10. FMG-9
The FMG-9 submachine gun, available to Nokk and Smoke, is one of the guns that benefits the most with a compensator as its barrel attachment when it comes to having the best recoil control possible. That’s because the compensator will greatly reduce its horizontal recoil, especially now that it has been buffed. Nowadays, compensators reduce the weapon’s horizontal recoil by 35% from the previous 15%. The compensator basically reduces the recoil diamond of weapons, and the recoil diamond represents its recoil range. That means the bigger the recoil diamond is, the bigger the range of the recoil.
So when the weapon’s recoil diamonds are smaller, there’s less chance for horizontal and random recoil from all directions. It just so happens that the FMG-9 submachine gun’s recoil diamonds are pretty big, and that’s why if the user wants to have the best recoil control on the weapon, it’s best to equip it with a compensator. Since the compensator will greatly reduce the FMG-9's horizontal and random recoil from all directions, the user can concentrate on controlling its vertical weapon kick instead, and that usually results in a more stable shooting experience.
What Makes the FMG-9 Great:
- The FMG-9 will benefit a lot from the compensator because it will reduce its horizontal recoil by 35%, and that will generally result in a more stable shooting experience
- The compensator will also reduce the FMG-9's random recoil from all directions because it will reduce its recoil diamond size which represents the range of the weapon’s recoil
- Because of its high damage per shot and fast rate of fire, the FMG-9 can make short work of enemies at close to medium range, especially since the compensator will add great recoil control to it
- The FMG-9 is compatible to the scope 1.5x which is just perfect for the range where Nokk and Smoke usually engages enemies in which is close to medium range
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 34
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 800 RPM
- Magazine Size - 31
9. AUG A2
The Aug A2 is unique to Wamai and IQ and it seriously makes it hard for the players who love those two operators to choose which primary weapon they’ll bring into the round. That’s because its damage is really high, and a lot of players prefer that over the other advantages that the other choices brings to the table. One of the biggest drawbacks to using the Aug A2 though is its recoil. After the third shot, its recoil tends to become quite rough and that’s because its recoil diamond becomes huge from there, and as explained above, the recoil diamond is kind of like the weapon’s recoil range.
The bigger the recoil diamond is, the more the weapon is prone to random recoil from all directions. Luckily, there is a barrel attachment that specializes in reducing the size of recoil diamonds, and that is of course the compensator. The compensator will greatly reduce the Aug A2’s horizontal and random recoil from all directions, and with this, the user’s firing experience with it will be smoother, especially for long sprays, which the Aug A2 can excel at because it actually has a decent magazine size. If it’s recoil control that you’re looking for when it comes to the Aug A2, then the compensator is the best barrel attachment.
What Makes the AUG A2 Great:
- The Aug A2’s recoil diamonds are pretty big, especially starting from the third shot, and since the compensator specializes in reducing recoil diamond size, the Aug A2 will benefit from it a lot
- With the compensator on the Aug A2 assault rifle, its random recoil from all directions and horizontal recoil will be greatly reduced, resulting in a more stable firing experience with the weapon
- The rate of fire of the Aug A2 assault rifle is very decent, and combining that with its good magazine size and high damage, it makes for a very deadly weapon especially at close to medium range
- At least for IQ, the Aug A2 assault rifle can be equipped with the scope 2.5x, which will allow her to see her enemies well, and that translates to great accuracy
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 42
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 720 RPM
- Magazine Size - 31
8. UMP45
The UMP45, available to Castle and Pulse, is famous for its very low vertical weapon kick. That’s why players can afford to equip it with an angled grip instead of a vertical one, because it doesn’t really need more vertical recoil control. However, its recoil diamond becomes wider after the fourth shot, and a wider or bigger recoil diamond means that it can be prone to horizontal and random recoil from all directions. That is why if the user wants the best recoil control for the UMP45 submachine gun, the best barrel attachment for it would be the compensator.
With the compensator, the weapon’s horizontal recoil will be reduced by 35%, and its random recoil from all directions will also be reduced. This way, the user’s shooting experience with the UMP45 will be more stable, especially when they’re emptying their magazines while dealing with enemies. With a compensator on the UMP45’s barrel, and an angled grip, the user will have great recoil control on the weapon and they’ll also be faster when it comes to aiming. This is a great way to ensure that Castle and Pulse will not lose control of their aim when performing long sprays.
What Makes the UMP45 Great:
- The compensator is the best barrel attachment for the UMP45 when it comes to controlling its recoil because its recoil diamond size becomes bigger after the fourth shot. The compensator will make it smaller.
- The UMP45’s vertical recoil is not strong in the first place because of its low rate of fire, so it’s best to lower its horizontal and random recoil by equipping it with a compensator
- The UMP45 submachine gun inflicts a good amount of damage per shot and is highly customizable because of the wide variety of attachments available to it
- Because of the UMP45’s low vertical recoil, the user can afford to equip it with an angled grip for faster aiming, and with a compensator, its recoil will still be very stable
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 38
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 600 RPM
- Magazine Size - 26
7. 552 Commando
Grim and IQ’s 552 Commando, like the UMP45 above, has a low vertical stock recoil, so players can easily afford to use it with an angled grip which will allow them to go to aim-down-sights stance faster than the vertical grip which adds more vertical recoil control. When it comes to recoil, the 552 Commando doesn’t really need more, and the angled grip is just perfect for Grim and IQ as both of them need to be able to aim fast right after using their special gadget for gathering intel. That doesn’t mean, however, that players will not benefit from having a barrel attachment that adds more recoil control.
Of course, I’m talking about the compensator. Yes, the 552 Commando doesn’t need additional vertical recoil control, but the compensator provides a different kind of recoil control. It greatly reduces the weapon’s horizontal recoil. It also lessens the weapon’s tendency for random recoil from all directions. Obviously, with less horizontal and random recoil from all directions, shooting with the weapon, especially for long bursts, will feel smoother. So with the compensator on the 552 Commando’s barrel, the player will still have great recoil control on it, even when using the angled grip instead of the vertical one.
What Makes the 552 Commando Great:
- The recoil diamonds of the 552 Commando are pretty big, and the compensator will reduce their size, which translates to less horizontal and random recoil from all directions
- The stock vertical recoil of the 552 Commando is quite low, so it doesn’t need more vertical recoil control, and it will benefit more with having more horizontal recoil control and aim-down-sight speed
- The 552 Commando assault rifle inflicts high damage per shot and its rate of fire is actually pretty decent, so it’s a very deadly weapon at any range but especially at close to medium range
- IQ can equip it with a scope 1.5x and Grim can equip it with a scope 2.0x which are great for both operators because that will definitely increase their accuracy
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 48
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 690 RPM
- Magazine Size - 31
6. Vector .45 ACP
This rapid firing submachine gun is available to Mira and Goyo, and despite its low damage, it more than makes up for it with its very fast rate of fire. Because of that and its decent magazine size, it can make quick work of enemies at close to medium range. However, its very fast rate of fire comes with a big drawback. Its recoil can make the player hold on to their dear life, especially during long sprays. But with the right set of attachments, its recoil can actually be pretty tame, and it can be fired with good stability, even with long bursts.
With a compensator barrel attachment and a vertical grip, the user will be able to control this weapon well. That’s because the compensator will greatly reduce its horizontal and random recoil from all directions, and that really results in a more stable shooting experience. And of course, the vertical grip will reduce its vertical weapon kick. With that attachment setup, the user will have the best recoil control on Mira and Goyo’s Vector .45 ACP submachine gun, and it can even be great for fragging enemies at medium to long-range, as the more stable the weapon is, the more accurate it becomes.
What Makes the Vector .45 ACP Great:
- It has a rough recoil, but with a compensator as its barrel attachment and a vertical grip, its recoil will be more manageable, and the user will have a stable shooting experience with it
- The Vector .45 ACP’s main strength is its very fast rate of fire, which, combined with its decent magazine size, can really make short work of enemies at close to medium range
- The Vector .45 ACP is compatible to a wide variety of attachments, making it highly customizable, but it the user wants the best recoil control on it, then the compensator is its best barrel attachment
- It deals a very decent amount of damage per shot considering that its rate of fire is ridiculously fast, so it’s actually a very deadly weapon, especially if the user can manage its recoil well
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 23
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 1200 RPM
- Magazine Size - 26
5. T-5 SMG
The recoil pattern image of Lesion and Oryx’s T-5 SMG might make it look like its recoil will be a cinch to control, but it’s very different when you actually test it on the field. Its recoil is actually quite rough, and that comes from its fast rate of fire. That is why if you’re looking to have the best recoil control on the T-5 SMG, the best barrel attachment for it is the compensator while partnering it with a vertical grip. With that setup, you’ll have a good balance between horizontal and vertical recoil, which generally means a more stable shooting experience for the user.
The compensator will also reduce the weapon’s tendency for random recoil from all directions, and of course, that will further stabilize the weapon’s recoil. With this setup, Lion and Oryx can use their T-5 SMG even for long-range shooting, especially for Oryx because he can equip it with a scope 1.5x. With its good amount of damage per shot, fast rate of fire, and decent magazine size, the T-5 SMG is truly a solid weapon that a lot of players underestimate. With a stable recoil from the compensator and vertical grip, there’s a great chance that all of its shots will hit the target’s body.
What Makes the T-5 SMG Great:
- The compensator is the best barrel attachment for the T-5 SMG when it comes to controlling its recoil because the reduction of its horizontal and random recoil from all directions will stabilize its shots
- The T-5 SMG submachine gun’s rate of fire is very fast, and that’s one of the strengths of the weapon but also one of its weaknesses as it can make its recoil rough, but with the compensator, it will be more stable
- With the combination of the compensator and vertical grip on the T-5 SMG, the user will have a great balance between horizontal and vertical recoil control, which generally results into a more stable shooting experience
- The T-5 SMG deals a good amount of damage per shot, and with its fast rate of fire, decent magazine size, as well as the great recoil control from the compensator, it’ll be a really deadly weapon
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 28
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 900 RPM
- Magazine Size - 31
4. AK-12
After the fourth shot, the AK-12's recoil diamond becomes wider, and since the compensator specializes in reducing the size of recoil diamonds in a weapon, it’s a great barrel attachment for the AK-12. In fact, it’s the best barrel attachment for it if what the player is looking for is the best recoil control. With the reduction of recoil diamond size on the AK-12 from the compensator, its horizontal and random recoil from all directions will be reduced, and that’s really great especially now that the compensator has been buffed.
So with the compensator barrel attachment, the AK-12's recoil will be stable, even during the subsequent shots after the fourth shot. This is why for players who usually spray long, the compensator is great, as it really stabilizes the weapon’s recoil. Like the T-5 SMG above, the AK-12's recoil feels quite rough because of its fast rate of fire, but with the compensator, combined with a vertical grip, its recoil will feel much smoother. So with the setup that I’m suggesting, Ace and Fuze will be able to hit their targets well with their AK-12, even if they’re shooting from a long distance, and with a long burst.
What Makes the AK-12 Great:
- If what the user is looking for is having the best recoil control on the AK-12, the compensator will provide it, as it will greatly stabilize the weapon’s recoil, especially for long sprays
- The compensator barrel attachment will greatly reduce the AK-12's horizontal recoil as well as its tendency for random recoil from all directions, and that will really smoothen out its gunshots
- The AK-12 deals heavy damage per shot, has a good magazine size, and its rate of fire is pretty fast, so it’s really a formidable weapon for close to medium range shooting
- The AK-12 can be equipped with high-powered scopes such as the scope 2.0x and 2.5x, which will greatly enhance its accuracy, especially when its recoil is stabilized by a compensator
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 40
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 850 RPM
- Magazine Size - 31
3. Type-89
If the AK-12's recoil becomes rough after the fourth shot, it’s even rougher for Hibana’s Type-89. Hibana’s unique weapon has always been famous for its rough recoil and the relatively recent recoil progression overhaul didn’t make it any better. Fortunately, the big buff on the compensator makes it so that when it’s equipped as the Type-89's barrel attachment, the weapon’s recoil will be a lot smoother, even after the fourth shot. So with the compensator on the Type-89's barrel, Hibana can empty a whole clip from it without losing control of her aim.
Of course, for a high recoil and gun with a fast rate of fire, just having more control over its horizontal and random recoil from all directions won’t be enough, and that’s why I recommend to partner the compensator with a vertical grip. With a vertical grip, the user will be able to control the Type-89's vertical weapon kick well, and with a compensator, its horizontal recoil will greatly be reduced. That balance usually results in a stable shooting experience with the weapon, and the more stable your weapon is, the more accuracy you’ll have.
What Makes the Type-89 Great:
- The Type-89 is great to equip with a compensator as its barrel attachment as it will greatly reduce its horizontal and random recoil from all directions, which is a big problem for the Type-89
- The vertical grip is available to the Type-89 assault rifle, and with the vertical grip and compensator on the weapon, the user will have a great balance between vertical and horizontal recoil control
- Despite its small magazine size, the Type-89 is a great weapon because of its high damage and fast rate of fire, which makes it very deadly at short distances
- Hibana’s Type-89 assault rifle is compatible with a wide variety of attachments, making it highly customizable according to what benefits the user wants to take advantage of
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 40
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 850 RPM
- Magazine Size - 21
2. 9x19VSN
Available to Tachanka, Kapkan, and Azami, the 9x19VSN is quite popular in the Siege community because of its good damage per shot, fast rate of fire, and decent magazine capacity. It’s a submachine gun that isn’t really so powerful, but it’s far from being a weak weapon either. On top of that, it has even recently been buffed for Tachanka, and he can now equip it with a scope 1.5x or 2.0x, making him one of the few defenders that can use a high-powered scope like the scope 2.0x. While it was nerfed for Kapkan, making it so that he can’t equip it with a scope 1.5x anymore, its biggest weakness is its horizontal recoil.
That makes the 9x19VSN submachine gun a prime candidate for the compensator barrel attachment. With the compensator, the horizontal recoil of the 9x19VSN will be greatly reduced, as well as its tendency for random recoil from all directions. With this, the 9x19VSN will be much more stable for long sprays and can even be a viable weapon for medium to long-range shooting, especially now that Tachanka can equip it with a scope 2.0x. The user can even partner it with a vertical grip, which will provide great vertical recoil control.
What Makes the 9x19VSN Great:
- The 9x19VSN is a great weapon for a compensator barrel attachment as the main problem with its recoil is its horizontal recoil, and the compensator specializes in reducing that
- The compensator will also greatly reduce the 9x19VSN’s tendency for random recoil from all directions. That, and the reduction of its horizontal recoil, will provide the user with a very stable shooting experience
- When partnered with a vertical grip, the user will have a good balance between vertical recoil and horizontal recoil control on their 9x19VSN which is a great way to stabilize your aim
- Especially now that Tachanka can equip it with high-powered scopes like the 2.0x, when it’s equipped with a compensator and a vertical grip as well, it becomes a very viable weapon for long-range shooting
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 34
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 750 RPM
- Magazine Size - 31
1. Mx4 Storm
The Mx4 Storm is Alibi’s unique submachine gun, and like many of the weapons featured in this list, its rate of fire is very fast. Of course, that’s really good when dealing with opponents, but it comes with a drawback. The higher the rate of fire is, the rougher the recoil will be. However, with the compensator, especially now that it’s been buffed and now reduces the weapon’s horizontal recoil by 35%, the Mx4 Storm’s recoil will be very stable, even when Alibi is shooting it in long sprays. This is very important especially because the Mx4 Storm’s recoil tends to veer right after the third shot.
With the reduction of the horizontal recoil on the Mx4 Storm from the compensator, the user will mostly only have to worry about holding down its vertical weapon kick, and for that, there is the vertical grip. With the compensator and vertical grip working hand in hand, the Mx4 Storm’s recoil will be very stable, as there would be an attachment handling its horizontal and random recoil from all directions, as well as its vertical recoil. So even with its rapid rate of fire, Alibi will be able to shoot her Mx4 Storm in long sprays without losing much control.
What Makes the Mx4 Storm Great:
- The Mx4 storm has a really fast rate of fire, but that rate of fire is also what makes its recoil rough, but with a compensator, its horizontal recoil will be reduced by 35%
- The Mx4 Storm can be equipped with a vertical grip, and with the vertical grip and compensator working hand in hand, the user will have a good balance between vertical and horizontal recoil control
- Alibi’s Mx4 Storm submachine gun is highly customizable because of its compatibility with a wide variety of attachments, but if the goal is to have the best recoil, then the compensator is its best barrel attachment
- Because of its very fast rate of fire, Alibi’s Mx4 Storm is a menace at close to medium range, especially since its damage is not that bad either, and its magazine size is decent
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 26
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 950 RPM
- Magazine Size - 31
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