10. Jager Himself Too
I feel like it’s important to include Jager Himself in this list because his Youtube channel is quite unique in that it’s kind of like a Siege community channel. That’s because if you’re a Siege player and want your clip to be featured in the Jager Himself channel, you can email it to him. That results in a compilation of funny, but also education videos from players all over the world. So with Jager Himself’s channel, the Siege community can feel more connected.
What’s great about his channel is that it also covers the most recent changes to the game, and that’s very important because one might miss a lot of these changes if they only read the patch notes or listen to the panel reveal every season. With Jager Himself’s channel, Siege community members can learn about recent changes to the game with the visual aid of a video and an actual demonstration, which is really good for visual learners like me.
Jager Himself’s channel also covers potential leaks in the future of Siege which is always fun as it gives players a good idea of what to expect in the future and they can prepare their mindset for those changes. With almost eight hundred thousand subscribers, Jager Himself is one of the biggest Siege channels around and is the source of some of the most memorable Siege clips ever, because like I said, a lot of them are community submitted.
Channel link:
9. Marley
Marley’s channel is easily one of the most fun Siege channels around. He’s also one of the biggest, with 3.5m subscribers. He doesn’t upload that frequently but whenever he does, it’s a guaranteed banger and would average a million views. That’s because his channel, that means him, his teammates, and his editor, is able to combine high IQ and high intensity gameplays with a lot of fun and comedy, which obviously the audience likes.
He uploads an average of one video per month, and they’re around twenty to thirty minutes long. That might sound pretty lengthy at first glance, but if you haven’t seen any of his videos yet, just go to his channel, randomly click any video and watch it for one minute and see if it’s not that fun for you. Because I can say that every minute of his videos are full of enjoyable Siege content that is not just fun, but educational too.
A lot of Marley’s videos feature very satisfying and crazy one taps and wall bangs so it’s not uncommon for him to be accused of cheating, which just makes the video even funnier. The editing on his videos just makes the clips more high octane, and really, if you’re just looking for some dose of R6 fun where you can also learn a lot of sneaky tricks, Marley’s channel is the place to go.
Channel link:
8. Coconut Brah
Coconut Brah is one of the OG Siege channels when it comes to guides and tricks videos. The first video on his channel is from February of 2017 and received almost 400k views because it’s a guide on spawn peek locations. Coconut Brah is a master of finding out tricks in the game and it’s uncanny how he does them. Of course, he doesn’t only specialize in tricks. He’s actually also a really good Siege player straight up, which means he has great game sense.
That great game sense helps him a lot when it comes to testing out tricks, especially when it’s the first time he’s doing it. Basically, if you’ve been watching every Coconut Brah uploads, you probably know most spawn peek spots as well as other sneaky angles to get kills from. His latest video is about the secret tricks that professional players use, and that would definitely help a lot of players, because those are the tricks that are used in the highest level of gameplay in Siege.
Just like in that video, a lot of tricks featured in Coconut Brah’s channel involve getting or vaulting into spots where you’d normally not be able to. As demonstrated in the early part of Coconut Brah’s latest video, that’s done by destroying some objects in the game, or parts of them, and using them to prop yourself up. Being able to vault into places that players would normally not be able to is very helpful as enemies won’t expect you to be there so you’d generally be safe from pre-fire.
Channel link:
7. VarsityGaming
VarsityGaming’s videos are pretty lengthy compared to most Siege videos around but they get a lot of traffic because most of them are full gameplay videos while their thumbnail and title makes them seem like guide videos. Which is actually close to the truth, because one could learn a lot from watching VarsityGaming and his teammates play a whole match. While I don’t think his gameplay is on the level of Macie Jay, I relate the two a lot.
That’s because I also see a lot of high IQ gameplay from VarsityGaming, and his playstyle isn’t very fast or super jerky like a lot of champions in Siege, and I’m not saying those playstyle is bad, but VarsityGaming and Macie Jay’s playstyle is much easier to the eyes. It’s also easy to learn a lot from them since you know that if you can get in the same mindset, you can do what they do as well and you don’t need really fast hands to be good in the game.
VarityGaming’s channel is really old since he started uploading his first videos twelve years ago. Those were not Siege videos, however, and he started creating Siege content around November of 2015, so when the game was released, and has since then became one of the largest Siege content creators with 1.36m subscribers. He also streams the game on his Twitch channel, if you missed his streams, you can just go to his youtube channel because like I said, he uploads full gameplay videos.
Channel link:
6. Athieno
Athieno uploaded his first Siege video in his channel around September of 2017 but his Siege content really started picking up steam when he started uploading guide videos. One of his first videos that became popular is the “How a Champion plays Smoke” which shows his general gameplay, and of course, people would be interested in that because someone who was able to attain the rank of champion would know a lot about the game.
As a fan of the game, to me, one of the most impactful Athieno videos is the one that I linked above. It’s a video where he talks about the realities of solo queueing and how you’re already at a disadvantage whenever you’re in solo queue so you should actually expect to lose. That’s without expecting too much from your teammates but more about expecting more from yourself and believing in your own capabilities.
I think the advices that he gives in that video can really help a lot of player, because I reckon that a large chunk of the Siege player base is made up of solo queue players, and it’s important for them to hear the advice from his video so that they won’t get burned out whenever they lose a ranked match. Athieno also recently started the R6 Academy series of videos which talks about the mechanics of the game as well as a general guide on particular maps.
Channel link:
5. Kudos
I don’t know how much knowledge of the game’s lore helps when it comes to performance, but I can say for my part that it truly helps with the immersion in the game and that of course translates to more enjoyment. I think that’s the key word there – enjoyment. The more you enjoy the game, the better you'll be able to play, I think, and even when you lose a match, you won't easily get burned out. As for more enjoyment on R6, Kudos’ channel is really one of the best Youtube channels around.
He has a lot of lore videos in his channel and not just general lore videos about the game’s world, but more specifically on the operators. With Kudo’s Youtube channel, you won’t need to go through the R6 wiki page or the in-game operator page anymore and read tons of paragraphs to learn about an operator’s background. All you have to do is click his lore videos and listen to him narrate. While I love reading, it certainly is much easier to listen to narration.
With that said, Kudos does a lot of videos on Siege and they’re not limited to lore videos. He also covers general content about R6 Siege, like tips and tricks, deep dive into the operators that can counter a certain operator, easter eggs, and so much more. If you’re a big fan of Siege and not just its gameplay and you want to learn everything that you can about it, Kudos’ channel is definitely something that you should check out.
Channel link:
4. Coreross
Siege is technically an old game because it was released in December of 2015, but contextually, it’s kind of always new. That's because every three months or so there’s a new season in Siege, and each season that comes brings a new operator as well as a list of changes to the game that affect its dynamics a lot. So the Siege from a year or so ago is actually largely different from the Siege today, and if you’ve not been keeping up with the changes, and are returning to the game after some time, you might get overwhelmed.
Luckily, there are YouTube channels like Coreross that feature in-depth videos about each change in the game. His specialty is making “Mythbusters” style videos where he tests out the changes in the game as well as, as the term implies, bust the myths that a lot of people in the Siege community believes. Coreross’ channel is really educational because there are a lot of changes in the game each season that are easy to miss or might not even be in the patch notes.
Lately, he tested out if Ash’s Breaching Rounds can still be shot mid-air or when it burrows on a wall, and it doesn’t work anymore. Nowadays, if you want to completely stop Ash’s Breaching rounds from exploding, you’ll be needing a Jager ADS or a Wamai Mag-NET. His most recent videos are a two-part video on Tubarao, the newest operator in Siege, and that’s very important because he has a big impact on the dynamics of the game.
Channel link:
3. Macie Jay
Macie Jay is one of the oldest Siege youtubers around and remains one of the most popular. He began uploading his first Siege videos in January 2016 which is just a short while after the game was released. Everybody who’s serious about Siege knows Macie Jay because he’s considered as one of the best players in the game. He is well-known for his high IQ gameplay videos that inspire players to also play the game in a more tactical way.
Seeing one of his videos was actually the reason why I started playing Siege around 2018, and if you go through the comments on his videos, it’s not uncommon to see people saying that every time they fire up a Macie Jay video, they want to go back to playing Siege. That’s mostly because Macie Jay’s moves in the game aren’t really that particularly fast or hype, but more on the highly tactical and high IQ side, so everyone feels like they can do it too as long as they work their brain more.
That’s also the reason why Macie Jay is the Youtube channel that I always recommend to beginners when it comes to gameplay. That’s because high IQ gameplay plays a huge role in the game, and at its core. Macie Jay is still actively uploading Siege videos on Youtube every week and he also streams on his Twitch channel. So if you’re new to the game, or an experienced player but feels burned out and you can’t improve anymore, just head on his channel and maybe you’ll get more ideas about how to improve.
Channel link:
2. Alyttleton
Alyttleton is a fairly new R6 Siege content creator, at least based on the date of his first upload to his channel. He streams the game on his Twitch channel and started out on Youtube by uploading his stream highlights. Those stream highlight videos didn’t really get much views on Youtube, but what made Alyttleton shine in the Siege community is when he started creating guide videos. Sure there are many guide channels on the game, but his are very easy to understand and he goes in-depth.
For example, he has videos on individual operators that are around twenty minutes long. His operator guide videos consist of parts where he analyzes the best loadouts for them as well as telling the viewer how exactly the operator’s gadget works. What’s great is that he tells the viewers details about the game that the game itself doesn’t really tell you. For example, one of his videos talked about the health points of a reinforced hatch, which I wouldn’t have an idea about if I didn’t watch it.
The later parts of his operator guide videos consist of how to use them on particular maps. That includes how to properly deploy their gadgets on a particular map with the context of where the bomb site is. Lately, he’s also been uploading guide videos about particular maps which focuses on how to attack or defend them. His videos are fun and easy to listen to, and you’ll definitely learn a thing or two whenever you watch one of them.
Channel link:
1. BikiniBodhi
I’m putting BikiniBodhi on the number one spot because his Youtube channel has almost everything that you’d want in a Siege channel. Firstly, BikiniBodhi is mostly known for his funny Siege videos, but even though a lot of his videos, especially the editing, is for making the audience laugh, the viewer can really learn a lot about Siege just by watching him and his friends play the game and fool around. Even though BikiniBodhi kinda has the comedian reputation in the Siege community, when he gets serious, he’s really good at the game.
Seriously, his gameplay on his Flores video might be the best Flores gameplay I’ve ever seen. I talked about Macie Jay’s high IQ gameplay above, but BikiniBodhi definitely has a lot of high IQ plays as well, and he’s one of the channels that makes people want to go back into playing Siege again. BikiniBodhi’s individual videos typically focus on one operator per video, and while there’s a lot of comedy in them, if you want to learn more about a particular operator, they can be great guides too.
He uploaded his first Siege videos on his Youtube channel around November of 2016, so about a year after the release of the game, and if you look at his oldest videos, it’s clear that he likes capturing and sharing his funny moments in Siege. Honestly, if you’re feeling a bit burned out from the game, just fire up one of BikiniBodhi’s videos for some light hearted high IQ fun. BikiniBodhi is one of the Siege content creators that I really hope will never stop uploading Siege videos.
Channel link:
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: