Nokk is one of the stealthiest operators in the game. With her special gadget, the HEL Presence Reduction, she can erase her presence from defender surveillance cameras as well as silence her footsteps when she’s not sprinting. Her great stealth capabilities allow her to gain map control from roamers and flanking defenders.
In this article, we’re going to tackle how the recent big changes that came with the game’s Year 9 Season 1 has affected the weapons and utilities available to Nokk, and how players now should choose their best loadout setups when playing her. With this guide, the player will be able to maximize their performance when playing this excellent stealth and map control operator.
5. FMG-9 with Magnified B scope, Muzzle Brake, and Laser + 5.7 USG with Suppressor and Laser + Impact EMP Grenade
This is an offense-heavy loadout setup for Nokk. That's mainly because of the laser attachment which will provide her with a +10% aim-down-sight speed boost. Now, while that ADS speed boost is always great to have, the obvious downside to using the laser attachment is that the enemies can see where you’re aiming at first. That’s why the FMG-9 in this loadout setup should be used with aggressive plays, and believe it or not, Nokk is actually a great operator for rushing.
That’s because at the start of the round, she can just sprint into the entrance of the mission building and once she’s inside, she can use her HEL Presence Reduction to silence her footsteps while moving at normal speeds. Because of that, a lot of times, even experienced enemies are caught off guard by a Nokk rush. Nokk may not be as fast as other operators, but the way that she can silently approach the objective spot without being noticed is a really deadly skill.
Excels in:
- The muzzle brake on the barrel of Nokk’s FMG-9 submachine gun will greatly lower its first shot recoil, making its weapon kick for short burst firing really low.
- The laser on Nokk’s FMG-9 submachine gun will provide Nokk with a +10% aim-down-sight speed boost on the weapon, partnered with the muzzle brake, this makes the FMG-9 a great gun for flick shots
- The magnified B scope will allow Nokk to see her targets very well regardless of the range because of its 2.5x zoom level which is also good for close range engagements if the user is used to it
- The suppressed 5.7 USG handgun will be a great utility for Nokk when it comes to silently disabling enemy gadgets like CCTV cameras or traps. Its recoil is also really low so it’s great for finishing off enemies.
- The impact EMP grenades in Nokk’s arsenal are great alternative utilities for enabling hard breaching as well as temporarily disabling enemy electronic devices such as Melusi’s Banshees or Maestro’s Evil Eyes.
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - FMG-9 with Magnified B scope, Muzzle Brake, and Laser
- Secondary weapon - 5.7 USG with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Impact EMP Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the FMG-9 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
4. FMG-9 with Magnified B scope and Flash Hider + 5.7 USG with Suppressor and Laser + Hard Breach Charge
Nokk’s FMG-9 is an excellent submachine gun with good firepower and fast rate of fire. However, its recoil can be quite challenging to hold down, especially when being fired in long sprays. That’s why a lot of players who prefer having the FMG-9 as their primary weapon when playing Nokk will find it beneficial to attach the flash hider on the weapon’s barrel. The flash hider specializes in lowering the overall vertical recoil of weapons, so with it on the barrel of the FMG-9, its recoil will be a lot more manageable.
The flash hider will also hide the weapon’s muzzle flash which can make it a bit harder for enemies to immediately know where Nokk is shooting them from. And since the FMG-9 will have no muzzle flash in this setup, there’s also going to be no chance that Nokk herself can get distracted by the muzzle flash from her shots. As for her secondary weapon, the 5.7 USG is a great handgun to have because of its low recoil and default iron sight frame that doesn’t obstruct the user’s view of the target that much.
Excels in:
- The flash hider on the barrel of Nokk’s FMG-9 submachine gun will make its weapon kick a lot more manageable because the flash hider specializes in lowering the overall vertical recoil of weapons
- The magnified B scope with its 2.5x zoom will allow Nokk to see her targets very well especially at medium to long range, but it can also be great for close quarters combat if the user is used to its zoom level
- The suppressed 5.7 USG handgun will be a great secondary weapon for Nokk as its firepower and low recoil makes it a great weapon for fragging enemies and Nokk can also use it for silently disabling enemy gadgets
- The laser attachment on the 5.7 USG will provide Nokk with a +10% aim-down-sight speed boost on the weapon which will be a great perk to have when he’s using it to finish off opponents
- The two hard breach charges in Nokk’s arsenal can be used for destroying two reinforced hatches or for creating a breach on a reinforced wall that is big enough to be an entry point
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - FMG-9 with Magnified B scope and Flash Hider
- Secondary weapon - 5.7 USG with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Hard Breach Charge
Recoil pattern test on the FMG-9 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
3. FMG-9 with Magnified B scope and Extended Barrel + 5.7 USG with Suppressor and Laser + Hard Breach Charge
This is another offense-heavy loadout setup for Nokk, and that’s because of the extended barrel on her FMG-9. The extended barrel has received a huge buff a few seasons ago and it now increases the base damage of weapons on top of its previous benefit of greatly reducing their range damage drop-off. In the FMG-9's case, its damage will go from 34 to 38. Not that may not sound like a lot on paper, but factor in the FMG-9 being a rapid firing fully automatic weapon, and you’ll realize that the damage increase from the extended barrel is actually substantial.
So with this loadout setup, Nokk will be dealing heavy damage from her FMG-9 submachine gun regardless of the distance, and that goes well with her role of being a map control operator. Nokk usually hunts roamers, and that usually involves shooting them within just a small window of opportunity. With the extended barrel on her FMG-9, even if Nokk doesn’t manage to take them out, she’ll be able to do a lot of damage within that small window of opportunity. This loadout setup is also great for rushing since with the increased damage from the extended barrel, Nokk will be taking out opponents much faster than normal.
Excels in:
- The extended barrel on Nokk’s FMG-9 submachine gun will increase its firepower from 34-38, and that’s a lot especially since the FMG-9 has a fast rate of fire and is fully automatic
- The extended barrel on Nokk’s FMG-9 submachine gun will also greatly reduce its range damage drop-off, allowing Nokk to deal heavy damage to enemies regardless of the range
- The magnified B scope will provide Nokk with a 2.5x zoom when she’s aiming-down-sight on her FMG-9 submachine gun which will allow her to see her targets really well
- Nokk having the capability to destroy two reinforced hatches or create a breach on a reinforced wall with the two hard breach charges in her arsenal as her secondary gadget
- The suppressed 5.7 USG handgun is a really good secondary weapon due to its very manageable recoil and good fire power. With a suppressor, it can also be used for silently disabling enemy gadgets.
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - FMG-9 with Magnified B scope and Extended Barrel
- Secondary weapon - 5.7 USG with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Hard Breach Charge
Recoil pattern test on the FMG-9 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
2. SIX12 SD with Iron Sight + D-50 with Muzzle Brake and Laser + Frag Grenade
This loadout setup is for players who excel at using shotgun, and for them, this setup may as well be at number one. That’s because the SIX12 SD is an excellent weapon for a stealthy operator like Nokk. First off, the SIX12 SD shotgun has an integrated suppressor, so shots from it are hard to hear, especially from a medium range and beyond. Its range is also surprisingly far when the user goes into aim-down-sight with it before shooting, so it can be quite a menace at medium range as well.
With the SIX12 SD shotgun, Nokk can also create rotation entry or rotation holes on unreinforced walls with much less chance of giving away her current position since the integrated suppressor will make its shots a lot more silent. The two frag grenades as Nokk’s generic gadget are great partners to the SIX12 SD because Nokk can use them to flush out defenders from their entrenched positions, and when they’re out, that can be the opportunity for Nokk to destroy them with the SIX12 Sd.
Excels in:
- Nokk having the close quarters combat superiority with the SIX12 SD shotgun as her primary weapon because it shoots multiple pellets per shot and has a long effective range
- Nokk’s SIX12 SD also has an integrated suppressor which makes its shots very silent. That’ll make it harder for enemies to know where she is when she’s using it to create entry points or even when shooting at enemies
- The iron sight on Nokk’s SIX12 SD is a great 1.0x sight because it’ll provide her with a +10% aim-down-sight speed and its frame doesn’t take up much screen space so it’s pretty good for accuracy as well
- The D-50 with a muzzle brake will be a very accurate weapon since the muzzle brake will greatly lower its vertical recoil while the laser will provide a +10% aim-down-sight speed boost
- The two frag grenades in Nokk’s arsenal will be great utilities for forcing defenders out of their entrenched positions, and Nokk can use that opportunity to frag them with her SIX12 SD shotgun
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - SIX12 SD with Iron Sight
- Secondary weapon - D-50 with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Generic gadget - Frag Grenade
1. FMG-9 with Magnified B scope and Suppressor + D-50 with Muzzle Brake and Laser + Frag Grenade
I put this loadout setup in the number one spot because it works really well in conjunction with Nokk’s gameplay and role. Nokk uses stealth a lot to her advantage, so it’ll really up her gameplay if she’s given more stealth benefits from the suppressor. The suppressor on her FMG-9 submachine gun will remove its shots’ directional threat indicator and muzzle flash. So visually, it can be hard for enemies to immediately know where Nokk’s shots are coming from, and that will reduce their effectiveness when it comes to counter firing.
It’ll also be harder for them to determine where Nokk is through audio cues since the suppressor will greatly silence the FMG-9's gunshots. With this setup, Nokk’s stealth capabilities will be enhanced, and she won’t be limited in range unlike the setup above with the SIX12 SD shotgun. And since she’ll already be able to silently shoot defender devices with her suppressed FMG-9, it only makes sense to equip the muzzle brake on the D-50 handgun’s barrel to make its recoil a lot more manageable.
Excels in:
- The suppressor on Nokk’s FMG-9 submachine gun will make it hard for enemies to visually know where Nokk is shooting fro because it’ll remove the weapon’s directional threat indicator and muzzle flash
- The suppressor on Nokk’s FMG-9 submachine gun will also make it harder for enemies to know where Nokk is shooting from through audie cues since it will greatly silence the weapon’s gunshots
- The magnified B scope providing Nokk with a 2.5x zoom on her FMG-9 submachine gun will give her a big boost in accuracy because it’ll allow her to see her enemies very well regardless of the distance
- Having great recoil control on Nokk’s D-50 handgun due to the muzzle brake barrel attachment, and a +10% aim-down-sight speed boost from the laser.
- The two frag grenades can be used by Nokk to force enemies out of their hiding spots, and she can use that opportunity to frag them while they’re out of cover.
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - FMG-9 with Magnified B scope and Suppressor
- Secondary weapon - D-50 with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Generic gadget - Frag Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the FMG-9 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: