10. Thunderbird (Support)
Thunderbird may be the oldest operator in this list, but she’s still relatively new to the whole game since she only joined Rainbow in 2021. Thunderbird is one of the best supports in the game, and one could argue that she’s even better at supporting the defending team than Doc. That’s because her special gadget, the Kona Station, provides a lot of healing for the defending team members even without them being controlled by her. She can just deploy her Kona Stations during the prep phase and leave them to do their job while she focuses on fragging enemies or other things.
Thunderbird has three Kona Stations and when a damaged defender enters a Kona Station’s radius, they receive a healing of 30 health points. After that, that particular Kona Station will go on cooldown for 35 seconds, but if the defender needs more healing, they can just go to another that is not on cooldown. But it’s not only healing that the Kona Stations provide. When a defender who’s in a down-but-not-out state enters its radius, the Kona Station will provide them with the ability to self-revive. On top of that, Thunderbird also possesses tremendous offensive abilities through her weapons.
What Makes Thunderbird Great:
- She has three Kona Stations and each of them provides 30 health points healing per cooldown, and that’s a lot of heal considering that there’s three of them
- Thunderbird’s Kona Stations can also provide self-revive to defenders who are in a down-but-not-out state as long as they’re within the Kona Station’s radius
- All of the Kona Stations can be deployed during the prep phase, so Thunderbird is free to focus on other things like setting up the objective spot or killing enemies while the Kona Stations provide support
- Thunderbird also has a lot of offensive capabilities as her Spear .308 assault rifle inflicts a lot of damage per shot, has a very manageable recoil, and fast rate of fire
Best Loadout for Thunderbird:
9. Flores (Anti-Gadget, Intel)
Like Thunderbird above, Flores joined Team Rainbow in 2021 during Operation Crimson Heist. He’s a great addition to the attackers’ side because he can really cause a lot of destruction to the defenders, especially their utilities. That’s because his special gadget, the RCE-Ratero Charge, is basically a drone that can be exploded. Flores has four of these exploding drones, and each of them has an explosion power close to that of a nitro cell. So as you can imagine, all four of them can cause a lot of damage to the defenders, and Flores can use them in many ways.
Obviously, since they have a lot of explosion power, they can disable a lot of defender utilities, including bulletproof ones. They can also be used to force defenders out of their entrenched position, and a defender that is forced out of their hiding spot is a vulnerable defender. The RCE-Ratero Charge’s explosion power can also be used to create entry points on unreinforced walls or hatches. And since the RCE-Ratero Charge will automatically move forward for ten seconds after being deployed to the ground, Flores can even use them as a distraction for enemies while he leaps into action and frags them.
What Makes Flores Great:
- Flores has four RCE-Ratero Charge drones and each of them has an explosion power that is close to that of a nitro cell, so with them, Flores can really wreak havoc to the defending team
- Flores can use his RCE-Ratero Charge to force defenders out of their hiding spots, because if they do not move away from an RCE-Ratero Charge that has begun its countdown, they’ll get killed
- Due to the explosion power of the RCE-Ratero Charge, it can be used by Flores to disable a lot of defender utilities, especially bulletproof ones like Maestro’s Evil Eyes or Melusi’s Banshees
- Flores can also use his four RCE-Ratero Charge drones to destroy portions of unreinforced walls as well as unreinforced hatches to create entry points for him and his teammates
Best Loadout for Flores:
8. Thorn (Anti-Entry, Trapper)
Another operator that joined in 2021, Thorn came to Siege during Operation High Calibre and has since then become a huge impact to the game. She’s one of the best defenders when it comes to preventing enemies from planting the defuser or even just pushing in general. That’s because her special gadget, the Razorbloom Shell, acts like a proximity mine. Once an enemy enters its radius, it will begin its countdown which only takes a few seconds and it will explode. And like Flores’ RCE-Ratero Charge above, Thorn’s Razorbloom Shell’s explosion power is similar to that of a nitro cell.
Thorn has three Razorbloom Shells and as one can imagine, if a Razorbloom Shell was deployed on the spot where the attackers are attempting to plant the defuser, they will quickly be repelled back or die from the explosion. The Razorbloom Shells are also great for guarding entry points around the objective spot as them being triggered by an attacker's presence will surely halt their advances, push them back, or kill them if they don’t get away from the explosion in time. And at the very least, the defenders will be warned of enemy presence because the sound that is produced from a Razorbloom Shell explosion is pretty distinct.
What Makes Thorn Great:
- The explosion power from Thorn’s Razorbloom Shells are close to that of a nitro cell so it can really take out an enemy, or even multiple enemies within its radius
- Thorn’s Razorbloom Shells are excellent in repelling enemies who are attempting to plant the defuser or even just pushing in general as they act like proximity mines
- Thorn’s unique weapon the UZK50GI submachine gun, deals heavy stopping power per shot, has a very manageable recoil, and has high destruction rate per shot
- Thorn can equip the C75 Auto machine pistol as her secondary weapon, and with that, she’ll have another fully automatic weapon for firing at enemies when her UZK50GI needs to be reloaded
Best Loadout for Thorn:
7. Osa (Intel, Support)
Osa is one of the best operators in the game in general and not just among the new ones, if she’s used correctly. That’s because through her Clear Shield, she can gather a lot of intel on enemy positions while leading the attacking team’s advance. It seems like a lot of players still do not know this, but while Osa is still holding her Clear Shield in front of her, the impact grenades, which are the best counter to it, will not break the Clear Shield. Impact Grenades will only destroy Osa’s Clear Shield when it’s already completely deployed to the ground or attached to a window.
That means that what Osa players need to do is to take their time and wait a bit until the defenders use up their impact grenades and nitro cells. After that, Osa can safely deploy her Clear Shield to the ground and can even plant the defuser behind its cover. With her Clear Shield deployed to the ground, Osa can use it like how Mira uses her Black Mirror and frag opponents while quick leaning from it. Osa will have the aim and speed advantage of course as she’d already know the enemy’s position through the view from her Clear Shield whereas the enemy wouldn’t really be sure about which direction Osa will quick lean from.
What Makes Osa Great:
- While she’s holding her Clear Shield in front of her, she can lead the attacking team’s push while also gathering valuable intel on enemy positions
- Her two Clear Shields can be deployed to the ground or be attached on windows, and since they’re bulletproof, they provide extra cover for Osa and her teammates
- When deployed to the ground or on a window, Osa or another attacker can use the Clear Shield in similar fashion to how Mira uses the Black Mirror for fragging enemies
- Osa can also hit her own Clear Shield with a melee attack in order to make it opaque and it can be used for hiding a claymore behind it or Osa herself for surprising enemies
Best Loadout for Osa:
6. Sens (Support, Map Control)
When Sens joined Team Rainbow in 2022, they also brought with them the newest gun in the game, the POF-9, which is one of the reasons why they're a great operator. The POF-9 is quite unique for an assault rifle since it has a huge magazine capacity. It also inflicts a good amount of damage per shot, and its recoil is manageable enough that Sens can afford to equip it with a non-recoil control providing attachment on its barrel. It’s also compatible with high-powered scopes from the scope 1.5x to the scope 2.5x which allows Sens to hit their opponents with great accuracy.
But of course, the main reason why Sens has such a high impact on the game is because of their special gadget, the R.O.U. Projector Systems. They have three of them, and each of them are capable of covering a large area with a wide wall of light. It’s basically a device that Sens can roll onto the ground and as it’s rolling, it will leave nano projectors on the ground and they will produce the green light that you see in Sens’ image above. Its purpose is to hide the attacking team as they’re advancing, especially their defuser plant attempt.
What Makes Sens Great:
- With Sens around, the attacking team can have plenty of cover to hide them as they’re advancing, as Sens’ R.O.U. Projector System will provide huge walls of light for cover
- Sens’ POF-9 assault rifle is a great weapon as it inflicts high damage per shot, has a high magazine capacity, and is compatible with a wide variety of attachments
- Sens can also equip the 417 designated marksman rifle which is great for providing long-range support through its scope 3.0x while also excelling at close range due to its tight hip fire spread
- Sens can equip the gonne-6 hand cannon as her secondary weapon which they can use in disabling a pesky bulletproof defender gadget like an Evil Eye or a Banshee
Best Loadout for Sens:
5. Azami (Anti-Entry, Support)
Azami is probably the most fun to use operator among all the others in the list because there are so many creative ways to use her special gadget, the Kiba Barrier, and don’t get the wrong idea, just because I say fun, doesn’t mean she’s not a serious operator. Quite far from it actually, because Azami is a very tactical operator. With her special gadget, she can produce a bulletproof cover that is fairly large in size. Of course, Azami can use this to add more ways to protect herself and her teammates while they’re defending the objective spot.
But she can also use her Kiba Barrier for other things like blocking drone holes, and with that, she can deny intel from her enemies. She can also issue quick repairs on destroyed portions of walls or hatches by covering them with her Kiba Barrier. She can even deny-area to the enemies by deploying her Kiba Barriers to block entryways. And since her Kiba Barriers also work outside the mission building, she can use them to protect herself when she’s performing a run out, and that usually surprises enemies as they wouldn’t expect her Kiba Barriers outside the mission building.
What Makes Azami Great:
- Azami’s Kiba Barriers are great for providing additional cover in the objective spot, especially for exposed areas, because they’re bulletproof
- Azami’s Kiba Barriers can also be used for intel-denial as they can block drone holes, and that would mean that attackers will have to drive their drones longer to find another entry
- Azami can perform quick repairs on walls or hatches by deploying her Kiba Barriers on the destroyed portions, and to this day, Azami is still the only operator that can do this
- Azami has the utilities to rework the map to the defending team’s advantage with her ACS12 shotgun and her impact grenades which are also great for countering shield operators like Osa
Best Loadout for Azami:
4. Grim (Front Line, Map Control)
When Grim joined Team Rainbow in 2022, the reception from fans of the game was lukewarm. However, he has since then received a good number of buffs, and his pick-rate now is pretty healthy. That’s because he can now equip the scope 2.0x to his 552 Commando, and his special gadget, the Kawan Hive Launcher has also been buffed. His special gadget is used to release nanobots to a large spot in the map and those nanobots resemble bees. A defender that goes within their radius will have a tracker placed on them which will result in them being pinged in real time.
That tracker will last for several seconds, making Grim one of the best intel-gathering operators in the game. But because the opponents know what Grim’s special gadget does, they would of course try their best to avoid going into its radius, which also makes Grim an excellent area-denial operator. Another buff that he’s received is the addition of the bailiff 410 revolver shotgun to his arsenal. With the bailiff 410, Grim will be able to destroy portions of unreinforced walls and wooden floors. He will also be able to destroy unreinforced hatches. That will provide Grim with more ways to deploy his special gadget and gather intel on enemy positions
What Makes Grim Great:
- Grim can now equip the scope 2.0x to his 552 Commando assault rifle and that will allow him to see enemies on his sight better, and of course, that translates to better accuracy
- Grim can also now use the bailiff 410 revolver shotgun as his secondary weapon, and it’ll allow him to destroy wooden floors, soft walls, and unreinforced hatches
- His Kawan Hive Launcher deploys swarms of nanobots that resemble bees to a large area and enemies who are within their radius will get pinged for several seconds and that ping will be in real-time
- Grim can bring in two claymores per round and they are excellent utilities for Grim in protecting himself from roamers or run outs hile he’s gathering intel through his special gadget
Best Loadout for Grim:
3. Solis (Intel, Support)
Solis joined Team Rainbow around the end of 2022 and since then has had a tremendous presence in the game. That’s because utilities are a huge part of the game. In fact, it’s what makes Siege unique compared to most multiplayer shooters out there. The thing is, most utilities in the game are made of electronics, and Solis can detect the electronic gadgets from enemies using her SPEC-IO Electro Sensor. She is basically the IQ of the defending team, but unlike IQ, Solis can easily share the enemy gadgets’ positioning by activating a Cluster Scan which will tag enemy electronics in Solis’ vision for all the defending team members to see.
That can give the defenders a general idea of where the attackers are and where they plan to push. And since the observation tool is made of electronics, when the attackers are using their drones, Solis will be able to scan them in real-time, and Solis can take advantage of that by running out and fragging the unsuspecting attacker. Of course, since Solis can detect enemy electronic devices, she would also know if there’s a claymore deployed at the spot where she’s about to run out. Overall, Solis is a great operator who can gather a lot of valuable intel for the defending team.
What Makes Solis Great:
- She can detect enemy electronic devices in real time, making her the best defender when it comes to clearing out attacker drones, and that means she’s great at intel-denial as well
- By activating a Cluster Scan, she can quickly tag all enemy electronic devices for all the defending team members to see, and with that, Solis is a really great intel-gathering operator
- She can equip the SMG-11 machine pistol as her secondary gadget, and with that, she can afford to equip the ITA12L shotgun as her primary and that would make her a menace at close to medium range
- Solis can bring in two impact grenades per round and they’re great for reworking the map with rotation holes, and they’re also great for countering Osa and other shield operators
Best Loadout for Solis:
2. Brava (Intel, Anti-Gadget)
Brava’s special gadget, the Kludge Drones, is probably the most troublesome attacker gadget right now. That’s because there are two of them, and each of them can shoot three lasers that will either convert or disable an enemy electronic device. Just like with her photo above, she can kill defenders using their own gadget by converting damaging ones into attacker gadgets. A fine example of that is Kapkan’s EDDs. If Brava is successful in converting three Kapkan EDDs that were all deployed at the same entryway, it can kill a defender who’s passing through that particular entryway.
Brava’s Kludge Drone can also convert Maestro’s Evil Eyes, giving Brava control over them, and she can use them to damage defenders or destroy their utilities. For the electronic gadgets that it cannot convert, the Kludge Drones disables them instead. This makes Brava a great utility disabler, and that can really help the attacking team a lot, especially since electronic gadgets play a massive role when it comes to determining the winner of the round. As for her offensive capabilities, Brava has a lot. Her Para-308 assault rifle is very underrated, and she can even equip the Super Shorty shotgun as her secondary weapon.
What Makes Brava Great:
- Her two Kludge Drones can convert or disable a total of six enemy electronic gadgets as long as they don’t get destroyed, muted by Mute’s Signal Jammer, or converted by Mozie
- Her Kludge Drones can convert damaging enemy electronic gadgets like Maestro’s Evil Eye and Kapkan’s EDDs, and the EDDs can can inflict a lot of damage to the defenders
- Brava’s Para-308 assault rifle is great as it has heavy stopping power, very manageable recoil, and is compatible to the scope 1.5x which is a great scope for close to medium range
- Brava has access to the claymore as her secondary gadget, and the two claymores she has will be a great asset in protecting her while she’s controlling her Kludge Drones
Best Loadout for Brava:
1. Fenrir (Trapper)
Fenrir is the newest operator in Siege and has definitely become one of its more powerful. That’s evident by his very high ban rate. According to official data from Ubisoft, Fenrir is now the second-most banned operator in rank emerald and above, and it definitely feels like he’s the most banned in rank gold and below. And of course, the reason why he’s being banned is because he’s a very powerful operator. That’s mainly because of his special gadget, the Dread Mine. He has five Dread Mines and they are very interesting. Once you deploy them, they will remain closed in their bullet-proof state until Fenrir activates them.
They can be activated by Fenrir through walls and even from a distance. Fenrir can have three active Dread Mines at a time, and once activated, they’ll open up and not be bullet-proof anymore. But a Dread Mine that is active will act as a proximity mine. That means that once an enemy steps into its radius, it will release its fear gas cloud that will severely limit the range of the enemy’s vision to just a few feet. This will leave them vulnerable to defender gunfire and their best option is to quickly find and destroy the Dread Mine or to just back away.
What Makes Fenrir Great:
- Fenrir has five Dread Mines per round and can have three of them active at the same time. The neat thing is he can deactivate and activate them through walls and from a distance
- The Dread Mines will severely obscure the vision of enemies who are within their radius, making them vulnerable to defender gunfire unless they quickly find the Dread Mine and destroy it
- The Dread Mines are quite small and since they stick to most surfaces, Fenrir can easily hide them in spots that won’t be easy to find
- Fenrir has great utilities like the bailiff 410 which he can use to rework the map and the barbed wires which have great synergy with his Dread Mines
Best Loadout for Fenrir:
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: