Fenrir is the newest addition to Team Rainbow and if you’ve been following the lore videos, he used to work for Deimos who is the main villain of the current arc. But after learning about Deimos’ evil plans, Fenrir went to Team Rainbow in order to help them stop him. Luckily for the good guys, Fenrir brought his F-NATT Dread Mines with him which acts like proximity mines.
When triggered by enemy presence or by Fenrir himself, the Dread Mines will inflict fear on the enemies that are caught within their radius, effectively limiting their vision. Enemies who are caught within the effects of the Dread Mines would be vulnerable to attacks even from just a few meters away.
5. SASG-12 with Reflex B, Suppressor, and Angled Grip + 5.7 USG with Muzzle Brake and Laser + Barbed Wire
As mentioned above, Fenrir’s Dread Mines severely limits the field of view of enemies caught within their radius, and that’s actually great for players who excel at using the shotgun, because even with the shotgun’s limited range, they’ll be able to hit enemies from outside the radius of the Dread Mines. That’s great for Fenrir players who will equip the SASG-12 as their primary weapon, because Fenrir will be the best defender around when it comes to knowing when an attacker is caught within the effects of one of his Dread Mines.
The great thing about the SASG-12 is that it kinda has an integrated suppressor due to the fact that it’s the only choice for its barrel attachment. And now that there’s no more drawbacks to equipping it, It only makes sense to just use it. With a suppressed SASG-12, Fenrir could shave off large amounts of health points off enemies that are inside the Dread Mine’s effect without them even knowing where the shots are coming from. On top of that, the angled grip on the SASG-12 in this loadout will allow Fenrir to go into aim-down-sights faster than normal.
Excels in:
- Heavy firepower at close range due to the high damage per pellet from the SASG-12 shotgun which will allow Fenrir to make short work of enemies
- Being able to go into aim-down-sights faster than normal due to the angled grip on the SASG-12 which will allow Fenrir to effectively engage enemies during sudden encounters
- Peppering enemies with repeated high damage shots from the SASG-12 without them knowing where the shots are coming from due to the combined effects of the Dread Mines and the suppressor
- Excellent recoil control on the 5.7 USG handgun due to the muzzle brake attachment, and tight hip fire due to the laser
- Having an excellent way to guard flanking spots with the barbed wires since they’re excellent early warning devices and can slow enemies down by a lot
Build Details:
- SASG-12 with Reflex B, Suppressor, and Angled Grip
- 5.7 USG with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Barbed Wire
Pellet spread test on the SASG-12 in this setup at 5m range:
Pellet spread test on the SASG-12 in this setup at 10m range:
4. MP7 with Red Dot A and Flash Hider + Bailiff 410 with Laser + Bulletproof Camera
This is the best loadout setup for Fenrir if what you’re looking for is having the best recoil possible on his MP7 submachine gun. That’s because the flash hider will provide the best recoil control on the gun, and that will be really useful for hitting enemies at longer distances. Because at longer distances, the enemies will appear smaller on your screen and are therefore harder to hit. One little movement from your reticle is all that’s needed to mess up your aim, and that’s why for medium to long-range shooting accuracy with the MP7, this is the best setup.
That’s especially more so the case because the MP7’s only available sights are the 1.0x sights. As for the secondary weapon in this loadout, the bailiff 410 would be really handy for Fenrir and his team because it’ll allow him to create rotation holes, break unreinforced hatches, and create more lines of sight on soft walls. It basically allows the player to rework the map to their advantage. The bulletproof camera will be very useful to Fenrir because it’ll allow him to see when opponents are caught under the effects of one of his Dread Mines in a particular spot.
Excels in:
- Providing the best recoil control possible on Fenrir’s MP7 submachine gun due to the flash hider which heavily lowers the weapon’s vertical recoil
- The flash hider will also remove Fenrir’s MP7’s muzzle flash, reducing the number of visual cues that enemies could see when finding out where Fenrir is shooting from
- Providing Fenrir with great accuracy on his MP7 submachine gun with the use of the red dot A 1.0x sight due to its simple center dot reticle
- Having a great utility in the bailiff 410 revolver shotgun as Fenrir’s secondary weapon. It’ll allow him to create rotation holes, lines of sights, and overall rework the map to his advantage
- Having another way of gathering intel in the bulletproof camera which will allow Fenrir to see if enemies are near one of his Dread Mines.
Build Details:
- MP7 with Red Dot A and Flash Hider
- Bailiff 410 with Laser
- Bulletproof Camera
Recoil pattern test on the MP7 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
3. MP7 with Red Dot A and Extended Barrel + Bailiff 410 with Laser + Barbed Wire
If the entry above specializes in recoil control, this one is with damage. That’s because the extended barrel will increase the MP7’s damage output and potential, especially now that it has been buffed. By equipping an extended barrel into the weapon, it will receive a boost in its damage. It will also greatly lower its range damage drop-off, so with this loadout setup, Fenrir would be inflicting high damage to his enemies regardless of the distance he’s shooting them from. That’s a really great perk to have because the MP7’s stock damage leaves much to be desired.
The only drawbacks from attaching the extended barrel is that it will make the weapon longer and the extended barrel doesn’t provide additional recoil control benefits. The former can be quite a problem if you’re slowly peeking around corners because the enemy could see the long barrel of the MP7 first, and the latter is only a problem if the player can’t control the recoil of the MP7 well. However, upon testing it on the shooting range with my own recoil control, I found that the MP7 is pretty easy to control even without the presence of recoil control providing attachments.
Excels in:
- Increasing the damage that Fenrir's MP7 submachine can do per shot because the extended barrel now boosts the weapon’s stock damage
- Increasing the damage output and potential of Fenrir’s MP7 due to the extended barrel’s original benefit which greatly lessens the weapon’s range damage drop-off
- Providing Fenrir with great accuracy with the use of the red dot A 1.0x sight which has a simple center dot reticle that doesn’t obstruct the screen a lot
- Having a great utility as a secondary weapon in that bailiff 410 revolver shotgun which Fenrir can use to create rotation holes, lines of sight, and destroy unreinforced hatches
- Putting barbed wires on common flanking spots because they can act as early warning devices and they’re one of the best utilities in slowing down enemies
Build Details:
- MP7 with Red Dot A and Extended Barrel
- Bailiff 410 with Laser
- Barbed Wire
Recoil pattern test on the MP7 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
2. SASG-12 with Reflex B, Suppressor, Vertical Grip, and Laser + 5.7 USG with Muzzle Brake + Bulletproof Camera
This is the best loadout setup for Fenrir players who prefer to use the SASG-12 shotgun as their primary weapon. That’s because with this setup, the player will have the strong recoil control benefit from the vertical grip. The vertical grip will greatly lower the SASG-12's vertical recoil, and that will allow the user to align their subsequent shots well. Without the vertical grip, one shot from the SASG-12 could lift your aim so high that it’ll be hard to hit the enemy again. The vertical grip will eliminate that problem. So the SASG-12 may not have the aim-down-sight speed that the SASG-12 at entry number five has, but it will provide the user with great firing stability.
Another great thing about the SASG-12 in this loadout setup is the laser. The laser will tighten the weapon’s hip fire spread, so even if the user doesn’t go into aim-down-sight stance, there’s a good chance for them to hit their enemies with most of the SASG-12's pellets. At close range, that will provide the user with the speed advantage over their enemies during sudden encounters, because the enemy would most likely have to spend some milliseconds to go into aim-down-sights stance while Fenrir does not.
Excels in:
- Hitting enemies with Fenrir’s SASG-12 shotgun without letting them know where the shots are coming from through the combined effects of the suppressor and Fenrir’s Dread Mines
- Being able to align the subsequent shots from the SASG-12 shotgun due to the vertical grip attachment greatly lowering its vertical weapon kick
- Having a very tight hip fire pellet spread on Fenrir’s SASG-12 shotgun due to the presence of the laser attachment which increases Fenrir’s effectiveness at close range
- Having a tight hip fire spread on Fenrir’s 5.7 USG handgun because of the laser, and great recoil control due to the muzzle brake attachment
- Providing the whole defending team an extra way to gather intel with the bulletproof camera which can also shoot EMP blasts that can disable enemy electronic gadgets
Build Details:
- SASG-12 with Reflex B, Suppressor, Vertical Grip, and Laser
- 5.7 USG with Muzzle Brake
- Bulletproof Camera
Pellet spread test on the SASG-12 in this setup at 5m range:
Pellet spread test on the SASG-12 in this setup at 10m range:
1. MP7 with Red Dot A and Suppressor + Bailiff 410 with Laser + Barbed Wire
This is the best loadout setup for Fenrir overall because it works really well in conjunction with his Dread Mines. As we know, his Dread Mines’ effect severely limits the field of vision that enemies have. There’s going to be like a dark film of clouds that will prevent them from seeing anything further than a few meters away. And with the suppressor on the MP7 submachine gun, Fenrir could shoot the enemies trapped within the effects of his Dread Mine from any distance, and they won’t have any idea where his shots are coming from.
That’s because the suppressor removes the directional threat indicator from weapons as well as their muzzle flash. So enemies won’t have any visual indicator of where Fenrir’s shots are coming from, especially when they’re under the effects of his Dread Mine. What’s more is that the suppressor will greatly silence the MP7’s gunshots, making it even harder for them to track where you are. Even when dealing with enemies that are not under the effects of a Dread Mine, this loadout setup will work effectively, especially with Fenrir who has a 2-health and 2-speed rating. His stats make him a very versatile operator that can work well in both roaming or anchor roles.
Excels in:
- Shooting enemies without a directional threat indicator and muzzle flash due to the suppressor on Fenrir’s MP7 submachine gun which works especially well with the Dread Mines
- Silencing the gunshots from the MP7 submachine guns which makes it even harder for enemies to know where you are
- Tight hip fire spread on the bailiff 410 due to the laser which increases the chance of hitting enemies with all of its pellets even when firing from the hips
- Having a great utility in the bailiff 410 as Fenrir’s secondary weapon which he can use to rework the map to his whole team’s advantage
- Having great early warning devices in the barbed wires which slows enemies down and creates a lot of noise when they’re walking over them or attempting to destroy them
Build Details:
- MP7 with Red Dot A and Suppressor
- Bailiff 410 with Laser
- Barbed Wire
Recoil pattern test on the MP7 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: