Maestro is one of the operators that has recently received some rebalancing on their loadouts, and luckily for Maestro users, the rebalancing done to him isn’t actually seen by the Siege community as a nerf. The addition of the observation blocker is a really big boost for Maestro because it enhances his intel-denial capabilities, and even allows him to protect his Evil Eyes more effectively.
That is because with the observation blocker, it’ll be harder for enemies to know where he positioned his Evil Eyes, and more than that, the observation blocker lessens the chance that Brava’s Kludge Drones or Twitch’s Shock Drones will convert or disable them. All in all, Maestro is one of the operators that really benefits a lot from Siege’s newest utility.
5. ACS12 with Scope 2.0x and Vertical Grip + Keratos .357 with Suppressor and Laser + Barbed Wire

The availability of the ACS12 shotgun as one of Maestro’s choices for his primary weapon makes it hard for players to decide which one they're going to run with. That’s especially because the ACS12 can be equipped with a scope 2.0x that will allow players to see their enemies really well, even from a long distance, as opposed to the ALDA 5.56 LMG which can only be equipped with 1.0x sights. The ACS12 also has a very high destruction rate per shot which will allow Maestro to rework the map almost as much as he wants as the weapon also has a high ammo count.
While the ACS12 shotgun has a very low stock recoil due to its relatively slow rate of fire, equipping it with a vertical grip is still a very viable option. That’s because the vertical grip will greatly weaken the weapon’s vertical kick, and that will allow for more pinpoint shooting. The suppressed keratos .357 as Maestro’s secondary weapon will serve as a utility for Maestro for when he needs to destroy attacker gadgets with much less risk of giving away his position, and the barbed wires as his generic gadget will slow down the enemies trying to go through entryways.
Excels in:
- Inflicting heavy stopping power per shot to enemies with the ACS12 which is a single-slug firing shotgun and is therefore capable of hitting opponents at any distance
- Providing the Maestro player will great accuracy with the addition of the scope 2.0x to his ACS12 which will allow him to see his enemies well even at long distances
- Maintaining great vertical recoil control on Maestro’s ACS12 due to the presence of the vertical grip attachment
- Having a great utility that can silently disable attacker gadgets such as drones or claymores in the suppressed keratos .357 handgun
- Guarding at least two paths of attack with the barbed wires as they can slow opponents down and they make a lot of noise when being destroyed
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - ACS12 with Scope 2.0x and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - Keratos .357 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Barbed Wire
Recoil test on the ACS12 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

4. ALDA 5.56 with Red Dot A, Compensator, and Vertical Grip + Bailiff 410 with Laser + Barbed Wire

The Alda 5.56 LMG is a unique weapon to Maestro and is also quite unique when it comes to light machine guns in general. That’s because unlike most light machine guns in the game right now, a player can empty a whole magazine of the Alda 5.56 LMG without losing much control of the weapon, and that’s despite its huge magazine capacity. That’s especially the case when it’s equipped with recoil control providing attachments like the ones present in this loadout setup. This loadout setup will provide Maestro players with a good balance between horizontal and vertical recoil control.
That’s because the compensator on its barrel will greatly lower its horizontal and random recoil from all directions by reducing its recoil diamond size. On the other hand, the vertical grip will greatly lower the weapon’s vertical kick. This loadout setup generally provides a more stable shooting experience to Maestro on his Alda 5.56 LMG especially when it comes to long sprays. For his secondary weapon, Maestro has the very handy bailiff 410 revolver shotgun which he can use to rework the map to the defending team’s advantage due to its high destruction rate per shot.
Excels in:
- Having a weapon in the Alda 5.56 LMG that has a very manageable recoil, fast rate of fire, and a huge magazine capacity
- Greatly lowering the tendency of the Alda 5.56 LMG for horizontal and random recoil from all directions due to the compensator reducing its recoil diamond size
- Maintaining a good amount of vertical recoil control on Maestro’s ALDA 5.56 LMG with the presence of the vertical grip attachment
- Having a great utility in the bailiff 410 which Maestro can use for creating rotation holes, lines of sight, and for destroying unreinforced hatches due to its high destruction rate per shot
- Slowing enemies down with the use of the two barbed wires as Maestro’s generic gadget, and they also make a lot of noise when being destroyed
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - ALDA 5.56 with Red Dot A, Compensator, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - Bailiff 410 with Laser
- Generic gadget - Barbed Wire
Recoil test on the ALDA 5.56 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

3. ALDA 5.56 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip + Bailiff 410 with Laser + Impact Grenade

While the compensator has been greatly improved with a fairly recent buff enhancing its effects on horizontal and random recoil from all directions, and that it’s now the best barrel attachment for many guns when it comes to providing the best recoil control, for the Alda 5.56 LMG, the flash hider remains the best if the player wants the best recoil control possible. That’s because the Alda 5.56 LMG doesn’t really have a strong horizontal and random recoil from all directions to begin with, so maximizing its vertical recoil control will be what’s going to stabilize the weapon the most.
That’s especially the case when the vertical grip is present as the user will have two attachments working hand in hand to lower the weapon’s vertical recoil. This loadout setup also provides Maestro with two ways of reworking the map to his team’s advantage. One is with the bailiff 410 and another with the two impact grenades as his generic gadget. The impact grenades can be used for quickly creating rotation holes and they’re also useful for countering shield operators like Osa and Blitz, while the bailiff 410 is great for creating lines of sight on soft walls.
Excels in:
- Providing the best recoil control possible on Maestro’s ALDA 5.56 LMG with the flash hider and vertical grip working hand in hand to maximize its vertical recoil control
- Having a very handy utility in the bailiff 410 revolver shotgun which is excellent for opening lines of sight on unreinforced walls due to its high destruction rate per shot
- Being able to quickly create rotation holes and destroy hatches with the two impact grenades in Maestro’s generic gadget slot, and they’re also great for countering shield operators
- The laser attachment on Maestro’s bailiff 410 revolver shotgun will greatly tighten its hip fire pellet spread allowing it to be effective at fragging opponents even through hip firing
- Having good accuracy on Maestro’s ALDA 5.56 LMG due to the simple center dot reticle on the red dot A 1.0x sight which doesn’t obstruct the view of the enemy a lot
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - ALDA 5.56 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - Bailiff 410 with Laser
- Generic gadget - Impact Grenade
Recoil test on the ALDA 5.56 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

2. ACS12 with Scope 2.0x and Angled Grip + Keratos .357 with Suppressor and Laser + Observation Blocker

As mentioned before, the ACS12 shotgun is a very viable primary weapon for Maestro even though unlike the Alda 5.56 LMG, it’s not Maestro’s unique weapon. With the ACS12, Maestro players will find it easier to aim at opponents because of its scope 2.0x. So depending on the situation or the map, this could very well be Maestro’s best loadout setup. That’s also because the ACS12 isn’t only great at fragging opponents due to its heavy stopping power per shot. Each shot from the ACS12 has a heavy destruction rate as well, so Maestro can use it to create rotation holes or lines of sight on unreinforced walls.
As for the suppressed keratos .357, it’s a handy utility for Maestro when it comes to disabling attacker gadgets like drones, claymores, and others, without giving away his position. It also inflicts high damage per shot and can make quick work of an enemy at close to medium range, making it an excellent secondary weapon for Maestro. As for the observation blocker, it’s a great addition to Maestro’s arsenal because it can prevent attackers from knowing where he positioned his Evil Eyes and it can also prevent Twitch’s Shock Drones or Brava’s Kludge Drones from disabling or converting the Evil Eyes.
Excels in:
- Heavy stopping power per shot from Maestro’s ACS12 shotgun can make quick work of opponents at close to medium range
- Providing Maestro with an aim-down-sight speed boost on his ACS12 shotgun with the use of the angled grip attachment
- Allowing Maestro to see his enemies well regardless of the distance through the use of the scope 2.0x on his ACS12 shotgun
- Having a handy tool for Maestro that he can use to silently disable enemy gadgets in the suppressed keratos .357 which is also great for finishing off enemies when his primary needs to be reloaded
- Denying intel to enemies especially the position of Maestro’s Evil Eyes with the use of the observation blocker generic gadget which blocks the view of attacker cameras
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - ACS12 with Scope 2.0x and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - Keratos .357 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Observation Blocker
Recoil test on the ACS12 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

1. ALDA 5.56 with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + Bailiff 410 with Laser + Observation Blocker

Even though the only sights available to the Alda 5.56 LMG are the 1.0x sights, it’s still a great unique weapon to Maestro. That is because of its huge magazine size, decent damage per shot, and most importantly, its very manageable recoil. It's manageable enough that even one recoil control providing attachment is enough for the user to control its recoil even during long sprays, and that one attachment would be the vertical grip. The vertical grip will maintain a good amount of vertical recoil control on the weapon so that the user can even empty a whole clip from it without losing control.
As for the Alda 5.56’s barrel attachment in this loadout setup, the suppressor will bring a lot of advantages. With the suppressor, shots from the Alda 5.56 won’t have a directional threat indicator and a muzzle flash. That alone will make it harder for enemies to know where Maestro is shooting from, and the suppressor also silences weapons’ gunshots. With silent gunshots, it will be really hard for enemies to know where Maestro is, and it will also allow Maestro to hear sound cues from enemies who are trying to flank. So with this loadout setup, Maestro will be able to protect himself better.
Excels in:
- Maestro’s Alda 5.56 LMG in this loadout setup with not have a directional indicator and a muzzle flash, and that will make it harder for enemies to know where he’s shooting from
- The suppressor silencing the gunshots from Maestro’s Alda 5.56 LMG will make it even harder for enemies to know where Maestro is located
- The vertical grip on Maestro’s Alda 5.56 LMG will maintain a good amount of recoil control on the weapon and that will greatly help Maestro in stabilizing its shots
- Having the ability to rework the map due to the high destruction rate per shot from the bailiff 410 which Maestro can use to create rotation holes and lines of sight on soft walls
- Preventing enemy drones from gathering intel on defender identities as well as their gadget positioning with the use of the observation blocker
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - ALDA 5.56 with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - Bailiff 410 with Laser
- Generic gadget - Observation Blocker
Recoil test on the ALDA 5.56 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: