Siege is one of the few multiplayer shooters out there that favors a methodical approach and tactical gameplay, more so than great aim and fast reflexes. It heavily encourages teamplay, even to solo queue players, because usually, the team with the best teamplay wins the match.
And speaking of great teamplays, Capitao is one of the best operators that one can use when it comes to setting up the push. That’s because with his special gadget, the Tactical Crossbow, he can fire two incendiary bolts for denying area to enemies, and two micro smoke grenades for covering the attacking team’s approach.
5. Para-308 with Scope 2.0x, Muzzle Brake, and Angled Grip + Gonne-6 + Impact EMP Grenade
The Para-308 assault rifle is one of the best weapons in Siege because despite its high stopping power, it’s very easy to control. That low stock recoil is mainly because of its relatively low rate of fire, and that’s why for this loadout setup, instead of focusing on attachments that provides more recoil control, the attachments will make it so that the user excels in flick shots. That’s highly possible because of the angled grip that will allow Capitao to go into aim-down-sights stance faster than normal.
On the other hand, the muzzle brake as the Para-308's barrel attachment will greatly lower the recoil of the weapon’s first shot. While it only affects the first shot recoil, on fully automatic weapons like the Para-308, it has the tendency to stabilize the subsequent few shots as well, and that’s why this loadout specializes in quick short bursts. As for the Impact EMP grenades, it’s a great addition to Capitao’s loadout choices when the team needs another hard breach enabler.
Excels in:
- The muzzle brake on the barrel of the Para-308 assault rifle will greatly lower its first shot recoil, and that will in turn stabilize the recoil of the few subsequent shots, which is great for short burst firing.
- The angled grip on Capitao’s Para-308 assault rifle will allow him to go into aim-down-sights stance faster than normal and that’s great for flick shots and sudden encounters.
- The scope 2.0x on the Para-308 assault rifle is perfect for the distance that Capitao mostly operates in which is at close to medium range because it provides a good zoom level while also not sacrificing a lot of peripheral view
- The gonne-6 is great for Capitao because it’ll allow him to neutralize one pesky bulletproof defender gadget or open an unreinforced hatch for an entry point
- The impact EMP grenade will allow Capitao to enable hard breaching when there are no other attackers that are able to. It’ll also allow him to temporarily disable other enemy electronic gadgets.
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - Para-308 with Scope 2.0x, Muzzle Brake, and Angled Grip
- Secondary Weapon - Gonne-6
- Generic Gadget - Impact EMP Grenade
Recoil test on the Para-308 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
4. M249 with Scope 2.5x A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip + Gonne-6 + Hard Breach Charge
Light machine guns like the M249 suffered a huge nerf when the devs reworked the recoil progression of weapons in Siege a few seasons ago. It was to curb the light machine gun meta at that time where players would use the low recoil and huge magazine capacity to just brute force their way into winning gunfights. Because of that recoil progression overhaul, players can’t use that method anymore, but that doesn’t mean that LMGs like the M249 aren’t viable anymore.
Certainly, there’s still a lot of good to be had in equipping typical LMGs like the M249. That’s because even though its recoil is much harder to control now in long sprays, the user can just simply stick to short ones and pace their shots well. That way, they’d still benefit from the weapon’s huge magazine capacity. It’s a really good weapon for Capitao because he’s the one who usually initiates the push and performs backline support, and with the M249, he can perform suppressive fire effectively.
Excels in:
- Even now that it has become much harder to control the recoil of the M249, it would still be an effective weapon for Capitao when performing backline support
- As long as the user sticks to short sprays, the M249’s recoil would not be uncontrollable, and instead of reloading, the user can just simply take breaks in between bursts.
- The vertical grip and the flash hider will be working hand in hand to greatly lower the M249’s vertical recoil, and because of them, its weapon kick will be easier to manage.
- When pushing, the gonne-6 will allow Capitao to take down a troublesome bulletproof defender gadget like an Evil Eye, Banshee, or even just a deployable shield blocking the way
- The hard breach charges in Capitao’s arsenal will allow him to perform hard breaches on reinforced walls or hatches, though it’s best to reserve them for hatches when performing a vertical attack
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - M249 with Scope 2.5x A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary Weapon - Gonne-6
- Generic Gadget - Hard Breach Charge
Recoil test on the M249 in this setup firing 41 bullets before I started feeling like I’ll lose control of the gun:
3. Para-308 with Scope 2.0x, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip + Gonne-6 + Hard Breach Charge
As mentioned before, the Para-308 is an assault rifle that has a lot of firepower while also having a very manageable stock recoil. Because its stock recoil is quite low, the user doesn’t really need to equip it with two attachments that provide more recoil control. They can run the weapon with one recoil control providing attachment, and one that provides another advantage. In this loadout setup’s case, the one that will be providing the recoil control is the vertical grip.
The vertical grip specializes in lowering the vertical recoil of weapons, so it’s usually the go-to attachment of players when they need more recoil control. On the barrel side, the Para-308 in this setup will have the extended barrel which will add more firepower to its already high damage and lower its range damage drop-off. The Para-308 in this setup specializes in taking down enemies as fast as possible, and because of the added recoil control from the vertical grip and the reduction of its range damage drop-off due to the extended barrel, it will excel at medium to long-range shooting as well.
Excels in:
- Capitao’s Para-308 in this setup specializes in inflicting as much damage as possible regardless of the distance and that’s because of the extended barrel attachment
- Maintaining a good amount of recoil control on the Para-308 assault rifle due to the presence of the vertical grip attachment
- Providing a good amount of zoom level for Capitao to see his targets well with the scope 2.0x on his Para-308 assault rifle which is great for all distances
- Providing Capitao the ability to destroy a bulletproof defender gadget or an unreinforced hatch with the use of the gonne-6 hand cannon as his secondary weapon
- Capitao having the ability to create entry points on reinforced walls, or destroy hatches with the use of the two hard breach charges on his generic gadget slot
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - Para-308 with Scope 2.0x, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary Weapon - Gonne-6
- Generic Gadget - Hard Breach Charge
Recoil test on the Para-308 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
2. Para-308 with Scope 2.0x, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip + Gonne-6 + Claymore
This loadout setup balances speed as well as recoil control on Capitao’s Para-308, because the angled grip will allow Capitao to go into aim-down-sights much quicker than normal, and the flash hider will lower its overall vertical recoil. With this loadout setup, Capitao will be able to respond or aim at enemies faster while also maintaining a good amount of control on his Para-308, even when he’s shooting long sprays. This is great for sudden enemy encounters but will also be quite good for medium to long-range shooting.
This is probably the most balanced loadout setup for Capitao’s Para-308 because with it, he’ll be able to perform both backline support and frontline roles well. The scope 2.0x is also great for both roles as it’s the most balanced scope in Siege. It provides plenty of zoom so the user will be able to see their targets well, which usually translates to better accuracy, but its zoom level is not too high so it doesn’t really put the user into a disadvantage when it comes to close quarters combat.
Excels in:
- The angled grip on Capitao’s Para-308 assault rifle will allow him to aim at enemies faster, which is a great perk to have for sudden close-range encounters and other high traffic situations
- The flash hider on Capitao’s Para-308 assault rifle will greatly lower the weapon’s overall vertical recoil, resulting in a more stable firing experience, especially in long sprays
- The scope 2.0x is the perfect sight for Capitao because with it, he’ll be able to perform both backline support or front line roles really well as the scope will provide a good amount of zoom without taking up a lot of peripheral view
- The gonne-6 hand cannon as Capitao’s secondary weapon is a great utility that allows him to disable a pesky bulletproof defender gadget that can impede the attacking team’s push
- Having two claymores in Capitao’s arsenal which are great utilities for countering flankers, roamers, and runouts. Even when enemies spot them, chances are, they’ll create some noise trying to disable them.
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - Para-308 with Scope 2.0x, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip
- Secondary Weapon - Gonne-6
- Generic Gadget - Claymore
Recoil test on the Para-308 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
1. Para-308 with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + Gonne-6 + Claymore
The suppressed Para-308 is the best weapon for Capitao in general because it goes so well with his special gadget, the Tactical Crossbow. The Tactical Crossbow can shoot two incendiary bolts and two micro smoke grenades. Both are great for pushing as the former is great for denying area to enemies while the latter is great for applying cover for the attacking team’s push. The suppressed Para-308 works so well, especially with the micro smoke grenades, because it’s perfect for suppressive fire through the smoke.
The suppressor barrel attachment removes the weapon’s directional threat indicator and muzzle flash. It also greatly silences its gunshots. So with a suppressor on the barrel of the Para-308, it’ll be harder for enemies to know where exactly Capitao is shooting from, and when he’s performing suppressive fire through the smoke as support for his teammate who’s planting the defuser, the enemies could get damaged and they won’t know where to shoot back. Even though the suppressor doesn’t provide additional recoil control, the vertical grip will make it easier for the user to handle the Para-308's weapon kick.
Excels in:
- Shooting enemies without them immediately knowing where the shots are coming from because the suppressor will hide the weapon’s muzzle flash and directional threat indicator
- The suppressor will also silence the Para-308's gunshots so it’ll be harder for enemies to determine where Capitao is shooting from and it’ll also be easier for him to hear incoming enemies while he’s shooting
- Having a good amount of recoil control on the Para-308 assault rifle due to the presence of the vertical grip attachment which specializes in lowering the overall vertical recoil of weapons
- Capitao having the ability to shoot down a troublesome bulletproof defender gadget with the use of the gonne-6 hand cannon which can also be used to break an unreinforced hatch
- Capitao being able to protect himself and his teammates from roamers, flankers, and run outs with the use of the two claymores as his generic gadget
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - Para-308 with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary Weapon - Gonne-6
- Generic Gadget - Claymore
Recoil test on the Para-308 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: