Castle is without a doubt one of the best original operators, especially since the update that allowed him to carry four, instead of just three, Armor Panels. His special gadget isn't flashy, but is great for protecting objective spots, especially when they’re in a generally open space, like areas with a lot of windows.
Not only can his Armor Panels provide extra cover for the defending team, they can also waste a lot of the attackers’ time, and when they want to destroy them faster, they would usually have to use their utilities. And utilities that are used on Castle’s Armor Panels, means utilities that can’t be used on you.
5. M1014 with Reflex B + M45 Meusoc with Suppressor + Bulletproof Camera
A lot of times, attackers would choose not to use their valuable utilities for destroying Castle’s Armor Panels. Instead, they would opt to destroy it through melee attacks. An Armor Panel will be destroyed after hitting it with a melee attack nine times, and Castle can use this to lure enemies into a close quarters combat where his M1014 shotgun will have the superiority. That’s because when attackers hit an Armor Panel with melee attacks, it will create a lot of noise, so Castle will know for sure that there would be an enemy on the other side of his Armor Panel.
For example, Castle can count how many times his Armor Panel has been hit, and by the eighth time, he can prepare himself to pounce on the enemy on the other side with his shotgun. Inside the mission building, he could place the bulletproof camera in one room and have the adjacent room blocked by his Armor Panel and he can hit that Armor Panel with melee attacks eight times. That way, if he sees an opponent in that room through the bulletproof camera and that opponent is near the Armor panel, Castle can just hit it one more time to surprise the enemy with an ambush.
Excels in:
- Close range superiority due to the pellet spread of the M1014 shotgun and its heavy damage per pellet
- Having a clear view of your targets with the M1014 shotgun because of the Reflex B 1.0x sight’s small frame
- Being able to rework the map to the defending team’s advantage by using the M1014 shotgun to create rotation holes or more lines of sight
- Shooting enemy drones, claymores, or other gadgets with less risk of alerting the enemies to your presence through the use of the suppressed M45 Meusoc.
- Having an extra way to gather intel through the use of the bulletproof camera which can also shoot EMP blasts
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - M1014 with Reflex B
- Secondary weapon - M45 Meusoc with Suppressor
- Generic gadget - Bulletproof Camera
Pellet spread test on the M1014 in this setup at 5m range:
Pellet spread test on the M1014 in this setup at 10m range:
4. UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Compensator, and Angled Grip + Super Shorty with Reflex B and Laser + Proximity Alarm
The best thing about the UMP45 submachine gun is that its stock recoil is very low, so you don’t really have to equip it with attachments that add recoil control to be able to manage its weapon kick. This makes the user free to choose attachments that provide other benefits instead, like the angled grip which will provide the user with a speed boost when it comes to going into aim-down-sight stance. This means that with the angled grip, the user will be able to aim at his opponents faster, and in Siege, even a fraction of a second is very important.
But of course, having more recoil control is also good, and that’s why for this loadout setup, you’ll be running with the compensator barrel attachment for the UMP45 submachine gun. The compensator specializes in reducing the weapon’s tendency for horizontal recoil and its random recoil from all directions. As for the generic gadget in this setup, the proximity alarm is a valuable utility that will prevent enemy flankers from catching Castle or his other teammates off-guard. The proximity alarms can also deter enemies from pushing, since they know they’ve already been detected.
Excels in:
- Reducing the UMP45 submachine gun’s horizontal recoil and random recoil from all directions through the use of the compensator barrel attachment
- Being able to go into aim-down-sight stance with the UMP45 due to the presence of the angled grip attachment
- Having a good amount of zoom level with the scope 1.5x while also not compromising a lot on peripheral view
- Being able to rework the map through the use of the Super Shorty shotgun which Castle can use to create rotation holes or more lines of sight
- Having early warning devices that can prevent the defending team from being caught off-guard on flanking spots
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Compensator, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - Super Shorty with Reflex B and Laser
- Generic gadget - Proximity Alarm
Recoil pattern test on the UMP45 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
3. UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip + Super Shorty with Reflex B and Laser + Proximity Alarm
As mentioned above, the UMP45 submachine gun will remain very manageable even without the presence of recoil providing attachments due to its very low stock recoil. However, the flash hider doesn’t only provide recoil control benefits. As its name says, the flash hider removes the muzzle flash of weapons. So, with this loadout, you’d be providing fewer visual cues for your enemies to react to when it comes to determining your location when you’re shooting them. And of course, some degree of recoil control is always a great bonus.
That’s because the flash hider will greatly lower the UMP45’s vertical recoil, so it’s safe to say that among this list, this loadout setup will provide the user with the best recoil control on the UMP45. With this loadout setup, the user will have great stability and precision while firing the UMP45, even though he’ll be running with the angled grip instead of the vertical one. As for the secondary weapon, the Super Shorty shotgun is a great utility for reworking the map through the creation of rotation holes and more lines of sight.
Excels in:
- Having a great recoil control on the UMP45 submachine gun through the use of the flash hider barrel attachment
- Having a speed boost when going into aim-down-sight stance due to the presence of the angled grip attachment
- Lessening the visual cues that enemies could react to when you’re shooting them by hiding the UMP45’s muzzle flash
- Reworking the map to the defending team’s advantage by creating rotation holes and more lines of sight with the use of the Super Shorty shotgun
- Having early warning devices in the Proximity Alarms that can prevent the defenders from being caught off-guard on flanking spots
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - Super Shorty with Reflex B and Laser
- Generic gadget - Proximity Alarm
Recoil pattern test on the UMP45 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
2. UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Extended Barrel, and Angled Grip + Super Shorty with Reflex B and Laser + Bulletproof Camera
With the news of the extended barrel adding 15% damage on weapons starting next season, a lot of players are anticipating that it will be the next most picked barrel attachment in the game, and for good reason. That’s because while adding 15% damage on weapons, it will retain its attribute of reducing the weapon’s range damage drop-off. And in my opinion, even that attribute alone is enough for the extended barrel to be considered a top barrel attachment, because reducing the weapon’s range damage drop-off means maximizing its damage potential and output.
So, with this loadout setup, Castle would be inflicting heavy damage on enemies with his UMP45 submachine gun regardless of range, and of course, next season, it will inflict even heavier damage. The only downside to it is that the extended barrel doesn’t add recoil control benefits and its long barrel can be seen by enemies first when Castle is peeking around corners. But those downsides won’t really punish Castle that much since, as discussed above, the UMP45 has a very low stock recoil, and all Castle has to do is to rely on quick peeks so that the downside of having a long barrel won’t matter a lot.
Excels in:
- Maximizing the damage potential and output of the UMP45 submachine gun by reducing its range damage drop-off
- Starting next season, the extended barrel will add 15% damage on weapons, so the UMP45 will inflict even heavier damage.
- Having a good amount of zoom level with the scope 1.5x while maintaining a wide peripheral view for close quarters combat
- Having a great utility in the Super Shorty shotgun which Castle could use for creating rotation holes or more lines of sight
- Having an extra way of gathering intel through the bulletproof camera which can also disable enemy electronic gadgets with its EMP blasts
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Extended Barrel, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - Super Shorty with Reflex B and Laser
- Generic gadget - Bulletproof Camera
Recoil pattern test on the UMP45 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
1. UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Suppressor, and Angled Grip + Super Shorty with Reflex B and Laser + Proximity Alarm
Despite the news that the extended barrel will start adding 15% damage on weapons starting next season, I firmly believe that the suppressor would still be the best non-recoil providing barrel attachment. That’s because its stealth benefits outweigh the damage bonus that the extended barrel will provide. In most scenarios, I will always take being able to shoot enemies without them receiving a directional threat indicator of where my shots are coming from over a 15% damage bonus. That’s because that will lower the enemies’ effectiveness when it comes to returning fire at you.
And of course, that means your survivability rate will increase. But that’s not the only stealth benefit from the suppressor. The suppressor will also hide the UMP45’s muzzle flash, therefore, reducing the visual cues that could compromise your location when you’re shooting enemies. It will also be harder for enemies to determine your location through sound cues because the suppressor will greatly dampen the gunshot sound of the UMP45. Those stealth benefits are very important in a tactical shooter like Siege.
Excels in:
- Shooting enemies without providing them a directional threat indicator of where your shots are coming from
- Lessening the visual cues that enemies could use to pinpoint your location by hiding the UMP45’s muzzle flash
- Having a good amount of zoom level through the scope 1.5x while maintaining a wide peripheral view for close range engagements
- Having the ability to rework the map to your advantage through the use of the Super Shorty shotgun which Castle could use to create rotation holes
- Having early warning devices in the Proximity Alarms which Castle could use for guarding flanking spots
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Suppressor, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - Super Shorty with Reflex B and Laser
- Generic gadget - Proximity Alarm
Recoil pattern test on the UMP45 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: