10. BOSG.12.2
Dokkaebi and Vigil’s BOSG.12.2 is one of the riskiest weapons to use in Siege because it’s a single shot gun and it only takes two shots before it needs to be reloaded. So it’s mostly used by daredevil players who excel when there’s more risk involved. Plus, Dokkaebi and Vigil has machine pistols for their secondary weapon anyway, so if the BOSG.12.2 needs to be reloaded during combat, they can just easily switch to their machine pistols and they’ll have a weapon that is fully automatic and are basically like mini submachine guns.
As for the BOSG.12.2, many players love using it with the angled grip because it will allow them to go into aim-down-sights stance faster than normal. That perk is extremely helpful during sudden encounters, especially at close to medium range, as in those distances, usually, the one who aims first are the ones who win. On top of that, the BOSG.12.2 has the second highest damage of with any gun in the game, so if the player manages to hit their opponent at close to medium to range with a flick shot, there’s a high chance that the opponent will be put in a down-but-not-out state or get killed.
What Makes the BOSG.12.2 Great for Angled Grip:
- The BOSG.12.2 can only fire two shots before it needs to be reloaded, so for a lot of players, the best way to get around that drawback is to be able to go into aim-down-sights stance with it instead
- Being able to go into aim-down-sights stance faster than normal with the BOSG.12.2 fits so well with Dokkaebi and Vigil’s gameplay because they’re prone to encountering enemies suddenly and at clos to medium range
- Both Dokkaebi and Vigil have machine pistols for their secondary weapons so even though the BOSG.12.2 is risky to use, they can just switch to their machine pistols in case their shots with the BOSG.12.2 fails
- At its effective distance, the BOSG.12.2 only requires one shot to put down an enemy, so for a lot of players, combining its extraordinary firepower with more speed makes the most sense
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 125
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 500 RPM
- Magazine Size - 2
9. Para-308
The Para-308 assault rifle, available to Capitao and Brava, is one of the weapons in the game with the lowest recoil. That is why players can afford to equip it with an angled grip instead of a vertical one. Especially when the player values being able to go into-aim-down-sights faster than normal more than lowering the weapon’s recoil as much as possible, they can easily set the weapon up with a flash hider on its barrel for having at least one attachment that adds vertical recoil control, while using the angled grip to be able to go into aim-down-sights quicker.
That way, the player would still be able to go into aim-down-sights quicker while also making sure that the weapon is still controllable, even when it comes to long sprays. Other, more daring players, would even opt to equip the Para-308 with an angled grip paired with a non-recoil control providing barrel attachment like the suppressor or extended barrel, and for players with good recoil control of their own, that’s a great setup. Through that, they’ll have the benefit of ADS speed from the angled grip while dishing out more damage through the extended barrel, or having more stealth advantages with the suppressor.
What Makes the Para-308 Great for Angled Grip:
- The Para-308 assault rifle’s stock recoil is very manageable so the user can afford to equip it with an angled grip instead of the recoil control providing vertical grip, especially when paired with a flash hider, muzzle brake, or compensator
- The angled grip on the Para-308 will allow the user to go into aim-down-sights stance faster than normal and that’ll allow them to be able to aim at their enemies faster, which is a great perk to have in Siege
- The Para-308's stock recoil is so manageable that players who have excellent recoil control of their own can afford to equip the angled grip as well as a barrel attachment that doesn’t provide additional recoil control
- The ADS speed boost from the angled grip is great for Capitao and Brava’s gameplay because it involves them having to switch to and from their special gadgets a lot, so being able to aim faster is great for them when they need to quickly engage enemies
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 47
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 650 RPM
- Magazine Size - 30 + 1
8. V308
Lion’s V308 assault rifle for me is easily in the top five weapons in the game. That’s because its damage is high, it’s compatible with a wide variety of attachments, its rate of fire is decent, and its stock recoil is very manageable. That last bit is very important in this article because it allows the Lion player to equip it with an angled grip instead of a vertical one without getting punished with uncontrollable recoil, especially when the player also equips it with a recoil control providing barrel attachment. That will provide the player with better aim-down-sight speed as well as good recoil control.
Having a better aim-down-sight speed is important for Lion because he mainly plays the flex of the team which is usually the second entry or the flank watch, and those roles mean that most of his enemy engagements will happen in close to medium-range. At those distances, it’s just a great perk to be able to go into an aim-down-sight stance faster than normal because as we all know by now, hip fire in Siege, unless you’re using a laser or a shotgun, is just unreliable. So usually, and especially during close and medium range combat, the one who’s able to aim first wins.
What Makes the V308 Great for Angled Grip:
- The aim-down-sight speed boost from the angled grip on the V308 assault rifle fits Lion’s gameplay so well because he’s usually the secondary entry or the flank watch of the team and for those roles, ADS speed is important
- The angled grip not providing additional recoil control on the V308 won’t punish the Lion player a lot with uncontrollable recoil because the weapon’s stock recoil is very manageable
- The V308 assault rifle is compatible with a wide variety of attachments so if the player still wants to keep his ADS speed boost from the angled grip but also wants more recoil control, he can just equip the weapon with a barrel attachment that provides it
- The angled grip providing ADS speed boost to players is great for close to medium range combat and the V308 also has scopes that are great partners to the angled grip for close quarters combat like the scopes 1.5x and 2.0x
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 44
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 700 RPM
- Magazine Size - 50 + 1
7. T-95 LSW
Ying’s T-95 LSW is kind of like a slightly better version of the V308 assault rifle above, but in the T-95 LSW’s case, it’s a light machine gun. That’s important because the weapon has all the qualities that make light machine guns great like high damage, compatibility with a wide variety of attachments, and most of all, huge magazine capacity. But what makes the T-95 LSW quite a unique weapon is that it doesn’t have the drawbacks that most light machine guns have, like their very slow reload time, and their now hard to control recoil.
Ying’s T-95 LSW really feels more like an assault rifle than a light machine gun because it feels light and that’s mostly because it can be reloaded fast and its recoil is very easy to control. And as it goes for most weapons that have low recoil, they’re great candidates for an angled grip. The angled grip will allow the user to go into aim-down-sight stance faster than normal but its drawback is that it doesn’t add recoil control benefits to the weapon. But with Ying’s T-95 LSW, players don’t really need a lot of recoil control, especially for shorter sprays, because its stock recoil is already weak.
What Makes the T-95 LSW Great for Angled Grip:
- The T-95 LSW has one of the weakest weapon kick in the game, and that allows Ying to equip it with an angled grip which provides ADS speed boost instead of a vertical grip that adds more recoil control
- The aim-down-sight speed boost from the angled grip on the T-95 LSW will benefit Ying’s gameplay a lot because it involves entering the room quickly after blinding opponents with her Candelas, and finishing them off as fast as possible
- The T-95 LSW is also compatible with a wide variety of attachments so if the player feels that he needs more recoil control but wants to keep the angled grip, they can just equip the weapon with a flash hider, muzzle brake, or compensator
- If the player has great recoil control of their own, they can afford to equip it with an angled grip as well as a suppressor which will be the best attachment setup for this weapon
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 46
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 650 RPM
- Magazine Size - 80 + 1
6. G36C
The G36C assault rifle, available to Ash and Iana, is one of the most popular weapons, not just in Siege, but in other Ubisoft games as well. It offers great precision because of its steady recoil. Its damage per shot is quite high, and it’s also customizable because of its compatibility with a lot of attachments. Now the angled grip is a great attachment for it because of Ash and Iana’s gameplay. Both of them are popular for being great entry operators. Ash because of her speed and heavy firepower, and Iana because of her intel gathering capabilities and utilities.
For Ash players, the angled grip’s aim-down-sight speed boost is a great perk to have because usually, Ash is played aggressively, and being able to aim at opponents faster than normal will drastically increase her chances of winning engagements, especially at close to medium range where she usually engages enemies in anyway. As for Iana, because her gameplay involves a lot of switching to and from her special gadget and utilities, it’ll be great if she can quickly go into aim-down-sight stance when an enemy comes into her sight right after she just switched to her G36C.
What Makes the G36C Great for Angled Grip:
- The G36C’s stock recoil is very manageable so the user can afford to equip it with a non-recoil providing attachment like the angled grip, especially if there’s going to be a flash hider, muzzle brake, or compensator on its barrel anyway
- The angled grip’s aim-down-sight speed boost is a great perk for Iana and Ash player’s because both of their gameplay involves a lot of sudden and close range engagements with enemies
- Ash is usually used for entry and aggressive plays, so being able to aim at enemies faster is just a great perk for her as she has to quickly engage enemies and be able to aim at the next once she finishes her first target
- Iana on the other hand has to switch to and from her special gadget and utilities, so the aim-down-sight speed boost greatly benefits her when she has to engage an enemy right after switching from her special gadget or one of her utilities
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 38
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 780 RPM
- Magazine Size - 30 + 1
5. FO-12
The FO-12 is famous for being one of the most powerful shotguns in the game and is a unique weapon to Ela. It’s a great shotgun not just because of its destructive power but also because unlike most non-slug shotguns, it’s highly customizable due to its compatibility with a wide variety of attachments. That’s also why it’s one of the few shotguns in the game that can be equipped with an angled grip. This is a lot more important now that the devs have just recently made aiming-down-sight with your shotgun in Siege much more rewarding starting this season.
What the devs did is basically increase the effectiveness of shotguns when the player goes into aim-down-sight before shooting. This is all the more reason to equip an angled grip to Ela’s FO-12 because that way, Ela will be able to aim it at her opponents faster, which is great for flick shots. Flick shots with a shotgun that fires multiple pellets are just great for taking out enemies. With the angled grip on the FO-12, as long as Ela doesn’t fire it rapidly and sticks to flick shots, she’ll be making quick work of enemies at close to medium range, easy.
What Makes the FO-12 Great for Angled Grip:
- The angled grip allows the user to go into aim-down-sight faster than normal, and the devs have just recently increased the effectiveness of shotguns while the user is on ADS
- Ela’s FO-12 is one of the very few non-slug shotguns in the game that can be equipped with an angled grip. Shotguns are great when it comes to flick shots and the angled grip will allow the user to perform flick shots faster
- The ADS speed boost from the angled grip is great for Ela’s gameplay as when she’s roaming, she’s prone to sudden encounters with enemies, because with during those encounters, being able to go into ADS quicker would allow her to win
- The FO-12 has a very strong weapon kick so it might be intimidating to use it with an angled grip instead of a vertical grip, however, if Ela sticks to flick shots, the weapon’s strong kick will be manageable
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 26
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 400 RPM
- Magazine Size - 10 + 1
4. UMP45
The UMP45 submachine gun, available to Pulse and Castle, is one of the rare guns in the game that has a very easy to control weapon kick even without any recoil control providing attachments. That makes it great for an angled grip because even though the attachment doesn’t provide additional recoil control like the vertical grip does, the user will still find the UMP45’s recoil to be very manageable. The aim-down-sights speed boost from the angled grip is a great perk in general because those few milliseconds of aim speed advantage you’ll have against an opponent will go a long way in Siege.
But it’s even more crucial when it comes to Pulse’s gameplay because it involves him having to engage his opponents a lot of times right after he detects them with his special gadget, the Heartbeat Sensor. Once he detects an enemy near him with his special gadget, it’ll help him a lot if he quickly switches to his UMP45 from his Heartbeat Sensor and be able to aim at the opponent as fast as he can. The angled grip will provide him with that speed boost. Even for long-range shooting, the UMP45’s recoil will be steady, and the user will have no problem controlling it even without a vertical grip.
What Makes the UMP45 Great for Angled Grip:
- The UMP45 submachine gun is one of the very few games in the game that has a weapon kick that can be controlled very easily even without any attachments that provide additional recoil control
- The aim-down-sight speed boost from the angled grip will greatly help when it comes to Pulse’s gameplay, as a lot of times, he’ll have to engage enemies quickly after he detects them with his Heartbeat Sensor
- Even for long-range shooting where enemies appear tinier in your screen and are therefore, harder to hit, the user will have no problem controlling the UMP45 even with an angled grip
- There’s just not much difference between the recoil of the UMP45 submachine gun with a vertical grip and one with an angled grip, so it makes more sense for the user to just equip the angled grip and benefit from its ADS speed boost
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 38
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 600 RPM
- Magazine Size - 25 + 1
3. 9mm C1
The 9mm C1, available only to operator Frost, is also one of the rare weapons in Siege that would not punish the user with an uncontrollable recoil if it has no attachments that add recoil control benefits. Recoil control providing attachments such as the vertical grip, flash hider, muzzle brake, and compensator, were added to the weapon later on in the game, but the old school setup of using it with an angled grip and with a suppressor or extended barrel is still the best setup for the game. That’s because its stock recoil is very easy to control so adding more recoil control to it would just be a waste.
The angled grip will allow Frost to go into aim-down-sights faster than normal with her 9mm C1, and that’s a great advantage for her especially since her gameplay is very versatile. Frost can perform the role of an anchor or the defending team’s roamer, so she can be engaging enemies from all distances, and since the 9mm C1’s stock recoil is very manageable, even with an angled grip, Frost will be able to control the weapon’s recoil well, even for long-range shooting and even during long sprays.
What Makes the 9mm C1 Great for Angled Grip:
- The 9mm C1 submachine gun is one of the very few guns in Siege that won’t punish the user with uncontrollable recoil even if it’s not equipped with recoil control providing attachments
- The angled grip will allow Frost to go into aim-down-sights quicker than normal and it’s great for her gameplay as her role is very versatile and would involve having to engage enemies at all kinds of distances
- The stock recoil of the 9mm C1 submachine gun will still be easy to control even if the user is trying to hit enemies from long-range where enemies appear tinier and are therefore, harder to hit
- There is not much difference between the recoil of the weapon with a vertical grip or with an angled grip, so it makes more sense for the user to just take advantage of the ADS boost from the latter
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 36
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 575 RPM
- Magazine Size - 54 + 1
2. ACS12
The ACS12 is easily one of the best, if not the best weapon in the game, not to mention in the shotgun category. It’s a slug shotgun so it’s capable of hitting opponents at long distances, although its range damage drop-off is quite strong. Since it fires single slugs per shot, it’s capable of hitting headshots, unlike shotguns that shoot multiple pellets per shot. Though the devs have recently updated the game making it so that shots to the head with non-slug shotguns will have more damage. The ACS12 is an amazing weapon and one of the reasons why Azami and Alibi are so popular.
The ACS12 is quite unique, even among slug shotguns, because it’s actually fully automatic. The thing is though, its rate of fire is really slow for a fully automatic weapon, but that slow rate of fire makes it recoil super easy to control. That's why it’s almost a no-brainer to equip it with an angled grip versus the vertical grip. There’s virtually no difference between the recoil of an ACS12 with a vertical grip and one that has an angled grip, so the players are really advised to attach the angled grip to their ACS12 and simply take advantage of its aim-down-sight speed boost.
What Makes the ACS12 Great for Angled Grip:
- The difference between the recoil of the ACS12 shotgun with a vertical grip on it versus an angled grip is virtually non-existent, so it’s just better for the player to equip it with an angled grip and benefit from the ADS speed boost
- Being able to go into aim-down-sight faster than normal will allow the user to have the advantage over enemies when it comes to sudden encounters which happens a lot in the game
- The ACS12 is a slug firing shotgun which is capable of hitting targets even from long-range and the angled not adding recoil control to the weapon won’t really affect medium to long-range accuracy with it
- The angled grip on the ACS12 shotgun will especially benefit Alibi a lot because a lot of times, she’s used for roaming, and roamers are more prone to sudden encounters with enemies
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 69
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 300 RPM
- Magazine Size - 30 + 1
1. 552 Commando
While I think that the ACS12 shotgun is probably the best weapon in this list, the 552 Commando is at number one because the angled grip has a much bigger effect for the operators that can equip this weapon, namely IQ and Grim. That’s because those operators are both intel gatherers who will be switching to and from their special gadgets a lot. That means that they’d experience a lot of times when they’d need to quickly switch to their primary weapon from their special gadget because of a sudden enemy engagement. And for those situations, having the angled grip really helps.
Yes, for IQ, she technically can use a weapon while she’s also actively using her special gadget, but that would only be her pistol and the blue screen from her Electronics Detector can affect her view negatively, so it’s still best for her to use her 552 Commando for engaging enemies. The angled grip on the 552 Commando will allow IQ and Grim to go into aim-down-sight stance quicker, and that’s really helpful when they have to engage an enemy right after they switch back to their primary weapon after using their special gadget
What Makes the 552 Commando Great for Angled Grip:
- The stock recoil of the 552 Commando is very manageable, so the user can afford to equip it with the angled grip that provides ADS speed boost instead of the vertical grip that provides more recoil control
- The ADS speed boost is a great perk for both of IQ and Grim’s gameplay as it involves them having to switch to and from their special gadgets, and that added speed boost benefits them greatly during sudden enemy engagements
- The 552 Commando can be equipped with a flash hider, muzzle brake, or a compensator, if the user finds that they need more recoil control but wants to keep the ADS speed boost from the angled grip
- Players who have great recoil control on their own would be able to use the 552 Commando with a suppressor and angled grip setup which is really great for Grim and IQ’s gameplay
Weapon Stats:
- Damage - 47
- Mobility - 50
- Rate of Fire - 690 RPM
- Magazine Size - 30 + 1
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: