The huge changes to the game that came with Operation Deadly Omen have affected practically all operators, but there are some that were affected more than others. One of those operators is Fuze. That’s because one of the biggest changes to the game is how shields work.
Fuze is unique in the sense that he’s the only operator that can choose in his loadout menu if he would run with a ballistic shield or not at all. And in this article, we’re going on a deep dive on the best loadout setups for Fuze in the current meta, especially about how the recent changes to the game have affected the best setups that players should consider when playing him.
5. AK-12 with Magnified B scope, Compensator, and Vertical Grip + PMM with Suppressor + Smoke Grenade
The compensator barrel attachment, despite having a relatively recent huge buff, remains as one of the most underrated attachments in the game. A lot of players, when their weapons have a strong recoil, would simply go straight to using the flash hider which greatly lowers vertical recoil. The compensator on the other hand greatly reduces horizontal and random recoil from all directions, so for weapons like the AK-12 that has a challenging recoil to handle, it’s a very viable barrel attachment.
With the reduction of horizontal and random recoil from all directions due to the compensator, the AK-12 assault rifle will be a lot more stable when being fired, especially in long bursts. That’s because the user will mostly only have to worry about holding down its vertical recoil, and when it comes to that, the AK-12 in this setup also has the vertical grip which greatly lowers the vertical recoil of weapons. So with this attachment setup on Fuze’s AK-12 assault rifle, the user will have a good balance between horizontal and vertical recoil control.
Excels in:
- Stabilizing the rough recoil of Fuze’s AK-12 assault rifle through the use of the compensator barrel attachment which greatly reduces the horizontal and random recoil of weapons
- Maintaining a good amount of vertical recoil control on Fuze’s AK-12 assault rifle due to the presence of the vertical grip attachment which will further stabilizing the weapon when firing in long sprays
- The user being able to see their targets well when aiming-down-sight on Fuze’s AK-12 assault rifle due to the magnified B scope which will provide them with a high 2.5x zoom level
- Fuze being able to shoot enemy gadgets like CCTV cameras silently due to the suppressor on his PMM handgun which will allow him to lessen the chances of enemies being alerted to his presence
- The two smoke grenades in Fuze’s arsenal as his secondary gadget will allow him to provide a lot of cover for the attacking team’s push, and that helps a lot especially for defuser plant plays
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - AK-12 with Magnified B scope, Compensator, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - PMM with Suppressor
- Generic gadget - Smoke Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the AK-12 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
4. 6P41 with Magnified B, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip + PMM with Suppressor + Hard Breach Charge
A few seasons ago, light machine guns like the 6P41 have become almost unusable because of the recoil progression overhaul that was introduced to Siege in order to negate the LMG meta at that time where players would just brute force their way into winning gunfights using the LMGs low recoil and huge magazine capacity. With Year 9 Season 1 of Siege, however, the devs have reworked the recoil of LMGs again in order to make them more usable and popular to most players.
One thing that players need to keep in mind though is that the old school recoil that LMGs had didn’t make a comeback and likely never will. However, it is now viable to use them again, especially if you pace your shots well, and that’s why this setup is at number four. With the 6P41 LMG, Fuze will be able to perform suppressive fire due to the 6P41’s huge magazine capacity. It’s also good for harassing enemies from a vertical player after he’s used all his Cluster Charges and he or his teammates have destroyed hatches or the floor above the objective spot.
Excels in:
- Being able to perform suppressive fire because of the huge magazine capacity of Fuze’s 6P41 light machine gun which is perfect for harassing enemies when pushing or from a vertical play
- Having a good amount of recoil control over the 6P41 light machine gun due to the presence of both the flash hider and vertical grip attachments which specializes in lowering the vertical recoil of weapons
- The magnified B scope on Fuze’s 6P41 light machine gun will provide the user with a 2.5x zoom which will allow them to see their targets well and that’ll make it easier for them to hit their targets
- The Fuze player having a utility that they can use to silently shoot defender gadgets like CCTV cameras and others through the use of the PMM handgun with a suppressor on its barrel
- The two hard breach charges in Fuze’s arsenal will allow him to destroy two reinforced hatches. He can also use them to create a breach on walls that are big enough for entry.
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - 6P41 with Magnified B, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - PMM with Suppressor
- Generic gadget - Hard Breach Charge
Recoil pattern test on the 6P41 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
3. Ballistic Shield + PMM with Muzzle Brake + Smoke Grenade
As I mentioned in the introduction of this article, shields have received a major rework and it’s now live in Siege. Operators using a shield can now reload their handguns behind their shields but they can’t hip-fire from the shield anymore. Overall, the Siege community sees this rework on shields as a buff, but it also doesn’t cause any big issues so far when it comes to balancing. The general consensus is that it allows shields to become more viable and more fun to use.
That’s why this loadout setup has earned a high place in this list. Fuze can really benefit from running with the ballistic shield as his primary weapon because it can increase his survivability by a lot, and in Fuze’s case, he can really contribute so much to the team if he’s able to deploy all of his Cluster Charges, which of course he wouldn’t be able to do if he got taken out of the match early. With this setup, it’s important for the PMM handgun to have the muzzle brake at its barrel so that when Fuze decides to shoot enemies with it, he’ll have a really good handle on its recoil.
Excels in:
- The ballistic shield as Fuze’s primary will increase his survivability which is very important since he’ll be able to contribute so much to the team if he’s able to deploy all of his Cluster Charges
- The ballistic shield will also be great for a tactical approach when playing Fuze, either with the support of teammates or even solo like when he uses his shield to push enemies near the spot where he deployed his Cluster Charge
- The ballistic shield will go to Fuze’s back when he’s deploying his Cluster Charges, making him not completely vulnerable when he’s performing his role. It’ll also allow him to be an effective front line when the attacking team is on their final push
- The muzzle brake on the Fuze’s PMM handgun will greatly lower its recoil so it’ll be easier for him to hit enemies when he decides to shoot them out of his ballistic shield
- The two smoke grenades as Fuze’s generic gadget will allow him to provide a lot of cover for the attacking team’s push and defuser plant attempts as they can really obstruct the enemies’ vision
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - Ballistic Shield
- Secondary weapon - PMM with Muzzle Brake
- Generic gadget - Smoke Grenade
2. AK-12 with Magnified B scope, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip + PMM with Suppressor + Breach Charge
The angled grip is one of the attachments that received a massive change with Siege’s Year 9 Season 1. It used to be that it allows players to go into aim-down-sights stance faster, but now, what it does is to give players a 20% reload speed boost. That’s a great perk for Fuze since his role makes him one of the busiest operators around. What I mean by that is that he’s not just always focusing on trying to find and frag enemies. Most of the time, you’ll see him being busy deploying his Cluster Charges.
That’s why a reload speed boost is a great perk for him. Because of his role, there’s a tendency for him to get hunted by multiple enemies, and when it comes to dealing with multiple enemies, being able to reload faster than normal is a huge bonus. That’s because the faster you reload, the quicker you can get back into action, whether that be for defending yourself or fragging your enemies. And since the angled grip doesn’t provide additional recoil control, it’s important for Fuze to have the flash hider on his AK-12's barrel. That way, he’ll still have an attachment that specializes in providing additional recoil control on his weapon which can be challenging to control.
Excels in:
- Being able to reload fast due to the 20% reload speed boost from the angled grip attachment which is a really good perk to have when dealing with multiple enemies at once
- Maintaining a good amount of vertical recoil control on Fuze’s AK-12 assault rifle with the presence of the flash hider barrel attachment which specializes in lowering weapons’ vertical recoil
- The magnified B scope will allow Fuze to see his enemies well when aiming-down-sights on his AK-12 assault rifle and that will be a huge boost to his accuracy because the better you see your targets, the easier it’ll be to hit them
- Having a great utility in the suppressed PMM handgun for shooting enemy gadgets with much less risk of alerting enemies to your presence which is important in a highly tactical game like Siege
- The three breach charges in Fuze’s arsenal will allow him to create entry points on unreinforced walls and hatches as well as destroy parts of the wooden floor above the objective spot for a vertical play
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - AK-12 with Magnified B scope, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - PMM with Suppressor
- Generic gadget - Breach Charge
Recoil pattern test on the AK-12 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
1. AK-12 with Magnified B scope, Flash Hider, and Horizontal Grip + PMM with Suppressor + Hard Breach Charge
The horizontal grip is the newest attachment in Siege and was only introduced this season. What it does is provide a 5% speed boost to operators when they’re holding the weapon it’s been equipped with. To a lot of players in the Siege community, a 5% speed boost is pretty much useless, but I disagree. The 5% speed boost is a great perk depending on the operator, and for Fuze, it does a lot. That’s because even if it’s just a tiny bit, it’ll still make him move faster, and that’ll allow him to deploy his Cluster Charges faster.
Not only that, but it’ll also help him catch up to his teammates faster after deploying his Cluster Charges. That’s important because especially with solo queue players, Fuze tends to get left behind since he’s usually trying to deploy his Cluster Charges on strategic places while his teammates are proceeding with the push. The 5% speed boost will also make Fuze a bit harder to hit, which will increase his survivability. Of course, the horizontal grip doesn’t add more recoil control so it’s important to partner it with a flash hider.
Excels in:
- Having a 5% speed boost due to the presence of the horizontal grip attachment on Fuze’s AK-12 assault rifle which will help him perform his role better as well as make him a bit harder to hit
- The flash hider on the barrel of Fuze’s AK-12 assault rifle will help maintain a good amount of vertical recoil control on the weapon which is needed since the AK-12's recoil can be quite rough
- The 2.5x zoom level from the magnified B scope will allow Fuze to see his targets really well and that’ll greatly boost his accuracy because the better you see your enemies, the easier it would be to hit them
- The suppressed PMM handgun as Fuze’s secondary weapon will allow him to shoot enemy gadgets silently and with much less risk of giving away his position to his enemies
- The two hard breach charges in Fuze’s arsenal will allow him to breach two reinforced hatches or make an entry point on a reinforced wall that is big enough for operators to get through one at a time
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - AK-12 with Magnified B scope, Flash Hider, and Horizontal Grip
- Secondary weapon - PMM with Suppressor
- Generic gadget - Hard Breach Charge
Recoil pattern test on the AK-12 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: