Out of the few hard breachers in the game, Hibana is the most versatile. That’s because compared to Thermite and Ace, she has more control over her hard breaching device which is the X-Kairos. With it, she can be more creative when it comes to hard breaching, and at times, be able to breach more surfaces compared to the other two.
Like all operators, Hibana has been largely affected by the changes that came with Year 9 Season 1 through her loadouts. In this article, we’re going on a deep dive on how the attachment changes that came with Operation Deadly Omen is going to affect players’ choices when selecting the best loadout when they’re playing this very versatile hard breacher.
5. Type-89 with Magnified B, Muzzle Brake, and Vertical Grip + P229 with Suppressor and Laser + Breach Charge
Most players who just play Siege casually and don’t really research that deeply into the game wouldn’t even know that the muzzle brake attachment has an effect on fully automatic weapons like Hibana’s Type-89. That’s because its in-game description only says that it lowers the recoil of single shot weapons. That's only half-true, because one can attach it to a fully automatic weapon like the Type-89 and it will greatly lower its first shot recoil which is the strongest recoil in all weapons.
The benefit of lowering the first shot recoil of fully automatic weapons is that the tendency is, the subsequent shots’ recoil will also be lowered. And for the Type-89 which has a small magazine capacity and rapid rate of fire, that’s a great perk to have. The Type-89, afterall, has a pretty rough recoil, so lowering its first shot recoil is a very viable way to make it more stable. This loadout setup is for Hibana players who specialize in short bursts, because short sprays with the Type-89 in this setup will have great recoil control.
Excels in:
- Having great recoil control on Hibana’s Type-89 assault rifle, especially when it comes to short bursts, because the muzzle brake barrel attachment will greatly lower the first shot recoil of the weapon
- The vertical grip on Hibana’s Type-89 assault rifle will greatly lower its overall vertical weapon kick, making it more stable, and it will certainly be a good partner to the muzzle brake barrel attachment
- The magnified B scope with its 2.5x zoom level will allow Hibana to see her enemies really well, and that will greatly help when it comes to accuracy, since the better you see your targets, the easier it will be to hit them
- The suppressed P229 handgun will be a great utility for Hibana when it comes to shooting CCTV cameras and other defender gadgets with much less chance of giving away her current position
- The three breach charges as Hibana’s generic gadget will be great for soft breaching as well as vertical plays, since she’ll be able to use them in destroying the wooden floor above the objective spot
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - Type-89 with Magnified B, Muzzle Brake, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - P229 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Breach Charge
Recoil pattern test on the Type-89 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
4. Type-89 with Magnified B, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip + P229 with Suppressor and Laser + Breach Charge
Hibana’s Type-89 assault rifle has a pretty challenging recoil to tame. That’s because it has a strong tendency for horizontal and random recoil from all directions, combined with a fast rate of fire. Though its strong horizontal and random recoil from all directions is one of its biggest drawbacks, for a lot of players, the best way to control a weapon’s recoil is by lowering its vertical recoil as much as possible. And it does make sense. Because with a weapon’s vertical recoil lowered down to its lowest level, the user will mostly only have to worry about controlling its horizontal recoil.
For players who are like that, this setup will work the best. That’s because both the flash hider and vertical grip attachments will be present on the Type-89 assault rifle. Both the flash hider and vertical grip attachments specialize in lowering the overall vertical recoil of weapons, so with this setup, the Type-89's recoil will be at its lowest possible value. As for the suppressed P229 handgun, it will be great for Hibana when it comes to infiltrating the mission building since she can use it for disabling enemy gadgets silently.
Excels in:
- The flash hider barrel attachment specializes in reducing the overall vertical recoil of weapons, so with it on the Type-89's barrel, it will be much easier for Hibana to control its vertical weapon kick
- The vertical grip, like the flash hider, specializes in lowering the overall vertical recoil of weapons, so when both attachments are in the weapon, the user can enjoy a really low vertical recoil
- Hibana having great accuracy with her Type-89 assault rifle regardless of the distance because of the 2.5x zoom level from the magnified B scope as well as its arrowtip reticle
- Having the capability to disable enemy gadgets like CCTV cameras and others without giving away your position to enemies because of the suppressed P229 handgun as Hibana’s secondary weapon
- Hibana having great soft breaching capabilities due to the three breach charges in her arsenal which she can also use for destroying the wooden floor above the objective spot in a vertical play
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - Type-89 with Magnified B, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - P229 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Breach Charge
Recoil pattern test on the Type-89 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
3. Type-89 with Magnified B, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + Bearing 9 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Laser + Stun Grenade
This loadout setup can be pretty intimidating, especially for beginners. That’s because, as mentioned before, the Type-89's weapon kick can be quite rough and challenging to control, and in this setup, the only attachment that will be providing additional recoil control will be the vertical grip. For its barrel attachment, the Type-89 will have the suppressor which will provide the user with great stealth benefits that can be very useful for Hibana when she’s performing her role.
Of course, the drawback is that the suppressor doesn’t add more recoil control on the weapon, so the Type-89 could be considerably harder to control in this setup compared to the one above. However, if the user paces their shots well and sticks to relatively short sprays, this setup will yield great results. That’s because the suppressor will remove the Type-89 shots’ directional threat indicator and muzzle flash. It’ll also greatly silence the weapon’s gunshots sounds, so with this setup, enemies won’t immediately know where Hibana is shooting them from.
Excels in:
- Shooting enemies with Hibana’s Type-89 assault rifle without them immediately knowing where the shots are coming from because the suppressor will remove its shots’ directional threat indicator and muzzle flash
- Maintaining a good amount of recoil control on Hibana’s Type-89 assault rifle with the presence of the vertical grip on the weapon which specializes in lowering the overall vertical recoil of weapons
- Hibana being able to see her targets really well regardless of the distance through the magnified B scope on her Type-89 assault rifle which will provide her with a 2.5x zoom level
- Having a fully automatic secondary weapon in the Bearing 9 machine pistol which has a flash hider for additional recoil control and a laser for an added aim-down-sight speed boost
- Hibana having three stun grenades on her arsenal which are very useful for pushing into the objective spot since they can be used for blinding or deafening enemies behind their hiding spots
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - Type-89 with Magnified B, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - Bearing 9 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Laser
- Generic gadget - Stun Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the Type-89 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
2. Supernova with Iron Sight and Suppressor + Bearing 9 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Laser + Stun Grenade
This would be the best loadout setup for Hibana players who prefer using the Supernova shotgun as their primary weapon. Obviously, a lot of players are intimidated to use a non-slug shotgun like the Supernova for their primary because it’s very limited in range and it’s not fully automatic. However, in Hibana’s case, those drawbacks are kind of negated by the presence of the Bearing 9 machine pistol which she can equip as her secondary weapon. With it, she’ll have a fully automatic weapon that can hit enemies from any range.
Knowing that, a lot of Hibana players are comfortable using the Supernova for their primary weapon. With it, they will have superiority in close quarters combat, and they can also use it for soft breaching. Another neat thing about the Supernova shotgun is that it kind of has an integrated suppressor in that it is the only barrel attachment compatible with it. And since the suppressor doesn’t put any drawback into weapons anymore, there’s really no reason to not equip it when it’s the only available choice.
Excels in:
- Shooting enemies with the Supernova shotgun without them immediately realizing where the shots are coming from due to the suppressor removing the Supernova’s shots’ directional threat indicator
- The suppressor on the Supernova shotgun will also greatly silence its shots which can make it harder for enemies to immediately know where Hibana is shooting from
- The iron sight on the Supernova will provide Hibana with a 10% aim-down-sight speed boost and while it can eat up a lot of screen space, its frame structure is quite good for accuracy
- Having the Bearing 9 machine pistol as Hibana’s secondary weapon which will allow her to shoot opponents beyond the reach of the Supernova shotgun
- The three stun grenades in Hibana’s arsenal will be really useful for blinding and deafening enemies in their entrenched position which is very helpful for pushing the objective spot
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - Supernova with Iron Sight and Suppressor
- Secondary weapon - Bearing 9 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Laser
- Generic gadget - Stun Grenade
1. Type-89 with Magnified B, Compensator, and Vertical Grip + P229 with Suppressor and Laser + Breach Charge
This is the best loadout setup for Hibana mainly because it provides the best recoil control on her Type-89 assault rifle. As mentioned before, a big problem with the Type-89's recoil is that it has a strong tendency for horizontal and random recoil from all directions. The best remedy for that is the compensator barrel attachment which specializes in reducing the recoil diamonds of weapons, and when a weapon’s recoil diamond is smaller, its tendency for horizontal and random recoil will be reduced.
Partner that with the vertical recoil control from the vertical grip and what you’ll have is a stable shooting experience with Hibana’s Type-89 assault rifle. For her secondary weapon, the suppressor on the P229 will allow her to shoot defender gadgets like CCTV cameras, Kapkan traps, and others, with much less chance of giving away her position to the enemies. But don’t get the wrong idea. The suppressed P229 isn’t just a useful utility for that. It’s also a very deadly weapon that is excellent for finishing off enemies due to its high damage and very manageable recoil.
Excels in:
- Greatly reducing the tendency of the Type-89 assault rifle for horizontal and random recoil from all directions with the presence of the compensator on its barrel which will reduce the size of its recoil diamonds
- Having a good amount of vertical recoil control in conjunction with the horizontal recoil control from the compensator through the use of the vertical grip attachments which will decrease the Type-89's vertical recoil
- Allowing Hibana to see her targets very well when aiming-down-sight on her Type-89 assault rifle through the magnified B scope which will provide her with a 2.5x zoom
- Having an excellent secondary weapon in the P229 which has high stopping power and low recoil and the suppressor on its barrel will allow Hibana to shoot defender gadgets silently
- Hibana having great soft breaching capabilities with the three breach charges in her arsenal which are also excellent utilities for vertical plays as they can be used to destroy wooden floors above the objective spot
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - Type-89 with Magnified B, Compensator, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - P229 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Breach Charge
Recoil pattern test on the Type-89 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: