Operator Grim has undergone a number of changes to his loadout choices since his release, making him one of the most unique operators in the game. He started out as a fairly strong operator, but he was generally unpopular so the devs decided to apply some buffs on him.
These days, he’s definitely among the best operators in the game, one that is very versatile and really excels at his roles. Those roles are intel gathering as well as area denial, and he performs those roles well because he now has a lot of excellent choices for his loadout combinations that goes well with his gameplay.
5. SG-CQB with Reflex B and Vertical Grip + P229 with Suppressor and Laser + Impact EMP Grenade
Non-slug shotguns like the SG-CQB may be very challenging to use for most players, the author included, but a loadout setup with it as Grim’s primary weapon definitely deserves a place in this list. That’s because there are a lot of players who are really good at using non-slug shotguns, and just to clarify, non-slug shotguns mean shotguns that shoot multiple pellets per round and not single-slugs like the TCSG12, ACS12, or BOSG.12.2. So for players who excel at using non-slug shotguns, this is the loadout setup for you.
Obviously, this loadout will be limited in range, but when Grim is working with a well-coordinated team, his teammates can frag opponents that are well beyond his reach, while Grim uses the SG-CQB as a utility for destroying large portions of the wooden floor above the objective spot. That’s one of the best ways to perform a vertical attack while also maintaining the superiority when it comes to close quarters combat, which Grim can flex when a defender decides to go up, flank, and confront the vertical attackers.
Excels in:
- Having the close quarters combat superiority with Grim’s SG-CQB shotgun which fires highly damaging multiple pellets per shot
- Grim having the ability to rework the map to his advantage due to the high destruction rate per shot of his SG-CQB shotgun
- Unlike most non-slug shotguns in the game, the SG-CQB can be equipped with a vertical grip attachment which will greatly lower its vertical recoil
- Having the ability to shoot enemy gadgets like CCTV cameras and others silently with the use of the suppressed P229 handgun as Grim’s secondary weapon
- Having the ability to enable hard breaching or disable enemy electronic devices in general with the impact EMP grenade as Grim’s secondary gadget
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - SG-CQB with Reflex B and Vertical Grip
- Secondary Weapon - P229 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic Gadget - Impact EMP Grenade
Hip fire pellet spread test on the SG-CQB in this setup at 5m range:
Hip fire pellet spread test on the SG-CQB in this setup at 10m range:
4. 552 Commando with Scope 2.0x, Compensator, and Vertical Grip + Bailiff 410 with Laser + Hard Breach Charge
Grim is one of the operators that have received the biggest changes to their loadouts after the release of Operation Deep Freeze. That’s because it’s not only his utilities that changed, his 552 Commando also changed a lot. That’s because the devs have decided to make the weapon’s horizontal and vertical recoil stronger. So if before, IQ and Grim can afford to run it with an angled grip instead of the vertical one, well, it’s gonna be harder nowadays.
After testing it out in the shooting range, I’ve found out that without the vertical grip, it can be very hard to tame the recoil of the 552 Commando. But with this loadout, the weapon will receive more recoil control on both of its horizontal and vertical recoil. That’s because the compensator on its barrel will lower its horizontal and random recoil from all directions, and the vertical grip will greatly lower its vertical recoil. With this setup, long sprays with the weapon will be more stable.
Excels in:
- Stabilizing the recoil of Grim’s 552 Commando with the compensator on its barrel greatly reducing its recoil diamond size which translates to lower horizontal and random recoil from all directions
- Maintaining a good amount of vertical recoil control on Grim’s 552 Commando with the use of the vertical grip attachment which specializes in lowering the weapon’s vertical recoil
- Having a good amount of zoom with Grim’s 552 commando through the scope 2.0x while also not being put in a disadvantage as the scope doesn’t eat up a lot of peripheral view
- Having the ability to rework the map to the attacking team’s advantage due to the bailiff 410 revolver shotgun as Grim’s secondary weapon
- Grim having the ability to perform hard breaching on reinforced walls or destroy two reinforced hatches with the hard breach charge as his secondary gadget
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - 552 Commando with Scope 2.0x, Compensator, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary Weapon - Bailiff 410 with Laser
- Generic Gadget - Hard Breach Charge
Recoil test on the 552 Commando in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
3. 552 Commando with Scope 2.0x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip + Bailiff 410 with Laser + Hard Breach Charge
If what you’re looking for is the best recoil control on the 552 Commando, especially for shorter sprays, this is the loadout setup for you. That’s because both the flash hider and the vertical grip attachments specialize in lowering weapons’ vertical recoil, so with both of them present on the weapon, it’s a guarantee that its vertical kick will be much lower than before. However, since the devs made the recoil diamonds of the 552 Commando bigger, it’s now more prone to horizontal recoil.
With that said, in most cases, having lower vertical recoil makes it easier to control the horizontal recoil of guns, especially on weapons like the 552 commando which doesn’t really have a very fast rate of fire. On the other hand, Grim will have the bailiff 410 revolver shotgun as his secondary weapon which is a great utility for him since he can use it to destroy portions of the wooden floor above objective spots for a vertical play and for dropping his Kawan Hive swarms.
Excels in:
- Having the best vertical recoil control possible on Grim’s 552 Commando because of the presence of both the flash hider and vertical grip which specializes in lowering the vertical recoil of weapons
- Grim being able to see his enemies very well which translates to better accuracy through the use of the scope 2.0x on his 552 Commando assault rifle
- Having less visual cues that enemies could react to when Grim is shooting at them because the flash hider will also remove the muzzle flash of the 552 Commando
- Providing Grim with the ability to rework the map to the attacking team’s advantage due to the high destruction rate per shot of his bailiff 410 revolver shotgun
- Being able to destroy two reinforced hatches or create entry points on reinforced walls with the hard breach charge as Grim’s secondary gadget
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - 552 Commando with Scope 2.0x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary Weapon - Bailiff 410 with Laser
- Generic Gadget - Hard Breach Charge
Recoil test on the 552 Commando in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
2. 552 Commando with Scope 2.0x, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip + Bailiff 410 with Laser + Claymore
When an opponent gets inside the radius of one of Grim’s Kawan Hive swarms, they will get pinged in real time for several seconds. Naturally, the enemy’s instinct would be to run or get into cover when they get pinged. Because of that, usually, when an opponent gets pinged by Grim’s Kawan Hive swarms, there’s only a small window of opportunity for Grim to take them out. That’s why for those cases, it’s best to inflict as much damage as possible in order to increase the possibility of taking them down before that window of opportunity is gone.
The extended barrel on Grim’s 552 Commando will greatly increase that possibility of taking down that opponent that’s been pinged by his Kawan Hive swarms, or even just in general. That’s because the extended barrel now adds more firepower to weapons on top of its previous benefit of greatly reducing their range damage drop-off. On the other hand, the vertical grip on the weapon will help Grim maintain a good handle on its recoil which is very helpful now that the devs have made the 552 Commando’s recoil stronger.
Excels in:
- Having the best firepower possible on Grim’s 552 Commando assault rifle because of the added damage from the extended barrel which also lowers the weapon’s range damage drop-off
- Maintaining a good handle on Grim’s 552 Commando assault rifle even in longer sprays due to the vertical grip attachment which specializes in reducing weapons’ vertical recoil
- Providing Grim with a good amount of zoom level through the scope 2.0x on his 552 Commando which also doesn’t eat up too much peripheral view
- The Bailiff 410 revolver shotgun is a great utility for Grim because he can use it to rework the map to his team’s advantage as it can destroy portions of wooden floors or unreinforced walls
- Providing Grim with the ability to protect himself and his teammates from run outs, flankers, and roamers with the two claymores in his generic gadget slot
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - 552 Commando with Scope 2.0x, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary Weapon - Bailiff 410 with Laser
- Generic Gadget - Claymore
Recoil test on the 552 Commando in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
1. 552 Commando with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + Bailiff 410 with Laser + Claymore
As mentioned before, the ping from Grim’s Kawan Hive swarms are in real time, and this loadout is the best for capitalizing on that effect. That’s because the suppressor will remove the directional threat indicator from the 552 Commando’s shots, greatly silence its gunshots, and remove its muzzle flash. That means that enemies being shot by Grim with this setup will not immediately know where his shots are coming from, and when they’re panicking due to being pinged by his Kawan Hive swarms, it’ll be even more likely that they won’t notice it.
When enemies don’t know where the shots are coming from, it’ll be harder for them to counterattack or even to protect themselves by taking cover. Grim can also use the 552 Commando in this setup for wall banging and the enemy won’t know where they’re being shot from. And even though the suppressor doesn’t add more recoil control on the weapon, the vertical grip will be there to help the user tame the weapon’s recoil, especially for longer bursts.
Excels in:
- Shooting enemies with Grim’s 552 Commando without them immediately knowing where the shots are coming from due to the suppressor removing its directional threat indicator
- The suppressor on Grim’s 552 Commando will also hide its muzzle flash as well as dampen its gunshot sounds, making it even harder for enemies to know where Grim is.
- Providing Grim with good vertical recoil control on his 552 Commando assault rifle due to the presence of the vertical grip which lowers the overall vertical recoil of weapons
- Providing Grim with a really useful utility in the Bailiff 410 which he can use to destroy portions of wooden floors and unreinforced walls to create more lines of sight
- Grim having the ability to protect himself from roamers, run outs, and flankers while he’s gathering intel and denying area to his enemies with his Kawan Hive Launcher
Build Details:
- Primary Weapon - 552 Commando with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Secondary Weapon - Bailiff 410 with Laser
- Generic Gadget - Claymore
Recoil test on the 552 Commando in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: