Amaru is the fastest operator when it comes to rushing when the objective spot is on a higher floor of the mission building. That’s because she can use her special gadget, the Garra Hook, to pull herself towards one of the objective spot’s windows all the way through inside.
The problem with that tactic is that usually, Amaru will have no idea how the enemies are positioned once she enters their window. That’s why it’s important to select the best loadout setup for her in order to maximize her effectiveness for quick engagements that she’ll have to perform when she’s rushing or even with a more conventional, tactical approach.
5. G8A1 with Magnified B scope, Flash Hider, Vertical Grip, and Laser + Gonne-6 + Hard Breach Charge
The G8A1 LMG is usually the choice of players for their primary weapon when playing Amaru. That’s obviously because it’s fully automatic and its shots can reach distances far beyond the effective range of the alternative, which is the supernova shotgun. The G8A1, despite being an LMG, is actually closer to an assault rifle than your typical LMG. That’s because its recoil is very manageable, and its magazine capacity, while huge for an assault rifle, is quite small for an LMG. So when players use it, the feel like they’re handling an assault rifle more than a light machine gun.
As for its attachments, if what the player wants is the best recoil possible on the G8A1, then this loadout setup is for them. That’s because both the flash hider and vertical grip attachments specialize in lowering the vertical recoil of weapons. That’s very important, especially when Amaru is rushing, because the more stable her recoil is, the more accurate she can hit enemies, even when she and her opponents are moving a lot. The gonne-6 on the other hand as Amaru’s secondary weapon will allow her to disable one troublesome bulletproof defender gadget.
Excels in:
- The flash hider on Amaru’s G8A1’s barrel will greatly reduce its vertical recoil as well as hide its muzzle flash which lessens the visual cues that enemies could react to when Amaru is shooting at them
- The vertical grip partnered with the flash hider on Amaru’s G8A1 will provide the user with the best recoil control possible on the weapon, and that’s great for accuracy when she’s engaging opponents
- The magnified B scope provides a 2.5x zoom level to Amaru which will allow her to see the enemies well when she’s aiming-down-sight on her G8A1 LMG, and that’ll give her great accuracy
- The gonne-6 hand cannon is very useful for Amaru because it can destroy a bulletproof defender gadget, so if a window that Amaru wants to get into is barricaded with Castle’s Armor Panel, she can use the gonne-6 to bring it down
- The two hard breach charges in Amaru’s arsenal will allow her to perform hard breaching on reinforced walls and hatches, though it’s more efficient to use them on two hatches rather than a wall.
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - G8A1 with Magnified B scope, Flash Hider, Vertical Grip, and Laser
- Secondary weapon - Gonne-6
- Generic gadget - Hard Breach Charge
Recoil pattern test on the G8A1 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
4. G8A1 with Magnified B scope, Compensator, Vertical Grip, and Laser + ITA12S with Iron Sight and Laser + Stun Grenade
A big problem with the G8A1’s recoil is that its recoil diamonds are quite huge. That means it’s prone to horizontal and random recoil from all directions. That’s why even when you lower its vertical recoil to its lowest possible state, it can still be quite challenging to control, especially in long sprays. The best way to stabilize the G8A1’s recoil is to combine the effects of the compensator and vertical grip attachments. As already discussed above, the vertical grip specializes in lowering weapons’ vertical recoil.
The compensator on the other hand specializes in lowering the horizontal and random recoil of weapons by reducing their recoil diamond sizes. With this setup, Amaru will have good balance between horizon and vertical recoil control, and that’s why shots with the G8A1 in this setup will feel stable, even in long sprays. This loadout setup is great for accuracy regardless of the range and for many players, this will actually provide the best recoil possible on Amaru’s G8A1 LMG.
Excels in:
- The compensator on Amaru’s G8A1 LMG will greatly reduce the weapon’s recoil diamond size and that will lower its horizontal and random recoil from all directions, which will make the weapon a lot more stable
- Maintaining a good amount of vertical recoil control on Amaru’s G8A1 LMG through the vertical grip attachment which specializes in lowering the vertical recoil of weapons
- Amaru being able to see her targets well from any distance due to the magnified B scope on her G8A1 LMG which also has an arrow tip reticle that promotes pinpoint shooting
- Amaru having a great utility in the ITA12S that she can use for destroying unreinforced hatches in which she can climb over to. She can also use the ITA12S to create entry points on unreinforced walls.
- The three stun grenades in Amaru’s arsenal will be great for dealing with multiple enemies as she can use them to blind or deafen enemies from other directions while she’s dealing with an enemy in a particular spot
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - G8A1 with Magnified B scope, Compensator, Vertical Grip, and Laser
- Secondary weapon - ITA12S with Iron Sight and Laser
- Generic gadget - Stun Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the G8A1 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
3. G8A1 with Magnified B scope, Flash Hider, Angled Grip, and Laser + ITA12S with Iron Sight and Laser + Stun Grenade
When Amaru rushes, she often plunges herself alone into enemy territory. While that often surprises enemies, it can also surprise Amaru herself, because more often than not, she has no idea how the enemies are positioned inside the mission building when she busts through with her Garra Hook. That means that in many situations where she’s rushing, she could be dealing with multiple enemies at a time, and while the G8A1 LMG has a pretty big magazine capacity, 50 bullets is often not enough when it comes to dealing with a few or more enemies.
So when Amaru finds herself in a situation where she has to deal with multiple enemies at the same time, she’ll most likely find herself reloading her weapon a lot. That's why the angled grip is such a great attachment for her usual playstyle. The angled grip provides a 20% reload speed bonus on Amaru’s G8A1 LMG, so even when she has to reload, she can do it fast and can get back to action much quicker than normal. And the G8A1 LMG is not your typical LMG that takes several seconds to reload. Because it has a detachable magazine, its reload speed is inherently quite fast.
Excels in:
- The angled grip will provide Amaru with a 20% reload speed boost on her G8A1 LMG which is very usual in dealing with multiple enemies at the same time which is often what she’ll encounter when she’s rushing
- The flash hider will assist Amaru in holding down the G8A1’s recoil as it specializes in reducing weapons' vertical weapon kick and it also hides their muzzle flash
- The magnified B scope on Amaru’s G8A1 LMG will provide her with a 2.5x zoom level which will greatly increase her accuracy as it’ll allow her to see her targets well regardless of the distance
- Amaru having a great utility with the ITA12 shotgun which she can use for destroying unreinforced hatches and this has a great synergy with her Garra Hook as using it allows her to climb up through broken hatches
- The three stun grenades will allow Amaru to blind and deafen enemies which will make it easier for her and her teammates to push through the objective spot. They’re specially great for dealing with opponents behind their hiding spots
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - G8A1 with Magnified B scope, Flash Hider, Angled Grip, and Laser
- Secondary weapon - ITA12S with Iron Sight and Laser
- Generic gadget - Stun Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the G8A1 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
2. Supernova with Iron Sight, Suppressor, and Laser + SMG-11 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, Vertical Grip, and Laser + Hard Breach Charge
Most players aren’t good with shotguns, I get it, at least not with non-slug ones like the supernova. However, this loadout setup has to be placed at a very high rank because it goes really well with Amaru’s role and playstyle. Also, players who are experienced in using shotguns in the game will really excel with using this with Amaru. Now first off, the supernova shotgun fires multiple pellets per shot, but it can be equipped with a suppressor. In fact, it’s the only barrel attachment available to it.
And now that the suppressor doesn’t have the drawback of reducing weapons’ base damage anymore, it doesn’t make any sense to not equip it with the supernova. With the suppressor on the supernova shotgun and when used by Amaru in rushing, there’s a higher chance that even when Amaru takes out one or two enemies, it’ll be hard for the remaining ones to determine her location. That’s because the suppressor will greatly silence the gunshot sounds of the weapon.
Excels in:
- Amaru having the close-range superiority because of the heavy damage per pellet from the supernova shotgun which will be great for rushing especially if she bursts through a window close to the enemies
- The suppressor on the supernova shotgun will make its gunshots more silent, so even when used to take out a couple of enemies, it could be harder for the remaining ones to know where Amaru is
- The supernova’s iron sight’s frame isn’t great because it obstructs the front view a lot, however, it provides a 10% aim-down-sight speed boost and combining that with the 10% ADS speed boost from the laser, the user will have 20% in total.
- Amaru having a fully automatic weapon in the SMG-11 machine pistol which can also be used for shooting enemies well beyond the reach of the supernova shotgun, though its recoil is very challenging to control
- Amaru can use the two hard breach charges in her arsenal for destroying reinforced hatches or for opening an entry point on a reinforced wall
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - Supernova with Iron Sight, Suppressor, and Laser
- Secondary weapon - SMG-11 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, Vertical Grip, and Laser
- Generic gadget - Hard Breach Charge
1. G8A1 with Magnified B scope, Flash Hider, Horizontal Grip, and Laser + SMG-11 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, Vertical Grip, and Laser + Stun Grenade
As mentioned before, Amaru specializes in rushing, and rush is the operative word here. When it comes to rushing, speed is the key. Luckily, the newest attachment in the game, the horizontal grip, will provide that. While the speed boost of 5% from the horizontal grip may not look like a lot on paper, it’s actually quite a huge boost if you think that even with their regular speeds, operators are already hard to hit when they’re moving, now add 5% to that and most opponents will have an even harder time hitting them.
With the horizontal grip on Amaru’s G8A1 LMG, not only will she be able to move faster, she’ll also be harder to hit, and that will increase her survivability when she’s rushing. That’s very important because when she’s rushing, she usually plunges herself alone into enemy territory. This loadout setup is almost an all-out offense one because for her secondary weapon, Amaru will be running with the SMG-11. This way, when her G8A1 LMG needs to reload, Amaru just needs to switch to her secondary and she’ll have another fully automatic weapon on her hand, and she can get back to shooting almost immediately.
Excels in:
- The horizontal grip providing Amaru with a 5% movement speed boost which is really good for her role as a rusher as it’ll allow her to move from one place to the next faster and be harder to hit
- The flash hider will allow Amaru to maintain good control over her G8A1’s weapon kick as it specializes in lowering weapons’ vertical recoil as well as hiding their muzzle flash
- The laser will provide Amaru with a 10% boost in aim-down-sight speed which is important for her role as she needs to aim fast right after bursting through a window with her Garra Hook
- The SMG-11 machine pistol provides Amaru with another fully automatic weapon that can hit opponents at long range when her G8A1 LMG needs to be reloaded, allowing her to get back into action almost immediately.
- The three stun grenades as Amaru’s generic gadget will allow her to disable enemies’ vision and hearing which helps a lot when pushing through the objective spot especially when enemies are in their entrenched positions
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - G8A1 with Magnified B scope, Flash Hider, Horizontal Grip, and Laser
- Secondary weapon - SMG-11 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, Vertical Grip, and Laser
- Generic gadget - Stun Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the G8A1 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: