5. Scope 2.5x B
The B variant of the scope 2.5x is quite underrated because most players still go for the A variant, and I did rank it higher in this list because it’s ideal for most guns, but I do think that for some guns, the B works best, and that’s why it’s on the top five. The main reason why most players, including me, are kind of turned off by the B variant of the scope 2.5x is because its reticle is quite big and as you can see from the image above, it can obstruct the player’s vision of the enemy’s body parts. So for pinpoint shooting, it’s not really ideal.
However, for weapons that are made for suppressive fire like light machine guns, the scope 2.5x B is actually a really good scope. Obviously, its main strength is its high zoom level, but its large reticle area helps a lot when it comes to high recoil weapons like light machine guns as it helps the user keep a good grip of their aim when firing in long sprays. So yes, when I can equip the scope 2.5x on a weapon, I would still run with the A variant for most of them, but some weapons in the game are exemptions. Good examples of them are Zofia’s LMG-E, Finka’s 6P41 LMG, and many others.
Scope 2.5x B is Great For:
- The B variant of the scope 2.5x is great for weapons with high recoil because its large reticle will help the player keep track of their aim better
- The scope 2.5x B is really good for weapons like light machine guns, or even assault rifles that have high magazine capacity, as its large reticle will be good for the player’s aim for suppressive fire
- The large reticle of the scope 2.5x B makes it a really good scope when it comes to close to medium range engagements as pinpoint accuracy isn’t that needed at those distances
Scope 2.5x B Details:
- AR33 (Thatcher Only)
- 556xi
- AK12 (Fuze Only, Russian Variant)
- AUG A2 (IQ Only)
- Type-89
- V308
- AK-74M
- ARX200 (Nomad Only)
- F90
- BOSG.12.2
- 6P41 (Russian Variant)
- G8A1 (Amaru Only)
- M249
- T-95 LSW
- 417
- SR-25
- MK 14 EBR (Dokkaebi Only)
- AR-15.50
4. Scope 1.5x
The scope 1.5x is one of the most balanced scopes in the game as it provides the player a higher level of zoom for them to be able to see their targets better while also not sacrificing a lot of peripheral view. That latter part is important to what makes the scope 1.5x really good because peripheral view is important when penetrating the mission area. Obviously, the less peripheral view the player has, the less their capability to detect their enemies on the sides will be. That’s why the scope 1.5x is very popular for front line operators.
Front line operators usually engage enemies at close to medium range, and that’s perfect for the scope 1.5x. With its 1.5x zoom, the player won’t really feel like their zoom level is too low, especially since Siege’s gameplay usually revolves around close to medium range encounters anyway. The scope 1.5x is also great for newer players who are still quite intimidated with using higher powered scopes for close quarters combat. The scope 1.5x will be a perfect scope for them to get used to using higher levels of zoom for enemy encounters at close range.
Scope 1.5x is Great For:
- The scope 1.5x is perfect for close quarters combat because it provides just enough zoom for the player to be able to see their enemies well while also not sacrificing a lot of peripheral view
- It’s a perfect practice scope for newer players who are still hesitating to use higher powered scopes for close to medium range encounters as its zoom level is still quite high but not too high
- It’s actually great for any range because even for long-range shooting, the player will be able to see enemies well with it, especially since long-range in Siege isn’t really that far
- The scope 1.5x is perfect for front line operators, especially those who are rushing, because they’d be able to have great accuracy with it while also having a good view of the sides
Scope 1.5x Compatibility List:
- M4
- PARA-308
- C8-SFW
- L85A2
- G36C
- 552 Commando
- F2
- AR33
- Mk17 CQB
- Type-89
- AK-74M
- ARX200 (Nomad Only)
- SC3000K
- R4-C (Ram Only)
- PDW9
- FMG-9
- MP7 (Zero Only)
- MP5 (Doc & Rook Only)
- MP5K (Wamai Only)
- MPX (Warden Only)
- UMP45
- P90 (Doc & Rook Only)
- 9×19VSN
- AUG A3 (IQ Only)
- P10 RONI (Mozzie Only)
- M249
- 6P41
- T-95 LSW
- 417
- SR-25
- MK 14 EBR
- AR-15.50
3. Scope 3.0x
The scope 3.0x has the highest level of zoom available in the game, at least in general. Obviously, Glaz’s OTs-03's flip sight has a 4.0x zoom level, and Kali’s CSRX 300 has a variable 5.0x and 12x scope, but those scopes are only available for those two operators. As for the scope 3.0x, it can be used by quite a lot of operators, and that’s why it’s included in this list. As mentioned above, newer players might be intimidated to use scopes with a really high level of zoom such as this one, but the scope 3.0x is actually a really good scope even for close range shooting.
That’s because unlike most scopes in the game, the scope 3.0x main frame is quite thin as you can see from the image above. That means it doesn’t take up a lot of screen space, so even though its high zoom level eats up a lot of peripheral view, it makes up for it by providing the player with a very clear front view. Another great thing about the scope 3.0x is that it’s great for pinpoint accuracy because of its simple dot center reticle. Simple dot reticle types are great for headshots as it doesn’t obstruct the player’s view of the enemy’s body parts a lot.
Scope 3.0x is Great For:
- Because of its very high zoom level, the scope 3.0x is great for long-range shooting, so it’s great for providing support from long-range as well as recon
- Even though it specializes in long-range shooting, it’s also quite good for close quarters combat because its main frame doesn’t take up a lot of screen space, so it provides the player with a very clear front view
- It’s great for pinpoint accuracy, particularly for aiming at the enemy’s head. That’s because its simple center dot reticle doesn’t obstruct the view of the opponent’s body parts at all.
- Basically, the scope 3.0x is great for any range, but it may require some experience to be able to use it effectively at close quarters combat as well
Scope 3.0x Compatibility List:
- .44 Mag Semi-Auto
- 417
- SR-25
- Mk 14 EBR (Dokkaebi Only)
- AR-15.50
2. Scope 2.5x A
This is the scope of choice for so many players still because obviously, it provides a high zoom level and that high zoom level will allow the user to see their enemies well, and when the user sees their enemies well, they can hit them better. Another thing that makes the A variant of the scope 2.5x is that unlike the B variant, it has a simple center arrow for its reticle. It’s almost like a center dot reticle which is always great for headshots as it doesn’t obstruct the user’s view of the opponent’s body parts at all.
The only drawback to this scope really is its thick frame on the sides. It takes up a lot of screen space and as you can see from the image above, in another angle, it can even fully hide the opponent’s body. So while this scope is really great for accuracy due to its high zoom level and reticle for pinpoint shooting, it comes with a pretty big drawback to balance it out. With that said, the scope 2.5x A deserves a high ranking in this list because it’s definitely a highly recommended scope for most weapons that are compatible with it.
Scope 2.5x A is Great For:
- It specializes in medium to long-range shooting because its zoom level is very high, so it’s great for backline support operators or flank watchers
- For experienced players, this scope can also be very effective at close quarters combat as its reticle area is quite big and it’ll provide the player with a good view of their target
- Its reticle is a simple arrow on the center which is quite similar to a center dot reticle which is always great for headshots as it doesn’t obstruct the user’s view of their target’s body parts
- It’s a great scope overall for all distances and weapons, although it might require some experience to be able to use it effectively at close range
Scope 2.5x A Compatibility List:
- AR33 (Thatcher Only)
- 556xi
- AK12 (Fuze Only, Russian Variant)
- AUG A2 (IQ Only)
- Type-89
- V308
- AK-74M
- ARX200 (Nomad Only)
- F90
- BOSG.12.2
- 6P41 (Russian Variant)
- G8A1 (Amaru Only)
- M249
- T-95 LSW
- 417
- SR-25
- MK 14 EBR (Dokkaebi Only)
- AR-15.50
1. Scope 2.0x
Right off the bat, one could see from the image above that the biggest drawback of the scope 2.0x is the huge gear-like thing on its upper left side. It’s its biggest drawback because it can block out the view of an opponent on that angle. But seriously, that drawback is quite small compared to the advantages that scope 2.0x brings, and that’s why it has the highest ranking in this list. With the scope 2.0x, the user will have the best balance between high zoom level and peripheral view, and for the most part, the scope’s main frame doesn’t take up a lot of screen space at all.
Since its main frame doesn’t take up a lot of screen space, except of course for the aforementioned gear-like thing on its upper left side, this scope will provide the user with a very clear view of the surroundings and their target. Its reticle is also quite small and doesn’t obstruct the player’s view of their enemy’s body parts, so it’s both great for pinpoint accuracy and for the player to always keep track of their aim even when they’re using high recoil guns. Overall, this is the most balanced scope in the game, and that’s why it’s the most recommended.
Scope 2.0x is Great For:
- It provides the best balance between high zoom levels and peripheral view, so the scope 2.0x works best on all distances in Siege, so regardless of the weapon, it will be a great scope
- Aside from the gear-like thing on its upper-left side, the main frame of the scope doesn’t take up a lot of screen space at all so it offers the user a really clear view of their surroundings and target
- Its reticle is not that big and not that small either, so it’s both great for pinpoint shooting as well as keeping track of your aim when it comes to high recoil weapons or long sprays
- The scope 2.0x is the most balanced scope in the game, so it’s great for all distances and would work well in most maps so it’s also recommended for beginners and veterans alike
Scope 2.0x Compatibility List:
- 556xi
- AK-12
- ARX200 (Nomad Only)
- AR33 (Flores Only)
- C7E
- F90
- L85A2 (Thatcher Only)
- M762
- SC3000K
- Spear .308 (Finka Only)
- V308
- G8A1 (Amaru Only)
- M249 SAW
- T95-LSW
- MP5 (Rook Only)
- TCSG12
- ACS12
- 417
- SR-25
- MK 14 EBR (Dokkaebi Only)
- AR-15.50
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: