Dokkaebi is one of the most popular operators in Siege, that is why Ubisoft includes her in many of the Siege short movies. And her popularity is well deserved because she's one of the most powerful and useful operators in the game. With her logic bomb which can compromise enemy locations, and she can even hack a dead Defender's phone, allowing her and her whole team access to all Defender cameras, including special gadgets. Another great thing about Dokkaebi is that she has the perfect loadout options that complements her role and special gadget.
5. BOSG.12.2 with Scope 2.5x A and Angled Grip + SMG-12 with Holo A and Vertical Grip + Smoke Grenade
Each shot that hits the target will be very rewarding
This loadout is perfect for daredevil players who are blessed with great aim. Each flick with the BOSG.12.2 shotgun that hits can most of the time either cause a down or a fatality. It’s one of the most powerful guns in the game, that’s why it only has two shots before it needs to reload as a drawback, otherwise it’d be too powerful of a gun.
Despite the recent nerf on the angled grip, this gun would benefit the most with it because its slow fire rate would render the recoil benefits of the vertical grip useless. That’s why it’s better to take advantage of any speed benefits that the angled grip can give you.
The SMG-12’s recoil is quite hard to control but its immense rate of fire will allow you to take opponents down quickly during times you need to switch to it when you’re expecting close range encounters. So, with this loadout, be ready with the SMG-12 for close range and switch to the BOSG.12.2 for long range.
Excels in:
- Any range
- High damage
- Flick shots
Build details:
- BOSG.12.2 with Scope 2.5x A and Angled Grip
- SMG-12 with Holo A and Vertical Grip
- Smoke Grenade
4. Mk 14 EBR with Scope 1.5x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + SMG-12 with Holo A and Vertical Grip + Stun Grenade
Superiority in close range
This takes full advantage of Dokkaebi’s powerful marksman rifle in close range which you can fire as rapidly as you can click. The 1.5x scope is one of the best sights in the game because it provides enough zoom for the player to be able to see enemies clearly, while also not being at a disadvantage in close range. And at close range, the heavy damage of the Mk 14 EBR, even with the suppressor, would be fully felt.
The stun grenades in your loadout are the perfect partners for your suppressed marksman rifle because aside from their blinding effects, they inflict an ear ringing noise on your enemies ears. So, even if your opponents manage to avoid being blinded, they won’t be able to hear the noises that you make, and they’ll have less visual cues about where you’re shooting them from because of the suppressor’s stealth benefits.
Excels in:
- Stealth
- Close to medium range
- Heavy damage
Build details:
- Mk 14 EBR with Scope 1.5x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- SMG-12 with Holo A and Vertical Grip
- Stun Grenade
3. Mk 14 EBR with Scope 3.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + Gonne-6 + Smoke Grenade
Great for countering bulletproof gadgets and initiating a rush
This is a great loadout to have when you’re going up against Defender operators with really troublesome bulletproof special gadgets like Maestro or Melusi. Although this is not my main loadout because Dokkaebi’s Mk 14 EBR can destroy hatches. With the now implemented Attacker repick, this loadout would be great to switch into when there’s a Maestro, Melusi, or Castle in the Defender side.
Using the Gonne-6 hand cannon, you can easily dispose of an Evil Eye, Castle Barricade, or a Melusi Banshee from any distance, making your push inside the objective area much easier. Smoke grenades are also great partners to Dokkaebi’s Logic Bomb because it’ll tell you and your teammates where the enemies might be even if they’re caught inside the smoke.
Excels in:
- Stealth
- Bulletproof gadget destruction
- Soft breaching
Build details:
- Mk 14 EBR with Scope 3.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- Gonne-6
- Smoke Grenade
2. Mk 14 EBR with Scope 3.0x, Muzzle Brake, and Vertical Grip + SMG-12 with Holo A and Vertical Grip + Stun Grenade
Guaranteed to take down enemies fast
A loadout that maximizes Dokkaebi’s damage. With 60 damage on the Mk 14 EBR unsuppressed, you’ll be making quick work of your enemies. This is a great loadout especially for rushing where you won’t need stealth at all. Just start off the rush with your Logic Bomb in order to distract enemies and compromise their locations, and let hell break loose.
Another thing that’s great about going unsuppressed on Dokkaebi’s marksman rifle is that the player can take full advantage of the huge recoil reduction of the muzzle brake attachment. So, not only are you going to inflict heavy damage. You’re going to be very accurate as well.
The SMG-12 has a very fast fire rate and its recoil can be very hard to control and that’s why it’s best to attach a holographic sight on it. The Holo A will give you a better sense of control and the vertical grip will give you more recoil benefits. Be careful when using stun grenades while rushing because there’s going to be a higher chance of blinding your teammates. That’s why it’ll be better for you to throw them at the start of the rush.
Excels in:
- Heavy damage
- Recoil benefits
- Any range
Build details:
- Mk 14 EBR with Scope 3.0x, Muzzle Brake, and Vertical Grip
- SMG-12 with Holo A and Vertical Grip
- Stun Grenade
1. Mk 14 EBR with Scope 3.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip + SMG-12 with Holo A and Vertical Grip + Stun Grenade
Stealth will always benefit a marksman
This is the most versatile Dokkaebi loadout because it’ll have great damage, stealth, and range advantage. When it comes to long range strafing, suppressors are the best because it’ll make sure that the enemy won’t hear your gunshots. It’ll also hide your weapon’s muzzle flash, and it’ll remove the directional threat indicator of your gunshots. With a suppressed marksman rifle, unless the enemy physically identifies you, they would be guessing where they’re being shot and damaged from, preventing them from effectively mounting a counter fire.
Even without the recoil benefits of the muzzle brake, Dokkaebi’s Mk14 EBR’s recoil is pretty easy to control as long as you pace your shots well. And when the time comes that you’re in a crossfire and your marksman rifle needs to reload, the SMG-12 with its super-fast rate of fire will give you an advantage at close range and finish off your enemy.
Excels in:
- Any range
- Stealth
- Build
Build details:
- Mk 14 EBR with Scope 3.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip
- SMG-12 with Holo A and Vertical Grip
- Stun Grenade
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:
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