While Jager's ADS are better at countering enemy projectiles than Wamai's Mag-NETs, I find myself using Wamai in ranked matches more than Jager nowadays. And the reason is because of Wamai's weapons and secondary gadgets. With Wamai's proximity alarms, it'll be hard for you and your team to be caught off guard. He also has impact grenades that can create rotation holes, and rotation holes are essential in ranked matches. Most importantly, it can't be denied that Wamai has better guns and attachments than Jager. And in this article, we will take a look at the best weapon and attachment combinations available to this great operator from Nighthaven.
5. MP5K with Scope 1.5x and Suppressor + Keratos .357 with Muzzle Brake + Impact Grenade
Stealth with a mix of destruction
This is a great loadout to have for flanking, and would have been a great loadout for roaming as well if only Wamai didn’t have the main role of anchor. Because of the way Wamai’s Mag-NETs become available to him, there is no question that it's better for him to keep anchoring, because the longer he is around, the more Mag-NETs he can deploy throughout the objective area.
With a suppressor on Wamai’s MP5K, Wamai can keep shooting at approaching enemies from a distance without giving them the directional threat indicator that would tell them where the shots are coming from. It also hides the muzzle flash of the MP5K, so unless they physically see you, they really wouldn’t know your position. With the MP5K aided by a higher zoom from the 1.5x, and its inherently low recoil. Wamai can target opponents with both stealth and accuracy.
Because the MP5K is already equipped with a suppressor, it wouldn’t really make sense to attach a suppressor on the Keratos .357 as well. Therefore, you should just enjoy the higher damage and better recoil that the muzzle brake wil. The Keratos .357 handgun also provides high destruction with each shot. Perfect for making murder holes on unreinforced walls, especially wooden floors.
Excels in:
- Stealth
- Any range
- Flanking
- Anchoring
Build details:
- MP5K with Scope 1.5x and Suppressor
- Keratos .357 with Muzzle Brake
- Impact Grenade
4. Aug A2 with Red Dot A and Flash Hider + Keratos .357 with Suppressor + Impact Grenade
Great damage and accuracy in each shot
The Aug A2 has better damage and smoother recoil than the MP5K and that makes many players choose it over the latter. It is a very viable option even with the lack of a scope that provides a better zoom because Wamai will mostly be anchoring, and dealing with attacking enemies while anchoring mostly means close to medium range engagements, so even 1x sights will do well. And when it comes to 1x sights, the red dot A is best for pinpoint accuracy.
The red dot A provides a clear view of the screen while aiming down sights because the reticle and the edges of the sight doesn’t take up a lot of screen space. So, with it, you’ll be able to see your targets clearly and can aim for the headshot without much obstruction on your sight. And with the Aug A2’s much better recoil, you’ll be hitting targets with great accuracy.
And this time, because the primary gun isn’t equipped with a suppressor, it’s a good idea to attach a suppressor on the handgun instead. With this, even when anchoring, you can shoot Attacker drones with less chance of compromising your position.
Excels in:
- High damage
- Close to medium range
- Anchoring
Build details:
- Aug A2 with Red Dot A and Flash Hider
- Keratos .357 with Suppressor
- Impact Grenade
3. Aug A2 with Red Dot A and Compensator + Keratos .357 with Suppressor + Impact Grenade
Smoother recoil for sustained firing
With the compensator, you’ll be making the already smooth recoil of the Aug A2 even smoother because it further decreases the recoil diamond of the weapon. The recoil diamond is represented by the different colors from the image above, and the smaller they are, the lesser the random recoil in all directions will be. With the compensator and the red dot A, you’ll have the best accuracy you can get on the Aug A2, especially for sustained firing.
As mentioned in item #5, Wamai is most effective when he’s anchoring. But there will be times when he will need to flank. That is why when playing Wamai, I usually only use one impact grenade for making a rotation hole, and I let my other teammates make additional rotation holes if needed. Always keeping at least one impact grenade on your person is great for sudden creation of rotation holes or escape holes later on in the game. Its impact can also be used as a decoy as well.
Excels in:
- Sustained firing
- Anchoring
- Close to medium range
Build details:
- Aug A2 with Red Dot A and Compensator
- Keratos .357 with Suppressor
- Impact Grenade
2. MP5K with Scope 1.5x and Flash Hider + Keratos .357 with Suppressor + Impact Grenade
The best loadout for holding down the MP5K's vertical kick
While the Aug A2 has better damage and better recoil control. The MP5K still takes the cake because of the availability of the 1.5x scope, which is one of the best scopes in the game. It provides just enough zoom for you to be able to see your enemies clearly even at long range, while also not being at a disadvantage during close range encounters. And with the flash hider, you’ll be able to hold the MP5K down better as well as remove its muzzle flash, lessening the chance of your enemies immediately seeing where you’re shooting them from, thus preventing an immediate and effective counter fire.
This is a great loadout to use in objective areas that provide a lot of cover and has a lot of materials that can confuse Attackers. Examples are the second floors of Bank and Oregon. With the flash hider on the MP5K, you’ll make it harder for enemies to determine exactly where you’re shooting them from. And eliminating the muzzle flash goes both ways. That means, without the muzzle flash, there’ll be less chance for your vision to be blurred by the muzzle flash while targeting your enemies.
Excels in:
- Vertical recoil control
- Any range
- Anchoring
Build details:
- MP5K with Scope 1.5x and Flash Hider
- Keratos .357 with Suppressor
- Impact Grenade
1. MP5K with Scope 1.5x and Compensator + Keratos .357 with Suppressor + Impact Grenade
Provides the most stable recoil for the MP5K
The MP5K’s biggest drawback is its wide recoil diamond, and by attaching a compensator to it, you’re eliminating that drawback, which is why this loadout is at #1. With the compensator attached to your MP5K, your shots will be more stable, especially when it comes to sustained firing. And with tighter recoil diamonds combined with the higher zoom of the 1.5x scope, you’ll be able to hit your enemies with greater accuracy, even at long range.
As for the impact grenades, there are more uses to them than for making rotation holes. The quickest and safest way to perform a runout and kill opponents outside the objective area is by destroying a barricaded door with an impact grenade. Not only does it open up the door fast and allow you to immediately go outside and wreak havoc, it also usually destroys claymores outside the barricaded doors.
Excels in:
- Any range
- Sustained firing
- Anchoring
Build details:
- MP5K with Scope 1.5x and Compensator
- Keratos .357 with Suppressor
- Impact Grenade
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:
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