15. Arctic
The arctic weapon skin features a pure white color scheme on the weapon’s main frame. It may look simple but sometimes simple is the best. That is because this weapon skin features a cool white design that can also help the user blend into many surroundings, like the walls of the first-floor area in Kafe for example.
Now that Ubisoft has made the game’s lighting more neutral and removed most of the dark corners of the maps in favor of balance, even bright colors like white can also help for camouflage in certain areas. And there are many areas in Siege’s maps with mostly white backdrops. Another cool thing about plain colors like this is that it will be easier to show off your charm.
What makes Arctic great:
- Its simple design exudes coolness
- Will be able to show off your R6 charm more
- Great for blending into most surroundings with light color
How to get Arctic:
- From the Main Menu click Operators
- Select either Attackers or Defenders
- Select any operator and go to Loadout
- Select any primary weapon and click Weapon Skins
- Unlock Arctic with either R6 credits or Renown
- Price: 25,000 renown or 600 R6 credits
See Arctic in action:
14. Amethyst
Amethyst is basically a mix of violet and purple, and one glance at its official picture above may make it seem like it’s a really bright skin, almost like it’s glowing. But not at all, in-game, as you will be able in the video below, its amethyst color is actually kind of faded and not glowing, which is just perfect for Siege, because you don’t really want something glowing in your person since you don’t want to be easily seen by enemies.
And don’t get the wrong idea. Just because in actual gameplay it’s not as bright as it looks like in the official photo, doesn’t mean its brilliance is diminished. In actuality, it’s much better, because its real and simpler gameplay look exudes a lot of elegance.
What makes Amethyst great:
- One of the most unique universal weapon color schemes
- Looks really cool but is not detrimental to the player’s visibility
- Great for showing off your R6 charms
How to get Amethyst:
- Steam R6 store (if you bought Siege on Steam)
- Ubisoft store
- Price: Around $2
See Amethyst in action:
13. Black
This is the darkest weapon skin in the game because it really just puts a pure black paint job on the weapon, but don't’ get it twisted. Just because it is just plain black doesn’t mean it's bland in anyway. In the first place, many real guns are of black color, so this is one of the most realistic weapon skins in the game, and could be the best for players who are into more realism.
And black is always the color of badass. It will also help you blend into many surroundings in the maps, since, even though Ubisoft has made the game’s lighting more neutral now, there are still some darker areas and maps like the Tower or the garage in Bank. You’ll also be able to show off your R6 charm more to your teammates and enemies alike.
What makes Black great:
- Allows the player to focus more on the combat
- R6 charm will easily be shown
- It looks really badass and realistic
How to get Black:
- From the Main Menu click Operators
- Select either Attackers or Defenders
- Select any operator and go to Loadout
- Select any primary weapon and click Weapon Skins
- Unlock Black with either R6 credits or Renown
- Price: 25,000 renown or 600 R6 credits
See Black in action:
12. Topaz
This universal weapon skin looks a lot like metallic gold color in game, and that’s just simply cool and badass, especially when sunlight reflects on it outside of the objective building. And despite its flashiness, you can put most charms on it and they would be very visible against the backdrop of this skin.
Another great thing about this weapon skin is that it’ll also help you blend into many surroundings of the game’s maps because there are many wooden areas, especially floors in the game. So, not only is this weapon skin badass and cool looking, it can also help you competitively, because it’ll make it harder for enemies to spot you when you’re on a prone position on a wooden floor.
What makes Topaz great:
- Blends in most wooden surfaces
- In-game it looks like the player has a golden gun
- Also great for showing off your R6 charm
How to get Amethyst:
- Steam R6 store (if you bought Siege on Steam)
- Ubisoft store for around
- Price: Around $2
See Topaz in action:
11. Platinum
Perhaps the most popular premium universal skin in the game, and has been for many years. The platinum weapon skin in-game looks a lot like metallic silver. It’s quite shiny and clean looking, so one look of it already exudes a lot of coolness. And because of its pure platinum color, your charms will easily show against its backdrop.
The best thing about it is that it can blend to most surfaces and backdrops of Siege’s maps because of its flashy, yet at the same time, simple, color scheme. Ever notice when you go into Terrorist Hunt/Training Grounds mode that the White Mask Terrorists’ uniforms actually blends so well into most backgrounds? The platinum weapon skin has the closest color scheme to their uniform.
What makes Platinum great:
- Great for blending to most surfaces
- Looks badass and cool
- Great for flexing your premium skin
How to get Platinum:
- Steam R6 store (if you bought Siege on Steam)
- Ubisoft store for around
- Price: Around $2
See Platinum in action:
10. Zebra
This is one of the most unique looking universal weapon skins in the game, and of course, one of the coolest. That’s why it has a rating of mostly positive reviews on Steam, and not many players are really using it, so getting it would make you one of the few who uses this cool skin. Giving more value to this premium skin.
But it’s not only a cool and unique looking skin, it’s also one of the weapon skins that can help the user competitively. Its irregular white and black stripes pattern can help with camouflage, especially if you’re hiding behind tables or counters with many items above it.
What makes Zebra great:
- Its irregular stripe pattern is great for camouflage
- One of the most unique weapon skin designs
- Great for ambushes while hiding behind all the clutter in the objective area
How to get Zebra:
- Steam R6 store (if you bought Siege on Steam)
- Ubisoft store for around
- Price: Around $3
9. Snake
This is probably the most underrated universal skin in the game. I just don’t see many players using it, and this skin is something no one should sleep on because it has all the elements of what makes a great weapon skin. And the reason why not a lot of players aren’t aware of this skin is probably because it comes in a bundle and it’s an old one, but it’s still available and it’s quite cheap.
The skin itself covers the weapon with what looks like rattlesnake skin, which is just the epitome of badassery and coolness. Its color and irregular pattern are also perfect for blending into most backdrops in the game which means this skin can help the player competitively. It only costs like three dollars to get this skin in the Safari bundle so if you still don’t have it, I strongly recommend that you get it.
What makes Snake great:
- Exudes a lot of badass hunter vibes
- Snake camouflage pattern is great for blending in most surroundings
- Very detailed but still maintains a lot of realism
How to get Snake:
- Steam R6 store (if you bought Siege on Steam)
- Ubisoft store for around
- Price: Around $3
8. Gold
No matter what game you’re in, having a golden weapon is one of the coolest things you can have. And a golden gun? That just screams badass. This gold universal weapon skin is part of the Safari bundle which new players should really take a look at, since as mentioned in some of the previous entries above, they’re some of the best universal weapon skins in the game.
This gold weapon skin is not just great for flexing but great competitively as well. It’s not really that flashy, so it’s great for blending into most surroundings and backdrops in the game, especially behind tables where there’s a lot of clutter. Its plain color scheme is also great for flexing your R6 charms.
What makes Gold great:
- Golden guns are always great for flexing on your enemies that you have a premium skin
- Not so flashy so as to give you away easily to the enemies
- Blends well into many wooden surfaces or yellowish surroundings like most backdrops in Border
How to get Gold:
- Steam R6 store (if you bought Siege on Steam)
- Ubisoft store for around
- Price: Around $3
See Gold in action:
7. Gray
Most real guns have this same color scheme, so, players who love going for a more realistic look would love this universal weapon skin. It’s also one of the best skins when it comes to blending into most backdrops, especially in the darker corners of the map. This simple but cool design is also great for the player’s focus because there wouldn’t be a lot of patterns or design to distract him on his side.
The plain dark, but not-so-dark color scheme is also great for showing off your favorite R6 charm, because against the backdrop of this weapon skin, any charm would surely be easily recognizable.
What makes Gray great:
- Excellent with stealth so it’s great for roaming and room clearing
- Blends to most surroundings
- Looks cool and realistic
How to get Gray:
- From the Main Menu click Operators
- Select either Attackers or Defenders
- Select any operator and go to Loadout
- Select any primary weapon and click Weapon Skins
- Unlock Gray with either R6 credits or Renown
- Price: 25,000 renown or 600 R6 credits
See Gray in action:
6. SWE Winter Camo
This universal weapon skin is great for fans of the white color on their guns but don’t want a plain white one. The SWE Winter Camo provides a bit of camouflage pattern which is great for blending into surroundings or the clutter in most maps, because its irregular pattern can help distract the enemy’s view.
The white color scheme of this skin is even better than the pure white one at #15 when it comes to blending to the white backdrops of the maps. Aside from that, the pattern just looks cool and a bit mysterious. It’s simple, but far from bland. This also looks so great with the arctic attachment skin.
What makes SWE Winter Camo great:
- Perfect for blending into most white backdrops, especially while walls.
- Clean and simple design exudes coolness
- Minimalist design but still looks badass
How to get SWE Winter Camo:
- From the Main Menu click Operators
- Select either Attackers or Defenders
- Select any operator and go to Loadout
- Select any primary weapon and click Weapon Skins
- Unlock SWE Winter Camo with either R6 credits or Renown
- Price: 12,500 renown or 300 R6 credits
5. Beryl Matrix
This universal weapon skin has the coolest name among all others in this list. What makes this one unique is that it is a seasonal skin, so players only have this season to get it, because it will disappear from the R6 store when the next season drops. It has a really cool blue-green color scheme with irregular patterns which can help with camouflage.
It’s a great gun skin to have especially when attacking with Sens or using them. That is because the color scheme of this weapon skin could blend really well with Sens’ R.O.U. Projector lights. It’s one of the coolest seasonal skins to have dropped and it looks badass and flashy without giving the sense that enemies will be able to detect you easier because of it.
What makes Beryl Matrix great:
- Perfect for the color theme of Operation Vector Glare
- Great for reducing your visibility while within or near Sens’ R.O.U. Projector lights
- Has a really cool design which also doesn’t give you away to the enemies
How to get Beryl Matrix:
- From the Main Menu go to Shop
- Select Energy Refraction Bundle
- Unlock it with either renown or R6 credits
- Price: 1,200 R6 credits or 50,000 renown
See Beryl Matrix in action:
4. USA Winter Camo
This one is the best dominantly white universal weapon skin that you can have in the game. Take into account what makes #15 and #5 great and double that for the USA Winter Camo. It has a nice and cool white color scheme which would help you blend with most white surroundings in the game, and it has a camouflage pattern which will help you hide behind the clutter in some in-game environments.
It’s also not overly colorful or detailed, so it won’t make it hard for your R6 charm to be seen during those short kill cam replays, so that will make sure that the enemy you killed will see how awesome your skin and charm is. Partner this with the arctic attachment skin and you’ll get some cool stormtrooper vibes.
What makes USA Winter Camo great:
- Looks literally cool, and the camouflage pattern is badass.
- Can help confuse enemies
- Can help the player blend into most surroundings in the game, especially white ones
How to get USA Winter Camo:
- From the Main Menu click Operators
- Select either Attackers or Defenders
- Select any operator and go to Loadout
- Select any primary weapon and click Weapon Skins
- Unlock USA Winter Camo with either R6 credits or Renown
- Price: 12,500 renown or 300 R6 credits
3. Diamond
The most expensive universal weapon skin in the game which makes it one of the rarest. It costs 100,000 renown and it’s only through renown, which is Siege’s in-game currency for those who do not know, can it be unlocked. Not with R6 credits, but with renown alone. And we all know how long it could take for a player to grind the game to get that 100,000 renown.
Of course, being one of the rarest, kind of gives its cool and badass reputation by default, but objectively speaking, even if the skin isn’t that expensive and rare; it would still make this list because it does look very good. One could imagine it would be very flashy and would easily be seen by enemies, but in-game footage says otherwise. It’s actually great for blending into most surroundings, making it one of the best gun skins for competitive gameplay.
What makes Diamond great:
- Can confuse opponents because of its irregular pattern
- Great for camouflage because it’s actually not that flashy
- Flexing your R6 wealth on the opponents you’ve killed
How to get Diamond:
- From the Main Menu click Operators
- Select either Attackers or Defenders
- Select any operator and go to Loadout
- Select any primary weapon and click Weapon Skins
- Unlock Diamond with renown
- Price: 100,000 renown
See Diamond in action:
2. USA Reganomics
Speaking of great camouflage weapon skins, the USA Reganomics is so high up in this list because it’s great for competitive gameplay as well as for its looks. For competitive gameplay, this weapon skin is great for maps like Villa, Clubhouse, Chalet, Favela, and other maps which have a lot of wooden structures.
The irregular pattern of this weapon skin is just great for reducing your visibility in said maps, especially while hiding among all the clutter in the objective area. Its overall design also just simply exudes badassery and predator vibes. Perfect for hunting your enemies in the game one by one.
What makes USA Reganomics great:
- Exudes badass predator vibes
- Great for hunting roamers because its camouflage properties add stealth
- Excellent for blending into many backdrops of many Siege maps
How to get USA Reganomics:
- From the Main Menu click Operators
- Select either Attackers or Defenders
- Select any operator and go to Loadout
- Select any primary weapon and click Weapon Skins
- Unlock USA Reganomics with either R6 credits or Renown
- Price: 12,500 renown or 300 R6 credits
1. Modern USA Camo
The Modern USA Camo is #1 in the list because it has the best look for modern urban special operations, which is what Siege is all about. This universal weapon skin features a nice and cool digital camouflage pattern which is intended to help operators blend into most modern buildings. And because this skin has both light and dark colors, it could help the player blend into most surroundings in most maps, and in most situations.
Not to mention that this weapon skin just straight up looks badass. It maintains its simple and realistic look while still being far from bland and boring. So, this skin offers a great balance for players who prefer a more realistic look and for players who want some cool paint job on their guns. This skin will also not make it hard for your R6 charms to be seen.
What makes Modern USA Camo great:
- Can help the player blend into most backdrops in the game
- Looks badass but also realistic
- Color scheme is perfect for the theme of the game
How to get Modern USA Camo:
- From the Main Menu click Operators
- Select either Attackers or Defenders
- Select any operator and go to Loadout
- Select any primary weapon and click Weapon Skins
- Unlock Modern USA Camo with either R6 credits or Renown
- Price: 12,500 renown or 300 R6 credits
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:
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