In many areas of the maps in Siege, Mira plays a huge role for the defending team. That’s because of her special gadget, the Black Mirror, which she uses for intel gathering as well as locking down an angle. With a Black Mirror at a certain angle, attackers can find it very hard to push because the defenders will have eyes on their every move.
And not just eyes, but the ability to frag them as well. That's because Mira’s Black Mirrors are one-way view mirrors, and when deployed beside an unreinforced wall, defenders can just simply quick lean and fire at the attackers from the view of the Black Mirror. In this article, we’re going to discuss how the recent big changes in Siege’s Year 9 Season 1 affect Mira’s gameplay and what are the best options for her when it comes to her loadouts.
5. Vector .45 ACP with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip + ITA12S with Iron Sight and Laser + Proximity Alarm
If what you want is to have the best recoil control possible on Mira’s Vector .45 ACP, this is the loadout setup for you. The devs recently reduced the vertical recoil control from the vertical grip from 25% to 20% but it’s still highly effective at holding down a weapon’s vertical kick. That’s really needed especially because the Vector .45 ACP has a very strong weapon kick due to its very fast rate of fire. With a vertical grip on her Vector .45 ACP, Mira would have a very stable shooting experience with it.
On the barrel department, the Vector .45 ACP will have the flash hider which, like the vertical grip, specializes in reducing weapons’ vertical recoil. So with the vertical grip and the flash hider both working to lessen the weapon’s vertical recoil, Mira will have no trouble handling the Vector .45 ACP’s weapon kick even when she’s emptying its magazine in one spray. As for the proximity alarm, it’s very helpful for certain areas where Mira’s usual spots for her Black Mirror are very susceptible from being hit from the back.
Excels in:
- Providing the Mira player with the best recoil control possible on her Vector .45 ACP submachine gun due to the presence of both the vertical grip and flash hider attachments
- The red dot A 1.0x sight on Mira’s Vector .45 ACP will provide the user with pinpoint accuracy at close to medium range due to its simple center dot reticle that doesn’t take much screen space
- The ITA12S shotgun as Mira’s secondary weapon will provide her with a utility for reworking the map with rotation holes and lines of sight on unreinforced walls due to its high destruction rate per shot
- The laser on the ITA12S shotgun will allow Mira to go into aim-down-sights with it 10% faster than normal and its default iron sight will add another 10% to that
- The proximity alarm as Mira’s generic gadget will be very valuable for her as early warning devices because there are certain spots where she’s very vulnerable from behind when manning her Black Mirrors
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - Vector .45 ACP with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - ITA12S with Iron Sight and Laser
- Generic gadget - Proximity Alarm
Recoil pattern test on the Vector .45 ACP in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
4. Vector .45 ACP with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + ITA12S with Iron Sight and Laser + Nitro Cell
As mentioned in the introduction of this article, Mira’s Black Mirrors are usually placed beside an unreinforced wall. More specifically, they’re deployed on a reinforced wall beside an unreinforced wall. The idea is, when Mira or any defender behind the Black Mirror sees an enemy on the other side, they can just lean to the unreinforced wall side and shoot the enemy using the intel that they got from the Black Mirror. The only problem is, normally, shooting in a weapon in Siege will create a lot of noise and the enemy will receive a directional threat indicator of where the shot is coming from.
That is if you’re not using a suppressor. The suppressor barrel attachment will greatly silence the weapon’s gunshots and more importantly, remove its directional threat indicator. So shots from a suppressed Vector .45 ACP, especially when shot through unreinforced walls, will be harder for enemies to notice. And when enemies don’t know where the shots are coming from, it’ll be harder for them to counter fire or even protect themselves properly.
Excels in:
- The suppressor on the Vector .45 ACP will remove its shots’ directional threat indicator and greatly silence them, making it much harder for opponents to immediately know where the shots are coming from
- The vertical grip on Mira’s Vector .45 ACP will help her maintain a good amount of vertical recoil control on the weapon which is importance since the weapon’s rate of fire is really fast
- The red dot A 1.0x sight on Mira’s Vector .45 ACP has a simple center dot reticle design that’ll allow the user to see their targets well as its reticle won’t obstruct their view that much
- The ITA12S shotgun is a great secondary weapon for Mira because it’ll allow her to create rotation holes and lines of sight on unreinforced wall since it has high destruction rate per shot
- The nitro cell or more commonly known as the c4 has a wide blast radius and its blast is very lethal, making it a powerful utility for countering pushes especially against multiple enemies
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - Vector .45 ACP with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - ITA12S with Iron Sight and Laser
- Generic gadget - Nitro Cell
Recoil pattern test on the Vector .45 ACP in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
3. Vector .45 ACP with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip + ITA12S with Iron Sight and Laser + Nitro Cell
One of the biggest changes that came with the Year 9 Season 1 update, otherwise known as Operation Deadly Omen, is the change on the angled grip. Previously, the angled grip allowed users to go into aim-down-sights stance faster than normal, but now, what it does is add 20% reload speed on the weapon that it’s attached to. And for Mira’s Vector .45 ACP, that’s a really great perk. That’s because the Vector .45 ACP has a smaller than average magazine capacity.
With its magazine size on the smaller side and its very fast rate of fire, the Vector .45 ACP can easily run out of bullets and has to be reloaded quite often. That’s why the 20% reload speed boost from the angled grip is a great perk to have more Mira. With the angled grip on her Vector .45 ACP, there’d be less chance that she’ll get killed by enemies from being overwhelmed and having to reload her in the middle of combat. Unlike the vertical grip though, the angled grip doesn’t provide additional recoil control, but that’s why this setup has the flash hider on the Vector .45 ACP’s barrel.
Excels in:
- The angled grip on Mira’s Vector .45 ACP will allow her to reload the weapon 20% faster than normal and that’s great for dealing with multiple enemies at the same time especially since the weapon has a small magazine size
- The flash hider on the Vector .45 ACP’s barrel will be what will provide the additional recoil control on the weapon which is important because it has a strong weapon kick due to its very fast rate of fire
- Due to its simple center dot reticle design, the red dot A 1.0x sight provides the user with a clear view of the target’s body parts which is great for pinpoint shooting at close to medium range
- Aside from being a great utility, the ITA12S in this setup will also be a great secondary weapon for finishing off enemies because both the laser and iron sight will provide 10% aim-down-sight speed bonus to the user
- The nitro cell is a great generic gadget for Mira because in certain setups, she can also throw it over to the enemies from her Black Mirror
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - Vector .45 ACP with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - ITA12S with Iron Sight and Laser
- Generic gadget - Nitro Cell
Recoil pattern test on the Vector .45 ACP in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
2. Vector .45 ACP with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Horizontal Grip + ITA12S with Iron Sight and Laser + Proximity Alarm
The horizontal grip is the newest attachment in Siege and it came with the release of Operation Deadly Omen. It is a hotly debated attachment in the Siege community with many players thinking that it is practically useless. However, as you can notice, I’ve put this setup with the horizontal grip on the Vector .45 ACP at a really high place in this list. That’s because its 5% movement speed boost is a great help for Mira’s gameplay, especially since she’s a 1-speed operator.
1-speed operators are the slowest operators in Siege. The thing is, Mira’s gameplay involves her having to move around a lot. That’s because it usually falls on her to set up the map with rotation holes, lines of sight, and of course, her Black Mirrors. She also often has to man her two Black Mirrors. All of that requires a lot of moving, so even as little as a 5% movement speed boost is a huge help for her. A lot of players also don’t consider that even a 5% movement speed bonus will make an operator harder to hit when they’re moving.
Excels in:
- The horizontal grip on Mira’s Vector .45 ACP will provide her with a 5% movement speed bonus which does a lot in making her harder to hit and allows her to move around the map faster
- The flash hider on the Vector .45 ACP’s barrel will be what’s going to provide the recoil control on the weapon since it’s important to have at least one recoil control providing attachment with it
- The frame structure of the red dot A 1.0x sight will allow Mira to have a good view of her targets because its reticle area is quite large and its simple center dot reticle is great for pinpoint shooting
- The combination of the iron sight and laser will provide Mira with a 20% aim-down-sight speed bonus on her ITA12S shotgun since each of them has a 10% ADS speed bonus as their attribute
- The two proximity alarms in Mira’s arsenal will prevent her from being caught off guard by enemies that will try to hit her from the back or flanking sites while she’s guarding her Black Mirrors
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - Vector .45 ACP with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Horizontal Grip
- Secondary weapon - ITA12S with Iron Sight and Laser
- Generic gadget - Proximity Alarm
Recoil pattern test on the Vector .45 ACP in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
1. Vector .45 ACP with Red Dot A, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip + ITA12S with Iron Sight and Laser + Nitro Cell
This ranks as the best loadout setup for Mira because with her usual gameplay of shooting opponents through quick leaning from her Black Mirror, she usually just does it in small bursts and within a small window of opportunity. The extended barrel on her Vector .45 ACP will make her short bursts within those small windows of opportunity count for more because it will increase the firepower of the weapon by boosting its base damage as well as reducing its range damage reduction.
So even though the Vector .45 ACP’s damage is quite on the low side, make no mistake, shots from it with an extended barrel will hurt, regardless of range. The increase in stopping power is also a great synergy with the Vector .45 ACP’s very fast rate of fire, making it a much deadlier weapon at close range. And speaking of firepower, in most cases, the nitro cell is the best generic gadget for Mira because it’ll allow her to blast opponents, and it also has a good synergy with her Black Mirror as long as she sets one of her Black Mirrors on an unreinforced wall and punch a huge hole on its upper side. That way, she can use that hole for throwing her nitro cell over to the other side.
Excels in:
- The Vector .45 ACP with an extended barrel will deal more damage per shot because it will increase its base damage as well as reduce its range damage drop-off which will make its shots hurt more regardless of distance
- The vertical grip in this setup’s Vector .45 ACP will be what’s going to add the much-needed recoil control on the weapon. It’ll add 20% vertical recoil control which is still a lot even though it was nerfed from 25%
- The red dot A 1.0x sight is the best 1.0x for most weapons because its large reticle area will allow the user to see targets within it and its simple center dot reticle doesn’t take up much screen space
- The ITA12S shotgun as Mira’s secondary weapon will allow her to rework the map to her team’s advantage with the rotation holes and lines of sight that it can create due to its high destruction rate per shot
- The nitro cell with its powerful blast and wide radius will allow Mira to counter multiple pushing enemies, even when there’s a shield operator on the front lines. It also has a great synergy with her Black Mirror.
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - Vector .45 ACP with Red Dot A, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - ITA12S with Iron Sight and Laser
- Generic gadget - Nitro Cell
Recoil pattern test on the Vector .45 ACP in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: