10. Wamai (Anti-Gadget, Trapper)
Wamai is a very interesting operator in this list because he doesn’t trap enemy operators themselves, what he directly traps are their gadgets, specifically, their throwables or projectiles. Through his special gadget, the Mag-NET, Wamai can pull enemy projectiles or throwables back to them. Most of the time, this causes enemies to back off because they don’t want to be on the receiving end of their own throwables or projectiles, especially if they’re grenades. Just imagine your own frag grenade being pulled back towards your direction. That can really ruin your momentum.
Wamai can deploy a total of six Mag-NETS. He starts with one at the beginning of the round and gains another every forty seconds. In total, Wamai can deploy six Mag-NETs, so the longer the round goes, the more he can deploy. Wamai’s Mag-NETs are great utilities when it comes to disrupting the enemies’ advances as not only will their projectiles or throwables be useless against the defenders, there’s a high chance that they’re the ones who will be negatively affected instead. And in Siege, the use of utilities play a major role in the game, so to be able to trap those utilities is such a great ability to have.
What Makes Char Name Great for Traps:
- Wamai specializes in trapping enemy projectile or throwable utilities through his special gadget, the Mag-NET, which pulls those utilities and have them detonate where the Mag-NET was deployed
- Wamai can deploy a total of six Mag-NETs per round so that means he can intercept and neutralize six attacker projectile or throwables, which is a lot in Siege
- When an attacker projectile or throwable gets pulled by one of Wamai’s Mag-NETs, not only will that utility be useless against the defenders, it can even cause damage or inconvenience to the attackers
- Wamai starts with one Mag-NET at the beginning of the round and gains another every forty seconds, so the longer he stays alive, the more he can realize his full potential
Best Loadout for Wamai:
9. Smoke (Anti-Entry, Trapper)
Smoke’s special gadget is called the Remote Gas Grenade. They’re basically three gas grenades that can be detonated by Smoke via remote control, hence its name, and Smoke is a great trap operator because of that. That’s because he can deploy his gas grenades on a spot and wait for enemies to get into that spot before releasing their poisonous gas, which damages operators very quickly. The scary thing about Smoke’s gas grenades is that it can down a full health operator regardless of their speed and health rating in just three seconds, so if an operator is caught deep within its effects, chances are, they’ll get killed.
Now you might be asking, but most of the time, operators are able to run outside the radius of the gas grenades, right? Well, most of the time, yes. But Smoke’s gas grenades are most effective when opponents aren’t moving a lot, and there are plenty of instances like that, especially when attackers are trying to plant the defuser. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen attackers die because they tried to continue planting the defuser even though Smoke already detonated his gas grenade. That’s because most players underestimate its damage-over-time speed, which takes fifteen health points every two-thirds of a second.
What Makes Smoke Great for Traps:
- Smoke can deploy his gas grenade on a spot where he’s expecting enemies to push, and once the enemies are deep into that spot, he can simply detonate the gas grenade and damage them by a lot
- Smoke’s gas grenades cover a large area so they can damage a lot of enemies, and it takes ten seconds before its gas cloud dissipates, and in Siege’s time, that’s quite long
- The damage-overtime speed of Smoke’s gas grenades is very fast since it’s capable of downing a full health operator regardless of their health rating in just three seconds
- Smoke can bring in two barbed wires per round and they’re great partners to his gas grenades as they’re very effective at slowing down enemies, and enemies who are being slowed down by them are prime targets for his gas grenades
Best Loadout for Smoke:
8. Thorn (Anti-Entry, Trapper)
Thorn is one of the most recent additions to Team Rainbow and she’s become one of the most played operators since her release in Operation High Calibre. That’s because her special gadget, the Razorbloom Shell, is one of the best trap utilities in the game. She has three Razorbloom Shells, and they basically work like proximity mines. Once an enemy enters their radius, their explosion countdown will begin, and that countdown will just take a few seconds. Enemies who are caught within its blast radius will be immediately killed, because it has an explosion power similar to that of a nitro cell.
Those who aren’t caught in the blast but are nearby can still get severely damaged. This makes Thorn’s choices for her generic gadget, the barbed wires and the deployable shield, really increase her trapping capabilities, because attackers who are trying to run away from the Razorbloom Shell blast but are slowed down by the barbed wires will surely get killed, and those who will vault over a deployable shield where a Razorbloom Shell was deployed behind, also has a high chance of perishing. Similarly, Thorn can deploy her Razorbloom Shells behind windows, and she even has great synergies with other trap operators like Frost, Lesion, and Ela.
What Makes Thorn Great for Traps:
- Thorn has three Razorbloom Shells, and she can finish deploying them as traps during the prep phase, and enemies who enter their radius will trigger their explosion countdown
- Her Razorbloom Shells has an explosion power similar to that of a nitro cell’s so operators who are caught in its explosion will get easily killed or at least severely damaged
- The Razorbloom Shells have a great synergy with Thorn’s choices for her generic gadget, the barbed wires and the deployable shield, which will greatly help in trapping opponents
- Thorn’s Razorbloom Shells also have great synergy with other trap operators’ utilities like Frost’s Welcome Mats, Lesion’s Gu Mines, and Ela’s Grzmot Mines
Best Loadout for Thorn:
7. Goyo (Anti-Entry, Trapper)
Goyo is one of the best trapper operators because his special gadget, the Volcan Canister, covers a large area in fire that damages operators fast when they’re detonated. Goyo has four Volcan Canisters and they’re detonated when they’re shot or an explosion affects them, so Goyo can deploy them on usual defuser planting spots or where attackers usually push, and once those enemies are on the spot where a Volcan Canister has been deployed, all Goyo has to do is to shoot it and the area will be covered in a carpet of flames which will damage or kill the enemies that are caught in it.
If Goyo is having trouble targeting his Volcan Canisters, he also has access to two impact grenades per round, and he can simply throw them to the spot where the Volcan Canister he wants to detonate has been deployed. The impact from the explosion will detonate the Volcan Canister even though it’s not a direct hit, and the fire from it will damage enemies or prevent them from pushing that area. The fires from Goyo’s Volcan Canisters takes twenty seconds before dissipating, and that’s a long time to deny an area considering that Siege matches, especially competitive ones, have a time limit of only a little over two minutes.
What Makes Goyo Great for Traps:
- His special gadget, the Volcan Canister is an excellent trap utility, as it can be detonated when enemies are near it and that will cover the area in large fire that will quickly damage enemies within it
- Goyo has four Volcan Canisters and the fire they produce when detonated will last twenty seconds before dissipating, and that’s a long time in Siege where matches have a time limit of only a little over two minutes
- Goyo’s Volcan Canisters can be attached to most flat surfaces, making them quite versatile in their deployment and allowing the Goyo player to be creative or tricky when it comes to their positions
- The damage from Goyo’s Volcan Canisters is quite high and will take down a full health operator, regardless of their health rating, in just a few seconds
Best Loadout for Goyo:
6. Ela (Crowd Control, Trapper)
Like Thorn’s Razorbloom Shells, Ela’s special gadget, the Grzmot Mine, acts like a proximity mine, in that it will detonate when an enemy steps into its radius. Unlike Thorn’s Razorbloom Shells, however, Ela’s Grzmot Mine won’t have a countdown and instead will detonate immediately when triggered by enemy presence. Its effects are not lethal, but will certainly leave them vulnerable, as operators who are caught within the Grzmot Mine’s explosion will not be able to sprint, and will experience heavy concussion which will prevent them from seeing their surroundings well.
Ela has three Grzmot Mines and when she’s near one that is triggered, it can be safe to assume that Ela will be able to frag the enemy that triggered it. The Grzmot Mines will also produce a loud sound when triggered, which makes them good early warning devices. Ela herself will receive a notification on her screen when one of her Grzmot Mines have been triggered, so even if she’s far away from it, it’ll give her a good idea on enemy presence and the direction they’re attacking. The Grzmot Mines are excellent traps because of this, and they can stick to most surfaces, making it very convenient for Ela to deploy them.
What Makes Ela Great for Traps:
- Her special gadget, the Grzmot Mine, causes heavy concussion to enemies who trigger it and are within its radius. The heavy concussion effect will also prevent them from sprinting, essentially leaving them vulnerable.
- Ela has three Grzmot Mines and that number allows her to cover a lot of flanking spots or entrances with them, meaning that enemies who uses those paths will be heavily concussed
- When triggered, Ela’s Grzmot Mines will produce a loud explosion sound that is usually enough to warn her and her teammates of enemy presence, which makes the Grzmot Mines great early warning devices as well
- The Grzmot Mines are very sticky and is compatible to most surfaces in the game, and that makes them versatile as it allows Ela to be more creative or tricky as to their deployment
Best Loadout for Ela:
5. Frost (Anti-Entry, Trapper)
Frost’s special gadget, the Welcome Mat, is a trap, in all senses of the word. In fact, it resembles a mouse trap a lot, because enemies who will step on Frost’s Welcome Mat will literally be trapped and not be able to do anything until their teammate revives them. A trapped attacker will be put in a down-but-not-out state and will continue to bleed unless they get revived, and they can only be revived manually. Finka’s Adrenal Surge, Doc’s Stim Pistol, or Rook’s Armor plate, if they managed to get one, won’t be able to revive them from being trapped by one of Frost’s Welcome Mats.
Frost can deploy three Welcome Mats per round, and they’re compatible to most flat horizontal surfaces where they would fit. They’re usually deployed by players behind surfaces or objects that enemies usually vault into like windows or deployable shields, but they can also be put in unexpected angles like right beside doorways, and that deployment method is usually effective. As mentioned above, Frost’s Welcome Mat also has a great synergy with Thorn’s Razorbloom Shell because a Razorbloom Shell deployed near a Welcome Mat will definitely kill an enemy that it will trap.
What Makes Frost Great for Traps:
- Frost’s three Welcome Mats are basically giant mouse traps and would literally trap enemies who steps on them, and they’d remain trapped and bleeding unless they’re revived by their teammates
- An attacker trapped by a Welcome Mat can only be revived manually by another teammate and not by gadgets like Finka’s Adrenal Surge, Doc’s Stim Pistol, or Rook’s Armor Plate
- Frost’s Welcome Mats are purely mechanical, so the only way to disable them is by shooting them or launching an explosive towards them. EMP grenades won’t have any effect.
- In most cases, a trapped attacker would get killed by Frost or her teammates, and when deployed with Razorbloom Shells, Frost’s Welcome Mats would always mean death to enemies who gets trapped by them
Best Loadout for Frost:
4. Alibi (Intel, Trapper)
Alibi ranks so high in this list because her special gadget, the Prisma holographic clones, has so many uses aside from being traps and intel gathering utilities. Alibi can deploy three holographic clones, and anything from the attackers, be it their bullets, projectiles, throwables, drones, or their own bodies, that passes through one of the holographic clones will put a tracker on the attacker that triggered it. The tracker is basically a ping that will last for several seconds and be visible to all the defenders, and since the Prisma holographic clones are exact copies of Alibi’s default skin, it’s easy for the attackers to mistake them for the real one.
And that’s essentially how Alibi traps opponents and gathers intel on them at the same time. Through the way she traps them, she can gather intel on their positions, disrupt their momentum, and even prevent them from vaulting certain surfaces or objects. That’s because the Prisma holographic clones can be deployed right behind windows or deployable shields, and that can make it very hard for enemies to vault over them, because if they do, they’ll surely activates Alibi’s tracker on them, and it can also be hard for them to shoot the holographic clones’ base, which would disable the holographic clone, before they trigger the tracker
What Makes Alibi Great for Traps:
- Through her special gadget, the Prisma holographic clones, Alibi traps her opponents into giving away their positions as anything coming from them, including their own bodies, that passes through her holographic clones will trigger its tracker
- Since the Prisma holographic clones look exactly like Alibi, it’s really easy for the attackers to mistake them for the real her, and would usually shoot them, activating Alibi’s tracker in the process
- The tracker from Alibi’s Prisma holographic clones will last for several seconds and will be visible to the whole defending team, effectively disrupting the attacker’s momentum and overall strategy, as their location has become known to the defenders
- Alibi’s Prisma holographic clones can also be used as a deterrent to prevent enemies from vaulting over windows or deployable shields just by being deployed right behind them
Best Loadout for Alibi:
3. Kapkan (Anti-Entry, Trapper)
Like Frost in one of the above entries, Kapkan’s special gadget, the EDD, is a trap in all senses of the word, because when it’s sprung, it’ll explode and cause massive damage to the one who triggered it. The scary part is, Kapkan has five of them, and he can deploy more than one of them together. So if one already causes massive damage, two or three of them exploding simultaneously will kill the enemy that triggered them. That is why Kapkan ranks so high in this list, because he’s one of the very few operators in the game that can cause instant death or at least massive damage with just one go of his special gadget.
Kapkan’s EDDs are deployed on either side of entryways such as doorways or windows. Once deployed, they’ll project an invisible laser that’ll end at the other side of the entryway, and when an attacker passes through and touches that laser, the EDD will be triggered and explode. This is highly detrimental to attackers because not only can they get severely damaged or killed. With Kapkan’s presence, they’ll have to check every entryway carefully if they don’t want to get damaged or killed. This will slow them down, disrupt their momentum, and they can even leave themselves vulnerable to defender fire while they’re checking for Kapkan’s EDDs.
What Makes Kapkan Great for Traps:
- He has five EDD traps and each of them can cause massive damage to enemies. Two or three of them simultaneously detonating will kill an enemy caught within their blast radius.
- Kapkan can now deploy more than one EDDs in one entryway, making him one of the very few operators that can instantly kill enemies with just one go of their special gadget
- With Kapkan in the defending team, attackers will have to slow down and take their time to check each entryway for Kapkan traps before passing through them if they don’t want to get badly damaged or killed
- Kapkan’s EDDs are some of the best anti-rush utilities in the game, because when enemies are rushing, chances are, they won’t be carefully checking for traps, highly increasing the chance that they’ll spring them
Best Loadout for Kapkan:
2. Fenrir (Trapper)
As of this writing, Fenrir is the newest operator in Siege, and has quickly become one of the most banned operators in ranked. That’s because when your team is starting off as attackers, it can really be a good idea to just ban him and not have to deal with him. His special gadget, the Dread Mine, presents attackers with a lot of problems. Fenrir has five Dread Mines and when Fenrir toggles their active status, they’ll act like proximity mines, and would release their fear effects on enemies within their radius. That fear effect will severely limit the vision range of enemies, leaving them extremely vulnerable to defender fire.
As mentioned, Fenrir has five Dread Mines and he can toggle their active status on and off. That’s because he can only have three active mines at the same time, and once they’re active, they won’t be bulletproof anymore, so Fenrir has to be more tactical about which Dread Mines he’ll be leaving active and when. What makes the Dread Mines more dreadful, and yes, pun intended, is that they’re quite small so it can be hard to find them once they’ve put their fear effects on you and you’re feeling some panic. They also have great combos with utilities from other trapper operators like Lesion’s Gu Mines and Ela’s Grzmot Mines.
What Makes Fenrir Great for Traps:
- His Dread Mines, when active, will act as proximity mines, and will apply their fear effects on enemies within their radius, and that fear effect will severely limit their vision range
- Enemies caught in the fear effects of the Dread Mines will not be able to see further than a few meters ahead of them, and that will leave them extremely vulnerable to defender gunfire
- Fenrir has five Dread Mines and, in most cases, that number is more than enough to cover the paths of attack to the objective site, and Fenrir can have three active Dread Mines at a time
- Fenrir’s Dread Mines have a dreadful combo with Lesion’s Gu Mines and Ela’s Grzmot Mines as both utilities will prevent enemies from sprinting, and they’ll be slower in getting out of the fear effects of the Dread Mines
Best Loadout for Fenrir:
1. Lesion (Anti-Entry, Trapper)
Lesion’s special gadget, the Gu Mine, inflicts damage-over-time to enemies who trigger it, and that enemy will continue getting damaged and not be able to sprint until they remove the Gu Mine from their body. The removal of the Gu Mine can take a few seconds, during which, the attacker won’t be able to do anything, and that makes them vulnerable for a short time. Similar to Wamai with his Mag-NETs, Lesion starts the round with one Gu Mine and he’ll gain another every time its cooldown is finished, and that cooldown doesn’t take long.
So when it comes to Lesion, the longer he stays alive in the round, the stronger he can get, because he’ll be able to deploy more Gu Mines. On top of all these, Lesion is set to have a buff quite soon with Operation Heavy Mettle, where they’ll be bringing back the initial damage to his Gu Mines, and their damage-over-time will be increased. The catch is, the Gu Mines won’t be invisible anymore, so Lesion will have to be more careful about where he deploys his Gu Mines in order for them to not just be easily seen. But with the invisibility gone, the Gu Mines also loses their electronic part, so now, they won’t be disabled by EMPs anymore or even converted or disabled by Brava’s Kludge Drones or Twitch’s Shock Drones.
What Makes Lesion Great for Traps:
- His Gu Mines inflict damage-over-time to enemies who triggers them and they will also slow them down by preventing them to sprint, and these effects will last until the enemy removes the Gu Mine
- The Gu Mines have great synergies with other trap operators like Fenrir, Goyo, Smoke, and Thorn, as the Gu Mine will prevent enemies from sprinting, so they’ll be more susceptible to those operators’ special gadget effects
- The Gu Mine is going to receive a massive buff soon which will bring back its initial damage, increase its damage-over-time, and now it will be purely mechanical, so even EMPs won’t disable them
- Lesion becomes stronger the longer the round goes on because the Gu Mines become available to him via cooldown, so the longer he stays alive, the more Gu Mines he can deploy
Best Loadout for Lesion:
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: