Although the terrorist hunt mode has now been renamed as training grounds, and the bombers have been removed. This mode is still quite challenging, especially on realistic difficulty. It’s a great way to practice cursor placement when headshots-only is enabled, and it’s also the best way to experiment on which attachments suit your play style more. But there are also groups out there that take this mode seriously and even use it as a way to make some quick renown. So, for those who love some good old fashioned terrorist hunt, these are the operators for you.
10. Melusi
Even on realistic difficulty, the attack patterns of the white mask terrorists are one dimensional and predictable. Because of that, it’s easy to get them trapped into the slow effects of Melusi’s banshees. And once they’re deep within the slow effects of the banshees, Melusi and her team are free to do what they want to the poor AIs.
Excels in:
- Crowd control
- Trapping
- Disrupting enemy rhythm
Best loadouts for Melusi:
9. Thorn
With Thorn’s barbed wires or even the deployable shield, she can make the terrorists gather in one spot, and once they do, they’re very vulnerable to the huge area of effect damage of her razorbloom shells. She can also use the razorbloom shells as an alarm to detect where the terrorists are attacking from, and in the process kill some of them.
Excels in:
- Disrupting enemy rhythm
- Trapping
- Crowd control
Best loadouts for Thorn:
8. Kapkan
Kapkan is one of the best defenders when it comes to terrorist hunt. Because of his EDDs, he can take out a number of terrorists before they arrive at the objective area. The EDDs detonating also gives him a warning on the direction where they’re attacking. His impact grenades are also very useful for making rotation holes, because if you’re playing terrorist hunt solo, you don’t wanna be stuck in one room. Rotation holes will allow you to quickly flank the attacking terrorists and get them from behind.
Excels in:
- Trapping
- Disrupting enemy rhythm
- Compromising enemy location
Best loadouts for Kapkan:
7. Rook
Rook armor plates give him extra durability and allow him to stay longer in the fight. Which is really good when you’re playing solo in terrorist hunt. But it’s even better when you’re in a team, because the armor plates will buff your teammates as well. And like Kapkan above, rook also have impact grenades that he can use to make rotation holes, so him and his teammates can rotate or escape when the objective area is being too hot, reposition themselves and flank the terrorists.
Excels in:
- Buffing the team
- Securing an area
Best loadouts for Rook:
6. Doc
Doc is the best operator for solo queuers in terrorist hunt. With 3 armor, it’s almost a guarantee that he’ll last longer during gunfights, and when he’s damaged, he can heal himself with his stim pistol. He also has barbed wires available to him as his secondary gadget, which allows him to slow down the terrorists from two directions.
Excels in:
- Buffing the team
- Securing an area
- Spawn peeking
Best loadouts for Doc:
5. Montagne
Even when he’s solo, Montagne can perform really well on terrorist hunt because his shield when activated can fully protect his body from frontal gunfire, while also gathering intelligence in the process. With him already knowing the enemy positions, he can quickly switch to his pistol mode and aim at the terrorists while a large portion of his body remains protected by his shield. Of course, it's even better when he’s in a team because he can tank the gunshots from the terrorists while his teammates frags them.
Excels in:
- Intel gathering
- Frontline
Best loadouts for Montagne:
4. Glaz
Sadly, the nerf on Glaz now requires him to stand still or else the thermal gauge on his thermal scope would run out, effectively disabling its thermal sights. But in terrorist hunt, it works just like before. Glaz can use his OTs-03's thermal sights to keep fragging on the terrorists and its thermal capabilities won’t run out no matter how much he moves. It’s a good callback to how powerful Glaz was back in the day, and of course a great way to eliminate the terrorists.
Excels in:
- Covering fire
- Soft breaching
- Backline support
Best loadouts for Glaz:
3. Dokkaebi
Even though they’re AI, the terrorists in realistic difficulty are actually quite hard to deal with. They don’t stay in one position, and their aim is pretty good. That is why Dokkaebi’s logic bomb is really useful in determining terrorist locations for her and her team. Her SMG-12 is also a really good secondary because due to the number of terrorists, it’s almost a guarantee that her Mk 14 EBR will have to reload during a gun fight, and the SMG-12 will allow her to continue fighting on even when more terrorists are coming.
Excels in:
- Intel gathering
- Backline support
Best loadouts for Dokkaebi:
2. Finka
If you’re going into terrorist hunt solo, the best way to complete it as an attacker is through Finka. Through her adrenaline rush, she can heal and buff herself three times. Her stun grenades are also a great help when it comes to room clearing. Of course, it’s 5x better when she’s on a team. A full stack team going into terrorist hunt with Finka is almost guaranteed to come out victorious, even in realistic difficulty.
Excels in:
- Buffing the team
- Frontline
- Rushing
Best loadouts for Finka:
1. Lion
Lion’s scan in terrorist hunt is pretty OP. In quickmatch, unranked, or ranked mode, his scan will only ping enemies who are moving during the scan, but in terrorist hunt, it will ping the terrorists even when they’re not moving. This gives Lion and his team enough intel to proceed on a push with minimal risk. He also has stun grenades which are very effective against terrorists because for some reason they don’t know how to turn around. Or if the player chooses to, he can go in with a claymore and prevent terrorists from flanking him.
Excels in:
- Intel gathering
- Room clearing
- Crowd control
Best loadouts for Lion:
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:
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