Sledge probably has the simplest special gadget in the game. I mean, it’s just basically a huge sledgehammer. But to this day, it remains as one of the most troublesome utilities, because its simplicity allows the user to use it so many times, and it brings a lot of destruction every time it hits a destructible object.
It’s commonly used for creating entry points on unreinforced walls or hatches, or for destroying the wooden floor above the objective spot. In this article, however, we’re going to discuss the best weapon and attachment setups that will have the best synergy with Sledge’s role and special gadget.
5. L85A2 with Magnified B scope, Compensator, and Vertical Grip + P226 MK 25 with Suppressor and Laser + Impact EMP Grenade
Generally, most experienced players only need one recoil control-providing attachment on the L85A2 to control its weapon kick well. However, the problem with the L85A2’s recoil is that after the third shot, its pattern tends to veer towards the left. That can make its recoil a bit rough to control, especially when the user is shooting it in long sprays. Now the best way to lessen a weapon’s horizontal recoil is to equip its barrel with a compensator, which has been hugely buffed a few seasons ago.
The compensator specializes in reducing the weapon’s horizontal and randomly recoil from all directions. With that, partnered with the vertical grip which specializes in reducing weapons’ vertical recoil, the Sledge will have no problem shooting his L85A2, even in long sprays. So if what you’re looking for is having the best stability on Sledge’s L85A2, this loadout setup is for you. The impact EMP Grenade on the other hand as Sledge’s generic gadget would be a good alternative for enabling hard breaching as it can temporarily disable enemy electronic devices.
Excels in:
- Reducing the horizontal and random recoil from all directions on the L85A2 assault rifle which will provide Sledge with a very stable shooting experience, even when he’s firing it in long bursts
- The vertical grip which specializes in reducing weapons’ vertical recoil will make Sledge’s recoil control on his L85A2 assault rifle especially since it’s partnered with the compensator
- The magnified B scope will provide a lot of zoom to Sledge when aiming-down-sight on his L85A2 assault rifle and that will allow him to hit his targets with great accuracy
- The suppressed P226 MK 25 handgun will allow Sledge to silently shoot defender gadgets like CCTV cameras or Kapkan EDDs which is important when he’s trying to not alert enemies to his presence
- The impact EMP grenade as Sledge’s secondary gadget will allow him to temporarily disable enemy electronic gadgets which is good for enabling hard breaching or for disabling troublesome defender gadgets
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - L85A2 with Magnified B scope, Compensator, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - P226 MK 25 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Impact EMP Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the L85A2 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
4. M590A1 with Iron Sight and Laser + P226 MK 25 with Suppressor and Laser + Stun Grenade
This loadout setup is for players who excel at using shotguns like the M590A1 which is not a slug shotgun. That means it shoots multiple pellets per shot and is only really effective at close range. The ring is, because of Sledge’s Tactical Breaching Hammer, he has increased capability of quickly closing in the distance between him and his enemies. The great thing about the Tactical Breaching Hammer is that when it destroys a portion of an unreinforced wall, it does so in a quieter fashion than most breaching utilities.
That’s why rushes initiated with Sledge’s Tactical Breaching Hammer can really catch defenders off guard, and it’s in those moments where the M590A1 really excels. Its iron sight is the perfect sight for it because it doesn’t take up a lot of screen space and it adds a 10% aim-down-sight speed boost. Partnered with a laser which also adds 10% aim-down-sight speed boost and this loadout is really great for rushing. With those two attachments on Sledge’s M590A1, he will have the superiority in aiming speed and it will really help him in close quarters combat.
Excels in:
- Having the superiority in close quarters combat due to the heavy destruction rate per shot from the M590A1 shotgun which shoots multiple pellets and has a very manageable recoil
- The iron sight on Sledge’s M590A1 shotgun will give him a clear view of his targets because its frame doesn’t take up a lot of screen space. It’ll also give him a 10% ADS speed boost.
- Having an additional 10% aim-down-sight speed boost from the laser attachment on top of the 10% that’s coming from the iron sight, so with this setup, Sledge will have +20% ADS speed on his M590A1 shotgun
- The suppressor on the P226 MK 25 handgun will allow Sledge to shoot defender gadgets with much less chance of giving away his position while the laser will give him 10% ADS speed boost with it
- The three stun grenades in Sledge’s arsenal will allow him to blind and deafen enemies before pushing into the objective spot. They’re especially great for dealing with enemies behind their hiding spots
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - M590A1 with Iron Sight and Laser
- Secondary weapon - P226 MK 25 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Stun Grenade
3. L85A2 with Magnified B scope, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip + P226 MK 25 with Suppressor and Laser + Stun Grenade
One of Sledge’s main roles is to be the initiator of the push or a rush. That’s because his Tactical Breaching Hammer is a great utility for creating an entry point with relative silence. That’s also why he’s mostly in the front lines, given that he also has a 3-health rating which makes him tougher than most operators. And when an operator is on the front lines, chances are, he’d be dealing with multiple enemies at the same time, and of course, weapons don’t have infinite shots. They’d have to be reloaded sooner or later.
The faster that Sledge can reload his L85A2 assault rifle, the faster he can get back into action, and that’s what the angled grip attachment is for. The angled grip now adds 20% reload speed on weapons which is a great help for high traffic situations such as dealing with multiple opponents at the same time. As for recoil control, the flash hider will be what’s going to provide it, and that’s important, because most players will have a hard time controlling the L85A2’s weapon kick without the presence of at least one recoil control-providing attachment.
Excels in:
- The flash hider will the attachment that will provide recoil control on Sledge’s L85A2 because most players will need at least one such attachment to manage its weapon kick well
- The angled grip attachment on Sledge’s L85A2 assault rifle will provide him with a 20% reload speed boost which is really useful when dealing with multiple enemies because the faster you reload, the faster you can get back into action
- The magnified B scope with its 2.5x zoom level will allow Sledge to see his targets well regardless of the distance and that’ll greatly increase his accuracy
- The laser on Sledge’s P226 MK 25 will give him 10% ADS speed boost on it, while the suppressor will allow him to silently shoot defender gadgets which is useful for a stealthy approach in the mission building
- The three stun grenades in Sledge’s arsenal will be really useful for pushing as they can blind enemies, and even if they don’t get blinded, when one detonates near them, they’ll get a heavy ear-ringing sound effect
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - L85A2 with Magnified B scope, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - P226 MK 25 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Stun Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the L85A2 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
2. L85A2 with Magnified B scope, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + P226 MK 25 with Muzzle Brake and Laser + Frag Grenade
The suppressed L85A2 assault rifle is a great weapon for Sledge because he’s also used a lot for vertical plays where he uses his Tactical Breaching Hammer to destroy large portions of the wooden floor above the objective spot in order to expose the defenders from above. Once those portions of wooden floor are destroyed, Sledge will be free to shoot the defenders below through the metal beams of the destroyed floor. And shooting them with a suppressed weapon will make it much harder for them to counter.
That’s because the suppressor will remove the directional threat indicator from the L85A2’s shots as well as the weapon’s muzzle flash. It’ll also greatly dampen the weapon’s gunshot sounds, further making it hard for defenders to know where the shots are coming from. Supported by a vertical grip, Sledge will have good recoil control over the L85A2 even while he’s shooting it in long sprays. The frag grenade is also a great generic gadget for Sledge when it comes to a vertical play as he’ll be able to send them in between those metal beams from the destroyed portions of the wooden floor.
Excels in:
- The suppressor on Sledge’s L85A2 assault rifle will hide its muzzle flash as well as its directional threat indicator, making it harder for defenders to realize where Sledge is shooting from
- Sledge’s L85A2 being suppressed also means that its shots will be greatly silenced, and that will further make it hard for enemies to know Sledge’s current position while he’s shooting
- Maintaining a good amount of vertical recoil control on Sledge’s L85A2 assault rifle through the vertical grip which specializes in weakening weapons’ vertical weapon kick
- Having great recoil control on Sledge’s P226 MK 25 handgun because of the muzzle brake on its barrel, while the laser will provide a 10% aim-down-sight speed boost on the weapon
- The two frag grenades in Sledge’s arsenal are great for flushing out enemies from their hiding spots. They’re also great for vertical plays as Sledge can send through between the metal beams of the wooden floors he’s destroyed
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - L85A2 with Magnified B scope, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - P226 MK 25 with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Generic gadget - Frag Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the L85A2 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
1. L85A2 with Magnified B scope, Flash Hider, and Horizontal Grip + P226 MK 25 with Suppressor and Laser + Frag Grenade
This is the best loadout setup for Sledge because his role requires him to move a lot and go from one area to the next as quick as he can. That’s because the horizontal grip on his L85A2 assault rifle will give him a 5% speed boost which may not sound like a lot, in fact, a lot of Siege players think it’s practically useless, but considering the context behind Sledge’s gameplay, it’s a really great per for him. The 5% speed boost will make him a bit faster than normal which helps a lot when he’s rushing or even when it comes to vertical plays.
A lot of players in the Siege community also don’t realize that even with normal speeds, operators can be hard to hit when they’re moving, so a 5% speed boost is actually quite huge when it comes to avoiding hits. Of course, since the L85A2 needs at least one recoil providing attachment to be controlled well, the flash hider is an important attachment to have on its barrel. This is the best versatile loadout setup for Sledge and that’s why it’s number one. Even when Sledge is moving, with a flash hider on his L85A2, he should still be able to handle its recoil well.
Excels in:
- Sledge being able to move 5% faster than normal when he’s holding his L85A2 assault rifle due to the presence of the horizontal grip on the weapon, which helps a lot in Sledge’s role
- Being able to manage the recoil on Sledge’s L85A2 assault rifle because of the presence of the flash hider barrel attachment which specializes in lowering the vertical recoil of weapons as well as removing their muzzle flash
- Sledge having great accuracy from any range because of the magnified B scope on his L85A2 assault rifle which provides him with a 2.5x level of zoom that allows him to see his targets really well
- Sledge being able to shoot defender gadgets silently, therefore, with much less chance of alerting enemies to his presence because of the suppressed P226 MK 25 handgun as his secondary weapon
- The two frag grenades in Sledge’s arsenal will allow him to force defenders out of their entrenched positions, and as they’re coming out, they’ll be vulnerable from Sledge’s or his other teammates’ gunfire
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - L85A2 with Magnified B scope, Flash Hider, and Horizontal Grip
- Secondary weapon - P226 MK 25 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Frag Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the L85A2 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: