05 Sep 2022
In Siege, or in any multiplayer online game for that matter, our names are our identity. Some players don’t take it seriously and just type whatever comes to mind, but for those who really care about their gamer identity, the gaming tag is sacred. Here are some of the coolest Siege player names to take inspiration from.
100. Bellux-
99. TheGoodlyNOOB
98. MrDropshot
97. inglesicoglioni
96. CallMeKinq-
95. Ash-explote_Me
94. iDRXP
93. vEljel-
92. pablo.exe
91. uNeedMyCary
90. Liyaz
89. s2mLee100Lesh
88. DontTryMe1v1
87. BuckMeInTheAsh
86. Tiqqzz__
85. W4LK3R
84. Yeet_my_feet
83. Kvss
82. Oxygen
81. Lord-T-Chanka
80. BigBoy_Dom
79. Marley
78. xPhvntxm
77. DocCuredMyLIGMA
76. Skillz
75. SkillZz-
74. Yuzzi
73. KissMyAsh
72. Ghost
71. zHnzT1-_
70. Hydra
69. iSmoKerZ-
68. Clxpz
67. Mira-Khalifa
66. clashmyash
65. s-i-m-p-
64. ily2ezy
63. Demon-_-
62. DocCuredMyAIDS
61. AdolfDripler
60. PulseOnCrack
59. Arctix
58. Ashketit.Main
57. Hxskyy.
56. Knox
55. AnneniSikiyim
54. IceWallowCome
53. iNeedACOGonASH
52. Finka_my_ash
51. BlitzFlashedMe
50. Awsx
49. Buttslapper
48. KissMyJäger-__-
47. Yumi
46. beaulo.
45. godly
44. MuZzI-_
43. DocCureMyCorona
42. vPlatz-
41. MartinLuthrYing
40. Prime
39. Sorex_
38. zChRyEU_-
37. CallMe_Toxic
36. God.
35. FRZy.
34. kzera
33. R6s_ViPeX
32. Aboody
31. Jager.exe
30. shoXX
29. Mammt
28. Leccam_u_Salam
27. iiNoVsyy
26. Spoit.
25. Call_Me_Papa
24. Z_DryzY_R6
23. ArmyOfDorkness
22. YourABot
21. SpwaG
20. Nxstyy
19. Y33T
18. Giveashacog
17. ySnuffy
16. MiLky..
15. RecruitMain
14. XELY.-.
13. shoxl_
12. Horixon
11. CallMyAIM-_-
10. Amogus
9. Padre_Pio
8. DocCuredMyAim
7. YB-OxyGeN
6. NoT_tHeBeST—
5. Just_Chilling_-
4. yFraqgr
3. Virnik
2. Mcmanus
1. Beaulo
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:
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