15. Lion
Lion is one of the top operators for ranked games because he’s also one of the most versatile attackers in the game. His versatility is evident with his loadout choices. He’s one of the few operators that has access to three primary weapons, three secondary weapons, and three secondary gadgets. This abundance of choices provides Lion with a lot of options and allows him to be at his best regardless of the situation and the map he’s playing in. For example, if the map has a lot of long angles, then he can pick the 417-marksman rifle as his primary weapon.
The wide array of weaponry and utilities available to Lion also allows him to adjust to his enemies. For example, if in the last round, he noticed that one of the enemies are great at using Maestro, then Lion can equip the gonne-6 hand cannon as his secondary weapon for the next round. That way, he’ll be able to easily destroy at least one of Maestro’s Evil Eyes. With Lion, the player will have many ways to skin the cat so to speak, and of course, his special gadget, the EE-ONE-D, is a great utility for forcing enemies to stop moving, or for gathering intel on their current locations.
What Makes Lion Great For Ranked:
- He’s able to force defenders to stop moving due to his EE-ONE-D scans
- Enemies who would choose to continue moving during the EE-ONE-D scan will get pinged
- Has a great assault rifle in the V308 which has high damage, low recoil, and a wide variety of attachments
- Has access to the gonne-6 hand cannon which is great for neutralizing a pesky bulletproof defender gadget
- Has a lot of choices when it comes to weaponry and utilities, making him very adaptable to the situation and map
Best loadouts for Lion:
14. Azami
Azami is one of the best operators for ranked matches because among all the operators in the game, she possesses the most capability to rework the map to her team’s advantage, and that’s a really powerful ability to have in a tactical game like Siege where positioning, angles, and environment destruction plays a huge role. With her Kiba Barriers, she can provide cover to exposed angles, essentially creating more protection for her and her teammates. She can also create quick fixes on destroyed portions of the wall or the wooden floor above the objective spot, preventing the defending team from being exposed further.
Her Kiba Barriers aren’t only great for providing cover. They’re also very handy when it comes to denying area to enemies because depending on how Azami uses them, she can create choke points and rework enemy movements, or she can use them to temporarily deny attackers from going through entryways. What’s more is that she has access to impact grenades as her secondary gadget, and they’re really useful for creating rotation holes. She can also choose to run with the ACS12 shotgun as her primary weapon and it’s not only great for fragging enemies, it can also be used as a utility for reworking the map.
What Makes Azami Great For Ranked:
- With her Kiba Barriers, she’s able to provide more cover to previously exposed spots
- Using her Kiba Barriers to block entry ways, she’s also an excellent area-denial operator
- Her Kiba Barriers are the only utility that can put a quick fix to broken hatches and walls
- She can also use her Kiba Barriers to deny intel to enemies by blocking drone holes
- She can use the ACS12 shotgun which is great for killing enemies as well as reworking the map due to its high destruction profile per shot
Best loadouts for Azami:
13. Melusi
Melusi’s special gadget, the Banshee Sonic Defense, is one of the most troublesome defender gadgets, and that’s why she’s in this list. Melusi has three Banshees, and each one of them has the ability to really slow enemies down when they’re in their radius. They also emit a distinct and loud sound when they’re slowing down enemies, and that makes them great early warning devices as well. With Melusi in the defending team, it’ll be very difficult for the defenders to get caught off guard inside the objective spot.
To disable them, attackers will need to use their utilities like the gonne-6 hand cannon that can destroy bulletproof gadgets or get near them in order to activate their slow effects. That way, the Banshee will open up and its top part will be vulnerable to gunshots. Either way, the attackers will most of the time make noise when they’re disabling a Banshee, and that will compromise their current location. For her secondary gadget, Melusi has access to the impact grenades, which she could use to rework the map to her team’s advantage.
What Makes Melusi Great For Ranked:
- Can greatly slow enemies down with her Banshee Sonic Defense special gadget
- Her Banshees emit a loud and distinct sound when slowing down enemies, making them great early warning devices
- She can use the slow effects of her Banshees as combo for other operator special gadgets like Thorn’s Razorbloom Shell
- She has access to impact grenades which are great for creation rotation holes inside the objective spot
Best loadouts for Melusi:
12. Flores
Special gadgets and utilities are what separates Siege from most other multiplayer shooter games. More often than not, these gadgets, more than the player’s aim and reflexes, determine who wins the round. So to be able to disable a lot of enemy gadgets, especially with precision, is such a powerful ability to have, and Flores has that ability. Flores’ special gadget, the RCE-Ratero Charge, is basically an exploding drone, and he has four of them. If left alone, Flores’ exploding drone will keep moving forward for ten seconds and after that, it will anchor itself, enter a bulletproof state, and detonate after three seconds.
Of course, just like regular drones, Flores can enter the observation tool view and control his exploding drones within those ten seconds. They can also jump and attach themselves to surfaces. Flores can manually activate its explosion countdown which will put it in a bulletproof state, therefore, preventing it from being disabled by enemies. And since the explosion power of his drones are similar to that of a nitro cell, he can use them to disable defender gadget en masse, create entry holes on unreinforced walls or hatches, and force enemies out of their entrenched positions.
What Makes Flores Great For Ranked:
- Using his RCE-Ratero Charge exploding drones, he can force defenders out of their entrenched positions
- He can use his exploding drones to destroy a lot of defender gadgets inside the objective spot
- He can also use his exploding drones to create entry points on unreinforced walls or hatches
- Can bring two claymores to the battlefield that’ll protect him from run outs or flankers while he’s controlling his exploding drones
- Can use his exploding drones as bait or distractions since they move forward automatically
Best loadouts for Flores:
11. Dokkaebi
Just like special gadgets and utilities, another factor that plays a huge role in Siege’s gameplay is intel, and when it comes to having control over intel, Dokkaebi is the queen on the attacker side. That’s because she possesses the ability to both provide and deny intel. Through her special gadget, the Logic Bomb, she can hack into the defenders’ mobile devices and make them ring. That loud ringing would let Dokkaebi and her team know their current locations or at least their general location. It can also mask the sounds that attackers make when pushing, making it a great utility for rushing.
While the hack is on-going, defenders won’t be able to see the feed from their cameras, and that’s one of the ways she can deny intel to her enemies. Another scary thing about Dokkaebi is that she can hack a dead defender’s mobile device, and when she’s successful, she can grant the whole attacking team access to all defender cameras, including Maestro’s Evil Eyes, Valkyrie’s Black Eyes, and Bulletproof Cameras. At that point, defenders will have to destroy their own cameras in order to not give away their locations.
What Makes Dokkaebi Great For Ranked:
- Can compromise enemy locations by hacking their mobile devices and making them ring loudly
- Can hack into a dead defender’s mobile device and that will give the whole attacking team access to all defender cameras
- Can deny intel to the enemy team because they won’t be able to use their cameras while her Logic Bomb is active
- The loud ringing from the defender’s mobile devices can also mask the sound cues that attackers make when they’re pushing or rushing
Best loadouts for Dokkaebi:
10. Valkyrie
As mentioned above in Dokkaebi’s entry, intel is a major factor in Siege’s gameplay since it’s a tactical game, and the team with the best strategy often wins. And when it comes to forming strategies on how to deal with your opponents and adapting to their tactics, having the intel on their current position helps a lot. That’s what Valkyrie provides for the whole defending team, and that’s why she’s no doubt one of the best operators for ranked matches. She does this with her Black Eye cameras which are very small and can be easily hidden in awkward angles. When not in use, they can appear to be just a speck of dirt on a wall.
That’s what makes Valkyrie’s Black Eye cameras one of the most troublesome gadgets to deal with. Without IQ on the attacking team, it could be hard to detect and destroy them. And as long as attackers don’t disable them, they could keep on compromising their current locations. Aside from that, Valkyrie can use the intel that she gathers to be a more effective roamer, because knowing your enemies’ locations will allow you to outmaneuver them and hit them from an angle they’re not expecting.
What Makes Valkyrie Great For Ranked:
- Able to provide a lot of intel for her whole team because each of her three Black Eye cameras can provide a wide view of an area
- Her Black Eye cameras are quite small and hard to find, especially when not in use, making them very hard to disable
- Has a nitro cell as one of the choices for her secondary gadget, which has a great combo to her Black Eye cameras
- When it’s needed, she can also run with the impact grenades which are important for creating rotation holes
Best loadouts for Valkyrie:
9. Rook
Even before the rework on his Armor Plates, Rook has always been a very viable operator for ranked games. That’s because the added health from his Armor Plates benefits the whole defending team, so unless they get taken out by a headshot early on, the whole defending team will be tougher to kill. And now, Rook is even more of a solid operator for ranked games because the recent buff on his Armor Plates made it so that those who’ve equipped them will have the ability to revive themselves from a down-but-not-out state.
That’s a really powerful perk to have in Siege, especially now that the devs have removed the warning that you get whenever you put an enemy into a down-but-not-out state. With Rook’s Armor Plates, an injured defender could make their way to a corner, revive themselves, and surprise the attacker that’s pursuing them. Another great thing about Rook is that he can use the P90 submachine gun which has a huge magazine capacity and very manageable recoil. The only drawback to using it is its low damage. However, with the buff on the extended barrel, Rook can make it so that his P90’s damage becomes higher while still enjoying its low recoil and sizable magazine capacity.
What Makes Rook Great For Ranked:
- Able to add more health to the whole defending team through the armor plates from his Armor Pack
- Provides the ability for all the members of his team to revive themselves from a down-but-not-out state through his armor plates
- Has the P90 which is a great weapon for him due to its high magazine capacity and added damage from an extended barrel
- Can also run with the MP5 which he can equip with a scope 2.0x that’ll allow him to target enemies better
- Has access to impact grenades which is great for reworking the map to his team’s advantage
Best loadouts for Rook:
8. Maverick
If you play ranked games, Maverick is one of the operators that you’d often be seeing. That’s because he’s a great alternative to Thatcher, who’s still usually banned, when it comes to enabling hard breaching. Maverick’s special gadget, the Breaching Torch, allows him to melt portions of reinforced walls, and nothing can stop that, not even Bandit’s Shock Wires or Kaid’s Electroclaws. So basically, unless you kill him, there’s really no stopping him from making holes on reinforced walls, and those holes are usually enough to disable the defender gadgets that are preventing hard breaching.
Even when it’s not for enabling a hard breach, Maverick is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to ranked matches, because through his Breaching Torch, he can make kill holes or lines of sight on the objective spot’s reinforced walls, which will allow him and his fellow attackers to frag the defenders inside. And when it comes to protecting himself while he’s using his Breaching Torch, he has access to two claymores which are great for countering opponents that will run out or get him from behind.
What Makes Maverick Great For Ranked:
- Able to create murder holes on the reinforced walls of the objective spot, exposing the defenders inside
- A great alternative to Thatcher when it comes to enabling a hard breach because he can destroy breach-denial devices through his Breaching Torch
- Can bring two claymores to the battlefield which are great for protecting himself while he’s using his Breaching Torch
- Has access to the M4 assault rifle which is a great weapon that has high damage and manageable recoil
- Can also equip a marksman rifle that is unique to him and is great for fragging opponents from the murder holes that he’s created using his Breaching Torch
Best loadouts for Maverick:
7. Fuze
We talked a lot about how special gadgets and utilities play a huge role in Siege’s gameplay in Flores’ entry above, and yes, Flores can destroy a lot of defender gadgets and with a lot of precision. But if we’re only talking about wreaking havoc and destroying utilities, Fuze is second to none, especially when the objective spot is on a lower floor. That’s because if the objective spot is on a lower floor, in most maps, Fuze will be able to deploy his special gadget, the Cluster Charge, right above it. One Cluster Charge can drop multiple explosives on a large spot, and Fuze has four Cluster Charges.
This makes Fuze one of the most devastating vertical attackers in the game and is also the reason why his pick rate is so high in ranked matches. The sub-grenades that drop from his Cluster Charges can destroy a lot of defender utilities and force them out of their hiding spots. There are a lot of times when defenders get caught in the barrage of explosions too and die. Another scary thing about Fuze’s Cluster Charges is that it creates a lot of noise and shaking inside the objective spot, and that can confuse the defenders inside and make them not notice the other attackers pushing from other spots.
What Makes Fuze Great For Ranked:
- Able to destroy a lot of defender gadgets due to the repeated explosions from his Cluster Charges
- Able to flush out enemies from their entrenched positions when he’s raining down explosives from his Cluster Charges
- Causes a lot of panic and confusion to the defenders when he’s bombarding them with his Cluster Charges
- Has access to the hard breach charges that he can use to destroy reinforced hatches above the objective spot
- Can also equip a ballistic shield which will protect him from gunshots and allow him to last longer in the round
Best loadouts for Fuze:
6. Smoke
Smoke has always been one of the favorites in ranked games mainly because of his special gadget, the Remote Gas Grenade, which allows him to deny a large area to enemies for several seconds. What makes it unique compared to most area-denial gadgets in the game is that Smoke can enter the Gas Grenade’s effect and not be hurt by it. That means he can use it to repel enemies that were able to get inside the objective spot and quickly retake control of the area from them. With his Gas Grenade, Smoke is a master of area-denial as well as outmaneuvering his enemies.
But his special gadget isn’t the only reason why he’s one of the favorites in competitive games. With the available weaponry and utilities to him, he’s one of the most versatile operators in the game. He’s one of the few operators that can equip a shotgun for his primary and a machine pistol for his secondary. That means that with his primary weapon, he’ll have the close-range superiority, and when it comes to fragging opponents beyond the reach of his shotgun, he’d still be very deadly because of his SMG-11 machine pistol which is a headshot machine even at medium range.
What Makes Smoke Great For Ranked:
- Able to repel enemies from a large area with the use of his Remote Gas Grenade that covers a large spot in chemical gas for several seconds
- Able to go into the effects of his Gas Grenade without getting damaged, so he can use it to outmaneuver his enemies
- Can freely equip a shotgun as his primary because he has access to a machine pistol for his secondary weapon
- Both of his secondary gadgets, the deployable shield and the barbed wires, are great partners to his Remote Gas Grenade
Best loadouts for Smoke:
5. Wamai
If you’ve been playing Siege for quite some time, chances are, you’ve already experienced getting killed easily with a frag grenade. That’s because experienced players, especially in ranked, knows most of the common hiding or anchor spots in the game, so all they have to do once they’ve determined your location is to cook their frag grenade and throw it towards you, and if you don’t have an anti-grenade gadget, there’s a high chance you’d get killed. That’s why Wamai is in this list, because anti-grenade capabilities are essential in any competitive match in Siege.
And yes, Jager is also an anti-grenade operator and he’s also really good, but at the moment, Wamai is simply better than him. That’s because he can neutralize enemy grenades and projectiles just as effectively as Jager, and on top of that, his weapons and utilities are better. First off, Wamai has access to the impact grenades, which are very useful for creating rotation holes that are important in competitive matches. Wamai also has access to the Keratos .357 handgun which has heavy fire power and destruction profile per shot. Meaning he can also use it as a utility for reworking the map to his team’s advantage.
What Makes Wamai Great For Ranked:
- He’s the best anti-grenade operator right now and he can reserve his anti-grenade utilities for when he’s got a good grasp on where the enemies are attacking
- Has access to the impact grenades which are very important in ranked matches for creating rotation holes
- His Keratos .357 inflicts heavy damage to enemies but can also be used as a utility for further reworking the map to the defending team’s advantage
- Can also equip the proximity alarms which are great utilities for detecting flankers and countering rushes
Best loadouts for Wamai:
4. Kaid
Kaid is one of the operators you’d often see in ranked matches because he’s almost always essential in every ranked match. That’s because he’s the best at preventing attackers from performing hard breaching through the use of his special gadget, the Electroclaw. He has two Electroclaws, and each of them has a wide area of effect. That means Kaid can deploy them to spots where many hard-breach enabling utilities will have a hard time reaching, especially Kali’s LV Explosive Lance, which is one of the best alternatives to Thatcher’s EMP Grenade when he’s banned.
And since the effect of the Electroclaw goes through even indestructible surfaces like walls, Kaid players can use a lot of tricks to hide them while still electrocuting the reinforced wall that they want to protect. That’ll give the attackers a hard time when it comes to disabling them, especially when they don’t have a Thatcher. Kaid is also great at reworking the map to the defending team’s advantage because each shot from his TCSG12 has a high destruction rate. It can be used to create rotation holes, and is practically a defender sniper rifle, which makes Kaid a menace at medium to long-range engagements.
What Makes Kaid Great For Ranked:
- He’s the best at preventing attackers from hard breaching since his Electroclaw special gadget has a wide reach
- The effects of his Electroclaw goes through even indestructible objects such as walls, allowing the user to hide it on hard-to-see angles
- Can electrocute other utilities as long as they’re made of metal such as the deployable shield and barbed wires, making passing through them more difficult for enemies
- Can equip the TCSG12 shotgun which is basically a sniper rifle and can be used to create rotation holes and more lines of sight on unreinforced walls
Best loadouts for Kaid:
3. Capitao
Capitao is one of the best operators for ranked matches because he brings so much to the table. He’s close to a perfect operator for a tactical game like Siege. First off, his special gadget, the Tactical Crossbow, can shoot two smoke grenades and two fire grenades. The smoke grenades are great for providing cover for the attacking team’s push, especially for protecting the team member who’s going to plant the defuser.
The fire grenades are great for post-plant plays because they can cover a large area in flames. That means aside from providing cover to his team, Capitao also has the ability to deny area to his enemies. Denying them area means they won’t be able to respond well to the defuser being planted, or at the very least, they’d be delayed when it comes to canceling it. On top of his excellent special gadget, Capitao also has access to two claymores for protecting his team from roamers and flankers, and he has the PARA-308 which is a great assault rifle due to its high stopping power, low recoil, and the wide variety of attachments available to it.
What Makes Capitao Great For Ranked:
- Can provide a lot of cover for the attacking team’s push and defuser plant attempt with the smoke grenades that he can shoot from his Tactical Crossbow
- Can deny large areas to enemies for several seconds with the use of the fire bolts that can be fired from his Tactical Crossbow
- Can use two claymores to counter roamers and run outs that’ll attempt to get him or his teammates from behind
- Has access to the PARA-308 which is one of the best assault rifles in the game due to its high damage, manageable recoil, and wide variety of attachments
Best loadouts for Capitao:
2. Ace
Ace is really high up in this list because he’s an integral part of every attacking team in competitive matches. And yes, there are other hard breachers like Thermite and Hibana, but Ace edges them out when it comes to hard breaching since he’s more versatile. That’s why Ace’s pick rate in ranked matches is high. With his special gadget, which can also be deployed from a distance, he can open up big holes on the enemy team’s reinforced walls, exposing them from the outside. Usually, for a horizontal breach, two of his special gadgets would be enough, and the last one can be used for a reinforced hatch.
When he’s breaching a reinforced hatch, Ace also has the option to double down on the vertical play by running with the breach charges as his secondary gadget. With the breach charges, he’ll be able to destroy large portions of the wooden floor above the objective spot, and that will expose the defenders from above. Even if they manage to avoid getting fragged from above, they will lose a lot of ground and area because they will be forced to retreat to spots that aren’t exposed from above. This tactic greatly unsettles the defending team, and forces them to commit a lot of mistakes.
What Makes Ace Great For Ranked:
- He’s the best hard breacher right now because he can do a little bit of everything that the other hard breachers can do
- His hard breach device makes a lot of noise while breaching and that can mask the sound cues that other attackers make when they’re infiltrating the objective spot
- Has access to breach charges which can augment his vertical play capabilities by destroying large portions of the wooden floor above the objective spot
- Can also choose to run with the claymores which offer excellent protection from run outs and flankers while he’s performing a hard breach
Best loadouts for Ace:
1. Brava
Brava is the newest addition to Siege and from the moment she’s been added to the game, players know that she’s a very powerful operator. That’s because her special gadget, the Kludge Drone, can either convert enemy gadgets to allies or disable them. She brings two Kludge Drones into battle, and each of them can shoot three lasers that can either take control of defender gadgets, or after a short delay, disable them. Because of her Kludge Drones, she changes the whole dynamic of the game, because now, Defenders will also have to worry about their own gadgets.
She can convert Kapkan’s EDDs, making it so that when defenders pass through them, they’d get killed or at least be heavily damaged. She can also take control of Maestro’s Evil Eye, and that would allow her to shoot defenders using the Evil Eye’s Laser, or to use it for gathering intel on defender positions. On top of all that, she also has a great way to protect herself while she’s controlling her Kludge Drones because she can go into battle with two claymores that are excellent for countering run outs and flankers. Like Capitao, Brava also has access to the PARA-308 which is a very solid weapon due to its high damage, manageable recoil, and versatility.
What Makes Brava Great For Ranked:
- Able to convert enemy gadgets into allies, so if she converts Kapkan’s EDDs, there’s a chance that they’d kill a defender
- The gadgets that she can’t convert using her Kludge Drones will be disabled, making her the ultimate utility disabler in the attacking side
- Able to gather intel on enemy positions while looking out for utilities to convert or disable
- Able to protect herself while she’s controlling her Kludge Drones with the use of the two claymores that she can bring to the battlefield
- Can equip the PARA-308 assault rifle which has heavy firepower, low recoil, and has a wide variety of attachments available to it
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: