10. Nomad
One of the biggest problems for beginners are enemy roamers, because understandably, beginners don't have a lot of experience and map knowledge yet, so they don't really know where and when to expect enemy roamers from hitting them from behind. Fortunately, Nomad's special gadget, the Airjab Launcher, can attach three repulsion grenades on surfaces. These repulsion grenades are basically proximity mines, and when an enemy steps into their radius, they will detonate, and the force of that detonation will be enough to knockdown that enemy.
The sound of the detonation from Nomad's Airjab repulsion grenade is usually loud enough for Nomad and her teammates to hear, alerting them to the enemy's presence, and if they're close, that's usually enough for them to kill the knocked down enemy. So with Nomad, even a beginner won't have to stress so much about enemies hitting them from behind, and it's also a good chance for the new player to learn the usual flanking spots. Another thing about Nomad that is great for beginners is that her AK-74M primary weapon's recoil is quite easy to control and it has a large magazine capacity.
What Makes Nomad a Great Attacker:
- With Nomad's special gadget, the Airjab Launcher, new players will be safer from enemies that will try to hit them from behind
- The repulsion grenades from the Airjab Launcher creates a loud sound when detonated by enemy presence, which is great for alerting Nomad and her teammates
- Her AK-74M assault rifle is a great weapon for beginners because its recoil is very manageable, it inflicts high damage per shot, and its magazine capacity is huge
- The repulsion grenades from her Airjab Launcher will knock down enemies that get close to them, giving Nomad the opportunity to kill them before they get up
Best Loadout for Nomad:
9. Lesion
As mentioned above in Nomad's entry, since beginners don't have good map knowledge yet, they can be quite susceptible to enemies that will hit them from the back, and while Nomad is an attacker that has an excellent utility to prevent that from happening, on the defender side, the player can have Lesion. That's because Lesion's special gadget, the Gu Mine, has some similarities to Nomad's Airjab repulsion grenades. Lesion Gu Mines are also detonated when an enemy gets close to them, and when an enemy is affected by it, it will prevent them from sprinting and will damage them over time.
A Gu Mine being detonated will also create a loud sound that is usually loud enough for Lesion and his teammates to hear. So the Gu Mines aren't only great for slowing enemies down and damaging them. They're also great as early warning devices. So with Lesion, it will be hard for the player, even when they're new to the game, to be caught off guard. Another great thing about Lesion is that he has impact grenades which he can use to create rotation holes in the objective spot, and it's always best for beginners to learn the value of rotation holes early on.
What Makes Lesion a Great Defender:
- With his Gu Mines, even a beginner will not be caught off guard by enemies, because they're great early warning devices on flanking spots and entryways in general
- Lesion's Gu Mines prevent enemies from sprinting and damages them overtime, so they're great utilities for countering a rush, which could be hard for beginners to deal with
- Lesion can bring two impact grenades per round and they're great for creating rotation holes. It will be good for new players to learn the value of rotation holes early on
- Lesion's fully automatic primary weapon, the T-5 SMG is quite easy to control so it's perfect for beginners. It also inflicts a decent amount of damage per shot
Best Loadout for Lesion:
8. Ash
Ash is a great beginner operator because she's very straightforward to play. Don't get me wrong though, her gameplay being straight forward doesn't mean she's any less than the other operators. In fact, she's been one of the most popular operators in the game for so many years now, and that goes for both beginners and veterans. With Ash, the player can experience high velocity gameplay due to her 3-speed rating, while also having a lot of firepower because of her weapons and utilities such as the G36C assault rifle, M45 Meusoc, and of course, her Breaching Rounds.
The Breaching Rounds are her special gadget and they're great for creating large entry points on unreinforced walls. My tip for beginners though is to use them for disabling pesky bulletproof defender gadgets that can pose a lot of trouble like Maestro's Evil Eyes, Melusi's Banshees, and even deployable shields. When you really need though, one of the conventional ways to use Ash is to use her Breaching Rounds to destroy an unreinforced wall for a quick entry, and you can also use them for destroying large portions of the wooden floor above the objective spot. That way, you'll be able to frag the defenders from above.
What Makes Ash a Great Attacker:
- Ash is great even for beginners, because she's straightforward to use, and she has a lot of speed and firepower for killing enemies
- Her Breaching Rounds create a lot of destruction and they're also quite versatile because they can be used in a number of things
- Her G36C is a great assault rifle because it inflicts a good amount of damage per shot, has a very manageable weapon kick, and it's compatible to the scope 1.5x
- She can also bring two claymores per round and claymores are always great for guarding your back from roamers, flankers, and run outs
Best Loadout for Ash:
7. Thunderbird
The more chances for a beginner to play, the more they will be able to experience the game and learn, and that's why Thunderbird is in this list. Because with Thunderbird, even beginners can last for a long time in a Siege round. With Thunderbird's special gadget, the Kona Station, she can provide healing for herself and for her teammates. She has three Kona Stations and it's up to the player where they will place them. The healing from the Kona Stations are limited only by cooldown, so when Thunderbird is damaged, she can just go to one that is not on cooldown and she will receive healing.
Healing isn't the only thing that the Kona Station can do. The Kona Station can also revive anyone who's in a down-but-not-out state as long as they get inside its radius. But the Kona Station isn't the only reason why Thunderbird is a great operator for beginners. Her Spear .308 assault rifle is quite easy to control and inflicts a good amount of damage per shot, and that's always great for newer players. She also has access to the impact grenades, which, as mentioned before, are great for beginners because through them, they'll learn the value of creating rotation holes early on.
What Makes Thunderbird a Great Defender:
- Her three Kona Stations can provide a lot of healing, not just for Thunderbird but for her teammates too, so that means more chances for them to remain in the round
- Her Spear .308 assault rifle doesn't only inflict high damage per shot, its weapon kick is also quite easy to manage and that's great for beginners
- She can bring two impact grenades per round and they're great utilities for reworking the map to the defending team's advantage
- She also has access to the bearing 9 machine pistol which is a great alternative weapon that'll allow her to keep firing a fully automatic weapon when her primary needs to reload
Best Loadout for Thunderbird:
6. Finka
As mentioned above in Thunderbird's entry, the longer the player lasts in the round, the more they can experience the game and learn, and if Thunderbird allows the player to last longer when they're playing defense, Finka will do that on attack. That's because Finka's Adrenal Surge, upon activation, will add health points to her and the whole attacking team, and she can activate it three times. If the operator is damaged, Finka's Adrenal Surge will provide healing, but when their health is full, they will receive additional health points instead, and that'll make them tougher.
Finka's Adrenal Surge doesn't only allow the player to last longer because of the additional health points. It will also provide her and her other teammates a second chance when they get put in a down-but-not-out state, because upon activation of the Adrenal Surge, they will get revived. The Adrenal Surge will also provide great buffs such as being more resistant to tinnitus and blinding effects, faster reload, faster aim-down-sights speed, and being able to walk over barbed wires faster. And like Thunderbird above, Finka also has a Spear .308 which is a great gun for beginners due to its very manageable weapon kick.
What Makes Finka a Great Attacker:
- Can perform healing for herself and her teammates through the activation of her Adrenal Surge which adds health points to the whole attacking team
- She can also revive herself and other teammates from a down-but-not-out state with the activation of her Adrenal Surge, effectively giving them a second chance
- Her Spear .308 is a great assault rifle for beginners because it's quite easy to control, has high damage, and is compatible to a wide variety of attachments
- Finka provides a lot of buffs to the whole attacking team which includes the ability to walk over barbed wires faster, faster aim-down-sights speed, faster reload, and more
Best Loadout for Finka:
5. Rook
Speaking of providing second chances, Rook is one of the best in the defending side when it comes to that. That's because the recent rework on his armor plates has made it so that anyone who's wearing them will be able to revive themselves from a down-but-not-out state, and that's always a great perk to have, especially for beginners. But of course, Rook's armor plates retain their previous attribute of adding more health points to the operator wearing, basically making them tougher, and that's why Rook is such a great operator to have.
Another thing that beginners would find really handy when playing Rook is that his MP5 submachine gun has a very controllable recoil, so they'll be able to easily hit enemies with it. It can also be equipped with a scope 2.0x, so the player will be able to see their enemies clearly, even at long distances. Rook also has great utilities available to him in the proximity alarms and impact grenades. The proximity alarms will prevent the player from being caught off guard on flanking spots, and the impact grenades will allow Rook to really set up the objective spot to the defending team's advantage.
What Makes Rook a Great Defender:
- His armor plates will provide him and the teammates that will get them, more health points, effectively making them much tougher to take down
- Rook and anyone who's wearing his armor plates will have the ability to self-revive from a down-but-not out state which is basically a second chance in Siege
- His MP5 submachine gun is a great weapon because its recoil is very manageable, it inflicts a decent amount of damage per shot, and its compatible with the scope 2.0x
- His impact grenades are great for creating rotation holes and his proximity alarms are great early warning devices for guarding flanking spots
Best Loadout for Rook:
4. Frost
Whenever someone new to the game asks me which operators they should unlock first, I always recommend them operators that can still contribute to the team even when they're dead. Because let's face reality, Siege's learning curve is quite steep, so newbies will die a lot. So to be able to contribute to the team even when they're dead is a massive boost in morale. And that's basically what Frost brings to the table. With her Welcome Mats which are basically traps, she can neutralize opponents even when she's been taken out early in the round.
Once an opponent steps into one of her Welcome Mats, they will be put in a down-but-not-out state. Most of the time, they'll get killed, because Frost will receive a notification when one of her Welcome Mats traps someone, and that'll prompt her to go and finish her prey. But there's also a loud thud whenever a Welcome Mat traps an enemy, so even when Frost isn't around, chances are, her teammates will hear that, and they will come to finish off the trapped enemy. Another great thing about Frost for beginners is that she can perform the role of a roamer, and while it can be intimidating at first, roaming is really the best way to learn the maps in Siege.
What Makes Frost a Great Defender:
- Frost's Welcome Mats can trap opponents, rendering them useless and vulnerable, and she can deploy them in tricky spots that'll be hard for enemies to notice
- Frost's Welcome Mats allows the player to contribute to the team even when she gets taken out early in the round and that's a massive morale boost for beginners
- Her 9mm C1 submachine gun is great for new players because its recoil is very easy to control and it also inflicts a huge amount of damage per shot
- She has the ITA12S shotgun as one of her choices for her secondary weapon and it's great for reworking the map to the defending team's advantage
Best Loadout for Frost:
3. Thermite
Thermite is a great operator for beginners because he's not only powerful, his overall gameplay and role will allow the player to learn a lot about the game too. First off, Thermite plays a vital role in the team because he's going to be the main hard breacher. That's because his special gadget, the Exothermic Charge, can completely destroy a reinforced wall, and by completely, I mean that it will really be a huge breach. Huge enough so that the attackers wouldn't have to crouch or vault to enter it, and that's really great because when an operator crouches or vaults to enter another area, they could be vulnerable for a few seconds.
Thermite's role is very crucial to the game and that can be intimidating for beginners, but it's important for them to learn as early as they can the important walls that need to be breached. Thermite's overall gameplay and role will also allow beginners to have more map knowledge. As for his weaponry, Thermite has the 556XI assault rifle which is great for beginners because its recoil is very easy to control and it inflicts a high damage per shot. Scopes that provide higher levels of zoom are also compatible with it, and the earlier the player gets used to high levels of zoom, the better.
What Makes Thermite a Great Attacker:
- His Exothermic Charge special gadget is a great hard breaching device because it completely destroys a wall, meaning that attackers won't have to vault or crouch to get through it
- His 556XI assault rifle is a great weapon with high damage, very manageable recoil, and is compatible to a wide variety of attachments, especially scopes with higher levels of zoom
- His Exothermic Charge's breaching action is the fastest among all hard breaching device and that's great because it gives less time for enemies to react
- His 2-health 2-speed rating is great for beginners also because it allows him to move quite quickly while maintaining a good amount of armor
Best Loadout for Thermite:
2. IQ
Like Thermite in the above entry, IQ is another operator that allows beginners to learn a lot about the game. That's because her special gadget, the Electronics Detector, allows the player to see the real-time locations and outlines of defender electronic gadgets. That means that through IQ, a player who's new to the game could learn a lot more about enemy electronic gadgets and their usual locations, and that also helps a lot when it comes to improving map knowledge. IQ might be the most difficult operator to use in this list, but I maintain that beginners should practice using her, because they could really learn a lot about the game from her.
And I say that she could be quite difficult to use because while she's actively using her Electronics Detector, she would only be able to use her handgun, and that could be a disadvantage to her when it comes to enemy engagements because her handgun is not a fully automatic weapon. However, in the right circumstances, her being able to use her handgun while she's scanning for enemy electronics gadgets can allow her to get more kills. That's because enemies who are using their mobile devices to view their cameras can also be detected by IQ on her special gadget, so if they're behind a breakable surface, IQ can just wall bang them with her handgun.
What Makes IQ a Great Attacker:
- Her Electronics Detector special gadget will allow the player to learn a lot about the game, especially enemy gadgets and their usual locations
- Her 552 Commando assault rifle would be great for beginners because it's easy to control and inflicts a lot of damage to enemies
- She can bring two claymores into the round and that's great for protecting herself and her teammates from run outs, roamers, and flankers
- Her Electronics Detector will allow her to easily know where the objective spot is and that's great for beginners, especially for acquiring map knowledge
Best Loadout for IQ:
1. Iana
Being able to scout ahead while safely behind cover is great for beginners because that'll make sure that they won't get ambushed, which could normally easily happen to new players. Of course, one could do that with their drones, but Iana does it better with her special gadget, the Gemini Replicator, which creates an exact holographic copy of her that can also mimic her movements except for rappelling and shooting. I say it's better than the regular attacker drones because it's great for confusing enemies, and normally, enemies who see it will shoot it.
Shooting it will make it disappear and the Gemini Replicator will be back on cooldown, but if the defender who shot it isn't using a suppressor, he could have compromised his location through his gunshot. That's why Iana is a really great operator, for newbies or veterans alike, because she's an expert in gathering intel on enemy locations, as well as confusing them. Iana also has the G36C assault rifle which is very easy to control, has high damage per shot, and best of all, it can be equipped with a scope 1.5x which is great at close to medium range.
What Makes Iana a Great Attacker:
- Using her Gemini Replicator, Iana can scout an area while she's safely behind cover, and since it's an exact copy of her, it can cause great confusion to enemies
- The Gemini Replicator is a great intel gathering tool that not only allows Iana to see where the enemies are, it'll also make enemies give away their location through their gunshots
- Her G36C assault rifle is a great weapon because its weapon kick is quite easily to control, it inflicts high damage per shot, and it can be equipped with a scope 1.5x
- She can bring two frag grenades per round and they're great for scoring kills on enemies behind cover as well as flushing them out of their hiding spots
Best Loadout for Iana:
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