10. Flores
Flores is one of the most underrated operators in the game that are actually quite overpowered. With his special gadget, the RCE-Ratero Charge, which is basically an exploding drone, in which he has four of, he can do so many things. He's able to destroy a lot of defender utilities, open up entry points on unreinforced walls and hatches, force defenders out of their entrenched positions, and just cause panic overall to the defenders inside the objective spot. And because he can do so much, Flores definitely belongs in this list.
And while I call his RCE-Ratero Charge an exploding drone, they're more than that, and that's because Flores has a lot of control on where and when they should explode. Once deployed, Flores can control them in the observation tool view, but even if he goes into operator view, the RCE-Ratero Charge will automatically keep moving forward. Because of that mechanism, Flores players with a lot of experience have even been known to use the RCE-Ratero Charge as bait or distraction by deploying them to the ground and letting them move forward towards the enemies, and Flores can capitalize on the moment when they're distracted.
What Makes Flores a Great Attacker:
- Can cause a lot of destruction on defender utilities because he has four exploding drones and each of them has the explosion power similar to that of a nitro cell
- Because his exploding drones become bulletproof when they're on their explosion countdown, Flores can use them to flush defenders out of their hiding spots
- His exploding drones will automatically move forward when not controlled and because of that, they can be used by Flores as a distraction or bait
- Flores can bring in two claymores which are great utilities for protecting himself while he's controlling his exploding drones through the observation tool view
Best Loadout for Flores:
9. Iana
Iana is one of the best operators on the attacker side when it comes to intel gathering and distracting enemies. That's because her Gemini Replicator special gadget, as its name implies, replicates Iana and forms an exact holographic copy of her. The crazy thing is, that holographic copy can also move and it has sensors that allows Iana to see what it sees through her observation tool view. So with the Gemini Replicator, Iana basically has a drone that looks exactly like her and can mimic all her movements except shooting at rappelling.
With the Gemini Replicator, Iana can scout ahead before entering an area, making sure that it's clear of an ambush, and when it comes to pushing with her teammates, Iana can send her holographic copy first to gather intel on enemy positions. And since it looks and moves exactly like her, enemies tend to get distracted by it and will almost always shoot it at first sight. Shooting it will disable it and will place the Gemini Replicator on cooldown, however, if the enemy who shot it wasn't using a suppressor, there's a big chance that they'd have already compromised their location to Iana's other teammates.
What Makes Iana a Great Attacker:
- Can create an exact holographic copy of her through the Gemini Replicator special gadget and it can also mimic her movements
- Through her Gemini Replicator, she can effectively gather intel on enemy positions and inform her teammates while she's safely behind cover
- She can bring two frag grenades in the round which are great for scoring kills on enemies that she's gathered intel on
- Her G36C assault rifle is a great weapon for her due to its scope 1.5x, high damage, and very manageable recoil
Best Loadout for Iana:
8. Ying
Ying's special gadget, the Candela, is the most effective utility in the game for blinding opponents. She has four Candelas, and it's very hard to avoid being blinded by them when one of them detonates near you. The only real counter to them are Jager's ADS or Wamai's Mag-NETS, but since the nerf on Jager's ADS, and Wamai's Mag-NETs being limited in number by their cooldown, Ying would probably be able to pop off at least one or two of her Candelas even if those two aforementioned operators are present in the defending team.
Her Candelas are quite overpowered because as I said before, it's almost impossible to avoid being blinded by them when one pops off near you. Another scary thing about Ying's Candelas is that they can be "cooked", meaning that Ying has control on whether they will be detonated with a short delay or almost immediately upon landing. What's more is that Ying has a very powerful weapon in her T-95 LSW because it has a huge magazine capacity, high damage, wide variety of attachments, and the most scary part is, despite it being an LMG, it can be reloaded fast due to its detachable magazine.
What Makes Ying a Great Attacker:
- Her T-95 LSW unique weapon is very powerful because of its high damage, huge magazine capacity, low recoil, and fast reload despite being an LMG
- Her Candelas can be "cooked" so she can control when she wants them to pop off, be it a few seconds after it lands or almost immediately
- Her Candelas can also be deployed Cluster Charge-style on breakable objects such as barricaded windows and wooden floors
- She has four candelas and each of them are great at blinding enemies that the only real way to avoid being blinded by them is to counter them with Jager's ADS or Wamai's Mag-NETs
Best Loadout for Ying:
7. Thatcher
If only he's not the most banned attacker for many years now, I would have put him in a much higher rank. But alas, despite the devs' attempts at making his ban rate lower by adding impact EMP grenades and other alternatives to his special gadget, it's still rare to be able to use him in ranked games. I still believe that he should be in this list though, because during the times that he can be played, his presence in the match really has a huge impact. Obviously, that's because of his special gadget, the EMP Grenade.
He can bring three EMP Grenades per round, and each of them disables defender electronic gadgets within a 5.2 meter radius. That wide radius means that it's really hard to prevent attackers from hard breaching whenever he's around, because even Kaid's Electroclaw which has a pretty wide radius won't be able to escape from the effect of Thatcher's EMP Grenade. And since he has three of them, even when the Bandit on the defending team knows how to perform the "Bandit Trick", it can still be pretty hard, because the Thatcher player can just simply mix up the timing.
What Makes Thatcher a Great Attacker:
- He has three EMP Grenades which are the best utilities when it comes to disabling enemy electronic gadgets due to their wide radius
- He can bring two claymores per round which is great for protecting himself and his teammates from run outs and or roamers while performing hard breaching
- His EMP Grenades also disables the reticle of weapons, making them a great utility for pushing in general because they will make it so that defenders won't be able to aim well
- his 2-speed 2-health rating allows him to move relatively fast while maintaining a good amount of toughness
Best Loadout for Thatcher:
6. Zofia
The firepower that Zofia brings each round she's in is ridiculous because she's an operator that specializes in offense. Yes, her LMG-E has been nerfed by a huge amount with the recoil progression overhaul that came in with Operation Brutal Swarm, but her M762 assault rifle now having a much better recoil than in the past is a huge bonus for her. That's because her M762 also inflicts heavy damage per shot and what's great about it is that compared to the LMG-E, it can be reloaded a lot faster. This allows Zofia to be more mobile when it comes to engaging enemies.
Zofia's special gadget, the KS79 Lifeline is also a utility that specializes in offense, because it allows her to fire two impact and two concussion grenades. With the impact grenades, Zofia can create quick entry points on unreinforced walls or hatches. She can also use it to create rotation holes for flanking enemies or escaping them. As for the two concussion grenades, they're kind of bouncy, so they're great for disorienting enemies that are hiding behind cover before engaging them.
What Makes Zofia a Great Attacker:
- Her M762 assault rifle is one of the best weapons in the game due to its heavy firepower, manageable recoil, and scopes that provide Zofia with higher zoom levels
- She can shoot two impact grenades through her KS79 Lifeline which is great for creating entry points and for outmaneuvering enemies in general
- The two concussion grenades from her KS79 Lifeline are great for disorienting enemies hiding in corners or cover before engaging them
- She can protect herself with two claymores that are great for countering roamers, flankers, and defenders who will attempt a run out
Best Loadout for Zofia:
5. Fuze
When it comes to enemy gadget destruction and overall inflicting panic to enemies, Fuze is one of the best if not the best. That's because each of his four Cluster Charges releases five sub-grenades to the other side of the surface that they've been deployed on, which makes Fuze a great vertical attacker, because he can drop explosives after explosives on the objective spot and onto the defenders anchoring it as long as the top of the objective spot is made of a wooden floor. Fuze can also deploy his Cluster Charges on reinforced walls now and that makes him even deadlier.
Because of this, if no defenders are guarding the wooden floor above the objective spot and there's a Fuze on the attacking team, life could be very difficult for the defenders. Because not only are his Cluster Charges great for destroying multiple defender gadgets, they're also great for forcing enemies out of their hiding spots, and when they run out of their hiding spots to avoid the sub-grenades from the Cluster Charges, they leave themselves vulnerable to Fuze's or his other teammates' gunfire.
What Makes Fuze a Great Attacker:
- Able to inflict a lot of destruction on the objective spot which can affect a lot of defender gadgets as well as the defenders anchoring it
- His Cluster Charges are great at forcing defenders out of their entrenched position, so it can effectively be used in coordination with other teammates who are pushing
- Fuze can also equip a Ballistic Shield as his primary weapon and that will allow him to not get easily killed before performing his role
- He can bring two Hard Breach Charges which augment his vertical play capabilities because they're great for destroying reinforced hatches above the objective spot
Best Loadout for Fuze:
4. Dokkaebi
The control over intel that Dokkaebi has is quite overpowered and that's why she's in this list. She's one of the few operators in the game that has more than one special ability. With her first special ability, the Logic Bomb, she hacks into defender mobile phones and forces them to turn on and ring loudly. That's a really useful special ability for the attackers when pushing, because the loud ringing from the defender phones will let the rest of the attacking team know where the defenders' positions are, and that's why it's great to have Dokkaebi when your team is rushing.
Her second special ability is hacking a dead defender's mobile device. It can take several seconds to finish the hack, but when it's successful, it will grant the whole attacking team access to all defender cameras, even special gadgets like Valkyrie's Black Eyes or Maestro's Evil Eyes. When this happens, oftentimes, the defenders are forced to destroy their own cameras themselves in order to prevent attackers from further gathering intel on their positions. Dokkaebi also has access to the gonne-6 hand cannon which allows her to destroy a bulletproof defender gadget that could create a lot of trouble to her and her whole team.
What Makes Dokkaebi a Great Attacker:
- Her Logic Bomb special gadget forces enemy mobile devices to turn on and ring loudly, and that loud ringing is usually enough to give away their position
- She can hack into a dead defender's mobile device which grants the whole attacking team access to all defender cameras including bulletproof cameras and special gadgets
- She can use the gonne-6 hand cannon as her secondary weapon and that'll allow her to destroy a pesky bulletproof defender gadget
- Her Mk 14 EBR marksman rifle has heavy firepower, manageable recoil, and it can also be used to break unreinforced hatches or create more lines of sight on unreinforced walls
Best Loadout for Dokkaebi:
3. Capitao
Capitao is one of the most powerful attackers because he's very versatile and his special gadget was really made for team play, specifically for pushing and planting the defuser. That's because with his Tactical Crossbow special gadget, he can shoot two smoke grenades and two fire grenades. The two smoke grenades pop off immediately after he shoots it, so defenders will receive no warning unlike with the regular smoke grenades. This is a very effective utility for providing cover for the attacking team's push and defuser plant attempt.
And once the defuser plant is successful, Capitao can prevent the remaining defenders from pushing back and gaining ground with his two fire grenades because each one of them can cover a large area on fire. As for the enemies who will try to flank and go around, Capitao also has two claymores that are excellent in killing enemies on run out spots, on top of staircases, as well as entry ways in general. Capitao also has the Para-308 assault rifle which is one of the best weapons in the game due to its heavy stopping power, very low recoil, and wide variety of attachments.
What Makes Capitao a Great Attacker:
- With his two smoke grenades, he can obstruct the enemies' view and provide a lot of cover for the whole attacking team's push and defuser plant attempt
- The two fire grenades that he can shoot from his Tactical Crossbow are great area-denial utilities that are great for post-defuser plant plays
- His Para-308 unique weapon is one of the most powerful weapons in the game due to its high damage, very low recoil, and the wide variety of attachments available to it
- Capitao can bring two claymores into the round and that's great for protecting himself and his teammates from run outs, flankers, and roamers
Best Loadout for Capitao:
2. Finka
Finka's presence in every round she's in can really be felt even when she's being played by a beginner, and that's what makes her so strong, because the activation of her special gadget is so simple, but it has a tremendous effect on the match. With her special gadget, the Adrenal Surge, she provides a variety of buffs for her whole team as well as healing and revival from a down-but-not-out position. For starters, the Adrenal Surge adds more health points to all attackers, essentially making them tougher or healing their lost health points.
Upon activation of the Adrenal Surge, attackers who are in a down-but-not-out state will be revived regardless of where they are in the map, and that includes Finka. This makes Finka such a great support and one that is quite overpowered at that because she also brings in a lot of firepower with her Spear .308 assault rifle, as well as her choices for her secondary weapon which includes the gonne-6 hand cannon. So not only is Finka a great support provider, she's also a great fragger, and can disable at least one bulletproof defender gadget.
What Makes Finka a Great Attacker:
- With her Adrenal Surge, attackers will be able to walk over barbed wires faster and have more resistance to tinnitus and blind effects
- Upon activation of Finka's Adrenal Surge, attackers will have added health points, concussion effects will be removed, and attackers who are in a down-but-not-out state will be revived
- Her Spear .308 is an excellent weapon with heavy firepower, very manageable recoil, and has a wide variety of attachments compatible to it
- She has access to the gonne-6 hand cannon which allows her to disable at least one pesky bulletproof defender gadget
Best Loadout for Finka:
1. Lion
Lion is the highest ranking attacker in this list because he's an almost perfect operator. He does well on any map because he's very versatile. First off, his 2-health 2-speed rating allows him to move quite quickly while maintaining a good amount of toughness to deal with shots to the body. He's also one of the very few operators in the game that has three choices for his primary weapon, three choices for his secondary, as well as three choices for his generic gadget. All these options allow Lion to excel in all maps regardless of range.
That's especially because for his primary weapon, he can run with an assault rifle, a shotgun, or a marksman rifle. But for most cases, I would recommend the V308 assault rifle since it's almost a perfect weapon. Its damage is high, its recoil is very manageable, it's compatible with a wide variety of attachments, and best of all, it has a huge magazine capacity. Of course, a big reason why Lion is such a powerful attacker is his special gadget, the EE-ONE-D. Whenever he uses his EE-ONE-D, defenders will either have to stop moving or be pinged for the whole attacking team to see.
What Makes Lion a Great Attacker:
- He can prevent enemies from moving for a few seconds because those who will continue to move during his EE-ONE-D scans will get pinged
- His V308 assault rifle is an almost perfect weapon with heavy damage, very low recoil, compatible with many attachments, and has a huge magazine capacity
- He also has access to the gonne-6 hand cannon which will allow him to destroy a troublesome bulletproof defender gadget or destroy an unreinforced hatch
- He can bring two claymores into the round which is great for protecting himself and his teammates from roamers or flankers
- He can also choose to run with the stun grenades as his generic gadget which are great for pushing and engaging enemies hiding in corners
Best Loadout for Lion:
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