[Top 5] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Iana Loadouts That Are Excellent

Top 5 Best Iana Loadouts in R6 Siege
18 Dec 2023

Iana is one of the best intel gatherers in the game because of her special gadget, the Gemini Replicator, which allows her to create an exact holographic copy of her that can do every action that she can except for attacking and rappelling. She can use her holographic copy basically like a drone and because of it, she’s able to scout ahead safely. 

But her special gadget isn’t only for gathering intel, although that’s its primary purpose. Because it creates an exact copy of her, it’s also great for distracting enemies. Most of the time, when they see it, they will shoot at it, and by doing that, and they’re not using a suppressed weapon, they could give away their position to Iana or to the other attackers.


5. ARX200 with Red Dot A, Compensator, and Vertical Grip + MK1 9mm with Suppressor and Laser + Smoke Grenade

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The compensator barrel attachment is probably the most underrated or underutilized barrel attachment in the game. That’s because when it comes to recoil control, most would go for the flash hider which greatly lowers the weapon’s vertical weapon kick. However, weapons like the ARX200 assault rifle benefit a lot from the compensator. That’s because from its third shot, the ARX200 has a strong horizontal recoil, and by reducing the recoil diamond size of weapons, the compensator reduces their tendency for horizontal recoil.

The great thing is that the devs are going to buff the compensator soon, making its horizontal and random recoil from all direction reduction even greater. As for the vertical grip, it will provide more recoil control on the weapon by greatly reducing its vertical weapon kick. So this loadout setup has a great balance between horizontal and vertical recoil reduction. That’s why it will provide Iana with the most stable shooting experience on her ARX200. For the secondary weapon, the suppressed MK1 9mm will allow Iana to shoot defender gadgets with much less chance of giving away her position, so it’s very important for infiltrating the mission area. 

Excels in:

  • Reducing Iana’s ARX200’s propensity for horizontal and random recoil from all directions with the compensator reducing the size of its recoil diamond
  • Maintaining a great amount of vertical recoil control on Iana’s ARX200 due to the presence of the vertical grip attachment
  • Having great precision when shooting using Iana’s ARX200 because of the simple center dot reticle on the red dot A 1.0x sight
  • Having the ability to silently shoot defender gadgets such as cameras and traps with the use of the suppressed MK1 9mm handgun
  • Providing cover for the attacking team’s push through the use of the two smoke grenades in Iana’s arsenal

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - ARX200 with Red Dot A, Compensator, and Vertical Grip
  • Secondary weapon - MK1 9mm with Suppressor and Laser
  • Generic gadget - Smoke Grenade

Recoil pattern test on the ARX200 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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4. ARX200 with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + MK1 9mm with Muzzle Brake and Laser + Smoke Grenade

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This is the best loadout for Iana players who prefer the ARX200 assault rifle as their primary weapon. That’s because the stealth benefits from the suppressor greatly outweigh the recoil benefits that other barrel attachments bring, at least for this weapon anyway. That’s because the ARX200 assault rifle has a very manageable recoil even without the presence of a barrel attachment that adds recoil control benefits, so attaching a non-recoil benefit providing barrel attachment to it like the suppressor wouldn’t be a problem.

With this loadout, Iana would be able to take advantage of the great stealth benefits from using a suppressor. Her shots won’t provide enemies with that white directional threat indicator of where her shots are coming from. It will hide the ARX200’s muzzle flash, as well as greatly dampen its gunshot sound. All these stealth benefits will make enemies much slower to react to her, and that’s great for a tactical shooting game like Siege. And since Iana would already be able to shoot defender gadgets silently with her ARX200 in this loadout, it makes more sense for her to run with the muzzle brake and laser on her MK1 9mm which will greatly lower its recoil and tighten its hip fire.

Excels in:

  • Shooting enemies with the ARX200 without immediately giving away your position with the suppressor removing its directional threat indicator
  • Reducing the chances of enemies pinpointing your location while you’re shooting with the suppressor hiding the ARX200’s muzzle flash
  • Making it harder for enemies to determine your location through the sound of your gunshots because the suppressor will greatly silence it
  • Having a great recoil control on the MK1 9mm because of the muzzle brake and tight hip fire because of the laser
  • Having the ability to provide cover for you and your team’s advance through the use of the two smoke grenades in your arsenal

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - ARX200 with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
  • Secondary weapon - MK1 9mm with Muzzle Brake and Laser
  • Generic gadget - Smoke Grenade

Recoil pattern test on the ARX200 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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3. G36C with Scope 1.5x, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip + MK1 9mm with Suppressor and Laser + Smoke Grenade

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This is a really solid loadout setup for players who prefer Iana’s G36C over her ARX200. That’s because with this loadout setup, Iana would be able to handle the recoil of the G36C well because of the flash hider, while also being able to go into aim-down-sights faster because of the angled grip. So this loadout setup balances speed and recoil control. The great thing about the G36C is that its stock recoil is manageable, so even with just one attachment that provides recoil benefits, Iana will be able to handle its weapon kick quite well.

Like the suppressor, the flash hider will also hide the weapon’s muzzle flash, and that could make it a bit harder for enemies to pinpoint your location when you’re shooting at them. As for the angled grip, being able to go into aim-down-sights faster also means being able to take down enemies quicker, so it’s great to have, especially when it comes to sudden encounters. And since the gunshots from the G36C in this loadout will be loud, it’s important to run with the suppressed MK1 9mm as Iana’s secondary so that she can penetrate the mission area with stealth by shooting defender cameras and other gadgets silently.

Excels in:

  • Maintaining a good amount of vertical recoil control on the G36C due to the presence of the flash hider barrel attachment
  • Being able to go into aim-down-sights stance faster due to the presence of the angled grip attachment
  • Having a good amount of zoom level through the scope 1.5x while also not sacrificing a lot of peripheral view
  • Being able to shoot defender gadgets such as cameras and traps without giving away your position with the use of the suppressed MK1 9mm handgun
  • Providing cover for yourself or for your team with the use of the two smoke grenades in Iana’s generic gadget slot

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - G36C with Scope 1.5x, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip
  • Secondary weapon - MK1 9mm with Suppressor and Laser
  • Generic gadget - Smoke Grenade

Recoil pattern test on the G36C in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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2. G36C with Scope 1.5x, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip + MK1 9mm with Suppressor and Laser + Frag Grenade

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The extended barrel has certainly moved up in the barrel attachment ranks. That’s because of the recent buff that made it so that it now adds 15% damage on weapons on top of its previous attribute of greatly reducing the weapon’s range damage drop-off. So with this loadout setup, you’ll be maximizing the damage output and potential of the G36C assault rifle, and it will allow you to take enemies out quicker than normal without headshots. Its only drawback is that its long barrel could be spotted by enemies first when Iana is peeking around corners, but that drawback can easily be mitigated through quick peeks.

Since the extended barrel doesn’t provide recoil control benefits, it’s important for the G36C in this loadout to have a vertical grip. The vertical grip will be the attachment that will allow Iana to hold down the weapon’s recoil while the extended barrel dishes out more damage. The availability of the scope 1.5x is what leads many Iana players to choose the G36C over the ARX200 because with the scope 1.5x, the player will be able to see her enemies really well without losing out too much on peripheral view.

Excels in:

  • Maximizing the damage output and potential of Iana’s G36C assault rifle with the extended barrel greatly reducing its range damage drop-off
  • Adding more firepower to Iana’s G36C with the recent buff on the extended barrel making it so that it now adds 15% damage on weapons
  • Maintaining a good amount of vertical recoil control on Iana’s G36C assault rifle with the presence of the vertical grip attachment
  • Having a good amount of zoom level with the scope 1.5x without sacrificing a lot of peripheral view which is perfect for close to medium range
  • Having the ability to shoot defender gadgets such as CCTV cameras and others without alerting the enemies with the use of the suppressed MK1 9mm handgun
  • Being able to score some easy kills on camping enemies with the use of the frag grenades or using them to flush them out of their entrenched positions

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - G36C with Scope 1.5x, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip
  • Secondary weapon - MK1 9mm with Suppressor and Laser
  • Generic gadget - Frag Grenade

Recoil pattern test on the G36C in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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1. G36C with Scope 1.5x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + MK1 9mm with Muzzle Brake and Laser + Frag Grenade

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This is the best loadout setup for Iana overall because it provides her with the most versatility. The G36C is better than the ARX200 as Iana’s primary weapon primarily because of the availability of the scope 1.5x which will allow players to target their enemies better. While it has a lower damage than the ARX200, its recoil is much more manageable while also having a faster rate of fire. Another department where the G36C is better than the ARX200 is magazine capacity. The G36C can fire thirty bullets per clip while the ARX200 can only fire twenty.

That makes the G36C a lot easier to use since it has less chance of having to reload while in the middle of a gunfight or a “high traffic” situation. And for the G36C, the best barrel attachment would be the suppressor. The suppressor on the G36C allows Iana to confuse her enemies more. That’s because she’ll be able to shoot them without them receiving a directional threat indicator of where her shots are coming from. They also won’t see the muzzle flash from her G36C, and it would be harder for them to hear her gunshots. That has a high tendency to make them slower to react, be it for counter attacking, or for protecting themselves.

Excels in:

  • Shooting enemies with Iana’s G36C without providing them a directional threat indicator of where your shots are coming from
  • The removal of the G36C’s muzzle flash could make it harder for enemies to determine the exact location of where you're shooting from
  • Silencing the G36C’s gunshots through the suppressor will make it even harder for enemies to find out where you’re shooting them from
  • Maintaining a good recoil control on the G36C due to the presence of the vertical grip attachment
  • Having a great recoil control and tight hip fire on the MK1 9mm handgun due to the muzzle brake and laser attachments
  • Scoring kills on enemies camped on corners with the use of the frag grenades which can also be used for flushing enemies out of their hiding spots
  • Providing Iana with a good amount of zoom while also not sacrificing a lot of peripheral view with the use of the scope 1.5x on the G36C

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - G36C with Scope 1.5x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
  • Secondary weapon - MK1 9mm with Muzzle Brake and Laser
  • Generic gadget - Frag Grenade

Recoil pattern test on the G36C in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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