Pulse’s special gadget, the HeartBeat Sensor, is the closest thing we can have to a wallhack in the game. It detects enemy heartbeats within the range of nine meters, and the HeartBeat Sensor can scan those heartbeats in real time. And while Pulse cannot use any weapon while using his special gadget, he can effectively gather real time intel on enemies and issue callouts for his teammates.
Of course, because of the intel that he can gather with his HeartBeat Sensor, he can have a general idea of where the enemies are going even after he stops using it, and that generally leads to a lot of c4-under-the-floor kills. And that’s why Pulse is a highly picked operator when defending a higher floor and when most of the objective area’s surface is made of wood.
5. M1014 with Red Dot A and Laser + 5.7 USG with Suppressor + Nitro Cell
As mentioned in the above introduction, Pulse is one of the most sought-after defenders when the objective spot is on a higher-floor. That’s because he will be able to detect enemies from below using his HeartBeat Sensor, and with it, he can inform his teammates of the enemy positions and engage them himself with a c4-under-the-floor strat. But another thing that he can do is run with this loadout setup and engage enemies that are above a wooden floor with the M1014 shotgun after he’s already used his nitro cell.
With the M1014 shotgun as his primary weapon, he could keep harassing and damaging enemies from below. Of course, chances are, the remaining enemies will start hunting him down, but the player could take advantage of that by luring the attackers in close quarters combat where the M1014 excels. And he’ll be able to do that effectively because he can gather intel on enemy positions again using his HeartBeat Sensor. As for the secondary gadget, the suppressed 5.7 USG will help Pulse roam more effectively since he can use it to shoot attacker drones or claymores silently.
Excels in:
- Having close-range superiority due to the M1014 shotgun’s pellet spread and heavy damage per pellet
- Harassing enemies with the M1014 shotgun from below and through the use of the intel that you can gather with the HeartBeat Sensor
- Having a tight hip fire spread on the M1014 shotgun through the use of the laser attachment
- Being able to shoot attacker drones or claymores silently and with less chance of alerting the enemies to your presence
- Countering defuser plant attempts from below using the c4-under-the-floor tactic aided by the intel you’ve gathered from the HeartBeat Sensor
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - M1014 with Red Dot A and Laser
- Secondary weapon - 5.7 USG with Suppressor
- Generic gadget - Nitro Cell
Pellet spread test on the M1014 in this setup at 5m range:
Pellet spread test on the M1014 in this setup at 10m range:
4. UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Compensator, and Angled Grip + M45 Meusoc with Suppressor + Nitro Cell
The UMP45 submachine gun is easily the most underrated weapon in the game, and that’s because it has a pretty average damage and relatively slow rate of fire, so understandably, a lot of players tend to underestimate or overlook it. However, what makes this weapon very special are its very low stock recoil and the wide variety of attachments available to it. Those two are a great combination, because with low stock recoil, the user will be free to use other non-recoil providing attachments, and in this loadout setup’s case, that would be the angled grip.
I know I know; the angled grip has been nerfed by quite a lot, and that’s why for most of my guides, I recommend to just always run with the vertical grip. However, the UMP45 is one of the unique cases because even if you opt to use an angled grip with it instead of a vertical one, the recoil will practically feel the same. So just benefit from the aim-down-sight speed boost, and still enjoy the weapon’s low recoil. Also, for this loadout setup, you’ll have the compensator barrel attachment which will stabilize the weapon’s recoil by reducing its horizontal recoil and random recoil from all directions.
Excels in:
- Shooting enemies with great precision and stability due to the compensator barrel attachment reducing the UMP45’s horizontal and random recoil from all directions
- Being able to aim at enemies faster with the aim-down-sight speed boost from the angled grip attachment
- Providing Pulse with a good amount of zoom with the scope 1.5x while maintaining a wide peripheral view
- Being able to shoot enemy gadgets such as drones or claymores silently with the suppressed M45 Meusoc handgun
- Countering enemies attempting to push and plant the defuser with a c4-under-the-floor strat
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Compensator, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - M45 Meusoc with Suppressor
- Generic gadget - Nitro Cell
Recoil pattern test on the UMP45 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
3. UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip + M45 Meusoc with Suppressor + Nitro Cell
This loadout setup will offer the user the best recoil control on the UMP45 among this list of other great loadouts. That’s because most of the UMP45’s recoil only goes vertically, therefore, lowering its vertical weapon kick will result in a very weak recoil. And as discussed above, the UMP45 submachine gun already has a weak recoil to begin with. So, attaching a flash hider to it will really make the user feel like the weapon almost has no recoil, and that’s really great for precision shooting, especially when the user practices proper crosshair placement.
With this loadout setup, even though you’re going to run with the angled grip on your UMP45 instead of the vertical one, you’d still have great vertical recoil control on the weapon. Not only that, the flash hider will also hide the UMP45’s muzzle flash, resulting in less visual cues for your enemies to react to when it comes to pinpointing your exact location. Your aim will benefit greatly as well, because sometimes, the weapon’s muzzle flash can blur your view of your target, so removing it completely will make sure that you’ll always have a clear view when shooting.
Excels in:
- Maintaining great vertical recoil control on the UMP45 submachine gun due to the presence of the flash hider barrel attachment
- Lessening the visual cues that enemies could react to when it comes to pinpointing your location by hiding the UMP45’s muzzle flash
- Having a good amount of zoom through the scope 1.5x while not compromising a lot on peripheral view
- Being able to shoot enemy gadgets such as drones or claymores with much less chance of alerting the enemies through the use of the suppressed M45 Meusoc handgun
- Countering shield operators, defuser plant attempts, and smoke + push attempts with the nitro cell’s explosion power.
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - M45 Meusoc with Suppressor
- Generic gadget - Nitro Cell
Recoil pattern test on the UMP45 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
2. UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Extended Barrel, and Angled Grip + M45 Meusoc with Suppressor + Nitro Cell
With the recent announcement that the extended barrel will start adding 15% damage to weapons starting next season, there has been a lot of discussions in the Siege community whether it will replace the suppressor as the most picked barrel attachment on weapons. Just so you know, even before that announcement, I’ve already planned on placing this loadout setup high up in this list, because even without the additional 15% damage, the extended barrel has always been a great barrel attachment, and has always improved the damage of weapons.
That’s because it specializes in reducing the range damage drop-off of weapons, therefore, maximizing the damage output and potential that the weapon can inflict. So, with the extended barrel, Pulse’s UMP45 will always deal heavy damage on opponents, regardless of range. That’s extremely useful in Siege because you’ll never know at what distances the opponents could appear on your line of sight. And take note that starting next season, the extended barrel will retain its property of reducing the range damage drop-off of weapons, while having the new attribute of adding 15% damage to them.
Excels in:
- Maximizing the damage potential and output of Pulse’s UMP45 submachine gun with the extended barrel reducing its range damage drop-off
- Starting next season, the extended barrel will start adding 15% damage on weapons, making this loadout setup the most viable option for players who prioritize damage.
- Having a good amount of zoom level with the scope 1.5x while maintaining a wide peripheral view for close quarters combat
- Being able to shoot enemy gadgets like drones or claymores with much less chance of enemies being alerted to your presence
- Scoring easy kills on enemies above a wooden floor by using the nitro cell to blow them up from below
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Extended Barrel, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - M45 Meusoc with Suppressor
- Generic gadget - Nitro Cell
Recoil pattern test on the UMP45 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
1. UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Suppressor, and Angled Grip + M45 Meusoc with Muzzle Brake and Laser + Nitro Cell
As discussed above, it’s now a big debate in the Siege community whether the extended barrel will replace the suppressor as the top barrel attachment for most guns, and I’m on the side that says no. Even with the extended barrel adding 15% damage on weapons starting next season, the suppressor is still the better barrel attachment, because being able to shoot enemies without them receiving a directional threat indicator of where your shots are coming from, really goes a long way in a very tactical shooting game like Siege.
Because that would mean that it’ll take longer for enemies to figure out your exact location, therefore, preventing them from immediately and effectively countering firing. The suppressor will also hide the UMP45’s muzzle flash as well as greatly dampen its gunshot sounds, making it even harder for opponents to pinpoint your location. And for a tactical shooting game like Siege, stealth is really a big factor. So, for weapons like the UMP45 submachine gun that has a very low stock recoil, the best barrel attachment would be the suppressor. And since you’ll be able to shoot enemy gadgets with your UMP45 with this setup, it makes more sense to attach the muzzle brake and laser to your M45 Meusoc.
Excels in:
- Shooting enemies without them receiving a directional threat indicator of where your shots are coming from
- Lessening the visual cues your enemies could use to pinpoint your location by hiding the UMP45’s muzzle flash
- Making it harder for opponents to determine your location by dampening the UMP45’s gunshot sound
- Having great recoil control on the M45 Meusoc due to the muzzle brake barrel attachment
- Having a tight hip fire on the M45 Meusoc through the use of the laser attachment
- Blowing up enemies above wooden floors with the use of the nitro cell as your generic gadget
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Suppressor, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - M45 Meusoc with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Generic gadget - Nitro Cell
Recoil pattern test on the UMP45 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: