Many, if not most gadgets in Siege are made up of electronics or have at least a tiny electronic part on them. That makes IQ’s special gadget, the Electronics Detector, one of the most integral gadgets on the attacker side even though it’s also one of the oldest. That’s because with the Electronics Detector, IQ is able to disable or at least detect, many enemy utilities.
For Siege’s Year 8 Season 4, the devs have made some big changes on IQ’s weaponry and loadout in order for her to fit in better with the current dynamics of the game, and that’s why it’s time to reassess which weapons, attachments, and gadgets are better for her in the current landscape of Siege.
5. G8A1 with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + P12 with Suppressor + Frag Grenade

The biggest strength of this loadout setup is the massive magazine capacity of the G8A1. The G8A1 is a light machine gun but unlike most LMGs in the game, it can be reloaded fast due to its detachable magazine. Its recoil is also very manageable compared to most LMGs in the game now after the massive recoil progression rework that came to Siege a few seasons ago. Another great thing about IQ’s G8A1 is that its rate of fire and damage is pretty high, so it can make short work of enemies. The only downside is that it’s not compatible with high-powered scopes.
So this loadout setup is great for players who want to perform the role of backline support and provide suppressive fire for their teammates. With the suppressor on the G8A1, their shots won’t generate a directional threat indicator and they would be silent. That could make enemies slower to react to IQ’s shots and of course, that would mean that they won’t be able to protect themselves or counter as fast as they would normally. Another thing that makes this loadout setup great for backline support is the frag grenade as IQ’s generic gadget as she can use it to flush out enemies from their hiding spots or disable bulletproof defender electronic gadgets that she’s detected through her Electronics Detector.
Excels in:
- Providing suppressive fire through IQ’s G8A1 light machine gun due to its massive magazine capacity and fast reload speed which is possible because of its detachable magazine
- Excelling at close to medium range encounters because of the 1.0x sight on the G8A1 as well as its manageable recoil due to the added vertical recoil control from the vertical grip
- Firing at enemies without providing them with a directional threat indicator of where your shots are coming from because of the suppressor which will also make the shots silent
- The silenced P12 will be a great tool for IQ when it comes to disabling enemy electronic gadgets that she’s detected through her Electronics Detector without giving away her position
- The frag grenades would be useful in forcing defenders out of their hiding spots as well as disabling enemy electronic gadgets that IQ has detected through her Electronics Detector
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - G8A1 with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary Weapon - P12 with Suppressor
- Secondary Gadget - Frag Grenade
Recoil test on the G8A1 in this setup firing 32 bullets before I started feeling like I’ll lose control of the gun:

4. Aug A2 with Scope 2.5x A and Flash Hider + P12 with Suppressor + Claymore

The Aug A2 isn’t the choice of many IQ players for their primary weapon. Understandably so, because despite its built-in vertical grip, its recoil is quite high so it can be challenging to control. It makes up for it though with its compatibility with high-powered scopes such as the scope 2.5x. So if you’re one of the players who prefer to always have the highest level of zoom on your weapon, this loadout setup is for you. Besides, even with its high recoil, the Aug A2 isn’t uncontrollable because its horizontal recoil is not that strong, and if you equip it with a flash hider, its vertical weapon kick will be more manageable.
It won’t be in the description of the attachment, and different people have different takes on this, but in my experience, the higher the zoom level is, the better recoil control you’ll have. That’s because it’ll be easier for you to see where your shots are going, so of course, you’ll have an easier time guiding them. As for the claymore as IQ’s generic gadget, it’s a great utility for her because she spends a lot of time focusing on detecting enemy electronics, making her vulnerable from behind or on the sides. But with two claymores, she’ll have more protection.
Excels in:
- Having access to high-powered scopes like the scope 2.5x which allows the user to see their targets well and guide their shots more effectively due to the high zoom level
- Greatly reducing the high vertical recoil of the Aug A2 assault rifle with the presence of the flash hider attachment on its barrel which specializes in lowering weapons’ vertical recoil and removing their muzzle flash
- The Aug A2 is the preferred primary weapon of IQ players who prefer its weaker horizontal recoil than the 552 Commando as well as its compatibility to scopes with a higher zoom level
- The suppressed P12 with no laser allows IQ to shoot defender electronic gadgets she’s detected with her special gadget without giving away her position through the sound of her gunshots
- The two claymores in IQ’s arsenal will help protect her from enemies coming from the sides and the back while she’s focusing in detecting and disabling enemy electronic gadgets
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - Aug A2 with Scope 2.5x A and Flash Hider
- Secondary Weapon - P12 with Suppressor
- Secondary Gadget - Claymore
Recoil test on the Aug A2 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

3. 552 Commando with Scope 1.5x, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip + P12 with Suppressor + Breach Charge

As mentioned before, IQ’s gameplay involves using her Electronics Detector a lot in order to detect enemy electronic gadgets and disable them. When IQ is actively using her Electronics Detector, she can only use her P12 handgun for shooting the electronic gadgets she’s detected or for defending herself. Obviously, when it comes to the latter, the primary would be better. That is why when IQ needs to engage an enemy immediately after or while she’s using her Electronics Detector, it would be great if she has the 552 Commando in this loadout setup.
That’s because the angled grip on the 552 Commando will allow her to go into aim-down-sights stance faster than normal. With that, she’ll be able to aim faster, and even though the angled grip doesn’t provide additional recoil control like the vertical version, the 552 Commando will still have a good amount of vertical recoil control due to the flash hider on its barrel. With this setup, IQ will have a good balance of ADS speed and vertical recoil on her primary weapon. As for the breach charges, they can be used for creating entry points on unreinforced hatches or walls, and they can be used for destroying wooden floors for a vertical attack.
Excels in:
- IQ being able to go into aim-down-sights stance faster than normal especially after she uses her Electronics Detector because of the angled grip attachment on her 552 Commando
- Maintaining a good amount of recoil control on IQ’s 552 Commando because of the presence of the flash hider barrel attachment which will also hide its muzzle flash
- The scope 1.5x on IQ’s 552 Commando providing a good amount of zoom level while not putting her at a disadvantage when it comes to engagements at close range
- Being able to silently shoot defender electronic gadgets that you’ve detected through IQ’s Electronics Detector with the use of the suppressed P12 handgun
- Creating entry points on unreinforced walls and hatches with the use of the breach charges in IQ’s arsenal, which can also be used for destroying wooden floors for a vertical play.
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - 552 Commando with Scope 1.5x, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip
- Secondary Weapon - P12 with Suppressor
- Secondary Gadget - Breach Charge
2. 552 Commando with Scope 1.5x, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip + P12 with Suppressor + Claymore

One of the biggest changes to IQ that came with this new season is the stronger vertical and horizontal recoil on her 552 Commando, and that’s a big consideration in choosing the best loadouts for her in this article. With that said, even though the devs increased the recoil on the 552 Commando, it remains manageable even with only one recoil control providing attachment. In this loadout setup, that will be the vertical grip. The vertical grip adds a lot of vertical recoil control to the weapon, and that allows IQ to attach a barrel attachment that provides other benefits than additional recoil control.
That barrel attachment would be the extended barrel which will make the 552 Commando’s damage higher and reduce its range damage drop-off. That means with the 552 Commando in this setup, IQ will be inflicting high damage to enemies regardless of range. As for the frag grenade, it’s the newest addition to IQ’s arsenal and it’s a great utility for her even though it can’t be “cooked” anymore because it can be used by her for destroying the electronic gadgets she’s detected through her special gadget, the Electronics Detector.
Excels in:
- Inflicting high damage to enemies regardless of range because of the extended barrel on IQ’s 552 Commando which will greatly reduce its range damage drop-off
- The 552 Commando in this setup will also have increased firepower due to the added damage from the extended barrel, and since its stock damage is already high, the added damage will be higher.
- Maintaining a good amount of vertical recoil control on IQ’s 552 Commando through the use of the vertical grip attachment which is important because the extended barrel doesn’t provide additional recoil control
- The P12 with a suppressor will allow IQ to silently disable enemy electronic gadgets through breakable surfaces like wooden floors or walls while using her Electronics Detector
- The frag grenade is a great partner to IQ’s Electronics Detector because with it, she can destroy enemy electronic gadgets she’s detected, especially when they’re bulletproof.
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - 552 Commando with Scope 1.5x, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary Weapon - P12 with Suppressor
- Secondary Gadget - Frag Grenade
1. 552 Commando with Scope 1.5x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + P12 with Suppresssor + Frag Grenade

This is the best loadout for IQ in most situations and maps because it allows her to shoot enemies with her 552 Commando without providing them a directional threat indicator of where her shots are coming from. That’s because of the suppressor on its barrel which will also remove its muzzle flash and silence its gunshots. Because of that, enemies could be slower to react to IQ’s shots and that means they’ll be less effective in taking cover as well as countering. The only drawback is that the suppressor doesn’t add any recoil control benefits to the weapon.
However, because the vertical grip is present in the 552 Commando in this setup, the user will still have a good amount of recoil control on the weapon. The scope 1.5x is perfect for the usual distance that IQ operators in which is close to medium range and would provide her with a good amount of zoom that will allow her to see her targets well while also not putting her at a disadvantage when it comes to close range combat. The frag grenades on the other hand are great for destroying bulletproof defender gadgets as well as forcing defenders out of their entrenched positions.
Excels in:
- Shooting enemies with IQ’s 552 Commando without easily letting them know where you’re shooting from because of the suppressor removing the weapon’s directional threat indicator
- Making it even harder for enemies to pinpoint IQ’s location when she’s shooting because the suppressor also silences the 552 Commando’s gunshots and removes its muzzle flash
- Handling the recoil of the 552 Commando well despite its barrel attachment not providing any recoil control benefits, because of the presence of the vertical grip attachment.
- Being able to see your targets well because of the scope 1.5x which provides a good amount of zoom level without putting you at a disadvantage at close range.
- Shooting enemy electronic gadgets through IQ’s Electronics Detector special gadget without giving away your position because the suppressor on the P12 will make its gunshots silent
- Forcing defenders out of their entrenched positions by throwing frag grenades at them which are also useful for disabling bulletproof enemy gadgets that IQ detected through her Electronics Detector
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - 552 Commando with Scope 1.5x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary Weapon - P12 with Suppressor
- Secondary Gadget - Frag Grenade
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: