[Top 10] Rainbow 6 Siege Best New Operators That Are Great (2024 Edition)

R6 Siege Top 10 Best New Operators That Are Great
25 Jan 2024

Operators and their special gadgets are the heart of Rainbow Six Siege. Since each operator is unique, has a role, and has a special gadget, your gameplay will vary depending on the operator that you’re using, and each season, which is around every three months, a new operator joins Rainbow.

Which is quite a fast pace if you think about it, and that’s why it now has over sixty operators. That’s why it’s important to keep up to date about new operators and how they affect the dynamics of the game, because just one addition of an operator can change the game in a huge way, and that’s what we’re going to discuss in this article.


10. Thorn

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Thorn’s general role is to be an area denial operator. Her special gadget, the Razorbloom Shell, has similar mechanics to a proximity mine, where its explosion countdown will be triggered as soon as an enemy steps into its radius. This explosion timer only takes a few seconds, and while the explosion itself doesn’t sound very loud, its power is similar to that of a nitro cell, so it’s definitely lethal. Most operators that’ll be in radius when it explodes would get killed, and those who are nearby would be seriously injured.

Which is why Thorn is such a great momentum disrupter. Because her three Razorbloom Shells can be tucked in corners and be hard to notice since they’re quite small. They also work really well with other defender special gadgets like Melusi’s Banshees, Frost’s Welcome Mats, among a few others. What’s great for Thorn fans is that her unique weapon, the UZK50GI has been recently buffed and is now compatible to the scope 1.5x which definitely helps with precision.

What Makes Thorn a Great Operator:

  • Thorn is great at area-denial because with her Razorbloom Shells, she can easily repel or kill enemies that enter a certain spot, which works really well in defending the objective spot.
  • Thorn’s Razorbloom Shells also work well as early warning devices, because when they get triggered by enemy presence and detonate, the explosion, while not as loud as most explosives, will still be heard quite well.
  • Thorn’s unique weapon, the UZK50GI has been recently buffed and is now compatible to the scope 1.5x which greatly helps with accuracy and offers a great balance between zoom level and peripheral view
  • Thorn’s Razorbloom Shells have great synergies with other defender special gadgets like Lesion’s Gu Mines, Frost’s Welcome Mats, Melusi’s Banshees, and others that can slow enemies down.

Best Loadout for Thorn:



9. Osa

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Osa is a very unique operator because to this day, she’s the only attacker that can create map setups. That’s because her special gadget, the Talon-8 Clear Shield, can be deployed on the ground or attached on entryways like doors or windows. The Clear Shield is a bulletproof shield, and as its name implies, it’s transparent. That’s why it’s great, not just for protecting the one behind it but also for gathering intel. Osa can also move while holding it in front of her and that’s another way that she can gather intel without getting killed.

While she’s holding the Clear Shield, it won’t be shattered by explosions, but once it’s been deployed to the ground or attached to entryways, they can be destroyed by them, and that’s why impact grenades are a great counter to Osa. That’s why Osa players should be mindful of when and where to deploy their Clear Shields. When deployed with great timing though, Osa’s two Clear Shields offer great protection to attackers when pushing, and especially during a post-plant play. Seriously, a post-plant play while the attackers are being protected by Osa’s Clear Shields is very hard to stop.

What Makes Osa a Great Operator:

  • Osa’s Talon-8 Clear Shield is a great special gadget that she can use to protect herself while also gathering intel on enemy positions, and that’s because it’s bulletproof and doesn’t break from explosions while she’s holding it.
  • Osa has two Talon-8 Clear Shield and they can be deployed to the ground or attached on entryways such as doors or windows, and with that, they can be used by other attackers for cover.
  • Even when she’s not using her Talon-8 Clear Shield, Osa is a great operator with powerful weapons like the 556XI and PDW9, as well as utilities like frag grenades, claymores, and impact EMP grenades
  • Post-plant plays with Osa’s Clear Shields are very hard to stop because it’ll be very hard to kill the attackers defending the defuser since they’ll have cover with the Clear Shields

Best Loadout for Osa:



8. Sens

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Sens specializes in providing cover for the attacking team. That’s because of their special gadget, the R.O.U. Projector System, which produces walls of light that can obstruct the vision of enemies. Basically, an R.O.U. Projector System is a roll of tape and it’s deployed by rolling it to the ground, and as it’s rolling, it deploys tiny projectors onto the ground which produces a strong green light. Its range is quite far, so when an R.O.U. Projector System has been fully deployed, the wall of light that is produced can be very wide.

The scary part is that Sens has three R.O.U. Projector System, and they’re quite versatile in their deployment. That’s because they can easily bounce off walls, and that makes it easy for Sens to deploy them even from behind cover. With the walls of light from Sens, the attacking team can push and plant the defuser while the defenders’ vision is obstructed. The thing about Sens though is that they also have great weapons for support as well as utilities that they can use to cause more trouble to the enemies.

What Makes Sens a Great Operator:

  • Each of Sens’ three R.O.U. Projector System can produce long walls of light that can obstruct enemies’ view, and that’s great for providing cover for the attacking team’s push and defuser plant attempt
  • The R.O.U. Projector System has a pretty versatile deployment action because they bounce off walls quite easily, so Sens can deploy them from behind cover. They can also be thrown into the air.
  • Sens has a great unique weapon in the POF-9 assault rifle because of its decent damage, manageable recoil, compatibility with high-powered scopes, and most of all, its high magazine capacity which is perfect for support
  • Sens also has great utilities like the gonne-6 hand cannon which they can use for neutralizing a pesky bulletproof defender gadget, and they also have claymores which are perfect for protecting the attacking team’s back.

Best Loadout for Sens:



7. Grim

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Grim is an operator that has undergone many changes. Just a few seasons ago, he was among the most unpopular operators, but because of all the rework on his weapons, utilities, and special gadget, he’s now a very viable operator and you’d see him being used frequently in competitive matches. That’s primarily because now, his Kawan Hives have a larger radius, and they’ve added versatility in their deployment method, because now, Grim can fire them from behind cover since it has a bouncy deployment mode.

To those who do not know, Grim’s Kawan Hives produces a large swarm of nanobots that resemble bees. Any defenders who will step into the radius of a Kawan Hive will get pinged in real time for several seconds and that ping will be visible to the whole attacking team. To make matters worse for the defenders, Grim can deploy a total of five Kawan Hives per round. So now that he can deploy them by bouncing them off walls, it makes him a very troublesome attacker to deal with.

What Makes Grim a Great:

  • His Kawan Hives are some of the best intel-gathering devices in the game and that’s because enemies that step into their radius will get pinged in real time for several seconds, revealing their position to the whole attacking team.
  • Grim’s Kawan Hives are also great for area-denial because defenders would do their best to avoid entering their radius, thus severely limiting the spaces that defenders could move in the objective spot.
  • Because of the rework on his Kawan Hive Launcher, he can now deploy his Kawan hives in two modes, one is the standard method, and the other is its “bouncy mode” where a Kawan Hive would bounce off walls when shot
  • Grim’s weapons and utilities are also great because his 552 Commando can be equipped with a scope 2.0x, and for his secondary weapon, he can run with the Bailiff 410 which is a great utility for reworking the map to his advantage

Best Loadout for Grim Operator:



6. Solis

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Solis is a top tier intel-gatherer, but is quite unique in that regard because the intel she gathers are the current position of enemy electronic gadgets and not the enemies themselves. But even though what she detects aren’t the enemies themselves, knowing the current position of their electronic gadgets are a great help in predicting where they’ll be coming from, as well as, of course, destroying said electronic gadgets. That could be drones, or others, especially because most utilities in Siege are made of electronics.

Solis does this because of her special gadget, the SPEC-IO Electro Sensor. Once activated, she’ll be able to detect in real-time, enemy electronics within the range of 15 meters. It does have a charge that depletes when it’s active but it quickly refills once you stop using it. The best part is that Solis can perform a cluster scan with her Electro Sensor which will tag the enemy electronic devices she’s detected for all the defending team members to see.

What Makes Solis a Great Operator:

  • Through her SPEC-IO Electro Sensor, she’s able to detect enemy electronics in real-time and it has a far range of fifteen meters. This is extremely useful for destroying them as well as predicting where the enemies will be coming from.
  • Solis can perform cluster scans from her SPEC-IO Electro Sensor which will tag the enemy electronic devices that she’s detected for all the defending team members to see, and that’s a very convenient way to share intel
  • Because Solis can easily detect if a claymore has been deployed outside a window or door, she’s one of the best defenders when it comes to performing run outs.
  • She’s one of the operators that can conveniently use a shotgun as her primary weapon because she can equip the SMG-11 as her secondary weapon for fragging enemies outside the range of the shotgun

Best Loadout for Solis:



5. Brava

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Brava is a very powerful attacker and is a relatively recent addition to Siege. With her Kludge Drones, she can convert or disable enemy electronic devices, and because devices are a major part of Siege, having the power to convert or neutralize them makes one a very powerful operator. Just to be clear, when I say convert, it literally means that. That’s because when a Kludge Drone’s laser hits an enemy electronic gadget that can be converted, it becomes an attacker device.

A good example of that is Kapkan’s EDDs. When a defender detonates one of Kapkan’s EDDs that’s been converted by Brava’s Kludge Drone, they’d get damaged by it. The defender special gadgets that can be converted are numerous like Alibi’s Prismas, Echo’s Yokai Drones, Valkyrie’s Black Eyes, Mozie’s Pests, Mute’s Signal Jammers, Jager’s ADS, Maestro’s Evil Eyes, Ela’s Grzmot Mines, Fenrir’s Dread Mines when they’re opened, Melusi’s Banshees, among others. Brava has two Kludge Drones and each of them can shoot three lasers. So in total, she can convert or disable six enemy electronic gadgets.

What Makes Brava a Great Operator:

  • With her two Kludge Drones, she can convert or disable a total of six enemy electronic gadgets, and that’s a lot, especially considering how big of a role electronic gadgets play in Siege matches
  • There is a plethora of enemy electronic devices that can be converted by Brava’s Kludge Drones and a lot of them can cause a lot of damage like Kapkan’s EDDs and Maestro’s Evil Eyes
  • Brava has access to two claymores per round and that’s perfect for her because she can use them to protect herself from roamers or run outs while she’s controlling her Kludge Drone from the observation tool
  • She has a great weapon in the Para-308 assault rifle which has low recoil and high damage, and she has great utilities like the Super Shorty shotgun as her secondary weapon which she can use to rework the map to her advantage

Best Loadout for Brava:



4. Ram

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Ram tookSiege by Storm when she joined Team Rainbow not long ago. That’s because her ability to cause destruction is unmatched. With her special gadget, the BU-GI Auto-Breacher, she can destroy wooden floors, unreinforced walls, and even enemy bulletproof gadgets, as long as they’re on a BU-GI Auto-Breacher's path. They’re also bulletproof and basically, the only way to stop them is to hit the red canister on their backside, which can be quite hard to do especially when they’re being protected by Ram and the other attackers.

Since the BU-GI Auto-Breacher also destroys breakable surfaces that are underneath it while it’s running, it makes Ram one of the best, if not the best vertical attacker in the game. With Ram, especially because she has three BU-GI Auto-Breachers, there could be nothing left on the wooden floor above an objective spot, and that’ll usually expose around half of the objective spot from above. That will severely limit the cover and places that defenders can go to, and they’ll be more vulnerable to getting fragged from above.

What Makes Ram a Great Operator:

  • Her BU-GI Auto-Breacher, and there are three of them, can destroy any breakable surface or device that are in front or underneath it while it’s running, making them one of the best utilities in the game for causing destruction
  • Since they destroy breakable surfaces underneath them while they’re running, they’re perfect for a vertical attack because they’ll be able to destroy large portions of the wooden floor above the objective spot
  • The BU-GI Auto-Breacher's deployment mechanism is quite versatile because Ram can set it so that it’ll charge straight ahead, and she can also set it so that it’ll run in a curved line once deployed
  • Ram has a great assault rifle in the R4-C assault rifle which she can even equip with a scope 2.0x. She can also equip the ITA12S shotgun as her secondary weapon which she can use to further rework the map

Best Loadout for Ram:



3. Tubarao

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Tubarao is the newest operator in Siege and he definitely has a big impact on the game’s dynamics and that’s why he ranks so high in this list, not just because he’s the newest. His special gadget, the Zoto Canister, creates a frozen field on a large spot which freezes most utilities including mechanical ones. The frozen field also severely slows down enemies and they’ll leave their footprints very visible onto the field, and they’ll also be visible from below if the frozen field is on a wooden floor.

That makes Tubarao one of the best performers of the c4-under-the-floor trick, but he’d have to guess the direction of where the footprints are going, because if he throws his nitro cell into the radius of the Zoto Canister, it’ll also get frozen and not work. The frozen field from a Zoto Canister lasts for twelve seconds and Tubarao has access to four Zoto Canisters per round. He can also use it in a more standard way where he’d primarily use it to slow down enemies that are pushing from a certain direction and for that, his proximity alarm would be of great help.

What Makes Tubarao a Great Operator:

  • Tubarao’s Zoto Canister creates a frozen field on a large spot which severely slows down enemies that are inside its radius as well as temporarily disabling most utilities, be they electronic or mechanical.
  • Enemies within the radius of the frozen field will leave heavy footprints which will also be visible from below if the frozen field is on a wooden floor, and that could greatly help when it comes to performing the c4-under-the-floor trick
  • Tubarao has access to the AR-15.50  which is a marksman rifle, making him one of the few defenders that has access to a marksman rifle, and he can also equip it with a scope 1.5x which is great for his usual range
  • When he’s not doing a vertical play, he can run instead with the proximity alarms which will be of great help in letting him know where the attackers are pushing, and that’ll tell him where and when he should deploy his Zoto Canisters.

Best Loadout for Tubarao:



2. Azami

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Azami ranks so high in this list because she remains as one of the most powerful operators around, and that goes not just for recently added operators, but among all operators in general. That’s because as a defender, she’s very versatile even though she’s most commonly used as an anchor. Azami’s special gadget, the Kiba Barrier, allows her to create a huge bulletproof barrier which offers protection against gunshots as well as being seen. That’s why Azami isn’t only good for providing more protection, she’s great at intel denial as well.

Azami has access to five Kiba Barriers per round, so that means she can create five more covers, and that’s great when it comes to fortifying a weak or exposed angle. She can also use one or two Kiba Barriers for blocking drone holes near the objective spot. That way, the attackers won’t be able to easily gather intel on defender positions. The Kiba Barriers are deployed from specialized kunais so Azami is quite versatile in their deployment method. On top of her Kiba Barriers, Azami also has access to great weaponry and utilities since she can use the ACS12 shotgun as well as impact grenades.

What Makes Azami a Great Operator:

  • Her Kiba Barriers are bulletproof and she can create five of them. That makes her great when it comes to protecting an exposed angle as well as offering more protection to her teammates in general.
  • Because of her Kiba Barriers, to this day, Azami is still the only defender that is capable of issuing quick fixes to broken portions of walls as well as broken hatches
  • Azami can also use her Kiba Barriers for intel-denial because they can be deployed to block drone holes, and if a drone hole on the objective spot has been blocked, the attackers will find it harder to gather intel on defender positions
  • Azami has access to the great ACS12 slug shotgun which has tremendous firepower and very low recoil, and she has access to the impact grenades which are great for reworking the map to the defending team’s advantage

Best Loadout for Azami:



1. Fenrir

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Fenrir is on the top of this list because he’s arguably the most powerful operator among the newest ones. That’s because his special gadget, the Dread Mines, has such a big impact in any match and it can be quite hard to counter them. The best way to render them ineffective is to kill Fenrir, but that can be hard to do when he’s anchoring and protected by other defenders and their gadgets. He can bring five Dread Mines per round and once deployed, they start off as inactive. When they’re inactive, they’re bulletproof and can’t even be disabled or converted by Brava’s Kludge Drones or Twitch’s Shock Drones.

Fenrir can only have three Dread Mines active at a time and they lose their bulletproof status when they’re active because they’ll open up. Any enemy that’s within the radius of an active Dread Mine will experience severely limited vision range, so that’ll greatly make them vulnerable to getting fragged by the defenders. What’s scary is that Fenrir can activate or deactivate his Dread Mines even through walls, so he can just duck behind cover and manipulate his Dread Mines while the attacking team is pushing.

What Makes Fenrir a Great Operator:

  • His Dread Mines are great for ruining the momentum of enemies, and they’re good anti-entry devices because they severely limit the vision of enemies that are within their radius, making them extremely vulnerable to defender gunfire
  • Fenrir has five Dread Mines per round, and while he can only have three of them active at a time, he can easily activate or deactivate them any time because he uses signal to do that, so he can do it even through concrete walls
  • When they’re not active, Fenrir’s Dread Mines will be in a bulletproof state and they’re very hard to disable because not even Twitch’s Shock drones or Brava’s Kludge Drones can disable or convert them
  • Fenrir has great utilities like the Bailiff 410 revolver shotgun which he can use to rework the map to the defending team’s advantage as well as the barbed wire or the bullet proof camera which have great synergies with his Dread Mines

Best Loadout for Fenrir:



Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:

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