Warden’s special gadget, the Glance Smart Glasses, is one of the few special gadgets in the game that only really affects its owner. That’s why Warden is not known for being a good operator for teamwork. However, Warden is a really great addition to the team because he excels at catching enemies by surprise.
With his Glance Smart, he can easily counter enemies who think they’re safe behind their utilities that obstruct vision like stun and smoke grenades. And in this article, we’re going to talk about how the recent big changes that came to the game with the Year 9 Season 1 update can maximize Warden’s efficiency and contribution to his team.
5. MPX with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip + P-10C with Suppressor and Laser + Nitro Cell
When attackers are pushing, they would usually lead with smoke and stun grenades to block the vision of the defenders. Sometimes, they would even have Sens on their team and her R.O.U. Projector Systems can create huge walls of light that can really obstruct vision and cover the attacking team’s approach. That’s why during those times it's important for Warden to be on the front lines. That way, he can use his Glance Smart Glasses to frag opponents who think they’re still being covered by the effects of their utilities.
However, that of course comes with a high risk to Warden, because he’ll most likely be dealing with multiple enemies at the same time. And when it comes to dealing with more than one enemy, it’s great to have the +20% reload speed boost from the angled grip. With this perk, even when Warden has to reload his MPX submachine gun, he can quickly get back into action and shoot at enemies again, which is great during high traffic situations like what’s described above.
Excels in:
- The angled grip on Warden’s MPX submachine gun will give him a +20% reload speed boost on the weapon and that goes really well with his role as he’d usually have to deal with more than one enemy at a time
- The flash hider barrel attachment on Warden’s MPX submachine gun will help him maintain a good control over the weapon’s recoil as it specializes in adding vertical recoil control on weapons
- The red dot A 1.0x sight on Warden’s MPX submachine gun is great for pinpoint shooting because of its simple center dot reticle as well as its large reticle area that usually captures the target’s whole body
- The suppressed P-10C handgun as Warden’s secondary weapon will allow him to silently shoot attacker gadgets like drones and claymores which is important when he’s roaming or flanking
- The nitro cell is a great utility for warden especially when used in conjunction with his Glance Smart Glasses to see through the effects of smoke grenades
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - MPX with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - P-10C with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Nitro Cell
Recoil pattern test on the MPX in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
4. MPX with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Horizontal Grip + P-10C with Suppressor and Laser + Deployable Shield
As mentioned before, it’s Warden’s role to meet the attacking team’s push and counter their vision obstructing utilities. That means he’ll always have to be on the move and be fast to respond. That’s what the horizontal grip on his MPX submachine gun will help him do. That’s because the horizontal grip adds a 5% movement speed boost to the operator holding the weapon it’s attached to, and that will really help Warden in responding to pushing attackers. 5% might not seem like a lot, but in Siege, every bit counts.
The 5% movement speed boost could also increase Warden’s survivability. Think about it, no matter the speed rating of an operator, it could be hard to hit them while they’re moving. Add 5% to their movement speed and they’ll even be harder to hit, and that’s why this movement speed bonus from the horizontal grip is actually a better perk than most in the Siege community thinks. As for the flash hider on the MPX’s barrel, it’s what will help Warden maintain good control over its weapon kick which is important because nowadays, it can be a challenge to hold down its recoil.
Excels in:
- The horizontal grip providing +5% movement speed boost to Warden will allow him to respond to enemies pushing quicker, and that really helps, especially when the attackers are rushing
- Maintaining a good amount of recoil control on Warden’s MPX submachine gun with the flash hider barrel attachment which specializes in reducing the overall vertical recoil of weapons
- Having great accuracy when aiming-down-sight on Warden’s MPX submachine gun due to the simple center dot reticle of the red dot A 1.0x sight and its reticle area which usually captures the enemy’s whole body
- The suppressed P-10C handgun will allow Warden to shoot enemy gadgets like claymores and drones with much less chance of alerting enemies to his presence which is great when he’s flanking
- The deployable shield will provide a good cover for Warden which will help him in the front lines when it comes to countering enemy pushes, especially when it’s supported by anti-grenade utilities
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - MPX with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Horizontal Grip
- Secondary weapon - P-10C with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Deployable Shield
Recoil pattern test on the MPX in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
3. MPX with Red Dot A, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip + P-10C with Suppressor and Laser + Nitro Cell
For many players, being able to take out enemies as fast as possible is the best way to go. The extended barrel on Warden’s MPX submachine gun will increase the chances of that. That’s because the extended barrel now increases the base damage of weapons on top of its previous attribute of reducing their range damage drop-off. So the MPX submachine gun in this loadout setup has more firepower, and regardless of the range, it’ll hurt. This will allow Warden to take out enemies behind smoke grenades or blind effects fast before they even realize what just happened.
And since the extended barrel doesn’t provide additional recoil control on weapons, it’s important to partner it with a vertical grip attachment. After the recoil rework that Siege had in recent seasons, it can now be quite challenging to hold the MPX’s recoil without any recoil control-providing attachment. That’s why it’s important to have at least one on it, and in this loadout setup, that will be the vertical grip which specializes in lowering the vertical recoil of weapons.
Excels in:
- The extended barrel attachment will increase the base damage of Warden’s MPX submachine gun, making each of its shots hurt more, and that’ll allow Warden to take out enemies faster than normal
- The extended barrel will also reduce the range damage drop-off from the MPX’s shots, and that’ll allow Warden to deal good damage to enemies regardless of the range he’s shooting from
- The red dot A 1.0x sight will allow Warden to see his targets well because of its large reticle area. It also has a simple center dot reticle which allows for pinpoint shooting since it doesn’t obstruct the view of the target’s body at all
- The suppressor on Warden’s P-10C will silence its shots, allowing him to shoot attacker gadgets lying around like claymores and drones with much less chance of giving away his position to enemies
- The nitro cell is a great utility for Warden because it works in conjunction with his Glance Smart Glasses. His special gadget allows him to see enemies behind smoke grenades, and that’ll allow him to take them out with a nitro cell.
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - MPX with Red Dot A, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - P-10C with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Nitro Cell
Recoil pattern test on the MPX in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
2. MPX with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + SMG-12 with Red Dot A, Vertical Grip, and Laser + Deployable Shield
For players who prefer the MPX submachine gun’s their primary weapon when playing Warden, this would be the best loadout setup. That’s because as mentioned before, Warden specializes in countering enemies who think they’re so safe behind the cover of smoke or blind effects. With the suppressor on the MPX submachine gun, he’ll be shooting at enemies under the cover of smoke or R.O.U. Projector Systems effects and they wouldn’t know where the shots are coming from.
That’s because shots from a suppressed weapon won’t create a directional threat indicator or even muzzle flash. They’ll also be a lot more silent than normal, so it’ll be harder for enemies to immediately know where they’re being shot from. And with that, it’ll be almost impossible for them to counter effectively. Not only will this increase Warden’s effectiveness with his Glance Smart Glasses, it will also increase his survivability as opponents won’t immediately know the exact spot where he’s shooting from.
Excels in:
- The suppressor on Warden’s MPX submachine gun will remove its shots’ directional threat indicator as well as the weapon’s muzzle flash, making it harder for enemies to know where the shots are coming from through visual cues
- The suppressed MPX submachine gun’s gunshots will also be a lot more silent than normal so it will even be harder for opponents to know where Warden’s shots are coming from through audio cues
- Since the suppressor doesn’t provide additional recoil control, it’s important to have the vertical grip attachment on the MPX submachine gun which specializes in lowering weapons’ vertical recoil
- Warden will have another fully automatic weapon in his arsenal with the SMG-12 which will allow him to keep shooting at enemies when his MPX submachine gun needs to be reloaded in the middle of combat
- The deployable shield will provide cover for Warden which will increase his effectiveness in holding down an enemy push as it also has slits on its body that’ll allow him to see enemies on the other side
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - MPX with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary weapon - SMG-12 with Red Dot A, Vertical Grip, and Laser
- Generic gadget - Deployable Shield
Recoil pattern test on the MPX in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
1. M590A1 with Iron Sight + SMG-12 with Red Dot A, Vertical Grip, and Laser + Observation Blocker
This is the best loadout setup for Warden overall because as mentioned before, his role will have him mostly in the front lines meeting the attacking team’s push. That means engaging them in close range most of the time, and when it comes to close-quarters combat, non-slug shotguns like the M590A1 will have the superiority. That’s because it shoots multiple pellets per shot and each of those pellets deal devastating damage. When all of the pellets from the M590A1’s shot hits the body of an opponent, there’s a high chance that that opponent will get taken out.
So when the enemies are pushing behind a smoke cover, Warden can easily activate his Glance Smart glasses and deal devastating blows to them from his M590A1 shotgun. Another great thing about this shotgun is that its iron sight doesn’t obstruct the user’s view a lot, so there’d be no drawback to using it, and it’ll even provide the user with a 10% aim-down-sight speed boost which also goes well with Warden’s role. As shooting enemies beyond the reach of the M590A1 shotgun, Warden will have the SMG-12 for that. It has a rough recoil, but if the user paces their shots well, it can be used to hit enemies at medium to long range accurately.
Excels in:
- Having the close quarters combat superiority with Warden’s M590A1 shotgun which deals heavy damage per pellet and can take out an opponent with just one shot at its optimal range
- The M590A1’s iron sight doesn’t take up a lot of screen space so it’s great for targeting opponents. It also provides a +10% aim-down-sight speed boost which is a great perk for Warden.
- Not only will the M590A1 be a great weapon for Warden when it comes to fragging opponents, it’ll also be a great utility for him for reworking the map with rotation holes and lines of sight
- The SMG-12 machine pistol is a great partner to the M590A1 because the latter is only effective at close range, so for shooting targets at medium to long range, the SMG-12 can handle that
- The observation blocker is an important utility for Warden because it can prevent him from being scanned by attacker drones during the prep phase, and he’s much more effective at surprising enemies when they don’t know that he’s present in the defending team
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - M590A1 with Iron Sight
- Secondary weapon - SMG-12 with Red Dot A, Vertical Grip, and Laser
- Generic gadget - Observation Blocker
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