[Top 10] R6 Best Operators For Terrorist Hunt (Training Grounds)

Top 10 Best Operators for Terrorist Hunt in Rainbow Six Siege
10 Apr 2023

10. Azami

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Azami is a great operator for terrorist hunt especially when you’re playing with a team, but even for solo play, she has a high chance of winning because for a defender, the only game mode in terrorist hunt is Protect Hostage. And among all the operators in this list, Azami is probably the best when it comes to protecting the hostage because through her special gadget, the Kiba Barrier, she can create more cover for the hostage, and that cover will be bulletproof. So while the terrorists are trying to destroy the Kiba Barriers, Azami can flank and get them from behind.

Azami’s Kiba Barriers are also great for denying terrorists entry to the room, and that’ll make it harder for them to kill the hostage, and she has access to great utilities that she can use to rework the map to her advantage. For her primary weapon, she can run with the ACS12 shotgun which has heavy stopping power and big magazine capacity. Its destruction profile per shot is also high, so she can use it to create rotation holes. If the player decides to run with the 9x19VSN for their primary, they can instead choose the impact grenades as Azami’s generic gadget, and use those impact grenades for creating rotation holes, which is very important in terrorist hunt.

What Makes Azami Great For Terrorist Hunt:

  • Able to provide protection for the hostage with the use of her Kiba Barriers
  • Able to deny entry to the terrorists with the use of her Kiba Barriers
  • Has impact grenades which she can use to make rotation holes for flanking the terrorists
  • Can use the ACS12 shotgun which deals heavy damage and can be used to rework the map

Best Loadout for Azami:



9. Montagne

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It might be very hard to win a terrorist hunt round when using Montagne on a solo run, except if you’re in normal difficulty. However, Montagne is on this list because when playing in a team, he brings so much to the table. With his special gadget, the Extendable Shield, he can lead the push without taking any damage, and while he’s tanking all the gunshots from the terrorists, he can also gather intel on their positions and advise his teammates. Now, not only is that a great way to win the round, it is also a great way to practice team tactics, especially if you’re playing with friends.

Montagne isn’t just great for leading the push in terrorist hunt because of his Extendable Shield. The utilities available to him, like the smoke grenades and hard breach charges, are also great for terrorist hunt. The smoke grenade can cover the attacking team’s advance and confuse the terrorists a lot. Meanwhile, the hard breach charges are great for creating entry points and flanking the terrorists. Which is again, a really good practice when it comes to team play and coordination. And terrorist hunt is still a great way for practice, especially when you get into it with headshots-only.

What Makes Montagne Great For Terrorist Hunt:

  • Able to gather intel on terrorist positions without taking damage from their gunshots
  • Can lead the push and take most of the terrorists’ attention away from his other teammates
  • A great operator to practice team coordination in terrorist hunt in preparation for multiplayer matches
  • Has smoke grenades that can provide cover for the attacking team and distract terrorists 

Best Loadout for Montagne:



8. Rook

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Rook, especially now that his Armor Plates have been buffed, truly deserves to be in this list, because he’s an S tier operator for terrorist hunt be it for solo play or with a team. Of course, with a team, his contribution will be much more felt, because he’ll be able to buff the whole team’s health rating, essentially making them tougher, and when it comes to defending in terrorist hunt, where the players have to deal with wave after wave of terrorists, having more health and being able to last more goes a long way into winning.

And now that his Armor Plates have been reworked, they also grant players the ability to revive themselves from a down-but-not-out state. That’s a really great perk to have in terrorist hunt because most of the time, regardless of the difficulty, terrorists would target players’ bodies, so being put in a down-but-not-out state is more common than in multiplayer matches. Another thing that makes Rook a great operator for terrorist hunt is his P90. It has a huge magazine capacity, making it less likely to have to be reloaded while dealing with multiple terrorists, and now with the buff on the extended barrel, it can deal more damage.

What Makes Rook Great For Terrorist Hunt:

  • Can make the whole team tougher through his Armor Plates which provide additional health
  • His Armor Plates provide the ability for each team member to revive themselves from a down-but-not-out state
  • Has the P90 submachine gun which has a huge magazine capacity and can now inflict more damage with the extended barrel
  • Can use impact grenades for making rotation holes which are very important in terrorist hunt
  • Also has access to proximity alarms which are great for telling the team where the terrorists are attacking

Best Loadout for Rook:



7. Ying

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Ying is a great operator to use when going solo in terrorist hunt regardless of difficulty, especially because the terrorist AIs aren’t that good at avoiding the blinding effects of stun grenades and Ying’s candelas. So even at the hardest difficulty in solo mode, Ying could wipe a whole room with terrorists as long as she sends one of her candelas in first. Of course, this also makes Ying a great terrorist hunt operator when you’re with teammates, especially since you’d be able to practice coordination with her, especially on how to avoid blinding your teammates with the candelas. 

Ying’s special gadget isn’t the only reason why she’s a great operator for terrorist hunt. What really makes this game mode difficult, even at normal difficulty, is that terrorists could swarm you and overwhelm you with numbers. And when your weapon has to reload during those times, you could be screwed. That’s why Ying’s T-95 LSW is such a great weapon for terrorist hunt, because it has a huge magazine capacity at eighty per clip, and, unlike most light machine guns, Ying’s T-95 LSW can be reloaded quite fast due to its detachable magazine. 

What Makes Ying Great For Terrorist Hunt:

  • Can easily clear out a room full of terrorists with the use of her Candelas
  • Her T-95 LSW is perfect for terrorist hunt due to its huge magazine capacity and fast reload time
  • She has smoke grenades and they’re great for confusing terrorists and providing cover for the whole team
  • Her T-95 LSW inflicts high damage per shot despite having a very manageable recoil
  • Her hard breach charges are great for creating alternative pathways and flanking terrorists 

Best Loadout for Ying:



6. Tachanka

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Tachanka is a force of nature in terrorist hunt whether it’s a solo run or with a team, and that’s mainly because of his special gadget, the Shumikha Grenade Launcher. With his special gadget, he can fire up to a total of twenty grenades, and each of them can cover a large spot in fire for seven seconds. The terrorists, regardless of difficulty, tend to attack from the same direction per wave, and that makes them easy pickings for Tachanka’s fire grenades. And even when they attack from two different directions, Tachanka would have enough fire grenades to deal with them.

On top of his fire grenades, Tachanka also has a very powerful weapon in the DP27 which is great for terrorist hunt due to its heavy damage per shot and huge magazine capacity. Tachanka can also use this weapon to create rotation holes or more lines of sight for fragging the terrorists from different angles. Its only drawback is its slow reload time, which could be costly in terrorist hunt. However, Tachanka now has access to the Bearing 9 machine pistol, which is basically a mini submachine gun. With the Bearing 9 machine pistol, the drawback of the slow reload time on the DP27 is mitigated and Tachanka can keep firing at the terrorists.

What Makes Tachanka Great For Terrorist Hunt:

  • His fire grenades can cover large areas in fire for several seconds and that’s great for dealing with multiple terrorists
  • His DP27 LMG has huge magazine capacity and inflicts high damage per shot and that’s great for dealing with waves of terrorists
  • Each shot from DP27 has a high destruction profile making it a great utility for reworking the map
  • Has the Bearing 9 machine pistol available to him which is a great alternative weapon when his DP27 has to reload

Best Loadout for Tachanka:



5. Glaz

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The nerf on Glaz’s thermal sight which made it so that it runs out of juice the more you move was quite devastating to many Glaz fans. However, the thermal sight on Glaz’s OTs-03 works like it did in the old school days when it comes to terrorist hunt. That means that no matter how much you move, when you’re aiming-down-sights and the thermal sight is active on Glaz’s OTs-03, it will keep highlighting the terrorists in bright yellow hue, making them very easy to spot and frag.

This is a really great perk to have especially because the terrorists’ skins tend to blend well on most backgrounds in the maps, making them hard to notice in many cases. Of course, the OTs-03 inflicts heavy damage per shot, and it can make quick work of the terrorists, but when they’re swarming the player, it could be difficult for the OTs-03 to handle alone, especially since it has a very limited magazine capacity. Luckily, like Tachanka above, Glaz also now has access to the Bearing 9 pistol, and that will allow him to keep firing at the terrorists when his OTs-03 must be reloaded in the middle of a gunfight.

What Makes Glaz Great For Terrorist Hunt:

  • Highlights terrorists in bright yellow hue on his thermal scope even while he’s moving
  • Can use the Bearing 9 machine pistol which is a great secondary weapon when his OTs-03 needs to reload
  • Has access to claymores which are great for taking out terrorists that are attempting to flank
  • His OTs-03 inflicts high damage and its recoil is very manageable especially with a muzzle brake and vertical grip
  • Has smoke grenades which provide cover for him and his team and he can shoot enemies through the smoke because of the thermal scope on his OTs-03

Best Loadout for Glaz:



4. Thunderbird

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When it comes to protecting the hostage, which is the only game mode where defending operators can play in terrorist hunt, having the ability to last for a long time goes a long way to winning the whole round, and that’s why Thunderbird places so high in this list. With Thunderbird’s special gadget, the Kona Station, she can provide great support to her teammates, and even during a solo run, her three Kona stations will allow her to heal herself when she’s taken damage, and when she gets put into a down-but-not-out state, she can also revive herself when she’s near one of her Kona Stations.

For her utilities, she has access to the impact grenades which she can use to create rotation holes since being stuck in the room with the hostage is a bad idea in terrorist hunt. Her primary weapon, the Spear .308 is a great assault rifle with high damage, fast rate of fire, manageable recoil, and its magazine capacity is decent, so it’s a good weapon for dealing with swarms of terrorists. And when it needs to be reloaded while terrorists are swarming, Thunderbird also has access to the Bearing 9 machine pistol, and that’s a really great alternative weapon for dealing with multiple enemies.

What Makes Thunderbird Great For Terrorist Hunt:

  • Provides healing for herself or her teammates with the use of her three Kona Stations
  • Provides the ability for her and her teammates to revive themselves from a down-but-not-out state as long as they’re near one of her Konda stations
  • Has access to impact grenades which can be used for creating rotation holes that are very important in terrorist hunt
  • Also has access to the Bearing 9 machine pistol which will provide her the ability to keep firing at her opponents when her primary needs to reload

Best Loadout for Thunderbird:



3. Lion

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Speaking of magazine capacity, Lion’s V308 assault rifle is one of the best guns for terrorist hunt because despite being an assault rifle, its magazine capacity is huge. That sizable magazine capacity will make it so that Lion will be able to deal with multiple terrorists without having to reload in the middle of a gunfight. It also has a very manageable recoil, so the player can equip it with an angled grip which will provide the ability to go into aim-down-sights stance faster than normal, and that’s perfect for dealing with multiple enemies coming at you at the same time.

Of course, his V308 assault rifle isn’t the only reason why Lion is so high up in this list. In fact, that’s not even the main reason. What makes Lion special for terrorist hunt is that his EE-ONE-D scans will ping a lot of terrorists even when they’re not really moving during the scan, and that’ll give Lion a good idea when it comes to enemy locations, which is invaluable be it in solo play or when Lion is playing with others. For his utility, Lion has access to stun grenades which are so good at blinding the terrorists, so even when he’s in solo mode, Lion can easily clear out a room full of terrorists with the use of his stun grenades. 

What Makes Lion Great For Terrorist Hunt:

  • Will be able to ping a lot of terrorists whenever he uses his EE-ONE-D scans
  • His V308 assault rifle is perfect for terrorist hunt due to its huge magazine capacity
  • Can equip stun grenades and they’re great for clearing rooms of terrorists since stun grenades can easily blind them
  • Can also run with claymores which are great for eliminating terrorists who will attempt to get Lion and his teammates from the back

Best Loadout for Lion:



2. Doc

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Doc is the best defender for terrorist hunt because his 3-health rating allows him to tank more damage from the terrorists, therefore, he can last much longer than most operators. On top of that, he has three shots from his special gadget, the Stim Pistol, and each of them can heal himself back to full health and more, and he can also use his Stim Pistol to revive himself from a down-but-not-out state. So even when running Solo, Doc would be able to win in terrorist mode, especially in normal or hard difficulty. Of course, his value as an operator is even more felt when he’s playing on a team because he’ll be able to heal or revive his teammates.

But Doc isn’t the best defender for terrorist hunt just because of his healing capabilities. He’s also an offensive powerhouse due to his P90 which received an indirect buff from the rework of the extended barrel. Now that the extended barrel adds 12% damage to weapons, Doc’s P90 will be able to inflict higher damage to the terrorists. But what really makes Doc’s P90 a great weapon for terrorist hunt is its huge magazine capacity. Since the advantage of terrorists is their numbers, having a big magazine capacity in your gun will really help in winning the round because it lessens the chances of having to reload in the middle of combat.

What Makes Doc Great For Terrorist Hunt:

  • Can heal himself or teammates back to full health three times which will allow them to last more in the round
  • Can revive himself or his teammates with the use of his Stim Pistol, effectively giving them more chances of winning the round
  • Has the P90 submachine gun which has a huge magazine capacity and can now inflict more damage to terrorists due to the damage buff on the extended barrel
  • Has access to the Bailiff 410 which can be used for creating rotation holes or more lines of sight

Best Loadout for Doc:



1. Finka

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Finka is the only attacking operator that has the ability to heal and revive from a down-but-not-out state. The healing that can be received through her Adrenal Surge isn’t as high as the heal from Doc’s Stim Pistols, but each activation of Finka’s Adrenal Surge provides other buffs that are also useful for terrorist hunt. This makes Finka the top operator for this game mode, regardless of whether she’s going solo or playing in a team. For solo play, her healing capability will allow the player to keep on going even after taking a lot of damage, and when she’s playing in a team, each activation of her Adrenal Surge will provide the whole team with more health.

As mentioned before, Finka’s Adrenal Surge can also revive her or any team member that was in a down-but-not-out state upon activation. So if a team really wants to have the highest chance of winning the round, Finka is an essential operator. Her best primary weapon, the Spear .308 is a great assault rifle which deals a good amount of damage per shot, has a manageable recoil, and a decent magazine capacity, which is really good for terrorist hunt. As for her utility, she also has access to the stun grenades, which could make it easy for her or her whole team to clear terrorists in many rooms of the map.

What Makes Finka Great For Terrorist Hunt:

  • The only attacker that can heal herself or her teammates, allowing them to last longer in the round
  • Able to revive herself or her teammates from a down-but-not-out state with the use of her Adrenal Surge
  • Has access to stun grenades which are great for blinding terrorists when clearing out rooms
  • Her Spear .308 has high damage, manageable recoil, and has a decent magazine capacity, which is important in terrorist hunt
  • Also has access to smoke grenades which can really confuse terrorists and provide cover for her and her team’s push advance

Best Loadout for Finka:



Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:

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