10. Finka
Finka is one of the best attackers for solo queue because her special gadget, the Adrenal Surge, has a global effect. That means no matter where she is on the map or how far away she is to her teammates, her Adrenal Surge will affect her whole team. The Adrenal Surge's effects include added health, more tolerance to tinnitus and blindness, ability to walk over barbed wires faster, quicker reload, and upon activation of the Adrenal Surge, concussion effects will be removed, and attackers who are in a down-but-not-out state will be revived.
Of course, it'll always be better for Finka to not be so far away from her teammates when she activates her Adrenal Surge, but its global effect means that even when the player is on solo queue and not coordinating much to the other team members through voice comms, they'll have a high impact to the attacking team's chances of success through the Adrenal Surge's great buffs and effects. Finka also has a 2-speed 2-health rating which makes her highly versatile and able to move quite quickly while having a decent amount of armor.
What Makes Finka a Great Attacker for Solo Queue:
- The range of her Adrenal Surge is global, so no matter how far away she is from her teammates, she'll be of great help
- Her Adrenal Surge doesn't require much coordination with her teammates in order to have a high impact on the team's gameplay
- She has a 2-health 2-speed rating which makes her very versatile and able to move with good speed while having decent toughness
- Her Spear .308 assault rifle has heavy stopping power, low recoil, and has a scope 2.0x for targeting enemies more effectively
- She has access to the gonne-6 hand cannon which is an excellent utility for disabling a pesky bulletproof defender gadget
Choose Finka if:
- You want to play an operator that can contribute a lot to the team even without much coordination with the other team members
- Most of the attacking team members are light armored operators, so they'll benefit a lot from the added health rating from the Adrenal Surge
- You want to play an operator with heavy firepower, great support abilities, and has an excellent utility for disabling at least one bulletproof defender gadget
Best Loadout for Finka:
9. Zero
Zero, just like when he was still more commonly known as Sam Fisher during his Splinter Cell days, works really well alone, and that's why he's on this list. Don't get me wrong though, his special gadget, the Argus Launcher, attaches cameras that can provide a lot of intel for the whole attacking team, so he is a great team player too. Being a great solo queue operator doesn't necessarily mean not working with teammates anyway, it just means that even without much communication with teammates through voice comms, the operator will be able to excel at their role.
As I said before, the cameras from Zero's Argus Launcher can provide a lot of intel for the whole attacking team, especially because it can be rotated to provide a view of each side of the surface. For example, if it was attached to a wooden floor on the first floor, it would provide a view of the basement and its view can be switched to provide a view of the first floor as well. On top of that, each Argus camera can shoot a laser which disables an enemy electronic gadget. This makes Zero an excellent flanker, intel provider, and utility disabler.
What Makes Zero a Great Attacker for Solo Queue:
- He's great at operating alone with a stealthy approach while also providing a lot of help to his teammates through his Argus cameras
- Due to the nature of his role of attaching Argus cameras to different angles on the objective spot, he works best as a flanker and most of the time alone
- He has access to two claymores which are excellent utilities for protecting himself from roamers, run outs, and flankers, while he's performing his role
- His unique weapon, the SC3000K has heavy stopping power, manageable recoil, and highly customizable because of the wide variety of attachments available to it
- He also has access to the gonne-6 hand cannon which is a great utility for disabling pesky bulletproof defender gadgets
Choose Zero if:
- Your team needs a great intel provider, because Zero has four Argus cameras that can provide the attackers a lot of visual on enemy positions
- You want to play the role of the team's flanker while also exercising a more tactical approach and being able to protect your back with claymores
- Your team needs an operator who can disable enemy electronic gadgets as well as at least one bulletproof defender gadget
Best Loadout for Zero:
8. Iana
Iana, like Zero above, is a great flanker, and for solo queue players who enjoy penetrating the mission area alone, she's the perfect operator. That's because her special gadget, the Gemini Replicator, creates a holographic copy of her that looks exactly like her and can mimic her movements as well, except shooting her gun or rappelling. With this holographic clone from her Gemini Replicator, Iana is able to scout ahead of the mission area while she's safely behind cover. She basically has an unlimited drone that is only limited by cooldown.
Because of this, she’s a great flanker, since she can cause a lot of distraction and confusion to enemies by sending her holographic clone first to gather intel on their positions. Enemies can disable her holographic clone by shooting at it, but in the process, especially if they're not using a suppressor, they can compromise their location through their gunshot sound. But most of the time, they'd have no choice but to shoot it anyway, because if they don't it'll just continue gathering intel on their positions.
What Makes Iana a Great Attacker for Solo Queue:
- She's great when it comes to working solo because she can send a holographic copy of her to scout ahead and make sure it's safe before she goes through an area
- She's a great flanker because through her holographic copies, she can cause a lot of distraction to the defenders
- While she's safely behind cover, she can gather a lot of intel on enemy positions and that'll allow her and her team to more effectively deal with them
- Iana has access to two frag grenades which she can use to score some easy kills especially in conjunction with the intel she's gathered
- Iana also has access to the gonne-6 hand cannon which she can use to disable one troublesome bulletproof defender utility
Choose Iana if:
- You want to play an operator that can cause a lot of distraction to the enemies while also gathering intel on them
- You want to play an operator with a tactical gameplay and one where you can exercise surveillance first before entering an area
- You want the ability to score kills and destroy bulletproof defender gadgets using Iana's frag grenades and gonne-6 hand cannon
Best Loadout for Iana:
7. Nomad
Nomad is both great at teamwork and going solo to perform the role of the team's flanker, because her special gadget, the Airjab Launcher, attaches repulsion grenades on surfaces. These Airjab repulsion grenades are basically proximity traps which detect enemies that step into its radius. When triggered by an enemy's presence, the Airjab repulsion grenade will knockdown that enemy and most of the time, that'll give Nomad or other attackers enough time to finish that particular opponent. And even if they don't, the sound from the repulsion grenade being triggered will be loud enough for most of the attackers to hear.
Because of this special gadget, Nomad is great at countering roamers, and of course, it would be great too if she's going with her teammates so that she can protect their backs from enemies. However, this also makes Nomad a great roamer hunter or a flanker, because she can lessen the chances of her being countered by a roamer from behind. Nomad's Airjab repulsion grenades are also great for countering enemies who will run out of windows when Nomad or other teammates are strafing defenders from the outside.
What Makes Nomad a Great Attacker for Solo Queue:
- She's great at hunting roamers because she can prevent them from countering her from the back through her Airjab repulsion grenades
- She's very effective at countering run outs when she and her teammates are strafing from the outside
- Her 2-speed 2-health rating makes her a very versatile operator that is capable of performing multiple roles
- Even when she's operating alone, she's great at protecting herself from enemies swarming her because her Airjab repulsion grenades can knock back enemies
- Her AK-74 assault rifle is great for dealing with multiple enemies because of its huge magazine capacity
Choose Nomad if:
- Your team needs an operator that can counter roamers, flankers, and run outs, and Nomad's Airjab repulsion grenades are perfect for that
- You want to use an operator that can hunt roamers alone and prevent herself from being countered by them since she has Airjab repulsion devices
- You want to play an operator that has a unique gun which features heavy stopping power, manageable recoil, and most of all, huge magazine capacity
Best Loadout for Nomad:
6. Gridlock
Gridlock is great when it comes to team plays and she's one of the few in this list that I'd recommend to always stay with teammates. That's because she has a 3-heath and 1-speed rating, meaning that while she's heavily armored and could be tough to take down, her speed isn't that great, so she won't excel that much when it comes to flanking or roamer hunting. But solo queue players don't have to worry much because Gridlock's special gadget doesn't need much team coordination for it to have a huge impact on the team's chances of success.
That's because her special gadget, the Trax Stinger, has a very simple deployment method, and with her Trax Stingers, Gridlock's role in the team is quite clear. Her job is to block flanking spots with her Trax Stingers in order to prevent roamers and flankers from getting to the attacking team from behind. After she's performed her role, Gridlock can focus on her second role which is providing backline support to her teammates with her F90 or M249 Saw. She also has access to the smoke grenades which are great for pushing while she performs suppressive fire on the enemies.
What Makes Gridlock a Great Attacker for Solo Queue:
- Her special gadget, the Trax Stingers, doesn't need much coordination with her teammates in order for it to benefit the attackers a lot
- She can block flanking spots with her Trax Stingers, preventing roamers and flankers from getting her and her teammates from behind
- She can provide excellent backline support with her M249 Saw which has a huge magazine capacity, heavy firepower, and fast reload speed
- Her other primary weapon, the F90 assault rifle, has high damage, very manageable recoil, and has a wide variety of attachments available to it
- Has access to great utilities like the Super Shorty shotgun, gonne-6, impact EMP grenades, breach charges, and smoke grenades
Choose Gridlock if:
- Your team needs someone who can prevent roamers from easily wiping the whole team from behind, and Gridlock can do that with her Trax Stingers
- You want to play a heavy armored operator with lots of firepower through her primary weapons, especially her M249 Saw which is an LMG that can be reloaded quickly
- You want to play an operator with excellent utilities like the Super Short for creating rotation holes or the gonne-6 for disabling a bulletproof defender gadget
Best Loadout for Gridlock:
5. Zofia
Flanking roles are great for solo queue players because they won't have to coordinate much with their teammates because they'd mostly be working alone. Don't get me wrong though, it's still important to maintain a degree of coordination with your teammates while you're flanking by watching their outlines and timing their attack to yours. And when it comes to flanking, Zofia is one of the best operators. That's because she has a very solid 2-health 2-speed rating which allows her to move quite quickly while maintaining decent toughness.
On top of that, she is an offensive powerhouse due to her M762 assault rifle which has been reworked to have a much better recoil. She also has her special gadget, the KS79 Lifeline, which allows her to shoot two concussion grenades and two impact grenades. This is a great utility when it comes to flanking and roamer hunting because with the impact grenades on her KS79 Lifeline, she'll be able to rotate and cut off roamers, and when she knows that there's an enemy hiding behind cover, she can use her concussion grenades to disorient them and greatly reduce their ability for a counterattack.
What Makes Zofia a Great Attacker for Solo Queue:
- She's a great flanker and roamer hunter, and those roles are perfect for solo queue players because they'd mostly have to work alone
- Her KS679 Lifeline allows her to fire two impact grenades which is great for creating entry holes and cutting off roamers
- Her two concussion grenades are great for disorienting enemies hiding behind cover, so that when Zofia pushes them, they won't be able to counterattack effectively
- Zofia also has access to two claymores which are great for protecting her back from roamers, flankers, and run outs
- Her M762 is a great assault rifle because of its heavy firepower, fast rate of fire, and very manageable recoil
Choose Zofia if:
- Your team needs someone to perform the role of flanking and roamer hunting which Zofia specializes in
- You want to play an operator with heavy firepower, balanced health and speed rating, and has the ability to protect her back from roamers
- You want to play an operator that can easily fire two impact grenades and two concussion grenades which is great for pushing
Best Loadout for Zofia:
4. Dokkaebi
Like Gridlock, Dokkaebi is another one in this list that is perfect for solo queue players but is recommended to stay with their teammates as much as possible. That's because her Logic bomb and ability to hack dead defender phones are very simple to use and don't require much coordination with teammates, however, having Dokkaebi near her teammates maximizes the potential of her utilities. With her Logic Bomb, she can make defender phones ring loudly, effectively compromising their location, and if Dokkaebi is alone, it could be hard for her to take advantage of that.
When she's with her teammates and the Logic Bomb sounds off, she and her teammates can outmaneuver enemies and box them in. Another reason why it's better for Dokkaebi to stay with her teammates is that when they kill a defender, it'd be better for Dokkaebi to be around the area as well so that she can quickly hack the dead defender's phone and grant her team access to all defender cameras including Maestro's Evil Eyes, Valkyrie's Black Eyes, and bulletproof cameras. Overall, Dokkaebi is a great solo queue attacker as long as the player has enough experience to know what to do.
What Makes Dokkaebi a Great Attacker for Solo Queue:
- Her special gadget, the Logic Bomb; and special ability, hacking a dead defender's phone, can be performed very easily and without much coordination with teammates
- She's a great support for roamer hunting and flanking due to her intel gathering capabilities which compromises enemy locations
- She excels at medium to long-range shooting due to her Mk 14 EBR marksman rifle which is great for providing backline support
- Even when her marksman rifle needs to be reloaded or she has to engage enemies at close range, she won't be at a disadvantage because of her SMG-12 and C75 Auto
- She has access to the gonne-6 hand cannon which is great for disabling a troublesome bulletproof gadget like Melusi's Banshee or one of Maestro's Evil Eye
Choose Dokkaebi if:
- You want to play an operator that has excellent intel gathering and intel denial capabilities
- You want to play an operator which can provide great support to teammates regardless of how far away they are
- You want to play an operator with a great marksman rifle in the Mk 14 EBR without being at a disadvantage at close range due to Dokkaebi's access to machine pistols
Best Loadout for Dokkaebi:
3. Brava
Brava is a great solo queue attacker because her special gadget, the Kludge Drone, is very straightforward and doesn't really need much coordination with teammates. Despite that, Brava can really help her teammates a lot by converting and destroying defender utilities. Brava has two Kludge Drones and each of them can shoot three lasers that will either convert a defender electronic gadget or destroy them. That means as long as her Kludge Drones aren't destroyed in the process, she'd be able to take six electronic devices away from the enemies.
The scary part is, when she converts defender electronic gadgets that deal damage like Kapkan's EDDs or Maestro's Evil Eyes, she can use those utilities to damage the defenders or even kill them. With Brava around, the defenders will have to watch out for their gadgets as well, especially when going through an entryway that has Kapkan EDDs on them. She also has access to two claymores which she can use to protect herself from run outs or flankers while she's controlling her Kludge Drones, and after that, she can engage her enemies with the Para-308 assault rifle which has high stopping power and low recoil.
What Makes Brava a Great Attacker for Solo Queue:
- Her Kludge Drones are very straight forward in their role and doesn't really need much teammate coordination to be effective
- With her two Kludge Drones, Brava can help her teammates a lot by converting or disabling six enemy electronic devices
- Her Para-308 assault rifle has heavy stopping power, very low recoil, and is highly customizable due to the wide variety of attachments available to it
- She also has access to two claymores which are great for protecting herself when she's controlling her Kludge drones
- She has a Super Shorty shotgun for her secondary weapon which she can use to create entry holes or destroy unreinforced hatches
Choose Brava if:
- Your team needs someone to enable hard breaching, because the Kludge Drones are excellent in disabling anti-hard breach devices
- You want to play a great solo queue operator that also helps the whole team a lot by destroying or converting a multiple defender gadgets
- You want to play an operator that is able to protect herself from run outs and flankers while in observation tool view, with the use of her two claymores
Best Loadout for Brava:
2. Nokk
Nokk is probably the best flanker in this list, and that's because of her special gadget, the Hel Presence Reduction, which makes her footsteps silent and turns her invisible to cameras, making her the best attacker when it comes to stealth. And that's the reason why she's at her best when she's working solo, because all the noise that another teammate would be making would make her stealth abilities useless. So for solo queue players, Nokk is one of the best attackers that they can play, because she excels more when she's operating solo.
Nokk can only maintain her silent footsteps and invisibility to cameras when she's not sprinting or shooting, and that's why she must always exercise caution. But Nokk doesn't only have her stealth abilities. She also has heavy firepower with her SIX12 SD shotgun which has an integrated suppressor, making it great for penetrating the objective spot in silence and surprising enemies. For her secondary weapon, she has the powerful D-50 which can make short work of enemies, and for her secondary gadget, she has access to frag grenades which she can use to kill enemies or flush them out of their hiding spots.
What Makes Nokk a Great Attacker for Solo Queue:
- Due to her Hel Presence Reduction that makes her footsteps silent and turns her invisible to cameras, Nokk actually excels more when she's operating alone
- She has heavy firepower with her SIX12 SD shotgun which is great for surprising enemies due to its integrated suppressor
- She also has the D-50 handgun as her secondary weapon, and it has high stopping power and manageable recoil
- For her secondary gadget, she can equip two frag grenades which are great for scoring kills or flushing enemies out of their entrenched positions
- Because of her stealth capabilities, she's one of the best flankers and roamer hunters in the game
Choose Nokk if:
- You want the ability to silence your footsteps and turn invisible to cameras, because Nokk's Hel Presence Reduction allows her to do that
- You want to use stealth vs stealth for hunting roamers, and due to Nokk's stealth capabilities, she's one of the best attackers for that role
- You want to surprise enemies with a silent rush using Nokk's silent footsteps and SIX12 SD shotgun which can make quick work of enemies without compromising her location
Best Loadout for Nokk:
1. Lion
Lion is the best attacker for solo queue players because he's the most versatile in this list. Like Finka, the effect of Lion's special gadget, the EE-ONE-D, is global, so no matter where he is on the map, it'll have an effect on the match. And that allows him to either go solo for flanking or push with teammates. The effect of his EE-ONE-D scan is to either make an opponent stop moving or gather intel on them. That's because enemies who will keep moving while the EE-ONE-D scan is on-going will get pinged for several seconds, and that ping will be seen by all members of the attacking team.
As for his weapons and utilities, he's also very versatile because he has access to a wide array of choices. For his primary, he can choose between a shotgun, assault rifle, and a marksman rifle. For his secondary, his choices are between a pistol, gonne-6 hand cannon, and a revolver. And for his utilities, he can choose between the stun grenades, claymores, and impact EMP Grenades. All of these choices provide Lion with so many options on how to approach the map, and that's great for solo queue players since they'd be able to customize the operator for their own gameplay.
What Makes Lion a Great Attacker for Solo Queue:
- His EE-ONE-D special gadget has a global effect, so regardless of how far he is with his teammates, it'll have an effect on the match
- His special gadget can be activated in one button, and it can make enemies stop on their tracks or ping them if they don't stop moving
- He has a wide array of weapons and utilities to choose from and that makes him highly customizable according to the player's playstyle or map
- His unique weapon, the V308 assault rifle, is one of the best weapons in the game due to its high damage, low recoil, wide variety of attachments, and huge magazine capacity
- He has 2-health and 2-speed rating, which means he can move well while also maintaining a decent amount of toughness
Choose Lion if:
- You want to play an attacker that can excel at any range and at any role due to the wide variety of weapons and utilities available to him
- You want to play as a flanker while also helping enemies in their enemy engagements even when you're far from them
- Your team wants to rush or push aggressively, because Lion's EE-ONE-D scans can stop enemies from moving and ping those who will continue to move during the scan
Best Loadout for Lion:
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