Wamai is one of the operators you’ll often see in competitive matches because his presence in the defending team is almost essential. That’s because his special gadget, the Mag-NET, is one of the best anti-projectile gadgets in the game. With Wamai around, the defending team is much safer from being killed by frag grenades.
It’ll also be much easier to thwart the attackers’ plan to push behind the cover of smoke grenades or the blind effects of Ying’s Candelas or stun grenades. That’s because Wamai’s Mag-NETS will pull them back, and even when they’re not immediately destroyed, those utilities will be detonated on spots that the attackers didn’t intend to.
5. AUG A2 with Red Dot A and Compensator + P12 with Suppressor and Laser + Impact Grenade
Wamai’s Aug A2 attracts a lot of players because it has a much higher damage output than the alternative choice for his primary weapon which is the MP5K. While the player isn’t presented with any options for its grip, it has an integrated vertical one, and vertical grips are meant to help the player handle the weapon’s vertical recoil. For the most part, the Aug A2’s recoil goes in a straight vertical path, and that makes it easier for the player to just focus on holding its vertical recoil. And that would be especially the case for this loadout setup.
That’s because through recoil tests, I’ve found out that the compensator is the best barrel attachment for the Aug A2 when it comes to handling its recoil. That's because the compensator will almost eliminate its horizontal and random recoil from all directions, so the user will really only have to worry about its vertical weapon kick. So for Wamai players who prefer the Aug A2 over his MP5K and are looking for the best attachment setup for recoil, this is the one. As for the suppressed P12, Wamai can use it for disabling enemy devices like drones with much less chance of giving away his position.
Excels in:
- Inflicting high damage to enemies because the Aug A2 assault rifle has the best damage between the available choices for Wamai’s primary weapon
- Having pinpoint accuracy and stable shooting with Wamai’s Aug A2 because the compensator will eliminate its horizontal and random recoil from all directions
- Providing the user with great accuracy on Wamai’s Aug A2 because the red dot A 1.0x sight has a simple center dot reticle that doesn’t obstruct the user’s view of the enemy that much
- Having the ability to silently shoot defender gadgets like drones, claymores, and other cameras, with the use of the suppressed P12 handgun
- Being able to rework the map to the defending team’s advantage with the use of the impact grenades which can be used to quickly create rotation holes
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - AUG A2 with Red Dot A and Compensator
- Secondary weapon - P12 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Impact Grenade
Recoil test on the AUG A2 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
4. MP5K with Scope 1.5x and Compensator + P12 with Suppressor and Laser + Proximity Alarm
While the Aug A2 has a much higher damage, the MP5K is what I would recommend players to use the most. That is because of the recent addition of the scope 1.5x to it. With the scope 1.5x, Wamai will be able to see his opponents well, even at medium to long-range, and that translates to better accuracy for the player. The scope 1.5x is also perfect for the distance that Wamai usually operates in which is close to medium range and that’s because he’s anchoring most of the time. So now that they’ve added the scope 1.5x, there’s no question that the MP5K is the best primary for Wamai.
On top of that, the MP5K’s damage isn’t something to sneeze at. While it’s not as high as the Aug A2’s damage, it still inflicts a fairly good amount of damage per shot. Like the Aug A2 above, the MP5K will also benefit a lot from having the compensator on its barrel because it will greatly lower its tendency for horizontal and random recoil from all directions. That means that it will be much easier for the user to handle its overall weapon kick because they’ll mostly only have to focus on its vertical recoil. So with this loadout setup, Wamai will have a stable shooting experience with his MP5K.
Excels in:
- Having a stable shooting experience with Wamai’s MP5K submachine gun with the compensator greatly lowering its tendency for horizontal and random recoil from all directions
- Being able to target opponents with great accuracy because the scope 1.5x on Wamai’s MP5K will allow the user to see enemies well regardless of range
- Having a good amount of vertical recoil control on Wamai’s MP5K submachine gun due to the presence of its integrated vertical grip
- Being able to shoot enemy drones, claymores, and others, with much less chance of giving away your position with the use of the suppressed P12 handgun
- Preventing enemy flankers or rushers from catching your team off-guard with the use of the two proximity alarms as Wamai’s generic gadget
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - MP5K with Scope 1.5x and Compensator
- Secondary weapon - P12 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Proximity Alarm
Recoil test on the MP5K in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
3. MP5K with Scope 1.5x and Flash Hider + Keratos .357 with Suppressor and Laser + Proximity Alarm
When it comes to having the best recoil possible on Wamai’s MP5K, this loadout setup is the best. That’s because the recoil pattern of this weapon mostly only goes on a vertical path. Its stock recoil doesn’t have much tendency at all for horizontal and random recoil from all directions, so if the aim is to have the best recoil on the weapon, the flash hider is the best barrel attachment. With the flash hider on its barrel and its integrated vertical grip, the MP5K in this loadout setup will allow the user to have pinpoint accuracy regardless of the distance.
The very stable recoil on the MP5K submachine gun in this loadout setup will even be supplemented by the scope 1.5x which will allow Wamai to see his enemies well due to its good amount of zoom level. And speaking of its zoom level, since it’s not that high, the user will still enjoy a wide peripheral view even when aiming-down-sight. That is why the scope 1.5x is a great scope for Wamai, because it won’t bring any disadvantages to him at close to medium range shooting, which is what he’ll do most of the time due to his role as an anchor.
Excels in:
- Having the best recoil control possible on Wamai’s MP5K submachine gun due to the flash hider greatly reducing its vertical weapon kick
- Having a good amount of zoom level for targeting enemies at close to medium range with the scope 1.5x on Wamai’s MP5K submachine gun
- Having a secondary weapon in the keratos .357 that can inflict a massive amount of damage per shot and is great for finishing enemies when the MP5K needs to be reloaded
- Having a great secondary weapon that can also be used as a utility for reworking the map in the keratos .357 handgun due to its very high destruction rate per shot
- Being able to guard two flanking sites with the two proximity alarms in Wamai’s arsenal which are great early warning devices
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - MP5K with Scope 1.5x and Flash Hider
- Secondary weapon - Keratos .357 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Proximity Alarm
Recoil test on the MP5K in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
2. MP5K with Scope 1.5x and Extended Barrel + Keratos .357 with Suppressor and Laser + Impact Grenade
This loadout setup has such a high ranking because depending on the player, this could very well be at number one. That's because it provides the best damage possible to the MP5K submachine gun with the attachment of the extended barrel. Due to a relatively recent buff, the extended barrel now adds 12% damage to weapons, and that’s on top of its previous benefit of greatly reducing their range damage drop-off. So with this loadout setup, Wamai will be dealing high damage to his enemies regardless of the distance he’s shooting from.
The extended barrel has a really good synergy with the scope 1.5x because both of them really increases Wamai’s long-range capabilities. And since the MP5K submachine gun, as mentioned before, has an integrated vertical grip, its stock recoil isn’t that hard to handle. That is why the user will still be able to manage its recoil even if the barrel doesn’t provide additional recoil control benefits. Especially if the user sticks to shorter sprays, the extended barrel providing no additional recoil control benefits wouldn’t really punish the user at all, and that is why this loadout setup is a very solid one for Wamai.
Excels in:
- Allowing Wamai to deal heavy damage to enemies regardless of range due to the extended barrel greatly reducing the weapon’s range damage drop-off
- Inflicting heavy damage to enemies with Wamai’s MP5K submachine gun due to the additional 12% damage from the extended barrel
- The scope 1.5x on Wamai’s MP5K submachine gun increasing his long-range capabilities by providing him with a good amount of zoom level
- Having the ability to quickly create rotation holes with the use of the two impact grenades as Wamai’s generic gadget
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - MP5K with Scope 1.5x and Extended Barrel
- Secondary weapon - Keratos .357 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Impact Grenade
Recoil test on the MP5K in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
1. MP5K with Scope 1.5x and Suppressor + Keratos .357 with Muzzle Brake and Laser + Impact Grenade
Unlike the extended barrel mentioned above, the suppressor doesn’t make the damage from Wamai’s MP5K higher, however, it certainly makes it more powerful. That’s because the suppressor on the MP5K will allow Wamai to shoot his opponents without a directional threat indicator and a muzzle flash. That means that unless they see Wamai himself, they won’t immediately know where his shots are coming from. That’s especially the case since shots from a suppressed weapon will have silenced gunshots, and that’s why the suppressor is also known by another name, the silencer.
With opponents not immediately knowing where Wamai is shooting them from, they won’t be able to effectively counter fire most of the time. So with the suppressed MP5K submachine gun, Wamai is able to protect himself better while dealing damage to his enemies. As for the secondary weapon, the keratos .357 with a muzzle brake makes more sense than a suppressed one because Wamai can already shoot attacker gadgets silently with his suppressed MP5K. With the muzzle brake and laser on his keratos .357, he’ll be more effective at finishing enemies when his primary needs to be reloaded.
Excels in:
- Shooting enemies without them immediately realizing where you’re shooting from because the suppressor will hide the MP5K’s muzzle flash and directional threat indicator
- Making it even harder for enemies to know where you’re shooting from because the suppressor will greatly silence the MP5K’s gunshots
- Having great accuracy on Wamai’s MP5K when aiming-down-sight due to the scope 1.5x which will provide the user with a good amount of zoom level
- Having a tight hip fire spread on Wamai’s keratos .357 because of the laser, and a very low recoil due to the presence of the muzzle brake
- Having the ability to quickly create rotation holes with the use of the two impact grenades as Wamai’s secondary gadget
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - MP5K with Scope 1.5x and Suppressor
- Secondary weapon - Keratos .357 with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Generic gadget - Impact Grenade
Recoil test on the MP5K in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: