the objective spot, and that will leave the defenders below very exposed from being fragged by the attackers above.
Her vertical play capabilities are what’s mostly highlighted in the gameplay clips that Ubisoft has given us, but for breach entry purposes, Ram is definitely up there with the best soft breachers. That’s because she can use her Bu-Gi Auto Breacher to breach an unreinforced wall near or on the objective spot, and since the Bu-Gi Auto Breacher creates a lot of noise, it can also mask the sound cues that Ram and the other attackers make. What that means is that the Bu-Gi Auto Breacher is a great distraction, whether for vertical plays or horizontal ones, and for the latter, when an entry is made by a Bu-Gi Auto Breacher, it can serve as a great distraction to the defenders while the attackers proceed on taking map control.
What Makes Ram a Great Breach Operator:
- Ram’s Bu-Gi Auto Breacher special gadget destroys any breakable objects or surface in its path, so when used to ram an unreinforced wall, it will create a breach that is more than large enough for entry
- Ram’s Bu-Gi Auto Breacher will also destroy breakable surfaces underneath it, so it’s great for destroying wooden floors above the objective spot, as well as unreinforced hatches
- Ram also has access to two hard breach charges per round, which further augments her vertical play capabilities, because after destroying the wooden floor with her Bu-Gi Auto Breacher, she’ll also be able to destroy reinforced hatches above the objective spot
- Ram can run with the ITA12S shotgun as her secondary weapon, and she can also use that for creating entry points on unreinforced walls or hatches, allowing her to reserve her Bu-Gi Auto Breacher for other purposes
Best Loadout for Ram:
4. Maverick (Breach, Front Line)
What makes Maverick one of the best breachers in the game is that no hard-breach prevention device that the defenders have can prevent him from hard breaching using his special gadget, the Breaching Torch. That’s because his Breaching Torch is basically a blowtorch that blows flames that are hot enough to melt metal, which allows Maverick to melt portions of reinforced walls and hatches. While the uses of his Breaching Torch aren’t unlimited, it’s enough for him to create entry points on reinforced walls, as well as destroy reinforced hatches.
It allows Maverick to just simply create murder holes or lines of sight on reinforced walls which will allow him or other attackers to shoot defenders on the other side of the wall. Another thing that makes Maverick’s Breaching Torch a great breaching device is that it melts reinforced walls and hatches silently, and that makes Maverick one of the best operators when it comes to silent rushing. It really only takes him just a short time to create a small hole on a reinforced wall that is big enough for him to crawl into, and that tactic usually surprises the defenders inside the objective spot.
What Makes Maverick a Great Breach Operator:
- The defenders do not possess any kind of utilities that can prevent Maverick from melting portions of reinforced walls and hatches with his Breaching Torch, so apart from killing him, there’s no stopping him from breaching
- His Breaching Torch uses are enough for him to create entry points on reinforced walls, as well as destroy reinforced hatches which are great for exposing the defenders inside the objective spot
- When melting portions of reinforced walls and hatches, the Breaching Torch runs relatively silent, making it the most silent hard breaching device in the game
- Even if not for creating entry points, Maverick can create lines of sight or murder holes using his Breaching Torch which will allow attacks to shoot the defenders on the other side of the wall or disable their utilities
Best Loadout for Maverick:
3. Hibana (Breach, Front Line)
Hibana is one of the most versatile breachers in the game and that’s why her rank in this list is so high. Her hard breaching device, the X-Kairos Launcher, allows her to attach breaching pellets from a distance. Those pellets are remotely activated through her X-Kairos Launcher, and once activated, those pellets will start their breaching action which results in an explosion that will destroy a large portion of an unreinforced wall. The great thing is, Hibana now has control over the number of breaching pellets that she launches from her X-Kairos Launcher.
The default number of pellets that the X-Kairos Launcher deploys is six, but now, Hibana can switch it to four, and then to two as well. This allows Hibana to be more efficient with the use of her breaching pellets and be able to breach more surfaces. For entry points, it takes four to six pellets. For reinforced hatches, it takes four. And for unreinforced hatches as well as Castle’s Armor Panels, it only takes two. That is why it’s important for Hibana players to know how much pellets they’ll need to breach each kind of surface, as having that knowledge will allow them to be more versatile and efficient.
What Makes Hibana a Great Breach Operator:
- Her special gadget, the X-Kairos Launcher, allows her to attach breaching pellets even from a distance, and once detonated, those pellets will start their breaching action that will destroy reinforced hatches or large portions of reinforced walls
- The breaching pellets from the X-Kairos Launcher are remotely detonated, so Hibana has a lot of control on when she wants to start their breaching action.
- Hibana now has more control over the number of pellets she wants to deploy from her X-Kairos Launcher. She now has a choice whether to deploy six, four, or two, breaching pellets per shot
- Hibana has a total of eighteen breaching pellets that she can deploy from her X-Kairos Launcher, which means that even if the objective spot has four reinforced hatches, she can destroy all of them
Best Loadout for Hibana:
2. Thermite (Breach, Support)
Thermite is the oldest hard breacher in the game, but he remains as one of the best because his hard breach device, the Exothermic Charge, allows him to destroy walls completely. So when his voice line says that there’s an effin’ huge wall coming up, you better believe it. Because when he breaches a wall with his Exothermic Charge, that wall will be completely destroyed, and that really means a lot for the attackers because that means that they won’t have to crouch or vault over anything in order to enter the breach. That’s important because oftentimes, attackers leave themselves vulnerable when vaulting or crouching when going through an entryway.
Thermite has access to two Exothermic Charge per round so he’s usually picked when the objective spot has a wall that connects to the outside. That’s because with Thermite in objective spots like that, especially when he’s supported by Thatcher or other hard breach enabling operators, there’s a high chance that the breach will be successful and it’ll provide the attackers with the best path of attack, especially for planting the defuser. Another great thing about Thermite’s Exothermic Charge is that it breaches the wall quickly, giving less time for the defenders to react.
What Makes Thermite a Great Breach Operator:
- Thermite’s special gadget, the Exothermic Charge, breaches walls completely, and that means attackers going through won’t have to leave themselves vulnerable by vaulting or crouching
- The breaching action from Thermite’s Exothermic Charge is quicker than other hard breach devices in the game, and that’s important because it gives defenders much less time to react
- Thermite has two Exothermic Charges so he can use one for breaching a wall and the other for destroying the hatch. He can also use two for a horizontal attack, ensuring that all segments of the wall are destroyed
- The explosion from Thermite’s Exothermic Charges is quite strong, so defenders who are caught within the explosion’s optimal range will get killed
Best Loadout for Thermite:
1. Ace (Breach, Anti-Gadget)
Ace ranks highest in this list because he’s the most versatile breacher in the game. With his S.E.L.M.A. Aqua Breacher, he opens up large holes on reinforced walls as well as destroy reinforced hatches. He can deploy three S.E.L.M.A. Aqua Breacher per round, and each of them can create a large hole on reinforced walls. Though not as large as the breaches that Thermite can make, the entry points from Ace’s SELMAs are big enough for entry as well as unsettling the defenders on the other side of the wall as there’s going to be a big line of sight that exposes that from the outside.
Attackers will most of the time have to vault or crouch when entering a wall breached by Ace’s SELMAs, however, because he has three of them, he’s more versatile than Thermite. That's because he can use two of his Selmas to breach the wall on the objective spot that connects to the outside and still have one left for breaching a reinforced hatch. On top of that, Ace also has access to three breach charges per round and he can use them for creating entry points on unreinforced walls or hatches, as well as use them for destroying the wooden floor above the objective spot for a vertical play.
What Makes Ace a Great Breach Operator:
- Ace can open up large breaches on reinforced walls using his S.E.L.M.A. Aqua Breacher which also works quite fast and produces a lot of noise, making it a great distraction while other attackers are flanking
- Ace has three S.E.L.M.A. Aqua Breachers so he can use two of them for breaching two walls and he will still have one left for destroying a reinforced hatch above the objective spot
- Like Hibana, Ace can deploy his S.E.L.M.A. Aqua Breacher from a distance, and that allows him to perform his breacher role more safely than others and it also provides him with more versatility
- Aside from his hard breaching capabilities, Ace also can perform a lot of soft breaching with the use of his three breach charges which he can use to destroy soft walls and hatches as well as the wooden floor above objective spots when he’s performing a vertical play
Best Loadout for Ace:
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: