Sledge is one of the most versatile operators in the game because he can perform multiple roles. He could be a straight up soft breacher and entry fragger. He could also perform the role of roam clearing. But his most popular role is that of a vertical attacker. That’s because with his special gadget, the Tactical Breaching Hammer, he can continuously destroy large portions of the wooden floor above objective spots. That exposes the defenders below and oftentimes forces them out of their entrenched positions. On top of that, Sledge has a wide variety of weapons and gadgets to choose from when it comes to fragging his enemies.
5. M590A1 with Reflex B and Laser + P226 MK 25 with Suppressor + Stun Grenade
This loadout setup is for players who excel at using shotguns, and the M590A1 is one of the most powerful shotguns in the game because it packs a heavy punch per shot. With this loadout, Sledge won’t really be effective at playing the vertical attacker role, but he will be very effective at playing his most basic role, which is that of a soft breacher. With his Tactical Breaching Hammer, Sledge can open up an entry hole on an unreinforced wall or an unreinforced hatch that is big enough for him and the whole attacking team to enter.
Once that's done, they are free to rush to the objective spot and clear the room. And for room clearing, the M590A1 with Sledge is a really effective weapon, especially if Sledge is able to get close to his enemies after performing the soft breaching. The stun grenades as Sledge’s generic gadget will really help him get close to his enemies by blinding them first or by deafening them. And if Sledge chooses a slower approach, the suppressed P226 MK 25 handgun will help him with that, because with it, he will be able to shoot defender gadgets like CCTV cameras with less chances of alerting the enemies to his presence.
Excels in:
- Taking out an enemy with just one shot at close quarters with the M590A1 shotgun
- Tightening the hip fire pellet spread of the M590A1 shotgun with the use of the laser attachment
- Having a clear and wide view while aiming-down-sight with the Reflex B 1.0x attachment
- Being able to shoot defender gadgets like cameras silently with the use of the suppressed P226 MK 25 handgun
- Blinding and deafening enemies before pushing with the use of the three stun grenades in Sledge’s arsenal
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - M590A1 with Reflex B and Laser
- Secondary weapon - P226 MK 25 with Suppressor
- Generic gadget - Stun Grenade
Pellet spread test on the M590A1 in this setup at 5m range:
Pellet spread test on the M590A1 in this setup at 10m range:
4. L85A2 with Scope 1.5x, Muzzle Brake, and Vertical Grip + P226 MK 25 with Suppressor + Stun Grenade
With this loadout setup, Sledge will have his fully automatic L85A2 assault rifle as his primary and can therefore, hit enemies at any range. The L85A2 assault rifle has a pretty manageable recoil, however, it’s quite prone to horizontal recoil and its first shot recoil is quite strong. That's why for many Sledge players, the best barrel attachment for lowering its recoil is the muzzle brake. That’s because the muzzle brake will greatly lower the L85A2’s first shot recoil, and for a lot of players, that stabilizes the weapon’s next shot. So this loadout setup is great for short bursts, which the game prefers nowaday anyway.
Short burst firing is perfect for Sledge when performing a vertical attack. That’s because he would mostly be shooting enemies between metal beams, so even if he wants to, he won’t be able to effectively hit enemies with longer sprays. The suppressed P226 MK 25 handgun is great for shooting defender cameras without drawing attention to yourself because the suppressor will make the handgun’s gunshot silent. And the stun grenades would be great for softening up the objective spot by blinding and deafening the remaining attackers inside once you’re ready to make your final push.
Excels in:
- Having the best recoil on the L85A2 assault rifle when it comes to short burst firing due to the muzzle brake barrel attachment
- Maintaining a high amount of overall vertical recoil control on the L85A2 assault rifle due to the vertical grip attachment
- Having a good amount of zoom with the scope 1.5x without sacrificing a lot in terms of peripheral view
- Being able to shoot defender gadgets such as CCTV cameras with less chances of alerting enemies through the use of the suppressed P226 MK 25 handgun
- Blinding and deafening enemies with the use of the three stun grenades in Sledge’s arsenal
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - L85A2 with Scope 1.5x, Muzzle Brake, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - P226 MK 25 with Suppressor
- Generic gadget - Stun Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the L85A2 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
3. L85A2 with Scope 1.5x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip + P226 MK 25 with Suppressor + Frag Grenade
This loadout setup provides Sledge with the best vertical recoil on the L85A2 assault rifle. That’s because both the flash hider and the vertical grip are present in the weapon, and both of them specialize in lowering the vertical recoil of weapons. So having those two attachments working hand in hand will really compress the recoil of the L85A2. On top of that, the flash hider will also hide the L85A2’s muzzle flash, thus lessening the visual cues that enemies could react to when it comes to determining where Sledge is shooting them from.
The scope 1.5x will provide the user with just enough zoom to be able to see his enemies well when aiming-down-sight while also not compromising a lot when it comes to peripheral view. The zoom level of the scope 1.5x is just perfect for the range where Sledge usually operates since he usually engages enemies at close to medium range. As for the generic gadget, the frag grenade really is the best generic gadget for Sledge because it's perfect for his gameplay of destroying portions of soft walls or wooden floors. That way he can just throw his frag grenade to enemies through the portion of the wooden floor or soft wall that he just destroyed.
Excels in:
- Having the best vertical recoil on the L85A2 through the use of both the flash hider and vertical grip attachments
- Lessening the visual cues that enemies could react to when it comes to determining Sledge’s location by hiding his L85A2’s muzzle flash
- Having a good amount of zoom with the scope 1.5x while also not compromising a lot in terms of peripheral view
- Being able to shoot enemy gadgets such as CCTV cameras silently and with less chance of enemies being alerted through the use of the suppressed P226 MK 25 handgun
- Scoring easy kills with the frag grenades or using them to flush out enemies from their entrenched positions
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - L85A2 with Scope 1.5x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - P226 MK 25 with Suppressor
- Generic gadget - Frag Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the L85A2 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
2. L85A2 with Scope 1.5x, Compensator, and Vertical Grip + P226 MK 25 with Suppressor + Frag Grenade
Normally, when it comes to the recoil of weapons, the flash hider is the best barrel attachment. But for some guns like the L85A2, the most stable shooting experience, especially when it comes to longer sprays, comes with the compensator barrel attachment. That’s because the compensator reduces the horizontal recoil and random recoil from all directions of weapons by reducing the size of their recoil diamond. And for guns like the L85A2 which are prone to horizontal recoil, the compensator is really great at stabilizing their shots.
Thi is great for Sledge especially when he's performing the role of roam clearing where enemies could appear on his line of sight at any range, since of coure, having the best recoil control on your weapon means you would have a higher chance of hitting enemies with most of your shots. And since the gunshots of your primary weapon will be loud, it's important for you to carry a suppressed handgun in the P226 MK 25. That way, you’ll be able to shoot enemy gadgets silently and with much less chances of enemies being alerted to your presence.
Excels in:
- Having the most stable shooting experience with the L85A2 assault rifle through the use of the compensator barrel attachment
- Maintaining a good amount of vertical recoil control through the use of the vertical grip attachment
- Having a good amount of zoom level with the scope 1.5x while not being at a disadvantage at close quarters combat
- Being able to shoot enemy gadgets like defender cameras with much less risk of giving away your position through the use of the suppressed P226 MK 25 handgun
- Scoring easy kills with the frag grenade or using them to force defenders out of their entrenched positions
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - L85A2 with Scope 1.5x, Compensator, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - P226 MK 25 with Suppressor
- Generic gadget - Frag Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the L85A2 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
1. L85A2 with Scope 1.5x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + P226 MK 25 with Muzzle Brake and Laser + Frag Grenade
This is the best loadout setup for Sledge even though it doesn't present the best recoil control on his L85A2 assault rifle. That’s because even without additional recoil control benefits from a barrel attachment, the L85A2’s recoil remains manageable, especially if the user sticks to short sprays. In exchange for not having additional recoil control benefits, the user will enjoy the great stealth benefits from the suppressor instead, and those stealth benefits are perfect for Sledge’ gameplay, especially when he's performing a vertical attack or when he's roam-clearing.
The suppressor will allow Sledge to shoot enemies without a muzzle flash from his L85A2 assault rifle and without them receiving a directional threat indicator of where the shots are coming from. On top of that, it will also greatly silence the weapon’s gunshots, making it even harder for enemies to pinpoint Sledge’s location. So when he’s performing a vertical attack, it will be much harder for enemies to know where he is and for them to counter fire effectively. The same goes for when Sledge is performing the role of roam-clearing, the more confused the roamers are, the easier it would be for Sledge to hunt and kill them.
Excels in:
- Shooting enemies with the L85A2 without them receiving a directional threat indicator of where Sledge’s shots are coming from
- Reducing the visual cues that enemies could react to when finding where Sledge is shooting them from by hiding the L85A2’s muzzle flash
- Lessening the sound cues that enemies could use to pinpoint Sledge’s location by dampening the L85A2’s gunshot sound
- Having a really good recoil control on the P226 MK 25 handgun due to the muzzle brake barrel attachment
- Having a tight hip fire with the P226 Mk 25 handgun due to the laser attachment
- Scoring kills with the frag grenades or using them to flush out enemies from their hiding spots
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - L85A2 with Scope 1.5x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - P226 MK 25 with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Generic gadget - Frag Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the L85A2 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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