S Tier – An S tier attacker is someone who excels so well at their role that it can be very hard for the defenders to stop them from performing it. In most instances, killing them is the only way to stop them from causing havoc to the defending team whereas with the other tiers, they can be stopped with utilities or some simple map setups. S tier attackers in Siege are the definition of being built-different, because when defenders are able to scan them in the beginning of the round, they know that they need to prepare for a lot of trouble coming their way.
Ram: 98/100
Flores: 97/100
Ying: 99/100
Ace: 96/100
Iana: 94/100
Grim: 92/100
Brava: 97/100
A Tier – The attackers in this class may be a step below the ones in S tier, however, do not make the mistake of underestimating them. They’re only a step below the operators in S tier because there are more ways to counter them, and in some situations or maps, they won’t excel that much. However, in most cases, they’re very powerful operators that can provide a lot of advantages to their team. And while there are more ways to counter them compared to S tier attackers, most of the time, it takes a specific team and utility setup to be able to stop the operators in A tier.
Dokkaebi: 86/100
Fuze: 85/100
Osa: 86/100
Capitao: 88/100
Zofia: 88/100
Lion: 89/100
Sens: 88/100
Gridlock: 87/100
Jackal: 89/100
Thermite: 86/100
Finka: 89/100
B Tier – Attackers in this tier are easier to counter and more situational than the ones in A tier, and that’s why they’re lower in class. But like the A tier attackers, one should really not underestimate them, because during situations or spots in the maps where they excel, they can be really quite powerful. A good example of that is Glaz, because if the map has a lot of long-range angles where he can really flex his sniping capabilities, he can be very deadly and actually be a dominant factor for the attackers winning the match.
Thatcher: 85/100
Ash: 84/100
IQ: 85/100
Sledge: 82/100
Buck: 85/100
Hibana: 84/100
Blitz: 83/100
Glaz: 82/100
Maverick: 84/100
Montagne: 83/100
Zero: 83/100
C Tier – Attackers in this class are not weak operators, in case anyone mistakes them for that. Far from it actually. They’re very viable attackers to play, however, a lot of times, their strengths come with a lot of risk, and they can be quite hard to use for many players. Some of them, like Twitch, are very useful operators. However, there are other operators present now that can do what they do and do it better. So while they’re very viable in many cases, I wouldn’t recommend them in most rounds, especially when it comes to competitive matches.
Amaru: 76/100
Blackbeard: 77/100
Nokk: 76/100
Kali: 76/100
Nomad: 78/100
Twitch: 79/100
Ram (S Tier Breach)
Ram is an S tier attacker because the impact she has on the match is very high, and the only way to stop her from doing her role is to kill her basically. That’s mainly because of her special gadget, the Bu-Gi Auto Breacher. She has four Bu-Gis and they’re basically agents of destruction. That’s because they will destroy any breakable surface or an object on their path and under them when they’re running. They’re also mostly bulletproof, so it can be very hard for defenders to stop them once Ram has deployed them, and that’s why the best way to counter her is just to kill her as early as possible.
The options for their deployment mode also make them quite versatile. Before dropping them to the ground to let them do their work, Ram can choose whether they’ll be moving in a straight line or if they’ll veer left or right. That really allows Ram to have control over where her Bu-Gis will be going. And as mentioned, breakable objects and surfaces under them or in front of them will get destroyed. That of course applies to wooden floors, which makes Brava a go-to attacker when the attacking team plans to perform a vertical attack, as her Bu-Gis can really expose the defenders below a wooden floor.
Ram’s Stats:
- Speed: 1
- Health: 3
Best Weapon loadout:
- Primary weapon - R4-C with Scope 2.0x, Muzzle Brake, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - ITA12S with Reflex B and Laser
- Generic gadget - Smoke Grenade
Ram’s Strengths:
- With her Bu-Gi Auto Breachers, she can destroy a lot of anti-entry utilities like deployable shields, barbed wires, as well as soft walls
- Her Bu-Gi- Auto Breachers will also destroy wooden floors and soft hatches under them when they’re running which is great for vertical plays
- Her R4-C assault rifle can be equipped with a scope 2.0x and she can equip the ITA12S shotgun as her secondary which will allow her to rework the map to her advantage
Ram’s Weaknesses:
- She has 3-health rating and while that makes her tough to take down, it also makes her slow which makes her easier to hit
- Her Bu-Gi Auto Breachers make so much noise when they’re running and that could prevent Ram from hearing incoming enemies
Best Loadouts for Ram:
Flores (S Tier Anti-Gadget & Intel)
Flores is an S trier attacker because when it comes to utility destruction, he’s one of the best, and it can be very hard for the defenders to stop him from doing it. What’s more is that the destruction that Flores causes is accompanied by precision. That’s because his special gadget, the RCE-Ratero Charge, is a drone that explodes. He has four RCE-Ratero Charges and each of them has a similar explosion power as a nitro cell. And since they are drones, Flores can control them and even gather intel through them before they explode.
The RCE-Ratero Charge can be controlled in many ways. Once deployed, an RCE-Ratero Charge will go forward automatically if left alone, and it’ll start its three second explosion countdown after ten seconds. Once an RCE-Ratero Charge enters its explosion countdown, it’ll be bulletproof and the only way that defenders can destroy them is through explosives. When controlled, Flores can steer it like a normal drone, and he can even activate its explosion countdown manually. And just like normal drones, the RCE-Ratero Charge can also jump.
Flores’ Stats:
- Speed: 2
- Health: 2
Best Weapon loadout:
- Primary weapon - AR33 with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - GSH-18 with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Generic gadget - Claymore
Flores’ Strengths:
- He can destroy a lot of defender utilities using his four RCE-Ratero Charges as they have high explosive power that’ll destroy anything in their radius
- His RCE-Ratero Charges are also great utilities for forcing defenders out of their hiding spots as once an RCE-Ratero Charge starts its countdown near them, they’ll have no choice but to run away
- Flores has two claymores per round so he’s able to protect himself well from run outs or flankers while he’s operating his RCE-Ratero Charges
Flores’ Weaknesses:
- Mute is one of his biggest weaknesses as Mute’s Signal Jammers can really prevent his RCE-Ratero Charges from going in the objective spot and causing havoc
- Azami is also a great counter for him because the Kiba Barriers can block drone holes and that’ll make it more difficult for the RCE-Ratero Charge to enter
Best Loadouts for Flores:
Ying (S Tier Front Line & Map Control)
Ying is a force of nature in Siege, and for that, she’s in the S tier. When Ying is on the attacking team and you’re a defender tasked to anchor the objective spot, it’ll be safe to assume that you’ll get blinded by her. Just because even if you have a Wamai or Jager in your team, it’s almost impossible to stop at least one or two of her Candelas from popping off and blinding you or your teammates. First off, Ying has four Candela Devices, and each of them releases several flash charges when they detonate. Those flash charges inflict blinding effects that actually reach quite far.
So even if you turn around or manage to get behind cover, if a Candela Device pops off near you, chances are, you’ll still get blinded. And like I mentioned before, even if Wamai or Jager is present in the defending team, at least one or two of Ying’s Candela Device will usually manage to pop off inside the objective spot, especially if it's early in the round. That’s because of the limits of Wamai and Jager’s gadgets, and Ying has other utilities like smoke grenades to offset them. Once Ying blinds the defenders inside a room, it’ll be easy for her to finish them off and establish map control.
Ying’s Stats:
- Speed: 2
- Health: 2
Best Weapon loadout:
- Primary weapon - T-95 LSW with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - Q-929 with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Generic gadget - Hard Breach Charge
Ying’s Strengths:
- Her Candela Device is the most effective utility in the game for blinding opponents as it releases several flash charges, and Ying has four Candela Devices
- Ying has a very powerful weapon in the T-95 LSW due to its high damage, low recoil, compatibility with a variety of attachments, huge magazine capacity, and most importantly, quick reload time
- If there’s a Wamai or Jager in the defending team, Ying can throw her smoke grenades first to waste their gadgets’ uses before throwing in her Candela Device
Ying’s Weaknesses:
- Ying mostly has to operate or flank alone, because the danger from her Candela Device is that it can blind her teammates as well, so it’s not good to push alongside her.
- While they can’t completely stop her, Jager, Wamai, and Aruni, would still be the best counters for Ying as their utilities can waste some of her Candelas
Best Loadouts for Ying:
Ace (S Tier Breach & Anti-Gadget)
Ace is an S tier hard breacher because of his special gadget, the S.E.L.M.A. Aqua Breacher. Ace has access to three Selmas per round and each of them are capable of breaching large holes on reinforced walls and are of course capable of destroying reinforced hatches. The breaches that they make on walls are large enough for entry, and since he has three Selmas, he’s a step above Thermite when it comes to hard breaching, as Thermite only has two Exothermic Charges. And while Ace’s Selmas aren’t as versatile as Hibana’s X-Kairos, he’d still be able to destroy a lot of reinforced hatches if needed.
What makes Ace even more powerful is the excellent weaponry and utilities that are available to him. He can run with the claymores which are great protection against run outs and flankers when he and his teammates are hard breaching, and if the plan is to perform a vertical attack, he can run with the breach charges which will allow him to destroy the wooden floor above the objective spot which will expose the enemies below. As for fragging enemies himself, he has the AK-12 assault rifle which doesn’t only have high firepower, it also has a fast rate of fire which allows it to make quick work of enemies at close to medium range.
Ace’s Stats:
- Speed: 2
- Health: 2
Best Weapon loadout:
- Primary weapon - AK-12 with Scope 1.5x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - P9 with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Generic gadget - Claymore
Ace’s Strengths:
- He has three S.E.L.M.A. Aqua Breachers, and each of them are capable of creating large breaches on reinforced walls, and of course they can breach reinforced hatches as well
- Ace also has excellent utilities with the breach charges that are very useful for vertical plays and the claymores which are great protection against run outs and roamers
- His AK-12 assault rifle allows Ace to make short work of enemies at close to medium range due to its high damage and fast rate of fire
Ace’s Weaknesses:
- His S.E.L.M.A. Aqua Breacher has a pretty slow breaching action which can give defenders more time to stop it
- His AK-12 assault rifle has a pretty rough recoil and without the help of recoil providing attachments, it can be quite hard to control
Best Loadouts for Ace:
Iana (S Tier Front Line & Intel)
Iana is definitely an A tier attacker, and it shows through her popularity. For many seasons now, she’s remained the highest pick rate attacker, and that’s because she’s both powerful and very fun to use. Her Gemini Replicator special gadget allows her to create an exact holographic copy of her, and this holographic copy can move around and mimic all her movements except of course for shooting weapons, using utilities, and rappelling. What’s more is that Iana can see the holographic clone’s feed, so she can basically use it as a drone for gathering intel.
Since the holographic clone looks exactly like Iana, most of the time, enemies will shoot at it. When hit, it will be erased and will put Iana’s Gemini Replicator in a longer cool down than it would have if Iana deactivated it manually. But even if it’s shot, chances are, the defender who shot it would have given away their location to Iana and other attackers through the sound of their gunfire. On top of that, Iana has the weaponry and utilities available to her for taking advantage of the intel she’s gathered. She has the great G36C assault rifle which she can equip with a scope 1.5x and she has frag grenades that she can throw at opponents with good accuracy because of the intel she’s gathered.
Iana’s Stats:
- Speed: 2
- Health: 2
Best Weapon loadout:
- Primary weapon - G36C with Scope 1.5x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - MK1 9mm with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Generic gadget - Frag Grenade
Iana’s Strengths:
- With her Gemini Replicator holographic clone, she can scout ahead while behind cover, and since it’s only limited via cooldown, it’s like Iana has an unlimited drone
- The Gemini Replicator holographic clone looks exactly like Iana so it’s perfect for confusing enemies and causing more panic on them
- Iana has a great assault rifle in the G36C which she can equip with a scope 1.5x and she has frag grenades which she can use in conjunction with the intel she’s gathered
Iana’s Weaknesses:
- Mute’s Signal Jammers can block Iana’s Gemini Replicator holographic clone from gathering intel inside the objective spot
- Iana can leave herself vulnerable while she’s controlling her Gemini Replicator holographic clone, especially since she doesn’t have claymores for countering run outs
Best Loadouts for Iana:
Grim (S Tier Font Line & Map Control)
Grim is an S tier attacker because when it comes to intel gathering and map control, he’s simply one of the best. That’s mostly of course because of his special gadget, the Kawan Hive Launcher, which, as its name implies, launches Kawan Hives. Grim can deploy five Kawan Hives per round and each of them have a large radius. A Kawan Hive will populate a large area with nanobots that resemble bees, and any defender who enters that radius will get pinged for the whole attacking team to see for several seconds. Obviously, this makes defenders avoid Grim’s Kawan Hives, which also makes him a great area-denial operator.
On top of that, Grim can deploy his Kawan Hives with more versatility now. Their launch option in the Kawan Hive Launcher can be changed from the default sticky mode to the bouncy mode. As its name implies, the bouncy mode deployment will make it so that if the Kawan Hive hits a wall, it will bounce, and that will really help Grim in deploying them from behind cover. Grim also possesses the weaponry and utilities that will help him when it comes to offense as well as defense. That’s because his 552 Commando can be equipped with a scope 2.0x, he can use his bailiff 410 revolver shotgun for reworking the map to his advantage, and he can use the claymores for protecting himself.
Grim’s Stats:
- Speed: 3
- Health: 1
Best Weapon loadout:
- Primary weapon - 552 Commando with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - Bailiff 410 with Laser
- Generic gadget - Breach Charge
Grim’s Strengths:
- Grim is an excellent intel gatherer because when an enemy enters the radius of his Kawan Hives, they’ll get pinged for several seconds, and that ping will be visible to all attackers
- Grim is also a great area-denial operator as he can deploy five Kawan Hives per round and each of them have a large radius, and of course, enemies will do their best to avoid them
- Grim’s 552 Commando can be equipped with a scope 2.0x, his bailiff 410 revolver shotgun can be used to rework the map, and his claymores are great for protecting himself from flankers
Grim’s Weaknesses:
- He has 1-health 3-speed rating and that makes him quick, but it also means that he can only endure a few shots, especially at close to medium range, before dying
- Even with his claymores, Grim can leave himself vulnerable to incoming enemies while he’s concentrating on deploying his Kawan Hives
Best Loadouts for Grim:
Brava (S Tier Intel & Anti-Gadget)
It’s basically a no-brainer that Brava is an S-tier attacker. With her in the attacking team, there’s a good chance that the defenders will lose some valuable assets. That's because her special gadget, the Kludge Drone, can either convert or disable enemy electronic gadgets. Brava can deploy two Kludge Drones per round and each of them can shoot three lasers that can convert or disable enemy electronic utilities. So in total, as long as all their lasers hit, Brava can convert or disable six defender electronic gadgets. Whether what happens to them is conversion or being disabled, the defenders will lose their gadgets.
This makes Brava one of the best anti-gadget attackers, and that’s huge because utilities play a big part in Siege’s gameplay, and it just so happens that most of them are made of electronics. On top of her anti-gadget capabilities, Brava also has good offensive capabilities because of her Para-308 assault rifle which deals heavy stopping power, has a low recoil, and is compatible with the scope 1.5x. She can also equip the Super Shorty shotgun as her secondary weapon which will allow her to create entry points on soft walls and destroy wooden floors for a vertical attack. Lastly, she also has claymores which offers great protection for her while she’s controlling her Kludge Drones.
Brava’s Stats:
- Speed: 3
- Health: 1
Best Weapon loadout:
- Primary weapon - Para-308 with Scope 1.5x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - Super Shorty with Reflex B and Laser
- Generic gadget - Claymore
Brava’s Strengths:
- Brava can convert or disable defender electronic gadgets using her special gadget, the Kludge Drone. She has two of them and each of them can convert or disable three electronic devices
- Brava has a well rounded loadout as her Para-308 primary weapon is great at fragging enemies while her Super Shorty secondary weapon is a great utility for reworking the map to her advantage
- She can also bring two claymores per round and they’re important for her as they can protect her from run outs while she’s controlling her Kludge Drones
Brava’s Weaknesses:
- Mute’s Signal Jammers can make it so that Brava’s Kludge Drones won’t even be able to get inside the objective spot to convert or disable enemy electronic gadgets
- Mozie is one of the best counters for her because Mozie’s Pests can hack her Kludge Drones and when that happens, Mozie will be able to convert or disable the attackers’ electronic gadgets instead
Best Loadouts for Brava:
Dokkaebi (A Tier Map Control, Intel)
Dokkaebi is an A tier attacker because when it comes to gathering intel and map control, it’s hard to top her. With her Logic Bomb, she inputs a hack on defenders’ mobile devices which will forcefully turn them on and have them ring loudly. Stealth plays a huge role in Siege’s gameplay, so that loud ringing on their mobile devices is detrimental to defenders. It will give away their location and it can also mask the sounds that attackers make when they approach. So with Dokkaebi, the attackers will have a good idea of where the defenders are while the defenders might find it hard to predict where they’re gonna come from.
This is why Dokkaebi is such a menace when the attacking team is rushing or pushing. On top of that, Dokkaebi has another special ability which is hacking a dead defender’s mobile device. It takes several seconds but when Dokkaebi is successful in doing it, the attacking team will have access to all defender cameras including utilities like Valkyrie’s Black Eyes, Maestro’s Evil Eyes, and bulletproof cameras. As for her loadout, Dokkaebi may not have a fully automatic weapon as her primary, but for her secondary, she can equip the SMG-12 or the C75 Auto machine pistols which are rapid firing and fully automatic.
Dokkaebi’s Stats:
- Speed: 2
- Health: 2
Best Weapon loadout:
- Primary weapon - Mk 14 EBR with Scope 3.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - C75 Auto with Suppressor
- Generic gadget - Stun Grenade
Dokkaebi’s Strengths:
- She can force defender mobile devices to turn on and ring loudly, which will compromise their current locations as well as mask the sound cues that the attackers make
- Dokkaebi can also hack a dead defender’s mobile device which will grant them access to all defender cameras including operator gadgets
- For her primary weapon she can equip the Mk 14 EBR which has heavy damage and destruction per shot, and for her secondary, she has a choice between machine pistols and the gonne-6
Dokkaebi’s Weaknesses:
- She can be quite vulnerable when deploying the Logic Bomb as well as when she’s hacking a dead defender’s mobile device because both take several seconds to complete
- If there’s a Mute in the defending team, the defenders who are inside the radius of his Signal Jammers will not be affected by Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb
Best Loadouts for Dokkaebi:
Fuze (A Tier Anti-Gadget)
When it comes to causing panic and destruction, Fuze is right up there with the best. That’s because he has four Cluster Charges and each of them releases multiple sub-grenades and they will cause explosions after explosions to the area they’ve been dropped to. So as one can probably imagine, when used for a vertical attack, Fuze can rain down so many explosions in the objective spot. Enough so that the defenders run away and actually get out of the objective spot. And while forcing defenders to move from their desired spot, Fuze can also destroy a lot of their utilities.
Fuze is even more versatile now that he can deploy his Cluster Charges on reinforced walls and hatches. That gives him more options when it comes to deploying his Cluster Charges. Aside from his special gadget, Fuze is also a monster because of the weaponry and other utilities available to him. For offense, Fuze has the AK-12 assault rifle which has high damage and a very decent rate of fire. As for his utilities, Smoke can run with the smoke grenades which are great for pushing. She can also run with the breach charges or the hard breach charges which are great for vertical plays.
Fuze’s Stats:
- Speed: 1
- Health: 3
Best Weapon loadout:
- Primary weapon - AK-12 with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - PMM with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Generic gadget - Breach Charge
Fuze’s Strengths:
- With his Cluster Charges which can cause a lot of explosions, Fuze can destroy a lot of defender utilities inside the objective spot through a vertical play
- Fuze can also use his Cluster Charges to force defenders out of their hiding spots, and when they’re running from the Cluster Charges, they can leave themselves vulnerable
- Fuze has great weapons available to him like the AK-12 assault rifle, as well as valuable utilities like the smoke grenades which are great for pushing as well as the breach charges and hard breach charges
Fuze’s Weaknesses:
- Fuze is a 1-speed 3-health operator and while that makes him tougher, it can also mean that it will be easier to him and it’ll be harder for him to catch up to his teammates
- Fuze can be vulnerable against roamers and flankers while he’s deploying his Cluster Charges so it’s best for him if one of his teammates back him up
Best Loadouts for Fuze:
Osa (A Tier Intel, Support)
Osa belongs to the A tier class of attackers because with her on the team, pushing and planting the defuser, especially with an organized team, can be very hard to stop for the defenders. That’s because she can lead the push while holding her special gadget, the Talon-8 Clear Shield. As its name implies, it’s clear, so Osa can clearly see in front of her while holding it, and that will allow her to gather intel on enemy positions. Of course, it’s bulletproof and it’s also indestructible while she’s still holding it, so it won’t be broken by impact grenades, not even by a nitro cell.
That changes when Osa deploys it to the ground or attaches it to a window. Once deployed, the Clear Shield will still be bulletproof but can be broken by explosions. While that is its weakness, deploying the Clear Shield will allow Osa to move and shoot enemies from the cover of her Clear Shield. And since she’ll be able to see them first through her Clear Shield, she can easily frag them Mira-style. The secret really is deploying the Clear Shield once you’ve got the feeling that the enemies have already used up their explosives. If the defenders don’t have explosives left, it’ll be very hard to stop Osa from planting the defuser behind her Clear shield when she’s supported by her teammates.
Osa’s Stats:
- Speed: 1
- Health: 3
Best Weapon loadout:
- Primary weapon - 556XI with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - PMM with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Generic gadget - Claymore
Osa’s Strengths:
- While holding her bulletproof Clear Shield, she can lead the push without being killed, and all the while, she can gather intel on enemy positions and advise her teammates
- When her Clear Shield is deployed to the ground, Osa can use it Mira-style, as she can easily quick lean from it and frag opponents through the intel she’s gathered
- It can be very hard to stop Osa from planting the defuser behind her Clear Shield when defenders don’t have explosives anymore and when she’s being supported by her teammates
Osa’s Weaknesses:
- Her Clear Shield is quite small, so when she’s holding it, she’ll be protected from the front side, but her sides can be exposed if she’s not careful
- Once deployed, Clear Shields are vulnerable to impact grenades and nitro cells, so the user should deploy their Clear Shields when there’s more of a possibility that defenders don’t have explosives remaining
Best Loadouts for Osa:
Capitao (A Tier Front Line, Map Control)
Capitao belongs to the A tier class because he can do a lot of things that benefit the attacking team. He’s very well-rounded so he can also perform entry, secondary entry, or even flank watch roles. His special gadget, the Tactical Crossbow, allows him to shoot two smoke grenades and two asphyxiating bolts. With the two smoke grenades, he can provide a lot of cover for the attacking team’s push, whereas with the two asphyxiating bolts, he can cover large areas in fire for several seconds, effectively denying those areas to the enemies.
For example, if the attackers are pushing the prep area in the first floor of Kafe, normally, it will be difficult as defenders will hold the k3 spot. But when Capitao is around, he can set the k3 area on fire so that defenders won’t be able to use it in preventing the attacking team from pushing through the prep area. Of course, Capitao can also use his smoke grenades to cover the team’s approach as well as the defuser plant attempt. On top of that, Capitao can deploy his claymores before the push so that roamers or flankers who will try to hit the attacking team from behind could get killed or at the very least, delayed.
Capitao’s Stats:
- Speed: 3
- Health: 1
Best Weapon loadout:
- Primary weapon - Para-308 with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - Gonne-6
- Generic gadget - Claymore
Capitao’s Strengths:
- He can provide a lot of cover for the attacking team’s push with the two smoke grenades that he can shoot from his Tactical Crossbow
- Capitao has excellent area-denial capabilities through the two asphyxiating bolts that he can shoot from his Tactical Crossbow as they can cover large areas in fire for several seconds
- Capitao’s Para-308 assault rifle is one of the best weapons in Siege due to its low recoil and high firepower. He can also protect the attacking team from flankers with the use of his claymores
Capitao’s Weaknesses:
- Capitao can easily waste the smoke grenades and asphyxiating bolts from his Tactical Crossbow if Jager or Wamai is present in the defending team
- The mechanic of switching ammunitions with his Tactical Crossbow can be troublesome and confusing sometimes, especially to new players
Best Loadouts for Capitao:
Zofia (A Tier Breach, Anti-Gadget)
When it comes to offensive power, it can be very hard to top Zofia. Through the weapons available to her, she possesses heavy firepower, and her utility choices can contribute to her team a lot as well. First off, her special gadget, the KS79 Lifeline, allows her to shoot two concussion grenades and two impact grenades. The impact grenades allow her to create entry points on unreinforced walls, as well as destroy soft hatches. The concussion grenade, as its name implies, causes heavy concussion to enemies, so they’re great utilities when Zofia knows that an enemy is hiding behind cover.
The concussion grenades from the KS79 Lifeline are also quite bouncy, and Zofia can use that to deploy her concussion grenades as close as possible to the defender that is hiding behind cover. As for her weaponry, in general, the best primary weapon for her is the M762 assault rifle because of its heavy stopping power, compatibility to high-powered scopes, and manageable recoil. Her RG15 handgun is also a great weapon and it provides the user with good accuracy due to its integrated red dot 1.0x sight. As for her secondary gadget, Zofia can run with the claymores which will protect her from roamers or flankers while she’s pushing.
Zofia’s Stats:
- Speed: 2
- Health: 2
Best Weapon loadout:
- Primary weapon - M762 with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - RG15 with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Generic gadget - Claymore
Zofia’s Strengths:
- She possesses great offensive capabilities because of the weapons available to her like the M762 assault rifle and the RG15 handgun which has an integrated red dot 1.0x sight
- With her KS79 Lifeline special gadget, she can shoot two concussion grenades which are great for engaging enemies, and two impact grenades which are great for creating entry points
- Zofia can run with two claymores per round and they’re excellent utilities for her as they can protect her from roamers and flankers while she’s hunting enemies or pushing
Zofia’s Weaknesses:
- Her LMG-E can be very hard to control now after the relatively recent recoil progression overhaul which made it much harder to control the recoil of long sprays
- Her concussion grenades have a wide reach and that’s usually good but players must keep in mind that Zofia can also be affected by it, so they have to keep their distance
Best Loadouts for Zofia:
Lion (A Tier Intel, Map Control)
It’s hard to think of another attacker that has more versatility than Lion. Lion works so well in any map and any situation, and that’s because his special gadget has a global effect and he’s one of the very few operators that has three options for his primary weapon, secondary, and generic gadget. So regardless of the map, situation, or the player’s playstyle, Lion can excel. And since his special gadget, the EE-ONE-D, has a global effect, no matter where he is on the map, he’ll have an effect on the enemies, and that effect is usually underestimated.
That's because most defenders would think that it’ll be okay as long as they stop moving during one of Lion’s three EE-ONE-D scans, because if they don’t stop moving while an EE-ONE-D scan is on-going, they’ll get pinged for several seconds for all the members of the attacking team to see. But the reality is, defenders will be stopping their movements for three seconds, and during those three seconds, attackers will be able to gain ground. The loud sound from the EE-ONE-D scan can also prevent defenders from hearing sound cues that attackers make while they’re pushing.
Lion’s Stats:
- Speed: 2
- Health: 2
Best Weapon loadout:
- Primary weapon - V308 with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - Gonne-6
- Generic gadget - Stun Grenade
Lion’s Strengths:
- Lion can prevent enemies from moving and disrupt their momentum for a few seconds with his EE-ONE-D scans because enemies who will keep moving during the scan will get pinged for several seconds
- That means that when Lion times his EE-ONE-D scans with the attacking team’s push, they can gain ground for a few seconds while enemies aren’t able to do much
- He’s a very versatile attacker due to the plethora of choices that he has for his primary weapon, secondary, as well as his generic gadget
Lion’s Weaknesses:
- Defenders who are inside the radius of Mute’s Signal Jammers will not be pinged by Lion’s EE-ONE-D scans even when they’re moving
- His default skin is a bright yellow uniform which is definitely not good for him as it allows enemies to see him faster
Best Loadouts for Lion:
Sens (A Tier Support, Map Control)
Pushing and planting the defuser is a huge part of competitive matches in Siege. It is, Afterall, one of the ways that attackers can win the round. And for attackers to push effectively while most of the defenders are still alive, they’ll need a lot of cover. Sens will provide a lot of cover for the attacking team because of their special gadget, the R.O.U. Projector System, deploys a roll of tape as they roll on the ground, and that tape contains micro projectors that will then start projecting light which results in a giant wall of light that can provide a lot of cover for the attackers when they’re pushing.
Sens has access to three R.O.U. Projector Systems per round so that means they can provide three walls of light for the attacking team. The great thing about it is that they can be deployed easily by Sens even when she’s behind cover. That’s because the R.O.U. Projector System is bouncy, and Sens can use that bounciness for deploying them. On top of her special gadget being great for teamwork, Sens also has great weaponry and utilities. Her POF-9 primary weapon is the newest gun in Siege and it has very decent damage, manageable recoil, compatibility to high-powered scopes, and most importantly, its reload is quite quick.
Brava’s Stats:
- Speed: 1
- Health: 3
Best Weapon loadout:
- Primary weapon - POF-9 with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - Gonne-6
- Generic gadget - Claymore
Sens’s Strengths:
- With her R.O.U. Projector Systems, she can provide three huge walls of light that can cover the attacking team’s push and defuser plant attempt
- Her POF-9 assault rifle is great because of its very decent damage per shot, manageable recoil, compatibility with the scope 2.0x, quick reload, and more importantly, its huge magazine capacity
- Sens’ utilities are also great with the gonne-6 hand cannon allowing them to destroy a bulletproof defender gadget, and the claymores which are great for countering flankers
Sens’s Weaknesses:
- She can easily waste her R.O.U. Projector Systems when Jager or Wamai is around as their special gadgets can intercept and neutralize the R.O.U. Projector Systems
- Impact grenades can also destroy large portions of the wall of light that a R.O.U. Projector System creates if it hits the micro projectors deployed on the ground
Best Loadouts for Sens:
Gridlock (A Tier Support, Map control)
Gridlock doesn’t generally really do well when she’s operating solo, but she’s in the A tier because when she’s with her teammates, especially when it’s a five stack, she can prove to be very troublesome for the defenders. That’s because through her special gadget, the Trax Stinger, she can cover a large spot full of barbed mats that will damage defenders who step on them. Gridlock has four Trax Stingers per round, so when the attacking team is pushing with her, she can easily cover flanking spots full of barbed mats, making it difficult for the defenders to rotate and flank.
It can also be very difficult for roamers to hit defenders from the back when Gridlock is around because roamers would usually use flanking spots like stairs to cause trouble for the attacking team. But with the Trax Stingers covering flanking spots, roamers would usually have no choice but to use their weapons or utilities to destroy them. Normally a roamer like Caveira would destroy the Trax Stinger barbed mats with her impact grenades. And while doing that or shooting the barbed mats will destroy them, it also means that the flankers or roamers will be announcing to the enemy team that they’re coming.
Gridlock s Stats:
- Speed: 1
- Health: 3
Best Weapon loadout:
- Primary weapon - F90 with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - Gonne-6
- Generic gadget - Smoke Grenade
Gridlock’s Strengths:
- With her four Trax Stingers, Gridlock can cover most, if not all flanking spots full of barbed mats while the attacking team is pushing, and those barbed mats damages defenders
- Her F90 assault rifle is a great primary due to its low recoil, good damage, and compatibility with the scope 2.0x, while her M249 Saw is a light machine gun that can be reloaded quicky
- Gridlock’s utilities are great for pushing as the gonne-6 will enable her to neutralize a defender bulletproof gadget while the smoke grenades will provide the attacking team with a lot of cover
Gridlock’s Weaknesses:
- Jager’s ADS and Wamai’s Mag-NETs can intercept and neutralize Gridlock’s Trax Stingers, so Gridlock players should watch out for them first before deploying the Trax Stingers
- Gridlock has a 1-speed 3-heath rating which makes her tougher, but it’ll also be hard for her to catch up to her teammates, and she’ll also be easier to hit
Best Loadouts for Gridlock:
Jackal (A tier Intel, Map Control)
Like Dokkaebi in one of the above entries, Jackal is an A tier attacker because when it comes to intel gathering, especially roam clearing, he’s second to none. That’s because of his special gadget, the Eyenox Model III which allows him to highlight the footprints that defenders leave behind. Each defender will be differentiated through colors in Jackal’s Eyenox Model III, so he’ll have a good idea where they went and how many defenders went outside the objective spot. On top of that, he’s able to perform a scan on a set of defender footprints, and that ability can render a roamer completely useless.
That’s because once that scan is successful, it will result in a tracker on the owner of the scanned footprints. That tracker is a ping that will also be visible to the whole attacking team and it will last for twenty seconds. Since it’s visible to the whole attacking team, it’ll be easier for them to hunt that defender and box them in, especially when the attacking team is playing on a stack of five and well-coordinated. That’s why in most cases, when a roamer gets tracked by Jackal, they’ll have no choice but to just go back to the safety of the objective spot.
Jackal’s Stats:
- Speed: 2
- Health: 2
Best Weapon loadout:
- Primary weapon - C7E with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - ITA12S with Reflex B and Laser
- Generic gadget - Claymore
Jackal’s Strengths:
- With his Eyenox Model III special gadget, he can clearly see the footprints that defenders left behind in highlighted hues, so he’ll have a good idea where they went and how many of them went roaming
- He can perform a scan on a set of footprints, and he can perform that scan three times in total. Once the scan is complete, it’ll result in a ping on the owner of the footprints and it’ll last for twenty seconds
- Jackal has great primary weapons available to him and he can even equip the ITA12S shotgun as his secondary weapon for reworking the map, as well as the claymores which can protect him
Jackal’s Weaknesses:
- When he’s actively using his Eyenox Model III, there would be a blue filter on the user’s screen which can make it a bit harder for them to see enemies
- When Caveira’s Silent Step is active, she won’t be leaving footprints that Jackal can detect with his Eyenox Model III, so she can mislead and confuse even him
Best Loadouts for Jackal:
Thermite (A Tier Breach, Support)
Thermite is an A class attacker because he’s a great hard breacher and hard breaching brings the attacking team a step close to victory in a lot of situations. When the objective spot has a wall that connects to the outside, it’s always a good idea for attackers to perform a hard breach on that wall, because once that wall is breached, it’ll be much more convenient for the attackers to push. And speaking of convenience, Thermite provides a lot of that for his teammates.
That’s because when he breaches walls with his Exothermic Charges, the walls are completely destroyed. That’s important because with the breaches that Thermite makes, attackers won’t have to vault or crouch when they’re entering. That’s going to be much more convenient for them as crouching and vaulting can leave them vulnerable for a second. The breaching action of Thermite’s Exothermic Charge is also fast, and the less time that defenders have to react, the better, especially when the attacking team plans an aggressive approach.
Thermite’s Stats:
- Speed: 2
- Health: 2
Best Weapon loadout:
- Primary weapon - 556XI with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - M45 Meusoc with Muzzle Brake and Laser
- Generic gadget - Smoke Grenade
Thermite’s Strengths:
- He has two Exothermic Charges and each of them completely destroys walls that they breach so the attacking team won’t have to vault or crouch when entering
- The breaching action of Thermite’s Exothermic Charges is quicker than all hard breach devices in the game which gives the enemy team much less time to react
- Thermite’s 55XI is a great assault rifle with good damage per shot, low recoil, and compatibility with the scope 2.0x, and he also has smoke grenades which are perfect after performing a hard breach
Thermite’s Weaknesses:
- Despite the quick breaching action of his Exothermic Charges, a good Bandit player can still counter him and prevent him from performing a hard breach
- In competitive matches, there’s always a hard breach preventing defender, so it’s almost impossible for Thermite to perform his role without being accompanied by hard breach supports like Thatcher
Best Loadouts for Thermite:
Finka (A Tier Front Line, Support)
Finka is one of the most powerful attackers in this list so there’s no question that she’s an A tier attacker. To this day, she’s the only attacker that can provide healing to herself and her teammates. That is through her special device, the Adrenal Surge. She can activate the Adrenal Surge three times and each activation adds twenty health points to all members of the attacking team. The extra health points apply even when the operator is in full health, so the Adrenal Surge will either make them tougher or heal them if they’re damaged.
Finka’s Adrenal Surge will also revive any attacker from a down-but-not-out state when activated and will also remove all kinds of concussion effects. Aside from its active effects, Finka’s Adrenal Surge will also provide a lot of buffs to the whole attacking team like more resistance to tinnitus, blinding effects, and the Dread Mine’s fear effects. It’ll also allow attackers to walk over barbed wires faster and be able to reload a bit quicker. That is why when Finka is around, the whole defending team can be very hard to beat.
Finka’s Stats:
- Speed: 2
- Health: 2
Best Weapon loadout:
- Primary weapon - Spear .308 with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - Gonne-6
- Generic gadget - Stun Grenade
Finka’s Strengths:
- With her Adrenal Surge, which she can activate three times, she can provide healing to her whole team, removal of concussion effects, as well as revival from a down-but-not-out state
- The Adrenal Surge adds a plethora of buffs to the whole attacking team from quicker reload, being able to walk over barbed wires faster, and more resistance to tinnitus, blinding effects, and fear effects from Dread Mines
- Finka has a great primary weapon in the Spear .308 due to its high stopping power and manageable recoil, and she also has great utilities in the gonne-6 hand cannon and stun grenade
Finka’s Weaknesses:
- Attackers will receive more damage from Smoke’s Gas Grenades when Finka’s Adrenal Surge is active
- While Finka’s Adrenal Surge is active, attackers will be detectable by Pulse’s Heartbeat Sensor from a further distance than normal
Best Loadouts for Finka:
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