Rainbow Six Siege is known for their operator selection, and with them just releasing another operator. The extensive list of characters is in need of an updated ranking. In this list, we will be looking at how well this operator performs in a variety of criteria. How adaptable is this operator in games? Are this operator’s abilities really beneficial to the team? What are your chances of winning when you play this operator? Finally, How good is this operator’s loadout?
Tier List Summary:
S-Tier Attackers
- Jackal (95/100)
- Hibana (93/100)
- Thermite (91/100)
S-Tier Defenders
- Lesion (96/100)
- Valkyrie (95/100)
- Kaid (92/100)
- Echo (91/100)
- Mozzie (91/100)
- Doc (89/100)
A-Tier Attackers
- Zero (87/100)
- Nomad (83/100)
- Zofia (81/100)
- Maverick (81/100)
A-Tier Defenders
- Frost (84/100)
- Ela (82/100)
- Mute (82/100)
- Jaeger (81/100)
B-Tier Attackers
- Ace (80/100)
- Gridlock (78/100)
- Blackbeard (77/100)
- Blitz (75/100)
- Buck (75/100)
- Sledge (73/100)
- Ash (71/100)
- Amaru (70/100)
B-Tier Defenders
- Maestro (69/100)
- Kapkan (67/100)
- Bandit (66/100)
- Pulse (66/100)
- Ela (64/100)
- Mellusi (63/100)
- Mira (63/100)
- Caviera (62/100)
- Bandit (62/100)
C-Tier Attackers
- Montagne (60/100)
- Nokk (59/100)
- Iana (58/100)
- IQ (57/100)
- Ying (57/100)
- Lion (55/100)
- Thatcher (52/100)
- Finka (42/100)
C-Tier Defenders
- Oryx (49/100)
- Wamai (45/100)
- Castle (43/100)
- Alibi (42/100)
- Vigil (40/100)
D-Tier Attackers
- Glaz (40/100)
- Kali (39/100)
- Twitch (39/100)
- Capitao (35/100)
- Fuze (33/100)
D-Tier Defenders
- Clash (30/100)
- Rook (30/100)
- Goyo (29/100)
- Tachanka (25/100)
- Smoke (23/100)
- Warden (18/100)
To start off we have S-tier, in this tier operators must be well rounded in every criterion. Operators in S-tier can adapt to a change and recover when they are in a bad spot. They also have abilities that can help themselves and the team.
S-Tier Attackers
Jackal: (S-Tier Attacker)
Jackal is the best attacker simply because the moment he enters the building he is a threat to the entire defending team. His tracking ability will send a roaming strategy to shreds in an instant. His ability to send teams into panic makes him valuable to any attacking team. With a reasonably high win rate of 50.5 percent should you play him well your team will be a formidable force when it comes to taking the enemy objective.
- Speed: 2
- Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:
Primary Weapon: C7E | Sight: Reflex | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical | Secondary Weapon: USP40 | Attachment: Compensator | Gadget: Claymore
- Countering both roaming and anchoring players
- His claymore can cover flanks
- Mute’s jammers
Hibana: (S-Tier Attacker)
- Speed: 3
- Armor: 1
Best Weapon Loadout:
Primary Weapon: Type-89 | Sight: Reflex | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical | Secondary Weapon: P229 | Attachment: Compensator | Gadget: Breach Charges
- Distracting the enemy team with breaches
- Putting stress on anchors and locking down doorways
- Mute’s jammers
- Bandit/Kaid
Thermite: (S-Tier Attacker)
- Speed: 3
- Armor: 1
Best Weapon Loadout:
Primary Weapon: Type-89 | Sight: Reflex | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical | Secondary Weapon: P229 | Attachment: Compensator | Gadget: Breach Charges
- Distracting the enemy team with breaches
- Putting stress on anchors and locking down doorways.
- Mute’s jammers
- Bandit/Kaid
S-Tier Defenders
Lesion: (S-Tier Defender)
- Speed: 2
- Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:
Primary Weapon: T-5 | Sight: Reflex | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical | Secondary Weapon: Q-929 | Attachment: Compensator | Gadget: Impact Grenade
- Roaming
- Setting Traps
- Ambushing attacking players
- Jackal
Valkyrie: (S-Tier Defender)
- Speed: 2
- Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:
Primary Weapon: MPX | Sight: Reflex | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical | Secondary Weapon: D-50 | Attachment: Muzzle Break | Gadget: Nitro Cell
- Spotting on Cameras
- Callouts
- Traps with her Nitro Cell
- Thatcher
- Jackal
- Maverick
Kaid: (S-Tier Defender)
Kaid is a polished version of Bandit; his Electro Claw can not only electrocute more than Bandit’s gadget can, but they are difficult to find. His AUG A3 is excellent for close-quarters combat and his .44 Mag provides him a long-range alternative. Kaid can change strategy quickly from an anchor to a roamer or vice-versa. Kaid’s win rate is a decent 54.4 percent, meaning his gadget really makes the difference when it comes to defense.
- Speed: 1
- Armor: 3
Best Weapon Loadout:
Primary Weapon: AUG A3 | Sight: Reflex | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical | Secondary Weapon: .44 Mag | Attachment: N/A | Gadget: Nitro Cell
- Preventing Breaches on reinforced walls
- Anchoring in objective
- Thatcher
- Maverick
Echo: (S-Tier Defender)
Echo’s Yokai drone is useful for both intel and disrupting the diffuser. His drones can disorientate enemies weakening them or allowing for your team to stall for time. His gun is fantastic for anchoring and combined with a deployable shield it is almost mandatory for Echo to anchor. His win rate is 54.4 like Kaid meaning his drones really make the difference for the defending team.
- Speed: 1
- Armor: 3
Best Weapon Loadout:
Primary Weapon: MPX | Sight: Reflex | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical | Secondary Weapon: D-50 | Attachment: Muzzle Break | Gadget: Nitro Cell
- Spotting on cameras
- Callouts
- Anchoring in objective
- Thatcher
- IQ
- Maverick
Mozzie: (S-Tier Defender)
- Speed: 2
- Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:
Primary Weapon: Commando | Sight: Reflex | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical | Secondary Weapon: SDP 9mm | Attachment: Compensator | Gadget: Nitro Cell
- Spotting on Cameras
- Callouts
- Thatcher
- IQ
Doc: (S-Tier Defender)
- Speed: 1
- Armor: 3
Best Weapon Loadout:
Primary Weapon: MP5 | Sight: Reflex | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical | Secondary Weapon: P-9 | Attachment: Muzzle Brake | Gadget: Nitro Cell
- Anchoring
- Healing Teammates
- Jackal
- Maverick
A-Tier- A tier is for the operators that don’t quite have the adaptability or the win rates as S-tier. Making them good fallback operators in the event one of the above operators getting chosen or banned.
A-Tier Attackers
Zero: (A-Tier Attacker)
- Speed: 2
- Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:
Primary Weapon: MP7 | Sight: Reflex | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical | Secondary Weapon: 5.7 | Attachment: Compensator | Gadget: Frag Grenade
- Anchoring
- Healing Teammates
- Caviera
- Lesion
- Echo
Nomad: (A-Tier Attacker)
- Speed: 2
- Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:
Primary Weapon: AK-74M | Sight: Acog | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical | Secondary Weapon: .44 Mag | Attachment: N/A | Gadget: Breach Charge
- Watching flanks
- Caviera
- Echo
Zofia: (A-Tier Attacker)
- Speed: 2
- Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:
Primary Weapon: LMG-E | Sight: Acog | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical | Secondary Weapon: RG15 | Attachment: Compensator | Gadget: Claymore
- Watching flanks
- Caviera
- Echo
- Trap operators
Maverick: (A-Tier Attacker)
- Speed: 3
- Armor: 1
Best Weapon Loadout:
Primary Weapon: AR-15.50 | Sight: Acog | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical | Secondary Weapon: 1911 TACOPS | Attachment: Compensator | Gadget: Frag Grenades
- Picking enemy defenders off one by one
- Roamers
- Echo
- Players that hear him burning holes into the wall
A-Tier Defenders
Frost: (A-Tier Defender)
Frost’s bear traps are a great way of softening up the attacking team before they reach the objective. They can also be placed inside the objective to down unsuspecting players and get an easy kill. Frost has the second-highest win rating of 56.3 percent making her a good choice for a defending pick. However, her guns aren't user-friendly and her traps require some map knowledge in order to use effectively.
- Speed: 2
- Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:
Primary Weapon: 9mm C1 | Sight: Red Dot | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical | Secondary Weapon: Mk1 9mm | Attachment: Compensator | Gadget: Deployable Shield
- Trapping windows and doors
- Jackal
- Maverick
Mute: (A-Tier Defender)
- Speed: 2
- Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:
Primary Weapon: MP5K | Sight: Reflex| Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical | Secondary Weapon: SMG-11 | Attachment: Compensator | Gadget: Nitro Cell
- Jamming breach charges
- Thatcher
- IQ
- Maverick
Jaeger: (A-Tier Defender)
Jaeger is another basic operator that can make a big difference. His gadget shoots any projectiles that come within their radius. This makes him a counter to anyone that throws/fires a projectile. He has an average win rate of 54.9 percent making him a reliable pick for good to decent players.
- Speed: 2
- Armor: 2
Best Weapon Loadout:
Primary Weapon: M870 | Sight: Reflex | Attachment: Compensator | Grip: Vertical | Secondary Weapon: P12 | Attachment: Compensator | Gadget: Bulletproof Camera
- Countering Fuze
- Counters anyone with grenades
- Jackal
- IQ
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