15. Fuze
Fuze is one of the most fun operators to use, especially once you've learned how to really use his special gadget, the Cluster Charge. Most newbies understandably do not completely understand how his gadget works, meaning the pattern in which the sub-grenades from his Cluster Charges drop, and that leads to a lot of people thinking that he's not a very fun operator to play, add that to the fact that he has 1-speed rating. But once you know that the five sub-grenades from the Cluster Charge will drop semi-sideways and that they bounce on some surfaces a bit, you can use that for tactical purposes.
And that's a very fun thing to do because with Fuze's Cluster Charges, you can flush enemies out of their entrenched positions, effectively reworking their movements. There would also be times when you can use the Cluster Charge to specifically lead an opponent to your line of sight, and that's one of the most fun things to do with Fuze. Of course, his Cluster Charges also cause a lot of destruction of defender gadgets and that will help you and your team a lot for a final push. Fuze is also the only operator who can choose to run with a ballistic shield if he wants to, making him one of the most versatile operators around.
What Makes Fuze Fun:
- He's able to rework enemy movements, and forcing your enemies to move is always fun to do
- His Cluster Charge's deployment of sub-grenades can be delayed, giving more strategic possibilities to the player
- Can choose to go with a ballistic shield which could protect him from being taken out early, which provides the player with more chances to have fun
- Can destroy a lot of defender utilities, making it much easier for him and his team to push the objective spot
Best Loadout for Fuze:
14. Ela
Everything about Ela makes her so fun to use. From the primary weapons available to her, her special gadget, secondary weapon, generic gadget, all the way down to her speed rating. Personally, the most fun I've had with Ela is when I run with her FO-12 shotgun instead of her Scorpion EVO 3 A1. That's because her FO-12 shotgun can make a rotation hole with just a couple of shots, and it can even be equipped with a suppressor. That means that when roaming, Ela can silently make a rotation hole and outmaneuver her enemies through it, and that provides Ela with a lot of strategic options.
Her special gadget is so fun to use too because they're quite versatile. You can use them for defense and even offense. Usually, I leave two Grzmot Mines around the objective spot in order to help my teammates who are anchoring it, and I keep one for myself when I'm roaming because it's so fun to use it offensively by throwing it at the enemy, have them be disoriented, and then eliminating them using Ela's powerful FO-12 shotgun or her RG15 handgun which provides Ela with good accuracy due to its excellent Romeo1 reflex sight that makes it effective even for long-range shooting.
What Makes Ela Fun:
- Ela has 3-speed rating which allows her to go from one place to the next very quickly
- Has the FO-12 shotgun which she can use to create rotation holes in order to outmaneuver her enemies or escape from them
- Can cause her enemies a lot of confusion with her three Grzmot mines which can also act as early warning devices for guarding flanks
- Has the RG15 handgun which is very fun to use even for long-range shooting due to its excellent Romeo1 Reflex sight
Best Loadout for Ela:
13. Vigil
Vigil specializes in surprising enemies and making them uneasy and that's a very fun thing to do. He can do that because his special gadget, the ERC-7, allows him to be invisible to attacker cameras. Although, if he's nearby the camera, his presence would create static on the feed which will be stronger the closer he is to the camera. And while that could give the attackers an idea of where Vigil is, they won't know where he is specifically. That creates a lot of uneasiness to the attackers, and Vigil can capitalize on that by either picking them off by one one from behind, or wasting a lot of their time by letting them hunt him.
When it comes to escaping attackers who are hunting him, Vigil has access to the impact grenades which will allow him to quickly create rotation holes that will allow him to get from one point to another with great speed. The thing is, rotation holes aren't only useful to Vigil for escaping. He can also use them to surprise enemies by quickly getting behind them, and that's always a fun thing to do. And when Vigil is playing a bit more adventurously, he could run with the BOSG.12.2 single-slug firing shotgun which is basically a sniper rifle and can take down an enemy with just one or two shots at its optimal range.
What Makes Vigil Fun:
- Can turn invisible to enemy cameras, causing them a lot of uneasiness and providing him a lot of options when it comes to dealing with them
- Has access to the impact grenades which he can use to quickly escape from enemies or for flanking them
- Has the BOSG.12.2 shotgun which is essentially a sniper rifle and is so fun to use since it can really surprise enemies by taking them down with just one shot
- Has access to two machine pistols and both of them are as powerful as primary weapons due to their rate of fire
Best Loadout for Vigil:
12. Ying
Ying is one of the most fun operators to use because she can move very well with her 2-speed and 2-health rating, so she's quite versatile and can perform any role. Of course, the main reason why she's so fun to use is her special gadget, the Candela Device, which she has four of, is the most effective utility in the game when it comes to blinding opponents. What's so fun about it is that like Fuze's Cluster Charges, they can be deployed to breakable surfaces like unreinforced walls, wooden floors, and barricaded doors or windows.
That way, Ying can release its flash charges towards enemies even though they're on a lower floor or behind an unreinforced wall. Of course, the regular way of deploying them is by throwing them like stun grenades, but what's great about Ying's Candelas is that they can be cooked so that once thrown and it hits the ground, it will release its flashes almost immediately. With that function, Ying can really have control of when she wants to blind enemies inside the room and when she'll capitalize on it.
What Makes Ying Fun:
- Being blinded by her Candelas is very hard to avoid if you're in the room where their flash charges detonate
- She's not affected by the blind effects of her Candelas so she can push while her Candelas are going off and clear the room of enemies
- Her T-95 LSW is really fun to use because it has high damage, low recoil, high magazine capacity, and despite being an LMG, it can be reloaded quite fast.
- Like Fuze's Cluster Charges, Ying's Candelas can be deployed on breakable surfaces, so she can blind enemies even though they're on the other side of a wall or even on a lower floor.
Best Loadout for Ying:
11. Lion
Lion is easily the most versatile operator in the game and playing him isn't that complicated despite him being able to contribute to the attacking team a lot, and that makes him such a fun operator to use. With just one button, Lion can immediately use his special gadget, the EE-ONE-D, which does a scan from his drone, and when enemies are moving during this scan, they will get pinged for the whole attacking team to see. That usually forces them to stay still for a few seconds, and it prevents them from doing what they want to do and breaks their rhythm.
The scans also emit a loud sound which could mask the sound cues that the attacking team are making while pushing, so Lion's EE-ONE-D scans are great for pushing. What's so fun about it is that the effect is global, which means that regardless of where Lion is, his EE-ONE-D scans will affect the defenders, and that's great for helping out his teammates even when he's not near them. Another reason why Lion is so fun to use is because he has access to three primary weapons, three secondary weapons, and three secondary gadgets. With all those choices, the player has a lot of options when it comes to how they want to approach the match.
What Makes Lion Fun:
- The effects of his special gadget is global so he can contribute to the team regardless of where he is on the map
- Can stop enemies from moving through his EE-ONE-D scans because those who will not stop moving will get pinged and that will be visible to the whole attacking team
- Has a wide array of weapons and utilities to choose from so the player can adjust his loadouts according to the map and the enemy's playstyle
- Has well balanced 2-speed 2-health rating which allows him to still move quickly while maintaining a good amount of toughness
Best Loadout for Lion:
10. Osa
Osa has been recently made into a 1-speed 3-health operator, and obviously, that made her movement slower than before. I first looked at it as a nerf on her, but it actually even increased her pick-rate, and now that I think more about it, it makes a lot of sense, because the weakness of her Clear Shield is that it doesn't protect her sides well. So having more health will allow her to be tougher in case she gets shot on her arms or legs. This makes Osa one of the few 1-speed operators that are really fun to use.
Obviously, that's mainly because of her special gadget, the Clear Shield, which allows her to lead her team's push without getting damaged, and all the while, she could gather intel on enemy positions. The best thing about Osa is that her Clear Shield can be deployed on the ground and be attached to windows. This provides a lot of tactical possibilities for Osa, and being creative in using her Clear Shields is always a fun thing. For example, you can block an entryway using her Clear Shield, hit it with a melee attack so that it'll become opaque. That way, you can hide a claymore behind it, so when an enemy vaults over the Clear Shield, you'll score an easy kill.
What Makes Osa Fun:
- Can lead the attacking team's push without getting damaged by enemies due to her Clear Shield special gadget
- Can advise her whole team on enemy positions since she can see them while pushing through her Clear Shield
- Her Clear Shield is so fun to use because it provides Osa with a lot of tactical options when it comes to tricking enemies
- Her Clear Shield can be deployed to the ground or attached on windows so they can be used by her teammates as well
Best Loadout for Osa:
9. Caveira
Caveira definitely belongs in this list of most fun operators to play because guaranteed that whenever a player uses her, their heart rate is high throughout the time. That's because she's so exciting to use, and that's mainly because she's one of the few operators in the game that has more than one special gadget or ability. First off, with her Silent Step ability, she can sprint and go from one point to another quickly while having her footsteps sound muffled. This allows her to outmaneuver enemies, get behind them or escape from them, stealthily. This is what makes her one of the most dangerous roamers in the game.
Secondly, she has the Interrogation ability where she can interrogate attackers who are in a down-but-not-out state, and once successful, it'll reveal the real-time position of the remaining attackers for the whole defending team to see. Of course, Caveira will have a hard time putting attackers in a down-but-not-out state without her Luison which is her unique handgun, and is basically like her special gadget. That's because the Luison will always put an enemy in a down-but-not-out state first before inflicting a lethal shot. It can also down an enemy regardless of their armor rating with just a couple of shots at its optimal range.
What Makes Caveira Fun:
- Can go from one place to another quickly because her Silent Step ability allows her to sprint without making much noise
- Can interrogate enemies who are in down-but-not-out state, revealing the real-time positions of the remaining attackers
- Her SPAS-15 shotgun has a very high destruction profile per shot, allowing her to quickly create rotation holes or destroy hatches for outmaneuvering enemies
- She also has impact grenades which she can also use for quickly creating rotation holes, destroy unreinforced hatches, or even for countering Osa
Best Loadout for Caveira:
8. Finka
Finka, like Lion in one of the above entries, has a special gadget whose effect is global. That means she can activate it and all of her teammates will be affected by it, regardless of their distance to Finka. That special gadget is called the Adrenal Surge which provides a lot of buffs to the whole attacking team, adds more health to them; effectively healing them in the process, and revives anyone including Finka herself from a down-but-not-out state upon activation of the Adrenal Surge. This makes her so fun to use because with just one button and anywhere she is on the map, she can contribute to the team.
The buffs from her Adrenal Surge include more resistance to tinnitus and the blinding effects of stun grenades, being able to walk over barbed wires faster, removal of concussion effects upon the Adrenal Surge's activation, and being able to reload faster. Aside from that, Finka has a very balanced 2-speed 2-health rating which allows her to move quick enough while maintaining a pretty solid toughness. And like Lion, she can choose between three weapons for her primary, and three weapons for her secondary, which makes her one hell of a versatile operator.
What Makes Finka Fun:
- The effects of her special gadget is global so she can contribute to her team regardless of where she is in the map
- She's able to revive herself or her teammates from a down-but-not-out state, and this could trick enemies into believing it's safe to finish them when they're injured
- Provides a lot of buff to the whole attacking team, making them more resistant to some effects, and even allowing them to walk over barbed fires faster
- The best buff from her Adrenal Surge is that it makes the whole team tougher by adding more health points to them
Best Loadout for Finka:
7. Amaru
Amaru has been dubbed by the Siege community as the "Attack on Titan'' operator because her special gadget, the Garra Hook, has some similarities to the ODM Gear in Attack on Titan. If you've seen that anime, then you already have a very good idea on why Amaru is such a fun operator to use. The Garra Hook can be attached to windows, rappel-able ledges, open hatches, and skylights. Once the Garra Hook is attached, it will quickly pull Amaru towards it, and this makes Amaru the fastest operator when it comes to rushing or climbing roofs or windows in general.
Amaru's Garra Hook is the reason why defenders should really finish setting up the objective spot quickly during prep phase, because if they're still reinforcing after it, Amaru could just use her Garra Hook to get through to the window of the objective spot and kill the unsuspecting defenders. Her Garra Hook allows her to perform a rush in just a matter of a few seconds after the prep phase. Amaru is also the only attacker who has the ability to climb open hatches, allowing her to surprise enemies through them, and she can run with a shotgun as her secondary weapon for destroying unreinforced hatches.
What Makes Amaru Fun:
- With her Garra Hook special gadget, she's really the only operator that has the ability that is close to flying, which is very fun to use
- Because of her Garra Hook, she's the fastest operator when it comes to rushing because she can burst through a window in a matter of seconds after the prep phase
- She's also the only attacker that can climb broken hatches and surprise defenders from there
- She can equip a gonne-6 hand cannon as her secondary weapon so even when a window is blocked by Castle's Armor Panel, she can destroy it and Garra Hook through that window
Best Loadout for Amaru:
6. IQ
I know that many IQ players when using her don't even use her special gadget, the RED Mk III Spectre, also known by its simpler name, the Electronics Detector, which is a shame, because once a player learns the ins and outs of her special gadget and incorporates it to their gameplay, IQ becomes one of the most effective operators in the game, and is very fun to use. First off, her electronics gadget detects all kinds of attacker gadgets that have electronics in them, and most gadgets in the game are made of electronics.
That means IQ can detect the real-time location of enemies who are using their mobile device to view their cameras. And since IQ can fire her handgun while her Electronics Detector is active, she'll be able to wall bang the defender that she's detecting, or even shoot them through wooden floors. This makes IQ a very fun operator to use, especially when you equip her handgun with a suppressor. Because that way, if you're wallbanging enemies that you detect using the Electronics Detector, they won't immediately know where your shots are coming from.
What Makes IQ Fun:
- She has 3-speed rating, allowing her to move faster than most operators and 3-speed operators like her have lighter footsteps
- Her Electronics Detector allows her to detect the real-time positions of enemies who are using their observation tool
- It's so fun to use her when Echo and Valkyrie is on the defending team because IQ can render them useless
- She can also disable defender gadgets from below or above through the wooden floors, and that's always fun to do
Best Loadout for IQ:
5. Alibi
Alibi is a very fun operator to use and probably is the most fun defending roamer in the game. That's because her 3-speed rating allows her to go from one area to the next very quickly. But that's not the only reason why she can go from one place to another with good speed. She also has access to weapons and utilities that allows her to rework the map to her advantage. She has impact grenades which are great for quickly making rotation holes which are useful for escaping or flanking enemies when Alibi is roaming.
She also has access to the ACS12 shotgun for her primary weapon and the Bailiff .410 revolver shotgun for her secondary weapon. Both of which can be used to set up an area with more lines of sight. Of course, the main reason why Alibi is such a fun operator to use is her special gadget, the Prisma. With her Prisma, she can deploy three holographic copies of herself which will ping enemies that shoot them, throw a projectile at them, or go through them. These holographic clones provide Alibi with so many strategic options when dealing with enemies. One of which is using her body to quickly substitute with her clones, making enemies think that the one they're seeing is still a Prisma holographic clone.
What Makes Alibi Fun:
- Her 3-speed rating allows her to go from one place to another very quickly and as mentioned above, her footsteps are lighter than operators with heavier armor
- Can cause a lot of confusion to her enemies and gather intel on their positions in the process with the use of her Prisma holographic clones
- Can quickly substitute herself to a Prisma that just got shot, so that the next time the enemy peeks, they'll think that she's just the same clone that they shot, and that's a chance for Alibi to score an easy kill
- Has a lot of ways to rework the map to her advantage with the use of her ACS12 shotgun, Bailiff 410, and her impact grenades
- Can also stop enemies from entering through windows by deploying her Prisma holographic clones right behind them
Best Loadout for Alibi:
4. Brava
Brava is the newest operator in the game and her ranking in this list would have been even higher if only her special gadget, the Kludge Drone, isn't so easy to destroy. They're easy to destroy for defenders because they make a lot of noise and they're quite big, unlike Twitch's Shock Drones. Aside from that, Brava is definitely one of the most fun operators to use because she's the only one that has the ability to turn defender electronic gadgets into allies. That ability adds so much more dynamics to the game, because with Brava around, defenders will have to watch out for their gadgets too.
The defender electronics that Brava can't turn into allies will be disabled instead. This makes her one of the best gadget disablers in the game, and she has access to two Kludge Drones, and each of them can shoot three lasers. That means she can disable or convert a total of six defender gadgets if her Kludge Drones don't get destroyed first. This makes her so fun to use, because with Brava, you'll be taking away your enemies' gadgets from them, therefore, reducing their overall effectiveness while also kind of trolling them.
What Makes Brava Fun:
- Through her Kludge Drones, she can convert enemy electronic gadgets into allies, and she can even control some of them
- The defender electronic gadgets that she can't convert into allies will be disabled after a few seconds, making her a great enemy gadget disabler
- She can score kills using Kapkan's EDDs if she's able to convert them using her Kludge Drones
- She has two claymores that can protect her from defenders that'll get her from behind or through run outs while she's controlling her Kludge Drones
Best Loadout for Brava:
3. Ash
Even after so many years, Ash remains to be one of the most fun operators to use. That's evident from her very high pick-rate, be it on quick matches or competitive matches. What makes her so fun to use is that she's not only a fast operator with 3-speed rating. She also brings in heavy firepower with her, and for most players, that combination of speed and firepower is what draws them to play Ash. Her special gadget, the Breaching Round, is also very simple to use. It causes a lot of destruction to breakable surfaces and can destroy bulletproof defender gadgets.
She may not be as fast as Amaru, but Ash is one of the fastest rushers in the game. That's because with one shot from her special gadget, she can create an entry point on unreinforced walls and penetrate the mission building very quickly. If the player chooses to, they can also reserve Ash's Breaching Rounds for destroying pesky bulletproof defender gadgets like Melusi's Banshees or Maestro's Evil Eyes. As for her weaponry, her G36C is a great weapon to use because of its scope 1.5x, low recoil, and good amount of damage per shot.
What Makes Ash Fun:
- Has 3-speed rating so she can attack the objective spot real fast and switch positions quickly when she needs to
- Can use her Breaching Round to open an entry point on an unreinforced wall for her and her teammates to penetrate the mission building early
- Can also use her Breaching Rounds to destroy pesky defender gadgets like deployable shields, Evil Eyes, and Banshees
- Has breach charges which are so fun to use for vertical plays since they can be used to destroy the wooden floor above objective spots
Best Loadout for Ash:
2. Azami
Because her special gadget, the Kiba Barrier, can provide more cover in the objective spot, most of the time it's best for Azami to stay and anchor. However, even when she's anchoring, Azami is so fun to use. That's because her Kiba Barriers create so many options when it comes to tackling enemies. Azami is easily one of the most versatile defenders around, and versatile operators are always fun to use. Due to the nature of her Kiba Barriers, players can use them in a lot of creative ways. Most of the time, they're simply used to provide more cover to exposed spots or block entryways.
But there are many tricky ways to use her Kiba Barriers. With two Kiba Barriers, you can basically make a huge wall, leaving just a very tiny gap in the middle which can serve as a murder hole. Azami is also very effective at run outs because she can deploy her Kiba Barriers outside the mission building. So if you runout with Azami and give the alert to the enemies that a defender is outside the mission building, they will probably come at you thinking that they can just simply pre-fire and kill you, not knowing that you're protected by a Kiba Barrier and you can use their carelessness for a counter attack.
What Makes Azami Fun:
- She can make her whole team inside the objective spot more comfortable when anchoring by providing them and herself more cover using her Kiba Barriers
- Able to quickly deny area to enemies by using her Kiba Barriers to block entryways
- She's also able to rework the map to her team's advantage using her ACS12 shotgun and impact grenades
- One of the most fun tricks with her is using her to run out and then baiting enemies to engage her not knowing that she's put up Kiba Barriers for cover
Best Loadout for Azami:
1. Iana
Azami is the most fun operator to use on the attacker side, and that's highly evident on her pick-rate which is the highest among all attacking operators. No other operator beside her has the ability to send in an exact holographic copy of themselves that can mimic the same movements except for shooting and rappelling. That ability of Iana's comes from her special gadget, the Gemini Replicator, and with that, she virtually has unlimited drones, and it's only limited via cooldown. And since it's an exact copy of herself, it can really distract enemies while in the process of gathering intel on them.
So it's no wonder why she's the most popular attacker right now. With Iana, you'll be able to scout ahead on the mission building while in the safety of cover and gathering intel on enemy positions to advise your team and plan your path of attack. You can also kind of troll your opponents with Iana's holographic clones because most of the time, they'll be forced to shoot you, because for defenders, the only way to disable them is by shooting them. The thing is, shooting them could compromise their location through their gunshot's sound, but if they don't shoot them, Iana will just continue gathering intel on their positions.
What Makes Iana Fun:
- She's able to cause a lot of distraction and confusion to enemies using an exact holographic copy of her from her Gemini Replicator
- She's able to scout ahead of the mission area while safely behind cover with the use of her Gemini Replicator which basically acts like a drone in her likeness
- She can gather intel and advice her teammates on enemy positions while also forcing enemies to shoot her holographic copy which is another way of compromising their locations
- Has frag grenades which she can use to score some easy kills on enemies that she spotted using her Gemini Replicator
Best Loadout for Iana:
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