15. TCSG12 (Best for Close to Medium Range)
The TCSG12 is a unique weapon to Goyo and Kaid, and is easily one of the best shotguns in the game. That’s right, it’s a shotgun, but it’s included in the list of most accurate weapons because unlike your typical shotguns, the TCSG12 fires a single slug per shot. That makes it capable of hitting targets at longer distances. Further than the reach of the usual shotguns that fires multiple pellets per shot. The TCSG12 is also capable of hitting headshots unlike normal shotguns. But what really makes it a very accurate weapon is the scope 2.0x that is compatible to it.
With the scope 2.0x, Kaid and Goyo players will be able to hit enemies with great accuracy due to its high level of zoom and its reticle is really designed for sharp shooting. The TCSG12’s recoil can go a bit wild if you shoot it in very quick succession though, so its user is advised to pace their shots calmly. The TCSG12 deals massive damage per shot, so there’s really no need to rush shooting with it, unless it’s in very close distances. Another great thing about this weapon is that its destruction rate per shot is very high, so it can also be used as a utility for reworking the map to your advantage.
What The TCSG12 Excels In:
- The TCSG12 is compatible with the scope 2.0x which will allow the player to see their enemies bigger on their screen, and will be therefore, easier to hit
- The TCSG12 deals massive damage per shot, and at close to medium range, it can down an enemy with just a few well placed shots
- The vertical grip is compatible to it, so for players who want to have additional vertical recoil control, they can run with it and it’ll be great for a more stable firing
- The TCSG12 kind of has an integrated suppressor because it’s the only compatible barrel attachment to it and now that suppressor don’t have a damage penalty anymore, it only makes sense to equip it
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 63
- Fire rate – 450 RPM
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 11
14. P12 (Best for Close to Medium Range)
For clarification, I’m only talking about IQ’s P12 handgun, because the P12, in the hands of IQ, is very accurate, in a different sort of way. When IQ uses her special gadget, the Electronics Detector, she uses it while holding her P12 handgun. This allows IQ to shoot enemy electronic gadgets while she’s detecting them with her Electronics Detector in real time. And since it’s real-time, it provides IQ with the best accuracy for shooting them. But IQ’s Electronics Detector isn’t only great for disabling defender electronic gadgets. With the P12, it’s also great for fragging enemies.
That’s because there are some operators that carry their special gadgets with them, and it just so happens that those special gadgets are made of electronics. A couple of examples of them would be Vigil and Pulse. So when they’re actively using their special gadgets, IQ will be able to detect them with her Electronics Detector. And this is why I included her P12 as one of the most accurate weapons in the game. Because with the help of the Electronics Detector, IQ will be able to kill Vigil or Pulse through unreinforced walls with great accuracy through her P12.
What The P12 Excels In:
- IQ will be able to accurately kill operators like Pulse or Vigil with accurate shots through soft walls with the help of her Electronics Detector which she uses with the P12 handgun
- Since IQ’s Electronics Detector detects electronic gadgets in real time, IQ can accurately shoot defender gadgets with her P12 while scanning them with the Electronics Detector
- The P12 handgun, even when not being used with IQ’s Electronics Detector, is quite accurate because its iron sights’ frame doesn’t take up a lot of screen space
- Another reason why the P12 handgun is accurate is because its recoil is very low. So even when it’s equipped with a suppressor and not a muzzle brake, its weapon kick will be manageable.
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 44
- Fire rate – 550 RPM
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 16
13. P90 (Best for All Distances)
The P90 submachine gun, available to Rook and Doc, is one of the most accurate guns in the game mainly due to its very manageable stock recoil and its compatibility with the scope 1.5x. The scope 1.5x is one of the best sights in the game because it provides the player with a good amount of zoom level while also not compromising a lot in terms of peripheral view. So whatever the distance, the player won’t be put in a disadvantage by its zoom level. This is basically perfect for Doc and Rook who usually operate in close to medium range.
Except of course when they’re spawn peeking, and the P90 is a very viable weapon for spawn peeking. That’s because the scope 1.5x zoom level is good for long-range shooting, but also because the P90, despite its very fast rate of fire, has a very manageable recoil. So with the zoom level from the scope 1.5x and the low recoil on the P90, Doc will be shooting enemies with great accuracy as well as stability. Another great thing about the P90 submachine gun is that its magazine capacity is huge. That makes it a great gun for dealing with multiple enemies as its chances of needing to be reloaded in the middle of a fight is lower than most guns.
What The P90 Excels In:
- The P90 submachine gun is compatible with the scope 1.5x and that will allow the user to see their enemies well even at long distances, while also excelling at close range
- Another reason why the P90 submachine gun is one of the most accurate guns in the game is its low recoil that allows its user to fire it in long sprays without losing much control
- The P90 submachine gun has a huge magazine capacity and that makes it great for engagements against multiple enemies as it lessens the chances of reloading in the middle of combat
- The P90’s recoil is low enough that even if the user equips it with a suppressor instead of a barrel attachment that provides more recoil control, its recoil will remain manageable
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 22
- Fire rate – 970 RPM
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 51
12. 9mm C1 (Best for All Distances)
The 9mm C1 submachine gun is Frost’s unique weapon and is a big part of the reason why players pick her and not just because of her Welcome Mats. This weapon is very accurate because its recoil is very low. Obviously, a low recoil will let the player hit their target continuously without losing a lot of control of their weapon and that results in more accurate gunshots. This low recoil results from the weapon’s slow rate of fire, so even though it can now be equipped with a vertical grip, it’s still better for players to equip it with an angled grip.
That’s because even without recoil control providing attachments, the 9mm C1’s weapon kick will be easy to control. Another reason why the 9mm C1 deserves a spot in this list is that now, players can attach a scope 1.5x to it, and that sight will tremendously increase the player’s shooting accuracy as the enemies will appear bigger on their screen, and are therefore, easier to hit. So with the 9mm C1, the player will have a high damaging submachine gun with very low recoil, a high-powered scope, and they’ll be able to go into aim-down-sights stance faster with it.
What The 9mm C1 Excels In:
- The 9mm C1 helps a lot with the player’s accuracy through its very low stock recoil that will allow the player to continuously fire the weapon without losing much control
- The 9mm C1 can now be equipped with a scope 1.0x and that will greatly increase the player’s accuracy as they will be able to see enemies much better with it
- The 9mm C1 submachine gun inflicts a very decent amount of damage per shot and has low range damage drop-off making it great for long-distance shooting too
- Frost’s 9mm C1 has a bigger than average magazine capacity, and that will be great during encounters with multiple enemies
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 36
- Fire rate – 575 RPM
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 35
11. MP5 (Best for All Distances)
This goes especially for Rook and Doc because they’re the only operators who can equip it with high-powered scopes, namely the scope 2.0x and 1.5x. Rook specifically can equip his MP5 with the scope 2.0x and Doc can equip the scope 1.5x. These scopes really help with their accuracy because they will be able to see their enemies better the higher the zoom level is. And what’s scary is that both Rook and Doc specialize in spawn peeking because in case they get put in a down-but-not-out state, they can just simply revive themselves using their special gadgets.
Another great thing about the MP5 that makes it an accurate weapon is its very manageable recoil. It can also be equipped with a vertical grip that will further make its recoil controllable. Because of its manageable stock recoil especially with the help of the vertical grip, MP5 users can ditch the recoil providing barrel attachments in favor of ones that provide other benefits such as the suppressor and extended barrel. With the suppressor, your shots won’t have a directional threat indicator and they’ll be silent, while the extended barrel will make the damage you inflict with the MP5 higher.
What The MP5 Excels In:
- For Rook and Doc, the MP5 submachine gun is compatible with high-powered scopes like the scope 2.0x and 1.5x which will allow the user to target their enemies with great accuracy
- The MP5 submachine gun has a very manageable stock recoil, and especially when equipped with a vertical grip, its weapon kick will be very easy to control
- The MP5 submachine gun’s rate of fire is quite fast despite its very manageable weapon kick, allowing it to make quick work of enemies, especially at close to medium range
- It’s also compatible with a wide variety of attachments, and due to its low stock recoil, the user can equip its barrel with non-recoil control providing attachments
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 27
- Fire rate – 800 RPM
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 31
10. UMP45 (Best for Close to Medium Range)
Castle and Pulse’s unique submachine gun is in this list because its very low stock recoil even allows the user to equip it with no recoil control providing attachments and despite that, its weapon kick would still be very easy to control. And since the UMP45 is compatible with a wide variety of attachments, it’s not just an accurate weapon, it’s also highly customizable. With the UMP45, Castle and Pulse can take advantage of the other benefits of non-recoil control providing attachments like higher damage, more stealth capabilities, or being able to go into aim-down-sights stance faster.
The UMP45’s great accuracy due to its very manageable recoil is even supplemented by its compatibility with the scope 1.5x. The scope 1.5x is a highly balanced sight that will provide the player with enhanced zoom with their UMP45 while also not sacrificing a lot of peripheral view. This is perfect for Castle and Pulse’s usual gameplay since they would usually deal with enemies at close to medium range, especially Castle. The scope 1.5x’s reticle, which is quite similar to a red dot, is also really great for accuracy because it does not obstruct the player’s view that much.
What The UMP45 Excels In:
- The UMP45 submachine gun is one of the weapons in the game with the lowest recoil, and the lower the recoil is, the more stable and accurate it will be when being fired
- The UMP45 submachine gun is compatible with the scope 1.5x which provides a good amount of zoom to the user while also not sacrificing a lot of peripheral view
- The UMP45 is compatible with a wide variety of attachments, making it highly customizable according to the benefits that the user wants to take advantage of
- For a weapon with very low recoil, the damage that the UMP45 inflicts is actually quite high, and combining that with its stability and accuracy, it makes for one of the best weapons in the game
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 38
- Fire rate – 600 RPM
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 26
9. 552 Commando (Best for Close to Medium Range)
Like the UMP45 submachine gun above, the 552 Commando also has a stock recoil that is very easy to manage that the user won’t really need a recoil control providing attachment when it comes to handing its weapon kick. On top of that, the 552 Commando even has higher damage, faster rate of fire, and better magazine capacity than the UMP45. Just to give the reader an idea of how great this weapon is. Of course, it’s very accurate because its recoil is easy to stabilize even when it's being fired in long sprays, and it’s also compatible with the scope 1.5x.
The 552 Commando is available to IQ and Grim, and the scope 1.5x is perfect for their roles, because it involves them having to penetrate the mission building early to gather intel, and that means their usual encounters with enemies would be at close to medium range. And at those distances, the scope 1.5x, combined with the very manageable recoil of the 552 Commando, Grim and IQ would be really accurate. And since the low recoil of the 552 Commando allows the user to equip it with an angled grip instead of the vertical one, IQ and Grim would be able to go into aim-down-stance with it faster than normal, and that’s really great for their roles as intel gatherers.
What The 552 Commando Excels In:
- The 552 Commando’s weapon kick is very easy to hold down so the user will benefit more by taking advantage of non-recoil control providing attachments
- The 552 Commando can be equipped with a scope 1.5x, and it’s a well-balanced scope that provides a good amount of zoom while maintaining a healthy amount of peripheral view
- It’s a very deadly weapon at close to medium range due to its very manageable recoil, high damage, decent rate of fire, and a good magazine capacity
- It’s compatible with a wide variety of attachments, so the user can customize the weapon according to the benefits that he wants to take advantage of like more speed, more damage, or more stealth
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 48
- Fire rate – 690 RPM
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 31
8. Mk 14 EBR (Best for All Distances)
In my five years of experience in Siege, among all the designated marksman rifles in the game, the Mk 14 EBR is the easiest to use at close to medium range, making it a great gun for all distances. That’s because its recoil is very easy to control, especially with a muzzle brake, so the user can fire it in very quick succession while maintaining good accuracy. Its recoil is very manageable to the point that even if the user chooses to equip it with a suppressor on its barrel instead of the recoil control providing muzzle brake, the weapon will remain quite easy to control.
Another reason why it ranks quite high when it comes to accuracy is that all scopes that provide higher levels of zoom from the scope 1.5x to 3.0x are available for it, making it a highly customizable weapon. If the user deems it better to use the 1.5x for smaller maps, he can easily switch to it, but my advice is to stick with the scope 3.0x. Its very high level of zoom may intimidate some players, especially beginners, but its frame actually doesn’t take up a lot of screen space despite it obviously eating up a lot of peripheral view. The very high level of zoom will allow you to target your enemies with great accuracy.
What The Mk 14 EBR Excels In:
- Despite being a designated marksman rifle, the Mk 14 EBR has a very manageable recoil, making it also a great weapon for close to medium-range enemy encounters
- The Mk 14 EBR is compatible with high-powered scopes from the scope 1.5x to 3.0x, and all of them are actually great for accuracy, their effectiveness just depends on the player’s experience level
- Not only does it have a very manageable recoil and compatibility with high-powered scopes, it also deals heavy stopping power per shot
- Its recoil is manageable enough that even when used with a suppressor instead of the muzzle brake, its weapon kick will remain controllable especially if the player knows how to pace its shots well
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 60
- Fire rate – 450 RPM
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 21
7. PARA-308 (Best for Close to Medium Range)
The Para-308 is another fully automatic weapon in Siege that deals heavy damage per shot that doesn’t really need any recoil control providing attachments because its stock recoil is already very low. That’s due to its relatively slow rate of fire. And because of the low recoil from the Para-308, the player can fire it with great accuracy and stability, even when performing long bursts. The Para-308 is also compatible with scopes that provide high levels of zoom like the scope 1.5x and 2.0x, which will make it so that enemies appear bigger on the player’s screen.
Just to be clear, however, the scope 2.0x on the Para-308 is only available to Capitao, so yes, the weapon is even more accurate with him. But in the case of Brava, even the scope 1.5x will provide great accuracy, especially since it’s perfect for the range she would usually engage enemies in. As mentioned before, the Para-308 doesn’t need recoil control providing attachments for its weapon kick to be manageable, so the user can opt for attachments that provide other great benefits like the angled grip which will provide aim-down-sights speed, or the suppressor which will provide stealth benefits.
What The PARA-308 Excels In:
- The Para-308 assault rifle’s accuracy mainly comes from its very low stock recoil where the user won’t even have to attach recoil control providing attachments to it in order to control its weapon kick
- The Para-308 provides a lot of accuracy to the user through scopes that provide high levels of zoom like the scope 1.5x for Brava and the scope 2.0x for Capitao
- The Para-308 is an excellent assault rifle which inflicts high stopping power per shot, has very low recoil, and is compatible with a wide variety of attachments
- Its low recoil and compatibility with a wide variety of attachments allows it to be highly customizable as the user can opt for attachments that provide other benefits than recoil control
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 48
- Fire rate – 650 RPM
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 31
6. T-95 LSW (Best for Close to Medium Range)
Speaking of weapons that have low recoil and high damage, Ying’s T-95 LSW is easily one of the best, and of course, low recoil translates to good accuracy. That’s because the easier to handle the recoil of a weapon is, the easier it would be to hit enemies with it. But like I said before, the T-95 LSW doesn’t only have low recoil. It also has high damage. Not only that, its magazine capacity is also massive, being that it’s technically a light machine gun. Though it feels a lot like an assault rifle or a submachine gun because of its very manageable recoil and fast reload speed.
Ying’s T-95 LSW is one of the most accurate weapons in the game not just because of its low recoil, but also because of the high-powered scopes available to it. For scopes that provide high levels of zoom, the user will be free to choose from the scopes 1.5x, 2.0x, and 2.5x. These scopes will greatly enhance the user’s accuracy because when aiming-down-sights on them, the enemies will appear bigger. That will make it easier for the user to hit them, and it’s a great help, especially if the user is trying to aim for the enemies’ heads.
What The T-95 LSW Excels In:
- The scopes 1.5x, 2.0x, and 2.5x are all compatible to it, and they’re great for the user’s accuracy because it’ll allow them to see their enemies much better
- Despite being a light machine gun, the T-95 LSW has a very low recoil, and low recoil always helps a lot with the user’s accuracy as it provides a more stable firing experience
- The T-95 LSW inflicts high damage per shot and despite being a light machine gun, it can be reloaded quickly due to its detachable magazine
- As a light machine gun, the Ying’s T-95 LSW has a massive magazine capacity, and that’s a really great perk to have especially when dealing with multiple enemies
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 46
- Fire rate – 650 RPM
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 81
5. V308 (Best for Close to Medium Range)
Lion’s V308 assault rifle is quite similar to Ying’s T-95 LSW above in that they both inflict high amounts of damage per shot, have low weapon kick, and huge magazine capacity. Like many of the weapons in this list, the V308 assault rifle gets its accuracy from its very manageable recoil as well as its compatibility with scopes that provide the user with high levels of zoom. Lion can equip it with a scope 2.0x or a 2.5x for high levels of zoom and both of them are great for accuracy, not just because of the high zoom levels that they provide but also due to their reticles which doesn’t obstruct the view of enemy body parts a lot, at least for the case of the scope 2.0x and 2.5x A.
The V308’s recoil is manageable enough that the user could empty a whole magazine from it without losing control of their aim, and that’s even with only the vertical grip as the only attachment on the weapon that provides recoil control. With the V308, the user can afford to equip it with a barrel attachment that provides other benefits than recoil control, and I’m talking about the suppressor. With the suppressor, the V308’s shots won’t have a directional threat indicator and they’ll be muffled. This could mean that enemies won’t immediately know where the user is shooting them from.
What The V308 Excels In:
- Its recoil is so manageable that the user only really needs the vertical grip for them to be able to control its recoil and they’ll be able to afford to equip it with a non-recoil control providing barrel attachment
- For higher levels of zoom, the user can equip it with a scope 2.0x or a 2.5x, which will greatly enhance their accuracy as with these scopes, they’ll be able to see their enemies much better
- Lion’s V308 has a massive magazine capacity for an assault rifle, high magazine capacity is always great especially when dealing with multiple enemies
- It inflicts high damage per shot and its rate of fire is pretty decent, so especially at close to medium range, it can make quick work of enemies
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 44
- Fire rate – 700 RPM
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 51
4. ACS12 (Best for Close to Medium Range)
We’ve talked about a lot of weapons so far that have low recoil, but among the weapons in the list, the ACS12 probably has the lowest recoil, especially considering that it’s a fully automatic weapon, and of course, that low recoil translates to great accuracy. For its grip, the user can choose the recoil control providing vertical grip or the aim-down-sights speed providing angled grip. My suggestion, however, would be the angled grip, because even without the recoil control benefits of the vertical grip, the user would find this weapon’s recoil very easy to control.
Another reason why this weapon is so accurate is that it can be equipped with high-powered scopes. For Alibi, she can equip it with a scope 2.0x, while Azami can equip it with a scope 1.5x, both of which will provide the user with pinpoint accuracy due to their reticles and zoom level. As you can see from the stats below, the ACS12 inflicts a massive amount of damage per shot, and for a shotgun, its magazine capacity is quite high. Speaking of magazines, it has a detachable one so for a shotgun, its reload time is fast, which just makes the ACS12 an even greater weapon.
What The ACS12 Excels In:
- The ACS12 shotgun probably has the most manageable recoil among all the weapons in the list, and that very low recoil will help the user a lot when it comes to accuracy.
- For Azami, she can equip the ACS12 with a scope 1.5x, and for Alibi, she can equip it with a scope 2.0x, and they’re both great at enhancing the user’s accuracy due to their high zoom levels
- The ACS12 shotgun fires a single slug per shot, so despite being a shotgun, it’s capable of hitting targets at long range, and with high damage
- For a shotgun, even for a single slug firing one, the ACS12’s magazine capacity is quite high, and it also only takes a short time to reload it because of its detachable magazine.
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 69
- Fire rate – 300 RPM
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 31
3. 417 (Best for Long-Range)
The 417 designated marksman rifle, available to Twitch, Lion, and Sens, ranks so high in this list because as a sniper rifle, it’s not only accurate for long range shooting. It’s also very accurate for close-range engagements as well. That’s because its hip fire is very tight, especially when equipped with a laser, and with a muzzle brake barrel attachment that will greatly lower its recoil. So with the 417, the user could accurately hit enemies at close range even without having to spend a few milliseconds to go into aim-down-sights stance. This provides the user with the speed advantage over his enemies at close range.
But of course, since the 417 is a marksman rifle, it’s also important to highlight how it’s accurate for medium to long-range shooting. Its accuracy mainly comes from its compatibility with the scope 3.0x which, as you can imagine, provides a very high level of zoom, and even at long distances, the player will be able to see their enemies well with it. The great thing about the scope 3.0x is that its frame doesn’t take up a lot of screen space, so for the player’s front view when aiming-down-sights, their view would be really clear.
What The 417 Excels In:
- The 417 marksman rifle is very accurate, especially for medium to long-range shooting because it can be equipped with high powered scopes like the scopes 2.5x and 3.0x
- Its hip fire is very tight, especially when it's equipped with a laser, and because of that, the user can afford to not go into aim-down-sights stance when trying to hit enemies at close range
- It inflicts a very high damage per shot as well as high penetration, which means that each shot has a high destruction rate and it can be used to destroy soft walls or open lines of sight on them
- Its recoil is very manageable, especially with a muzzle brake on its barrel, but even with a suppressor on its barrel instead, the user will still find its weapon kick to be quite easy to handle
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 69
- Fire rate – 450 RPM
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 21
2. CSRX 300 (Best for Long-Range)
Kali’s CSRX 300 is one of the most accurate weapons in the game because it provides the user with a variable 5.0x and 12x scope. That means that while aiming-down-sights with the CSRX 300, the user will be able to toggle between the 5.0x and the 12x zoom, which is a great perk to have for long-range shooting. Such high levels of zoom will really allow the user to see their enemies in their screen clearly, as they will appear bigger. And of course, the bigger they appear, the easier it will be to hit them. This makes Kali such a deadly sniper, not counting the fact that the CSRX 300 has the highest damage in the game.
That’s right, Kali’s CSRX 300 has the best damage in the game and one shot from it is capable of killing a light armored operator at any distance, and downing medium and heavy armored ones with a shot to the torso. And considering how accurate Kali can be due to the very high zoom levels she has, it’s really not a good idea to peek at windows or doors when you’re defending and she’s on the attacking team. Its penetration rate is also very high considering that if you line up five operators behind each other, all five of them will get damaged by one shot from it.
What The CSRX 300 Excels In:
- The CSRX 300 has the highest damage among all the guns in Siege and is capable of outright killing or downing opponents with just one shot at its optimal range
- It provides great accuracy to its user due to its variable 5.0x and 12x scope which will allow them to see their enemies very clearly on their screen
- Its penetration rate per shot is very high, so even if its shot got obstructed by a soft wall or another operator, the operator behind will still get badly damaged
- Each shot from it produces a loud sound and a very visible smoke trail which is seen as a drawback but it also scares opponents into not peeking or moving a lot, which can be a positive for the attacking team
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 127
- Fire rate – 50 RPM
- Mobility - 50
- Capacity - 6
1. OTs-03 (Best for Long-Range)
Glaz’s designated marksman rifle retains its number one ranking, and it’s going to be quite hard to supplant it from this ranking because it’s still the only weapon in Siege that has a thermal sight. That thermal sight on the OTs-03 makes differentiating enemies among all the backdrops and objects in the maps much easier as it highlights enemies in a bright yellow hue. Of course, because it’s a thermal sight, it will also allow Glaz to see enemies through the cover of smoke, and this is really effective at fragging them, especially when they don’t know that Glaz is on the attacking team.
Another thing about the OTs-03 that greatly enhances the user’s accuracy is that the zoom level from it is 4.0x. While Kali’s 5.0x and 12x on her CSRX 300 is a lot higher, 4.0x is still very high, considering that the highest zoom level available to other weapons is 3.0x. What’s more is that this 4.0x thermal scope can be very easily switched by the user to a 1.0x sight of their choosing, and that will allow them to see enemies well when it comes to close quarters combat. The OTs-03 also inflicts high damage per shot, and has a high penetration rate which makes it great for destroying unreinforced hatches and opening lines of sight on soft walls.
What The OTs-03 Excels In:
- The OTs-03 has a thermal scope that highlights enemies in a bright yellow hue which will make it so much easier for the user to tell enemies apart from all the backdrops and objects in the game
- The OTs-03's thermal scope allows the user to see enemies through the cover of smoke and that can really surprise them when they don’t know that Glaz is on the attacking team
- The thermal scope on the OTs-03 has a zoom level of 4.0x, and that will allow the user to see their enemies really well on their screen
- Its high-powered scope can be switched to a 1.0x of the user’s choosing, and that allows them to not be put at a disadvantage at close quarters combat
Weapon stats:
- Damage - 71
- Fire rate – 380 RPM
- Mobility - 36
- Capacity - 16
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: